Stopping the program when reading data from UART - c

I have this simple code:
char dolar = gps_get_char();//read char from uart
if ((dolar == '$') || (receive_dolar == 1)){
receive_dolar = 1;
gps_get_nmea(nmea_in, sizeof(nmea_in));
receive_dolar = 0;
/*control running program*/
if (tl2 == 1){ //flag button from interrupt
LCD ^= (1 << LED_ON_OFF);
tl2 = 0;
But when the GPS is turned off, so the program stops here:
char dolar = gps_get_char();//read char from uart
Where function gps_get_char();
char gps_get_char()
unsigned int in = 0;
do {
in = uart1_getc();
} while((in & UART_NO_DATA) || (in & UART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW));
return((char) in);
Any idea why the program is stopped?

Even if your current approach works, you are prone at losing UART data. You should really be using interrupts instead of polling. Have the interrupt fill a sufficiently large buffer and set a flag condition when it is done. Then, have the program process the buffer.


Writing to EEPROM could not be completed as it resets the board

I am writing this program to write byte of data to each memeory location and then read and compare the stored bytes. However, when i am writing the data through FOR loop, the loop ends after 749 Writes and reset the Micro. i am resetting the WDT so that shouldnt be an issue. its a fairly simple programme and I was expecting it to work smoothly. here is the code:
I am using PIC24FJ256GB210 with 24LC512K serial EEPROM.
void memorytest2 (void)
unsigned int number;
unsigned int data =100;
if (loop == 1)
for (number=500; number < 1500; number++)
WriteEEByte(0xAA, EEPROMStart+data);
loop =0;
data =0;
number =500;
void WriteEEByte (unsigned char source,unsigned int dest)
I2C2CONbits.RCEN = 0; // disable rx MODE AS MASTER
StartWrite(dest); // start write process at address y
I2C2TRN = source; // put data in buffer
while (I2C2STATbits.TRSTAT);// wait for transmit to complete - including ack
I2C2CONbits.PEN = 1; // send stop condition to terminate write
while (I2C2CONbits.PEN);
ReadBusy(); //write delay (~5mS)
void ResetCOP (void)

How do I copy values from one integer array into another integer array using only the keyboard to fill them?

I am trying to store values received from a non-blocking UART protocol. I enter characters from my keyboard and they are stored in an array called buffer that holds the value. I then want to fill a new array called newbuffer using the value from buffer array and then clear the value in buffer array so it is ready to receive another value from the keyboard.
Here is my initialization:
uint8_t buffer[2] = {0}; //initialize array for receiving keyboard input
uint8_t newbuffer[256] = {0}; //initialize array to store keyboard input from buffer array
int i = 0; //array index variable
UartHandle.Instance = USARTx;
UartHandle.Init.BaudRate = 9600;
UartHandle.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_9B;
UartHandle.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
UartHandle.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_EVEN;
UartHandle.Init.HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE;
UartHandle.Init.Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX;
UartHandle.Init.OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16;
Here is the callback routine after I have entered my first character. I could really use some help with this part!!!
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
//Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(newbuffer); i++)
newbuffer[i] = buffer[0]; //put value entered from keyboard into newbuffer array
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); //clear buffer array for next value
HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&UartHandle, buffer, 1); //call interrupt that handles entering keyboard values
printf("%d", newbuffer);
This is the interrupt function for getting keyboard values, in case you need to see that.
static HAL_StatusTypeDef UART_Receive_IT(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
uint16_t *tmp;
/* Check that a Rx process is ongoing */
if (huart->RxState == HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX)
if (huart->Init.WordLength == UART_WORDLENGTH_9B)
tmp = (uint16_t *) huart->pRxBuffPtr;
if (huart->Init.Parity == UART_PARITY_NONE)
*tmp = (uint16_t)(huart->Instance->DR & (uint16_t)0x01FF);
huart->pRxBuffPtr += 2U;
*tmp = (uint16_t)(huart->Instance->DR & (uint16_t)0x00FF);
huart->pRxBuffPtr += 1U;
if (huart->Init.Parity == UART_PARITY_NONE)
*huart->pRxBuffPtr++ = (uint8_t)(huart->Instance->DR & (uint8_t)0x00FF);
*huart->pRxBuffPtr++ = (uint8_t)(huart->Instance->DR & (uint8_t)0x007F);
if (--huart->RxXferCount == 0U)
/* Disable the UART Data Register not empty Interrupt */
/* Disable the UART Parity Error Interrupt */
/* Disable the UART Error Interrupt: (Frame error, noise error, overrun error) */
/* Rx process is completed, restore huart->RxState to Ready */
huart->RxState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY;
/*Call registered Rx complete callback*/
/*Call legacy weak Rx complete callback*/
return HAL_OK;
return HAL_OK;
return HAL_BUSY;
Have you realized that you are copying exactly 1 byte in the for loop inside HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback, whereas array buffer is two bytes in size ?
This sentence: newbuffer[i] = buffer[0]; is just copying the first byte.
If you are reading from the keyboard you are probably getting scan codes. Scan codes are not all one byte, but many of them. Depending on the keys they can be up to three bytes:
I solved the problem. The issue was with having the logic in a for loop. Since the size of newbuffer is 256, the program would not exit the for loop unless all of the characters had been entered and newbuffer was full. By taking my logic out of the for loop, the function could complete and return to main to be recalled in the main loop when the next character was entered.
I also added a flag variable so that I can print the string that was entered when the user types the carriage return button.
Receive Callback Routine:
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
//Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning
newbuffer[i] = buffer[0] //put value entered from keyboard into newbuffer array
if (newbuffer[i] == '\r') //if user enters a carriage return the input will be flagged and trigger the while loop to print the string
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); //clear buffer array to receive next keyboard value
i++; //increment newbuffer index
HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&UartHandle, buffer, 1); //call interrupt that handles entering keyboard values
int main(void)
/* Configure the system clock to 180 MHz */
/* Initialize BSP Led for LED2 */
UartHandle.Instance = USARTx;
UartHandle.Init.BaudRate = 9600;
UartHandle.Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_9B;
UartHandle.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1;
UartHandle.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_EVEN;
UartHandle.Init.HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE;
UartHandle.Init.Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX;
UartHandle.Init.OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16;
if (HAL_UART_Init(&UartHandle) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
NVIC_SetPriority(USART3_IRQn, (1u << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 5u); //set interrupt priority
HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&UartHandle, buffer, 1); //call UART receive interrupt to get keyboard input
//Infinite loop
while (1)
//output a message in Hyperterminal requesting keyboard input
printf("\n\rEnter your string: ");
if (flag == 1)
printf("%s", newbuffer); //string is printed if user enters a carriage return
flag = 0; //reset flag so the interrupt routine can look for another carriage return
memset(newbuffer, 0, sizeof(newbuffer)); //clear newbuffer so it is ready to store a new string
i = 0; //reset index so newbuffer begins storing its new string starting at newbuffer[0]
HAL_Delay (1000);

