Example of Spring Security JWT library for work with AngularJS - angularjs

I want to authenticate and authorization a REST Spring API with Spring Security JWT for work with AngularJS App. but I confused and I don't know what should I do? I need to simple example for authenticate AngularJS app with Spring Security JWT.

I used Jhipster token based authentication with spring security, you can easily modify the code to use JWT instead.
link to Jhipster


Spring Boots needs to serve an react Application

I have an react Web Application. That application needs to use authorization and authentication with SAML2 based on an ADFS IDP.
I need to use Spring Boot Security for that.
How do I integrate my react app into the Spring Boot Security Part? I need authentication / authorization on the Front-End Part for displaying menu options.
I get some Roles and Claims back from ADFS in my Spring Boot Service.
How to do this?

JWT Token Authorization in Asp.Net Core Web API

I am using React as my Single Page application and also generating the token using Microsoft AD Authentication OAuth using the below code.
I am using my SPA for authentication but for authorization and access controls I wanted to fine grain the access controls in my web api using attributes in controller actions like [Authorize(Roles="Admin")].
Can anyone help me here how to implement the authorization by calling the action methods from my React app by passing the Bearer token in headers of each request. I want to control my web api logic using the claims in the token by using roles.
your inputs are really appreciated!

Secure WebSocket with Spring Security OAuth 2.0, AngularJS and SockJs

I'm trying to implement WebSocket support with Angular+SockJs on front-end, and Spring on backend. We are using Spring Security with OAuth 2.0 token based authorization.
Spec tell us that i should pass token via STOMP client at connect time and use Interceptor on backend to provide Principal. But i don't like this approach because i need to copy logic from Security configuration to get Principal from Token.
Is it possible to catch SockJs request in Angular Interceptor and add Authentication header?

Angular frontend authentication when using Grails and Spring Security for backend

I'm writing an Angular app which has Grails with Spring Security as a backend. I don't want to couple frontend with backend, so I don't use any gsp's, the communication goes only through REST requests.
Now the question comes which authentication to use.
Form authentication could be useful, but spring security redirects to the default form page and my login page is outside of Grails (in Angular project). I don't need a form page from spring security, I just need a URL where I can do my post request with credentials and get a cookie back.
So I started with Basic authentication which is easy enough, but then we have to add Authorization header to each request, which is annoying and not secure.
Spring security allows remember me cookie, but it is coupled to form authentication, so it is not possible (or difficult) to use it with basic authentication.
Stateless token authentication (for example, JWT) sounds great, but it is not clear how to configure it with Grails. The documentation for Security plugin has no mention about stateless authentication: http://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-spring-security-core/guide/index.html
So what is the best way to do authentication from Angular in Spring Secirity?
You are using default behavior of spring security. If you want stateless authentication, you will have to override the default behavior. Please go through this wiki page and also see this sample app for angular backend.

Securing Spring Rest with Spring Security and OAuth2 - Username/Password are exposed

i am working on a spring rest project and using OAuth 2.0 to protect these API's from unauthorised access.
Frontend: Angular.js
Backend: Spring Rest+ Spring Security + Oauth2
Everything was working fine:
1) I got a token from backend using oauth with following uri:
2) I got a token from backend and use that token to acess the API's.
Now my problem is that, once i hit backend with /oauth/token?grant_type=password&client_id=angularapp&client_secret=angularapp&username=user5#gmail.com&password=user5#123
this uri, this is all there at page in angular js files, anyone can access them with view page source.
Please suggest a way to hide these credential at js level, some encryption or any other implement at backend if necessary.
Do i implementing it wrong? please suggest a right path
The answer lies at JWT tokens. Dont use URL encoded.
In this situation, your Auth0 server and API server both share a secret encryption key. There are plenty of JWT frameworks you can use to avoid boilerplate coding. for instance: https://github.com/auth0/java-jwt
