C - dynamically modifying a file - is it possible? - c

I'm writing a small program in C and I want to have the option of saving data to file and then reading it from that file. The data is BIG, so I want to somehow dynamically write to a file without having to create a new file and copy modified old file into it.
Here's exactly what I want to do:
In the first line, I want to have "description" of the data in the form "%s %s %s ... %s \n" where %s is a string and the n'th string describes data in n+1'th line. I want to read the 1'st line of the file, scan for corresponding "description" string, and if it is not present, append it to the first line, and the data corresponding to it after the last line of the file.
The question is - is it possible to "jump" into lines in the file without scanning all the previous lines, and can I somehow read the first line of the file and append something to it after reading? Or maybe it is not the way to go in this situation and C offers some kind of different solution?

What you want can be done using stdio and fseek(). As long as you know at what byte offset you want to go, you can overwrite and/or append anywhere in the file without reading the data before, or the data you're overwriting. What you can not easily do is insert data, i.e., open the file, split it in half and put data in between.
Not too sure if that is what you mean though...


How to write at the middle of a file in c

Is it possible to write at the middle of a file for example I want to insert some string at the 5th position in the 2nd line of a file in c ?
I'm not very familiar with some of C functions that are related to handling files , if someone could help me I would appreciate it
I tried using fputs but I couldn't insert characters at the desired location
open a new output file
read the input file line by line (fgets) writing each line out to a new file as you read.
When you hit the place you want to insert write the new line(s)
The carry on copy the old lines to the new file
close input and output
rename output file to input
Continuing from my comments above. Here's what I'd do:
Create two large, static char[] buffers of the same size--each large enough to store the largest file you could possibly ever need to read in (ex: 10 MiB). Ex:
#define MAX_FILE_SIZE_10_MIB (10*1024*1024)
static char buffer_file_in[MAX_FILE_SIZE_10_MIB];
static char buffer_file_out[MAX_FILE_SIZE_10_MIB];
Use fopen(filename, "r+") to open the file as read/update. See: https://cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fopen/. Read the chars one-by-one using fgetc() (see my file_load() function for how to use fgetc()) into the first large char buffer you created, buffer_file_in. Continue until you've read the whole file into that buffer.
Find the location of the place you'd like to do the insertion. Note: you could do this live as you read the file into buffer_file_in the first time by counting newline chars ('\n') to see what line you are on. Copy chars from buffer_file_in to buffer_file_out up to that point. Now, write your new contents into buffer_file_out at that point. Then, finish copying the rest of buffer_file_in into buffer_file_out after your inserted chars.
Seek to the beginning of the file with fseek(file_pointer, 0, SEEK_SET);
Write the buffer_file_out buffer contents into the file with fwrite().
Close the file with fclose().
There are some optimizations you could do here, such as storing the index where you want to begin your insertion, and not copying the chars up to that point into buffer_file_in, but rather, simply copying the remaining of the file after that into buffer_file_in, and then seeking to that point later and writing only your new contents plus the rest of the file. This avoids unnecessarily rewriting the very beginning of the fie prior to the insertion point is all.
(Probably preferred) you could also just copy the file and the changes you insert straight into buffer_file_out in one shot, then write that back to the file starting at the beginning of the file. This would be very similar to #pm100's approach, except using 1 file + 1 buffer rather than 2 files.
Look for other optimizations and reductions of redundancy as applicable.
My approach above uses 1 file and 1 or 2 buffers in RAM, depending on implementation. #pm100's approach uses 2 files and 0 buffers in RAM (very similar to what my 1 file and 1 buffer approach would look like), depending on implementation. Both approaches are valid.

COBOL Replace the first line in a file without using OPEN I-O and REWRITE

Say that I have a file with the below format
<records count="n">
record line 1
record line 2
record line n
I'll have to open this file and change the value of n to another value based on some logic. After change my file should look like.
<records count="m">
record line 1
record line 2
record line n
I can open the file in OPEN I-O mode and change the first line using the REWRITE option to replace the first line. But I don't want to use these methods. Is there a way to achieve the same logic using OPEN INPUT and OPEN OUTPUT mode and replace the line with WRITE method.
Is there a way to achieve the same logic using OPEN INPUT and OPEN
OUTPUT mode and replace the line with WRITE method[?]
No, that would leave you with only the <records count="m"> in the file. All other records would be lost!
As long as the length of the first record is the same, after changing n to m, REWRITE is the most straight forward way to update that record.
Perhaps, if you explain why you want to use WRITE, there may be something else that could be done.
If the file is not 'too' large, read all the records into memory, change the first record, then write all the records to the file.
If the file is 'too' large, copy the file changing the first record, delete the first file, then rename the copy.
Perhaps less efficient for 'too' large, sort the file by adding a sequence number and changing the first record. This simply uses the sort file to hold the data, temporarily. Possibly a poor choice for a program to be converted.
You need to define what the limit for 'too' is.
There are non-standard routines for file access in Micro Focus, but those might be more difficult to convert.