Not Equals Operator not working when interrupts are enabled on PIC32 [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
I am currently trying to parse a string received via UART from a GPS module on a PIC32MZ2048EFG100 micro-controller via a UART receive interrupt protocol. I am using MPLAB X IDE v4.10 and XC32 v2.05 for my IDE and compiler.
When I enabled the UART4 receive interrupt, the != operator stops functioning as it should. I have a block of code within my main function that should never be executed, but yet it is.
I have narrowed it down to enabling interrupts being the problem. If I comment out all working code in my ISR, I still face the issue of myCounter being incremented.
Here is the code I have in my main function.
int myCounter = 0;
void main ( void ){
//Setup interrupt
asm volatile("di"); //Disable all interrupts
asm volatile("ehb"); //Disable all interrupts
INTCON = 0; //Clear interrupt control register
IEC0 = 0;
IEC1 = 0;
IEC2 = 0;
IEC3 = 0;
IEC4 = 0;
IEC5 = 0;
IEC6 = 0;
INTCONbits.MVEC = 1; //Enable multi-vectored interrupts
IFS5bits.U4RXIF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
IPC42bits.U4RXIP = 1; //Set priority level to 7
IPC42bits.U4RXIS = 0; //Set sub-priority to 0
IEC5bits.U4RXIE = 1; //Enable interrupt
asm volatile("ei"); //Enable all interrupts
int x = 0;
if(x != 0){
myCounter++; //Should never be executed
When running this code on my PIC with interrupts enabled, myCounter gets incremented.
Here is the code for my interrupt service routine.
void __ISR(_UART4_RX_VECTOR, ipl7SRS) UART4_Interrupt(void) {
while (U4STAbits.URXDA) {
char c = U4RXREG;
if (c == '\n') {
currentLine[--lineIndex] = 0; //Overwrite /r as null terminator for string
parseStringFlag = 1;
lineIndex = 0;
if (currentLine == buff_1) {
currentLine = buff_2;
previousLine = buff_1;
} else {
currentLine = buff_1;
previousLine = buff_2;
} else if (lineIndex < MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
currentLine[lineIndex++] = c;
} else {
currentLine[--lineIndex] = c;
IFS5bits.U4RXIF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
Here is the basic ISR code that still makes myCounter increment.
void __ISR(_UART4_RX_VECTOR, ipl7SRS) UART4_Interrupt(void) {
while (U4STAbits.URXDA) {
char c = U4RXREG;
IFS5bits.U4RXIF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
What could be causing the code that should never be executed to execute? If I run the interrupt code in main with interrupts disabled the code works and the code that should never be executed is not executed.
if (c == '\n') {
currentLine[--lineIndex] = 0; //Overwrite /r as null terminator for string
If the first character received were \n and lineIndex is initialised zero, lineIndex will be decremeted from zero. Assuming it is unsigned, then lineIndex < MAX_LINE_LENGTH will be false and:
} else {
currentLine[--lineIndex] = c;
will run repeatedly until lineIndex is eventually decremented to MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1 - stomping over a large swathe of memory - which is most likely what is happening in this case.
if( lineIndex != 0 && c == '\n' && )
currentLine[--lineIndex] = 0; //Overwrite /r as null terminator for
if( c == '\n' )
if( lineIndex != 0 )
lineindex-- ;
currentLine[lineIndex] = 0; //Overwrite /r as null terminator for
depending on the semantics you require. It is not a given that the sending system uses CR+LF pairs for line-ends, and you should not assume that. The code should probably be further modified to check that the preceding character was indeed a CR before decrementing lineindex. An exercise for the reader.
And similarly for the final else:
else if( lineIndex != 0 )
currentLine[--lineIndex] = c;
if( lineIndex != 0 )
lineindex-- ;
currentLine[lineIndex] = c;
It is possible that the latter protection is not necessary, but the protection is useful perhaps for clarity and maintenance - it is defensive code - your call.
It may be a safer and more interrupt efficient design to have the ISR simply place any received character into a ring-buffer, and then deal with line-input outside of the interrupt context. You might increment a counter on every received \n and decrement it when \n were unbuffered so that the receiver will know how many lines are currently buffered for processing.

