WebElement mySelectElement = driver.findElement(By.id("LOGON_selectedUser"));
Select dropdown= new Select(driver.findElement(By.id("LOGON_selectedUser")));
dropdown.selectByVisibleText("HOTLINE-FAMILY SAFETY - Acting Supervisor");
Below is the error I'm getting:
Cannot locate option with text: HOTLINE-FAMILY SAFETY - Acting Supervisor
I tried with by. value bit no luck. :(
However, I'm able to select the dropdown with statement mySelectElement.click(); but when I try to select the drop-down, I'm keep on getting cannot locate the element. Pls help.
Here is the DOM:
enter image description here
The web page has been built using Angular. Please try to induce Explicit waits with Select class.
Select dropdown = new Select(wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//select[#name='selectedUser' and #id='LOGON_selectedUser' and #onchange]"))));
or if that does not work, the below should work
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.getElementById('LOGON_selectedUser').selectedIndex = '" + index + "';)
where index is a variable, try to pass index number like 1,2,3 and so on...
I am used to Selenium WebDriver were I can do something like this:
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> magicPills = _webDriver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("span[id$='_Blue_Pills']"));
How do I do the same thing in WebDriverIO? I couldn't find anything in the docs that stated StartsWith, EndsWith, or whatever.
My first failed attempt is:
const magicPills = $('span.$_Blue_Pills');
Give a try as like below in wdio:
const magicPills = $$('span[id$='_Blue_Pills']');
$() returns a webElement not elements
and you can use the same cssSelector you tried in selenium_webdriver(because wdio will automatically resolves to cssSelector internally).
Please try the above and see if it works.
I want to display data from Parse in a list from GamesScores class using Container in Codename One, this is what I've tried so far and it's not showing anything nor giving any errors:
Container container = findListCont();
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("GameScore");
List<ParseObject> results = (List<ParseObject>) query.find();
System.out.println("Size: " + results.size());
container.addComponent(results, f);
Please help me out, I'm a new in Codename One. If there tutorials on it, please share or anything to help me achieve the desired results.
I'm actually shocked this isn't failing. You are using the add constraint to place the object result as a constraint and you add the form object into the container...
You need to loop over the results and convert them to components to add into the layout. It also seems that you are using the old GUI builder which I would recommend against.
Generally something like this rough pseudo code should work assuming you are using a box Y layout:
for(ParseObject o : results) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(o.getDisplayValue());
The code which i have written uses find Element method more than 32 times:
i wanted to create a common method for find Element
should i declare any generic method ?
A bit more of info on your code will help answer this. If you are trying to access different elements on your page then you would directly or indirectly end up making these 32 calls.
So first check if you need 32 different elements or not. If not, consider storing the results in variables and reusing them (again depends on your code/flows).
Although it won't make any difference in doing it, but if still you want you can make a method somewhat like this:
public WebElement find(String type,String locator){
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
WebElement we;
we = driver.findElement(By.xpath(locator));
we = driver.findElement(By.id(locator));
// and so on...
And you can use it like this:
WebElement newButton1 = find("id","button1");
WebElement newLink1 = find("xpath","//a[text()='xyz']");
I am trying to clear a text field using this action:
In above code, the last line only selects the text, does not delete it, but if I separate the actions it works.
From the JavaDoc for WebElement.clear():
If this element is a text entry element, this will clear the value.
Has no effect on other elements. Text entry elements are INPUT and
TEXTAREA elements. Note that the events fired by this event may not be
as you'd expect. In particular, we don't fire any keyboard or mouse
events. If you want to ensure keyboard events are fired, consider
using something like sendKeys(CharSequence) with the backspace key. To
ensure you get a change event, consider following with a call to
sendKeys(CharSequence) with the tab key.
Most likely you simply need to call:
But if you need the clearing to be done via the keyboard for some reason, use Keys.BACKSPACE.
keys.DELETE can not work to delete the input text,you should use keys.BACKSPACE.
From the JavaDoc for Keys.chord
chord(java.lang.CharSequence... value)
Simulate pressing many keys at once in a "chord".
You should be able to use
Tested in chrome driver
WE.send_keys(' \b')
This will add space then delete it (backspace)
I use in javascript and it's working fine:
await textBox.sendKeys(value);
await textBox.sendKeys(Key.BACK_SPACE);
doesn't worked for me .
I used 'Key' instead of 'Keys'
emailField.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a",Keys.DELETE);
if you use php-webdriver (https://github.com/php-webdriver/php-webdriver) you must:
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverKeys AS Keys;
$this->driver->findElement(By::id('demo'))->sendKeys([Keys::BACKSPACE,'Any other text']);
Just adding another working C# example using the Google Chrome webdriver.
SendKeys only takes one parameter so created a string with the Crtl + A. This code sequence will select the current text in the field then delete the text.
Code example:
var crtlA = Keys.Control + "a";
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/span/input")).SendKeys(crtlA); Wait(5000); // Select current text
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/span/input")).SendKeys(Keys.Delete); Wait(5000); // Clear current text
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div/span/input")).SendKeys(newItemSku); Wait(5000); // Input SKU name
1. in WebdriverIO, i tried to edit the text by clear text (which contains special charactes like #, +, _) in text field by below following step. Eventhough it was not successful.
example: text=> abc+1234#gmail.com
step2:browser.execute(function () {
step3: browser.doubleClick(selector);
step4: browser.click(selector);
Note: below step is resolved this issue.
var count= browser.getAttribute(selector, value).length;
for (var i=0;i<count;i++)
if (browser.getAttribute(selector, value)=='')
// it will clear your text field easily.
You can add the new text now.