REST APIs and a front end website - which framework to use? - angularjs

over the last 2 months I taught myself Angular JS and ionic and have built a pretty effective iOS and Android client for a specific idea I have in mind. I am now embarking on prototyping a website for myself that this client will talk to.
The website will be pretty simple:
a) I am thinking the front end will be using a responsive bootstrap theme like this one:
b) The website will have a login function, and after login, allow subscribers to upload 'coupon' - that consists of a name, description and expiry date. This needs to be stored in the DB. I also plan to offer a search and edit functionality via the website
c) Now, I also want the backend to expose a REST API like, say, this form:
I've been researching various options and have come across:
2) Yeoman
3) Strongloop
At this stage, given I am completely new to web development, and only have an idea of Angular JS and a bit of Node js, I am confused on what to use
My criteria really is ease of use. I'd like a framework that lets me get up and running with a website and an API connected to it that can get data out of the website DB
Do you have a recommendation on the simplest and quickest way to go about it? I want to continue focusing on my mobile app and need the website to be as painless as possible.
Thank you


How to give support of switch to old website from updated one?

I am little bit in confusion about this mechanism. Not sure this is the right way or platform to ask this, but might be I can get some idea at least.
I am working on a web app which has been already live for a long time. I have redesigned whole app with frontend technology of ReactJS and backed in spring boot. As the existing old web app (live web-app) is written in Spring MVC with bootstrap support and which is outdated. Now, we are done with the updated app code, and we are ready to make it live.
Is there any way to give user flexibility to use both web app at same time? Like existing web app which they are using and there will be one button or option from where they can able to get updated UI/UX. And the same thing If they are not feeling well with the new UI/UX they can switch back to old/existing web app.
It is little bit similar like Facebook did a time ago where they give option to "Switch back to classic".
For now, I have one idea in mind to give this support based on subdomain, but not sure is that a good way or technical feasible or not.

Allow customer to edit angular / express / mongo - MEAN stack content

I've recently switched from developing wordpress sites to learning angular, express, mongo, passport etc etc. Wordpress obviously provides a (relatively) simple interface whereby the user can manage their own page content.
My question is, is there a standard procedure for achieving this using the above technologies? I'm currently building my first site proper using MEAN for a friend and I want to give her the means to go in and update images, text, add pages, remove pages etc etc but via a user friendly interface.
I've a feeling I'm going to have to build it myself but before I launch into doing that I was wondering if there was anything glaringly obvious that I'm missing?
Thanks in advance

Mobile app with codeigniter

I am a first year "computer programmer" college student and I got an internship where I was asked to develop a simple cross platform mobile app. Nothing too complex, consists in a login screen, then a screen with a form where I'm using jQuery UI autocomplete to get some info from the DB, a select box, datepicker and a text area. The other screen is just a table with information with the current day, week and month records of whoever is logged in.
I am using HTML5 and CSS for the front-end and php with Codeigniter to connect to mySQL DB.
The question is: I intend to use phonegap to turn it into a hybrid mobile app. Would you consider this a good approach? Or would it be worth it to delay the project a little more and learn how to do it using Ionic framework for the front-end and learn how to use node.js to connect with the database? Also I could use Ionic for front-end so it feels more like a native app and still use Codeigniter to connect to my server. I'd love to read your opinions and suggestions on this.
Thanks in advance.
I would highly recommend using Ionic for the app, you get a lot of stuff right out of the box that you will otherwise have to figure out your self.
Getting started with ionic is as easy as writing 'ionic start' and choosing a name for your project and a template to start from.
Depending on you level of web development skills you could really quickly end up with a app of spaghetti code without some kind of framework to set up some guidelines on how to structure your project.
As for the backend I will recommend you to use what ever you feel the most comfortable with as long as it easily can expose the REST endpoints you need.
Lucas Berte Schoenardie,
Since jquery mobile is not updated last two years so it will be better to choice IONIC which is using AngularJS (Google product) and App with Ionic is more native than PhoneGap( using jquery).
This reference on StockOverFlow may help you to take appropriate decision.
Thank you!

Grails - Ionic - AngularJS - Is it a good idea to work in this Env.?

I want to create an application using Ionic and AngularJS and Grails?
Also, I want to use Grails Spring Security Core plugin for login or registrations procedure.
Although, Stack Overflow is not the correct site to ask this type of questions which simply needs suggestions and other's opinions.
Well, we are here to help. You can try other StackExchange sites like
Grails + Ionic + AngularJS is a perfect combination of frameworks to build a fully functional and elegant mobile application for all platform. We've build various mobile applications using these three technologies and they work awesome.
Since Grails fully support the concept of rest API for JSON and AJAX based calls, it is absolutely possible to use it along with AngularJS. AngularJS doesn't care about the server-side technology you are using as long as your server side code can communicate over JSON data.
Ionic is just a beautiful front-end SDK which works on the top of AngularJS and provides various utilities to develop a hybrid user-friendly mobile APP.
So you can easily use these 3 technologies and get your mobile app ready in a few weeks.
Ionic doesn't care about what you use as a server stack. As long as you create a service which has well defined interfaces (REST?), you should be fine.
I for example use PHP (yeah, I know, shocking, right?) Slim framework + Postgres database as my backend.

Can I Build my app within a week with Supersonic UI ( AppGyver )

So here's my problem . I have a web app designed in code-igniter php and we're exposing an API for it to talk to a mobile app.
It's an education based CMS app. It allows teachers and students to log in and see grades and any calendar based notifications
We want to quickly build an app which will let students log in and see their notifications or messages . I am sort of a front-end developer and was looking into Ionic and AppGyver's Supersonic UI ?
What would be the best choice to go for now ( I need something within a week ), also , how do I set up my app folder to talk with the api or bind it with the api ?
I've not really worked with APIs a whole lot and a bit lost in how to set up my project. I come from a graphic design background and have been recently using Yeoman for my front-end workflow.
We plan to migrate from code-igniter to AngularJS in the long run , so Ionic would be a good choice then but for now I need to get a working app and was wondering if SuperSonic UI would be a better choice for an hybrid app.
Questions :
From what I've described what would be the best solution to go forward with?
Also, can anyone suggest any tutorials / screencast which does an in-depth project with one of the technologies ? Or maybe some other frameworks I've not taken into account ?
Can I set it up with Yeoman ? Can I use Yeoman and Ionic together ?
Appgyver is doing well with Supersonic and Data. They are working extensively on their Data implementations. I am currently using an API for my application without using Appgyver Data, but also was able to get it working with their data option. They have a few tutorials to get you the basics of building, scaffolding, deploying applications using their framework.
You will notice the third tutorial gets you into the data portion.
This is the documentation for their data options.
What you will see in their framework is AngularJS written in either coffeescript or javascript (you choose which when you first run steroids create projectName in your command line).
There are lots of discussions about this platform happening here.
Personally, I am about to release an application to the app store and google play with little effort. Your application doesn't sound too complicated if you have an API to get the data. This is worth a shot.
They also have a new product coming out May 25th I am told. And with lots of funding recently, they are hiring more developers to tackle the GitHub issues and move the platform forward rapidly.
I've only had good experiences with them.
Yeoman is being used behind the scenes as far as I can tell.