Receiving AT commands

I'm using a microcontroller to communicate with a SIM808 module and I want to send and receive AT commands.
The problem right now is that for some commands I receive only some portions of the answers I should receive, but for some others I receive what I should. For example, if I shut down the module I receive "NORMAL POWER DOWN", as expected.
I believe I'm receiving everything, I'm just not being capable of seeing it. I receive the beginning and the end of the response, so the problem should be on the way I parse and buffer. I'm using a FIFO buffered RXC interrupt.
For example, for the command "AT+CBC" I should receive something like:
+CBC: 1,96,4175
But I receive "+CBC1,4130OK"
(I replaced the unreadable characters with a dot)
bool USART_RXBufferData_Available(USART_data_t * usart_data)
/* Make copies to make sure that volatile access is specified. */
uint8_t tempHead = usart_data->buffer.RX_Head;
uint8_t tempTail = usart_data->buffer.RX_Tail;
/* There are data left in the buffer unless Head and Tail are equal. */
return (tempHead != tempTail);
uint8_t USART_receive_array (USART_data_t * usart_data, uint8_t * arraybuffer)
uint8_t i = 0;
while (USART_RXBufferData_Available(usart_data))
arraybuffer[i] = USART_RXBuffer_GetByte(usart_data);
return i;
void USART_send_array (USART_data_t * usart_data, uint8_t * arraybuffer, uint8_t buffersize)
uint8_t i = 0;
/* Wait until it is possible to put data into TX data register.
* NOTE: If TXDataRegister never becomes empty this will be a DEADLOCK. */
while (i < buffersize)
bool byteToBuffer;
byteToBuffer = USART_TXBuffer_PutByte(usart_data, arraybuffer[i]);
void send_AT(char * command){
uint8_t TXbuff_size = strlen((const char*)command);
USART_send_array(&expa_USART_data, (uint8_t *)command, TXbuff_size);
fprintf(PRINT_DEBUG, "Sent: %s\n\n", command);
void receive_AT(uint8_t *RXbuff){
memset (RXbuff, 0, 100);
uint8_t bytes = 0;
bytes = USART_receive_array(&expa_USART_data, RXbuff);
int n;
if (bytes>0)
for (n=0;n<bytes;n++)
if (RXbuff[n]<32)
fprintf(PRINT_DEBUG, "Received: %s\n\n", RXbuff);
int main(){
unsigned char RXbuff[2000];
So, the problem didn't have to do with this part of the code. I am using an emulated serial port to print stuff from the micro-controller to the PC. The issue was that the rate with which I was printing a char to the PC was much faster than what the PC was receiving, that's why some parts didn't appear.

