Email Formatted Array - arrays

I got a script that creates two arrays (each has 1 column and variable number of lines). I want to format these two arrays and e-mail it to an Outlook account. Code and sample data below.
$Values2 = #(Get-Content *\IdealOutput.csv)
$OutputLookUp2 = #()
foreach ($Value in $Values2) {
$OutputLookUp2 += $Excel.WorksheetFunction.VLookup($Value,$range4,3,$false)
$EmailFrom = ""
$EmailTo = ""
$EmailBody = "$Values2 $OutputLookup2"
$EmailSubject = "Test"
$Username = "sample"
$Password = "sample"
$Message = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage `
($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $EmailSubject, $EmailBody)
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient `
("", portnumber) #Port can be changed
$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true
$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential `
($Username, $Password);
Both $OutputLookUp2 and $Values2 are one column with variable number of lines.
$Outputlookup2 =
$Values2 =
I would like the output to the body of the e-mail to be:
X1 Y1
X2 Y2
And I would like to avoid HTML as it will be sent via text as well.

Assuming my interpretation is correct this seems simple enough. For every $Values2, which is just a line from a text file, find its similar value in the open spreadsheet. You are have the loop that you need. Problem is you are building the item lists independent of each other.
$Values2 = #(Get-Content *\IdealOutput.csv)
$OutputLookUp2 = #()
foreach ($Value in $Values2){
$OutputLookUp2 += "$Value $($Excel.WorksheetFunction.VLookup($Value,$range4,3,$false))"
Now $OutputLookUp2 should contain your expected output in array form.
If the array does not work you could also just declare it as a string and the add newlines as you are building it. You will notice the "`r`n" at the end of the string.
$Values2 = #(Get-Content *\IdealOutput.csv)
$OutputLookUp2 = ""
foreach ($Value in $Values2){
$OutputLookUp2 += "$Value $($Excel.WorksheetFunction.VLookup($Value,$range4,3,$false))`r`n"
In both example you can just flip the order of the $value and the lookup easy. If you need a header you can add that when you declare $OutputLookUp2.
There is always room for improvement
If you want to take this a little further in the direction that Ansgar Wiechers was eluding to...
$OutputLookUp2 = Get-Content *\IdealOutput.csv | ForEach-Object{
"$_ $($Excel.WorksheetFunction.VLookup($_,$range4,3,$false))"
} | Out-String


Powershell populate word table from an array

I have a PS script that will import a csv into several arrays and I need it to populate a table in word. I am able to get the data into the arrays, and create a table with headers and the correct number of rows, but cannot get the data from the arrays into the table. Doing lots of google searches led me to the following code. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Sample of My_File.txt
Number of rows will vary, but the header row is always there.
$component = #()
$id = #()
$iType =#()
$vFile = Import-CSV ("H:\My_file.txt")
$word = New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"
$vFile | ForEach-Object {
$component += $_.components
$id += $
$iType +=_.iType
$template = $word.Documents.Open ("H:\Test.docx")
$template = $word.Document.Add()
$word.Visible = $True
$Number_rows = ($vFile.count +1)
$Number_cols = 3
$range = $template.range()
$template.Tables.add($range, $Number_rows, $Number_cols) | out-null
$table = $template.Tables.Item(1)
$table.cell(1,1).Range.Text = "Component"
$table.cell(1,2).Range.Text = "ID"
$table.cell(1,3).Range.text = "Type"
for ($i=0; $i -lt; $vFile.count+2, $i++){
$table.cell(($i+2),1).Range.Text = $component[$i].components
$table.cell(($i+2),2).Range.Text = $id[$i].id
$table.cell(($i+2),3).Range.Text = $iType[$i].iType
$Table.Style = "Medium Shading 1 - Accent 1"
Don't separate the rows in the parsed CSV object array into three arrays, but leave the collection as-is and use the data to fill the table using the properties of that object array directly.
I took the liberty of renaming your variable $vFile into $data as to me at least this is more descriptive of what is in there.
$data = Import-Csv -Path "H:\My_file.txt"
$word = New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application"
$word.Visible = $True
$template = $word.Documents.Open("H:\Test.docx")
$Number_rows = $data.Count +1 # +1 for the header
$Number_cols = 3
$range = $template.Range()
[void]$template.Tables.Add($range, $Number_rows, $Number_cols)
$table = $template.Tables.Item(1)
$table.Style = "Medium Shading 1 - Accent 1"
# write the headers
$table.cell(1,1).Range.Text = "Component"
$table.cell(1,2).Range.Text = "ID"
$table.cell(1,3).Range.text = "Type"
# next, add the data rows
for ($i=0; $i -lt $data.Count; $i++){
$table.cell(($i+2),1).Range.Text = $data[$i].component
$table.cell(($i+2),2).Range.Text = $data[$i].id
$table.cell(($i+2),3).Range.Text = $data[$i].iType
When done, do not forget to close the document, quit word and clean up the used COM objects:
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($template)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($word)

