App::build in CakePHP 3 - cakephp

Firstly, I'm very new in cakephp. In version 2.x, it allowed App::build to specify Controllers in specified folder. For example:
'Controller' => array(
ROOT . '/app/Controller/Api/'
But in cakephp3.x, App::build is no more available. So how can I make a same thing in cakephp3.x ?

As written in the cakephp doc here :, the App::build is not a part of cakephp3 anymore.
So, you'll have to make a specific configuration for the cakephp autoloader (use composer):
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\Controller\\": "/path/to/directory/with/controller/folders"
More information about this config :
More information about composers autoloader :

App::build has been removed but what you want can be done with prefix routing in Cake3. This is exactly what you try to solve. Taken from the documentation:
Prefixes are mapped to sub-namespaces in your application’s Controller namespace. By having prefixes as separate controllers you can create smaller and simpler controllers. Behavior that is common to the prefixed and non-prefixed controllers can be encapsulated using inheritance, Components, or traits. Using our users example, accessing the URL /admin/users/edit/5 would call the edit() method of our src/Controller/Admin/UsersController.php passing 5 as the first parameter. The view file used would be src/Template/Admin/Users/edit.ctp
Just replace admin with api from the example and read the whole section of the manual I've linked and you're done.


routing in CakePHP 3

I'm working on CakePHP 3.3
I have some dashboard controllers which are named like
I want to map urls like
And this will call DashboardUsersController.php class and view function with param1 and param2 as parameters.
In short I want to change url to
this type of mapping will be done only if dashboard is present after domain, otherwise it will work as default like on accessing will call UsersController.php
What I have done till now?
Since, I'm new to CakePHP and routing, I have no idea where to start from and therefore have done nothing till now. I need your help.
I think what you needed is prefix. Bake your controller model with prefix dashboard .
Use this in you routes.php
use Cake\Routing\Route\DashedRoute;
Router::prefix('dashboard', function ($routes) {
// All routes here will be prefixed with `/dashboard
And remove that dashboard part from controllers or remove dashboard from your table name and rebake everything with --prefix .
bin/cake bake all --prefix dashboard
These links will help you

CakePHP Routing & HTML Helper Link Ambiguity

I have a site that uses CakePHP 2.x. There's a backend interface where actions use the standard Cake layouts and views, but several of the actions are also exposed to front end users as "dialogs" (same functionality, just a layout that can be put in iframe).
In app/Config/router.php I have added the following:
Router::connect('/dialog/:controller', array('action' => 'index'));
This works appropriately, but the problem starts when trying to use the HTML helper's link() method. If I try to create a link like:
$this->Html->link('edit account', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'edit'));
I get the following:
edit account
When the link is within a dialog, this works great, but I don't want the non-dialog pages to link to the dialog.
How can I control which of the two URLs is used in a particular page?
Is there something I can call from within AppController once I know whether the page being rendered is a dialog or not, or even something in the call to link() that would allow me to override it.
I know there's the "prefix" option which would allow for URLs like /user/dialog_edit but I would like to maintain the /dialog/users/edit format if possible. I also know I can hard code the URL vs. passing controller/action/id/etc in an array, and I don't anticipate pathing/model names changing, but I'd like to do this the idiomatic way for CakePHP, if possible.

Setting permissions in cakephp Pages controller

I followed Andrew Perkins excellent tutorial on setting up permissions in CakePHP 2.0.
My question, however, relates to how to use the allow and deny method in the Pages controller. Currently I have $this->Auth->allow('display') which allows all methods in the Pages controller to be view.
What if I only want the home page allowed but the rest denied? How do I code that?
Thanks in advance.
Make sure you have copied the PageController.php to your app/Controller folder. Then, add a beforeFilter callback method and set access based on the passed page parameter:
public function beforeFilter() {
// Use $this->request->pass to get the requested page name/id
// Decide on access with $this->Auth->allow()
This should solve your problem.
You can find more information on request's lifecycle in CakePHP manual. That's pretty useful stuff.
Have you tried this code?
You can out it into your PageController or into your Controller directly
$views = array ('index'); //array of view that you want allow

dynamic html redirects using cakephp routers

dynamic html redirects  using routers
in the beginning I had no categories and all of my pages were root
This was great, but as my content over the years grew I need to categorize my content
so I added some routes see below
array('controller' => 'controllername', 'action' => 'view'),
'pass' => array('category','slug')
this works great and accomplished what I needed to do, but there is one problem the search engines .I need to write 301's for all of my links and I have over 8K pages.
The solution cakesphp's Router::redirect
The issue I am now having is I cant figurer out how to redirect my old links. I can for example redirect all of the links to one category, but that wont cut it. I need to redirect all of my links to the new location.
I am trying to use routes.php router :: redirect
if I do this my code it redirects to the category, but not the slug
'pass' => array('category/:slug'))
how can I get cake to redirect to
http://domain/category/slug ?
instead of http://domain/category/
I had all of my links pointing to the root directory
I needed to add categories
such as
I didn’t want to use .htaccees file because
My hosing provide limits me to 100 redirects
and i have over 8K links i need to redirect
I am trying to use cakes router ::redirect function in the routes.php file.
the below code works only for one category it doesn’t do it dynamically like I would like it too.
I tried to create a router class that would do this for me like you suggested, but to be honest with you I am not an expert in cakephp. Its easy to learn and a great framework I just dont know how to make my own classes or components yet. I just haven’t found good documentation to do this yet.
$move='category/'. stripslashes_deep ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); Router::redirect('/:slug/*',$move, array('status' => 302)); code
Your best bet is to use a custom route class.
Custom routing extends the CakeRoute class and will allow you to return/add/modify parameters that are passed over.
CakePHP Custom Route Classes - How to Pass Arguments?

Configuring CakePHP 2.0 routing for domain/parameter (without controller name)

I would like to be able to route something like the following in CakePHP 2.0: keynes
to a specific controller and action.
The application has multiple controllers so it should only use this route if the parameter provided doesn't match a controller name.
I achieved this with CakePHP 1.3.12 by adding the following code to the bottom of config/routes.php
array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'testing'),
array('pass' => array('location'), 'location' => '[a-z ]+')
Using this code with CakePHP 2.0 only works if I comment out the require line from config/routes.php, but then I loose the default routes so that a URL pointing at any other controller is caught by this.
How can I achieve the desired routing?
As far as I know this shouldn't work in Cake 1.3 either, simply because your [a-z ]+ regex also matches the case for a simple /controller_name route; the Router has no way to distinguish between the two and will thus always route to the one it encounters first.
You can, however, create a custom route class to achieve this. Mark Story (one of the Cake devs) wrote an excellent post about it quite some time ago, it's for Cake 1.3 but you can easily apply the principle to 2.0 (I know 'cause I'm using it in my 2.0 app). You can the find the post here.
This might not answer the specific question asked above, but it's relevant, this page comes up in search results, and my goal is to save whoever finds it (including future me I guess) some time on not having to research what I just researched.
I needed to add routing with a parameter for a different domain. For example, should behave as usual, while should route directly to a specific controller and action. So I've added the following to my Config/routes.php:
if ( CakeRequest::host()=='' ) {
'my_variable'=>'[a-zA-Z-0-9 ]+',