replace a substring in a string in C, windows

I want to do the following:
open and read and ASCII file
locate a substring (geographical coordinates)
create its replacement (apply corrections to the original coordinates)
overwrite the original substring (write in the original file the corrected coordinates).
The format of the ASCII file is:
I will paste here only the part of the code that is responsible for this operation:
opnmea = fopen (argv[1], "r+");
if (fgets(row_nmea, ROW, opnmea)==NULL){
if (strstr(row_nmea,"$GPGGA")!=NULL) {
sscanf(row_nmea+17, "%10c", old_phi);
sscanf(row_nmea+30, "%11c", old_lam);
sscanf(row_nmea+54, "%5c", old_h);
What I do till now is to extract in a variable the old coordinates and I was thinking to use fputs() for overwriting the old with new values. But I could not do it. The other part of the code that is not here is computing the correct coordinates. My idea is to correct the rows one by one, as the fgets() function reads each line.
I would appreciate very much any suggestion that can show me how to use fputs() or another function to complete my work. I am looking for something simple as I am beginner with C.
Thank you in advance.
Patching a text file in place is not a good solution for this problem, for multiple reasons:
the modified version might have a different length, hence patching cannot be done in place.
the read-write operation of standard streams is not so easy to handle correctly and defeats the buffering mechanism.
if you encounter an error during the patching phase, a partially modified file can be considered corrupted as one cannot tell which coordinates have been modified and which have not.
other programs might be reading from the same file as you are writing it. They will read invalid or inconsistent data.
I strongly recommend to write a program that reads the original file and writes a modified version to a different output file.
For this you need to:
open the original file for reading opnmea = fopen(argv[1], "r");
open the output file for writing: outfile = fopen(temporary_file_name, "w");
copy the lines that do not require modification: just call fputs(row_nmea, outfile).
parse relevant data in lines that require modification with whatever method you are comfortable with: sscanf, strtok, ...
compute the modified fields and write the modified line to outfile with fprintf.
Once the file has been completely and correctly handled, you can replace the original file with rename. The rename operation is usually atomic at the file-system level, so other programs will either finish reading from the previous version or open the new version.
Of course, if the file has only one line, you could simply rewind the stream and write back the line with fprintf, but this is a special case and it will fail if the new version is shorter than the original. Truncating the extra data is not easy. An alternative is to reopen the file in write mode ("w") before writing the modified line.
I would recommend strtok(), followed by your revision, followed by strcat().
strtok() will let you separate the line using the comma as a delimiter, so you will get the field you want reliably. You can break up the line into separate strings, revise the coordinates you wish, and reassemble the line, including the commas, with strcat().
These pages include nice usage examples, too:

how to "push" a word (string) to a given position in a file without overwriting the text (programming c)

I wonder how can I update an existing file, and add a word in a given position.
so let say my file looks like:
this the first line in the file
and I want to add the word "is " in position 6 so the file will look like:
this is the first line in the file
what is the best method to achieve that?
what should be the fopen mode?
assume my file is to big to copy to memory, or create a temporary clone
There is no magic "insert in the middle" open mode. You have to do that yourself.
If it can't fit in memory, and you don't want/can't create a temporary, you can rewrite it "from the bottom". (I.e. read the last "block", write it back shifted by the amount you want, repeat.)
Unfortunately, it is not possible to simply update a file this way. If it is a flat file, you will have to move the parts yourself.

fseek() doesn't work

I have opened a file using a and r+ but when I use fseek and ftell the file pointer is always 0.
My file looks like this:
1 -3
2 -8
And I want to add another line between the two but it is added in the end after the last line.
Someone in another forum said that when you open the file in append the pointer is always zero and you have to open it in r+ and if that doesn't work "you have to read the complete data and then insert the data in the variables and write it back." but I don't understand what they mean by that.
Can anyone help with inserting numbers in the middle of a file?
Would something like this work?
To transfer the data?
Like others already said, there's no easy way to insert data in the middle of a file. If you really want to do this, you can implement the following steps:
Create a second file
Copy all data before the place you want to insert to the second file
Insert the line you want to the second file
Copy the remaining data to the second file
Delete the original file
Rename the second file
Other approach is using binary files instead of text files. Although binary files are a bit harder to learn, once you understand how they work you'll see that working with them is much like working with arrays. To perform this task, for example, you'd not even need to use an auxiliary file.
There is no open mode that will allow you to "insert" data into a file at a random point. The only place you can add data without overwriting existing data is the end of the file (what you get opening with mode "a").
If you want to insert at a random position, you need to do it yourself.
One of the easier ways is to re-write the file completely (transfer the start of the old file to a new file, add your data to the new file, transfer the rest of the old file, and rename/overwrite at the end).
The hard way: you need to "shift" all the data from your insertion point to the end-of-file manually. That's not trivial to get right.
There isn't an easy way to insert data in the middle of the file. A file is basically an array of characters. To add a character in the middle, you need to copy everything following your insertion point down one location. With a file you need to read the data that follows and write it after your addition.
Generally, when you want to do something like this you create a new file. You copy the old file into it up to the point where you want to insert, then you write the data you want to insert, then you copy the rest of the old file. Finally, you rename the new file to the old file.