To change Column value of an array to Column header

I am extracting some data from an API which I have finally stored in the form of two strings which looks something like this:
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Product a
Product b
Product c
The above is a long list in reality.
I also have fetched a different set of data from a different API which is stored in an array.
Server State Normal Dead Normal
Note, the way I have fetched $String1 and $String2 are values of foreach of Server from a different API output extracted as findstr Client and findstr Product.
Now, what I want to achieve from these 3 $s is a final table which will look something like this:
Server State Client Product Normal 1 a Dead 2 b Normal 3 c
So what I first tried to do is create and intermediate table which might look as
Client Product
1 a
2 b
3 c
and then merge with the $Array into the Final table.
And currently I am going nowhere with this, I have tried a lot of different ways which look stupid and getting me nowhere.
Since it looks like $Array3 is an array of objects with two properties: Server and State, I think this could help you out:
$Array1 = 'Client 1','Client 2','Client 3'
$Array2 = 'Product a','Product b','Product c'
$Array3 = #(
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Normal'},
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Dead'},
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Normal'}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array3.Count; $i++) {
$Array3[$i] | Select-Object *,
#{Name = 'Client'; Expression = { $Array1[$i] -replace '^Client\s*'}},
#{Name = 'Product'; Expression = { $Array2[$i] -replace '^Product\s*'}}
Server State Client Product
------ ----- ------ ------- Normal 1 a Dead 2 b Normal 3 c
If you want to, you can capture the result of the for(..) loop and save that as CSV file somewhere. In that case just do
$result = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array3.Count; $i++) {
$Array3[$i] | Select-Object *,
#{Name = 'Client'; Expression = { $Array1[$i] -replace '^Client\s*'}},
#{Name = 'Product'; Expression = { $Array2[$i] -replace '^Product\s*'}}
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\serverresult.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Apparently the arrays 1 and 2 you mention are not arrays at all, but (multiline) strings.
In that case, split the lines inside these strings so you will end up with true arrays:
$string1 = #"
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
$string2 = #"
Product a
Product b
Product c
# split the multiline strings (examples) on the Newline character into arrays
$Array1 = $string1 -split '\r?\n'
$Array2 = $string2 -split '\r?\n'
# now, both arrays will have 3 elements:
# $Array1 = 'Client 1','Client 2','Client 3'
# $Array2 = 'Product a','Product b','Product c'
# array no. 3 is an array of objects as we saw earlier
$Array3 = #(
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Normal'},
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Dead'},
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Normal'}
# Finally, you can use the `for(..)` loop unaltered
$result = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array3.Count; $i++) {
$Array3[$i] |
Select-Object *,
#{Name = 'Client'; Expression = { $Array1[$i] -replace '^Client\s*'}},
#{Name = 'Product'; Expression = { $Array2[$i] -replace '^Product\s*'}}
# output on console
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\serverresult.csv' -NoTypeInformation
This should work:
# Example-Arrays
$Array1 = #( 'Client 1', 'Client 2', 'Client 3' )
$Array2 = #( 'Product a', 'Product b', 'Product c' )
$Array3 = #( [PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Normal'},
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Dead'},
[PsCustomObject]#{'Server' = ''; 'State' = 'Normal'} )
# Create datatable
$dt = New-Object system.Data.DataTable
[void]$dt.Columns.Add('Server',[string]::empty.GetType() )
[void]$dt.Columns.Add('State',[string]::empty.GetType() )
[void]$dt.Columns.Add('Client',[string]::empty.GetType() )
[void]$dt.Columns.Add('Product',[string]::empty.GetType() )
for( $counter = 0; $counter -lt $Array1.Count; $counter++ ) {
# Add new rows:
$newRow = $dt.NewRow()
$newRow.Server = $Array3.Server[$counter]
$newRow.State = $Array3.State[$counter]
$newRow.Client = $Array1[$counter] -replace '^.+(\d+)$', '$1'
$newRow.Product = $Array2[$counter] -replace '^.+[ \n\t\r]+(.*)$', '$1'
[void]$dt.Rows.Add( $newRow )
# Output-Datatable
# To File
$dt | Out-File 'test.txt'
Two cmdlets I wrote might be help for this:
This cmdlet is able to restore objects from a fixed width table.
For tables that do not contain a header line (as in your case for $String1 and $String2), you can separately define it with the -Header parameter where the header has basically to functions: it defines the property names and the column alignment (along with a possible ruler and the data contained by the table).
$Client = ConvertFrom-SourceTable $String1 -Header 'Name Client'
$Product = ConvertFrom-SourceTable $String2 -Header 'Name Product'
It is not clear whether the $Array is also a string or an object list. Presuming it is a string, you simply might restore the object list as follows:
$Server = ConvertFrom-SourceTable $Array
The other cmdlet is initially written to join objects on an common property relation. Nevertheless, if you omit the -On parameter (which defines the relation), it will simply join the objects based on the line index. The -Property parameter will just select the properties you need (and skip the Name property, defined in the header of the $String1 and $String2):
$Server | Join $Client | Join $Product -Property Server, State, Client, Product
(See also: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?)