receive/transmit over rs232 with arm lpc2148 on sparkfun logomatic

I am trying to program the logomatic by sparkfun, and yes I have used their forum with no responses, and having some issues. I am trying to send characters to the UART0 and I want the logomatic to respond with specific characters and not just an echo. For example, I send 'ID?' over the terminal (using RealTerm), and the logomatic sends back '1'. All it will so now is echo.
I am using c with programmers notepad with the WinARM toolchain. The following snippet is from the main.c file. I only included this, because I am fairly certain that this is where my problem lies
void Initialize(void)
PINSEL0 = 0xCF351505;
PINSEL1 = 0x15441801;
IODIR0 |= 0x00000884;
IOSET0 = 0x00000080;
S0SPCR = 0x08; // SPI clk to be pclk/8
S0SPCR = 0x30; // master, msb, first clk edge, active high, no ints
Notice the rprintf_devopen function, below is from the rprintf.c file, and due to my mediocre skills, I do not understand this bit of code. If I comment out the rprintf_devopen in main, the chip never initializes correctly.
static int (*putcharfunc)(int c);
void rprintf_devopen( int(*put)(int) )
putcharfunc = put;
static void myputchar(unsigned char c)
if(c == '\n') putcharfunc('\r');
Now, below is from the serial.c file. So my thought was that I should be able to just call one of these putchar functions in main.c and that it would work, but it still just echoes.
int putchar_serial0 (int ch)
if (ch == '\n')
while (!(U0LSR & 0x20));
U0THR = CR; // output CR
while (!(U0LSR & 0x20));
return (U0THR = ch);
// Write character to Serial Port 0 without \n -> \r\n
int putc_serial0 (int ch)
while (!(U0LSR & 0x20));
return (U0THR = ch);
// Write character to Serial Port 1 without \n -> \r\n
int putc_serial1 (int ch)
while (!(U1LSR & 0x20));
return (U1THR = ch);
void putstring_serial0 (const char *string)
char ch;
while ((ch = *string))
I have tried calling the different putchar functions in main, also with the rprintf_devopen. Still just echoes. I have altered the putchar functions and still just echoes. I have tried just writing to the U0THR register in main.c and no luck. Keep in mind that I am still a student and my major is electrical engineering, so the only programming classes that I have taken are intro to c, and an intro to vhdl. I am more of a math and physics guy. I was working on this for an internship I was doing. The internship ended, but it just bugs me that I cannot figure this out. Honestly, working on this program taught me more that the c class that I took. Anyways, I appreciate any help that can be offered, and let me know if you want to see the entire code.
Below is an update to the question. This function is in main.c
static void UART0ISR(void)
char temp;
trig = 13; //This is where you set the trigger character in decimal, in this case a carriage return.
temp = U0RBR; //U0RBR is the receive buffer on the chip, refer to datasheet.
if(temp == query1[counter1]) //This segment looks for the characters "ID?" from the U0RBR
{ //query1 is defined at the top of the program
if(counter1 >= 3)
flag1 = 1; //This keeps track of whether or not query1 was found
counter1 = 0;
RX_in = 0;
temp = 0;
//rprintf("\n\rtransmission works\n");
if(temp == query2[counter2] && flag1 == 1) //This segment looks for "protov?" from the U0RBR, but only after query1 has been found
if(counter2 >= 7)
flag2 = 1; //This keeps track of whether or not query2 was found
counter2 = 0;
RX_in = 0;
temp = 0;
if(temp == stop[counter3]) //This if segment looks for certain characters in the receive buffer to stop logging
if(counter3 >= 2)
flagstop = 1; //This flagstop keeps track of whether or not stop was found. When the stop characters are found,
flag1 = 0; //the query1 and query2 flags will be reset. So, in order to log again these queries must be sent again
flag2 = 0; //this may seem obvious, but deserves mention.
counter3 = 0;
RX_in = 0;
temp = 0;
flagstop = 0; //Reset the stop flag in order to wait once again for the query 1&2
if(RX_in == 0)
memset (RX_array1, 0, 512); // This clears the RX_array to make way for new data
memset (RX_array2, 0, 512);
if(RX_in < 512 && flag1 == 1 && flag2 == 1) //We cannot log data until we see both flags 1 & 2 and after we see these flags,
{ //we must then see the trigger character "carriage return"
RX_array1[RX_in] = temp;
if(temp == trig)
RX_array1[RX_in] = 10; // delimiters
log_array1 = 1;
RX_in = 0;
else if(RX_in >= 512 && flag1 == 1 && flag2 == 1) //This else if is here in case the RX_in is greater than 512 because the RX_arrays are defined to
{ //be of size 512. If this happens we don't want to lose data, so we must put the overflow into another register.
RX_array2[RX_in - 512] = temp;
RX_array1[512] = 10; // delimiters
RX_array1[512 + 1] = 13;
log_array1 = 1;
if(RX_in == 1024 || temp == trig)
RX_array2[RX_in - 512] = 10; // delimiters
log_array2 = 1;
RX_in = 0;
temp = U0IIR; // have to read this to clear the interrupt
VICVectAddr = 0;