Using Invoke-WebRequest on an array in PowerShell

I'm trying write a script that will grab the fortune 100 URLs from here, put those into an array, and then write a runspace that uses Invoke-WebRequest to get the content of those URLs and writes that content to a file. This is the code that I have so far:
#Importing Modules
Import-Module PoshRSJob
#variable declaration
$page = Invoke-WebRequest
$links = $page.Links
$tables = #($page.ParsedHtml.GetElementsByTagName("TABLE"))
$tableRows = $tables[0].Rows
#loops through the table to get only the top 100 urls.
$urlArray = #()
foreach ($tablerow in $tablerows) {
$urlArray += New-Object PSObject -Property #{'URLName' = $tablerow.InnerHTML.Split('"')[1]}
#Write-Host ($tablerow.innerHTML).Split('"')[1]
if ($i -eq 101) {break}
#Number of Runspaces to use
#$RunspaceThreads = 1
#Declaring Variables
$ParamList = #($urlArray)
$webRequest = #()
$urlArray | start-rsjob -ScriptBlock {
#$webRequest = (Invoke-WebRequest $using:ParamList)
#Invoke-WebRequest $urlArray
#Invoke-WebRequest {$urlArray}
#Get-Content $urlArray
The problem that I'm running into right now is that I can't get Invoke-WebRequest or Get-Content to give me the contents of the URLs that are actually contained in the array. You can see that in the scriptblock, I commented out some lines that didn't work.
My question is: using a runspace, what do I need to do to pull the data from all the URLs in the array using Get-Content, and then write that to a file?
You can adjust your current query to get the first 100 company names. This skips the empty company at the front. Consider using [PSCustomObject] #{ URLName = $url } which replaces the legacy New-Object PSObject.
$urlArray = #()
$i = 0
foreach ($tablerow in $tablerows) {
$url = $tablerow.InnerHTML.Split('"')[1]
if ($url) {
# Only add an object when the url exists
$urlArray += [PSCustomObject] #{ URLName = $url }
if ($i -eq 100) {break}
To run the requests in parallel use Start-RSJob with a script block. Invoke-Webrequest is then run in parallel. Note that in this example $_ refers to the current array element that is piped which consists of an object with a URLName property, but you need to be a little careful what variables you use inside the scriptblock because they might not be resovled they way you expect them to be.
# Run the webrequests in parallel
# $_ refers to a PSCustomObject with the #{ URLName = $url } property
$requests = ($urlArray | start-rsjob -ScriptBlock { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.URLName })
You can then wait for all the jobs to complete and do some post processing of the results.
Here only the length of the website contents are written because the pages themself are lengthy.
# Get the results
# $_.Content.Length gets the length of the content to not spam the output with garbage
$result = Get-RSjob | Receive-RSJob | ForEach { $_.Content.Length }
Write-Host $result

Convert a SharePoint Online list into JSON using arrays

I'm trying to convert a set of SharePoint list items (and associated data) into a JSON object. To do this I'm trying to create a multi-dimensional array and then iterate over my SharePoint objects to populate it.
This is the relevant code so far:
#Lookup Source Address
$rootWeb = $Context.Web
$List = $rootWeb.lists.getByTitle($ListName)
$fields = $List.Fields;
$ListItems = $List.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
#Load the List
$listArray = #()
$listArray["DisplayTitle"] = #()
$listArray["Description"] = #()
$listArray["Setting"] = #()
$listArray["HealthAreas"] = #()
$listArray["ResourceType"] = #()
$listArray["ExternalURL"] = #()
$listArray["Active"] = #()
Write-Host "List items are"
foreach ($item in $ListItems)
$listArray["Description"].Add($item["File Description"])
Write-Host "############################"
Write-Host $listArray | ConvertTo-Json
I know there's a gap in my thinking here (maybe I need a hashtable) but just can't see it. The error I'm receiving is:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
However I can't see where my null variable may be originating from as I've confirmed each item in the loop does contain data (by writing to console).
The error that you receive is not related to SharePoint but to PowerShell. You created the PowerShell array and tried to access its elements like it was associative array/hashtable.
Please try this code (I've tested it with my own list with different column names and it works fine):
#Lookup Source Address
$rootWeb = $Context.Web
$List = $rootWeb.lists.getByTitle($ListName)
$fields = $List.Fields;
$ListItems = $List.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
#Load the List
$listArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
Write-Host "List items are"
foreach ($item in $ListItems)
Description= $item["File Description"];
Setting= $item["Setting"];
HealthAreas= $item["Health_x0020_Area"];
ResourceType= $item["Resource_x0020_Type"];
ExternalURL= $item["External_x0020_file_x0020_path"];
Active= $item["Currently_x0020_active_x003f_"];
Write-Host "############################"
$json = $listArray | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host $json

Powershell | Combining multiple Arrays and compare them to a table

I have encountered a new problem and I don't even know where exactly to start explaining. I will try my best, if something is unclear just ask me please.
I have an Excel workbook with informations (multiple rows) about DNS records - pretty similar to the powershell DNS syntax. e.g:
HostName RecordType TimeStamp TimeToLive RecordData
# A 0 00:05:00
I read them as arrays with the following little code - not very fast, but it works!:
#Read Excel
$row = [int]2
do {
if ($Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,1).Text) {$ZoneName += $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,1).Text}
$HostName += $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,2).Text
$RecordType += $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,3).Text
$TimeStamp += $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,4).Text
$TimeToLive += $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,5).Text
$RecordData += $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,6).Text
$row = $row + [int] 1
} until (!$Sheet4.Cless.Item($row,2))
Now I have 6 arrays all stuck with information in different arrays, but all with the same amount of lines.
And now the tricky (atleast for me!) part:
I would like to stuff those 6 arrays into some special array I do not know, or in some sort of table I do not know how to create.
Because I want to compare those lines to this code ($Records to be specific):
$ZoneNames = (Get-DnsServerZone -ComputerName $DnsServer).zonename
$ZoneNames | foreach {$Records = (Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName $DnsServer -ZoneName $_)}
$Records[0] would show me this (e.g.):
HostName RecordType Timestamp TimeToLive RecordData
-------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
# A 0 00:05:00
BUT: If I go deeper: $Records[0].RecordData:
IPv4Address PSComputerName
----------- --------------
So I would need to recreate this (above) sort of hierarchy to compare them (If I am right?).
I have tried it with a table like this (didn't work):
#Create Table object
$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable “$ExcelRecords”
#Define Columns
$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn HostName,([string])
$col3 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn RecordType,([string])
$col4 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn TimeStamp,([string])
$col5 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn TimeToLive,([string])
$col6 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn RecordData,([string])
#Add the Columns
#Create a row
$r = $table.NewRow()
#Enter data in the row
$r.HostName = $HostName[$counter]
$r.RecordType = $RecordType[$counter]
$r.TimeStamp = $TimeStamp[$counter]
$r.TimeToLive = $TimeToLive[$counter]
$r.RecordData = $RecordData[$counter]
#Add the row to the table
Tried comparing like this (didn't work):
if ($records[0] -like $table[0]) {write-host "works"}
This did work:
if ($records[0].hostname -like $table[0].hostname) {write-host "works"}
This did not (I guess this is the root of my problems):
if ($Records[0].RecordData -like $table[0].RecordData) {write-host "works"}
My main objective:
Check if there are Records on the DNS-Server, which aren't stated in the Excel sheet and delete them from the DNS-Server!
If you read through all the text, thanks for doing that! Appreciate every help.
Thanks in advance!
I'd start by creating an array of PS objects from your spreadsheet data.
#Read Excel
$row = [int]2
$DNS_Records =
do {
if ($Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,1).Text) {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
ZoneName = $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,1).Text
HostName = $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,2).Text
RecordType = $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,3).Text
TimeStamp = $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,4).Text
TimeToLive = $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,5).Text
RecordData = $Sheet4.Cells.Item($Row,6).Text
} until (!$Sheet4.Cless.Item($row,2))
