How to integrate Fine Uploader with React Bootstrap modal? - reactjs

FineUploader is great! But I have such a problem: I use React Bootstrap as my UI framework. I need upload button, but after user selects some image file, they need to deal with the image first in a modal dialog window of React Bootstrap, perhaps rotate it, or scale it, or crop it, etc. And when user clicks "Finish" button, then the image should be uploaded to the Node.js server, and display progress bar in the modal dialog body. After the server has received all of the file, then the modal dialog should be closed.
I read through the code of FindUploader, but can't find what I need. FineUploader do have FineUploaderBasic class, with it I can pass the upload button element. But I can't turn the FineUploaderBasic object into FineUploader object, and initialize the template when the modal dialog open. I can't just make the template invisible first, and display it when the modal open. Because React Bootstrap won't add modal into the DOM before user opens the modal.
So should I define a new method to turn a FineUploaderBasic object into a FineUploader object? Or is there any other way to make it?


Push modal box ontocurrent page with reactjs

I'm making various asynchronous http calls in my reactjs app. Errors from the server are streamlined and I would like to show an error dialog box in react regardless of the current page. I'm currently using the alert but I really would like a styled modal error box.
How do I detect the current page and inject the modal box and display it?
I think you should create the dialog dynamically. It means that you will create and mount the Dialog component right after the error appears. You can refer this approach from team.

Electron add button to dismiss modal BrowserWindow

I'm building a Mac app using electron and react, and I'm using a modal window to redirect my users to the google login page using the loadURL method.
This causes that the whole window is covered by the modal dialog, with no way for the user to return to the previous page unless he finishes the google login flow.
I would like to have a header on top with a back button so that the user can dismiss the modal if needed. Can I insert HTML to the BrowserWindow after it has loaded the url content? Or is there a cleaner way to achieve this?

How do I open a modal on top of another using AngularJS?

I'm curently working on this piece of code, since i have a loader integrated in my site, the loader clashes with the modals, so i open the modal from my controller. my problem is if click open the modal it opens behind the current modal, whereas i want it displayed on top.
You should change the z-index css property for the modal and/or the loader.
Most probably you should add z-index to your main modal popup div.
You can try ngBootbox. It's a library for popups.

AngularJS nested modal templates

I have a spa developed with AngularJS (routing with ngroute). Every template have the menu, in the menu there is a back button. I want to return to the previous view with he's state (information, scroll in the page etc). If I code every button in the menu to open the next template in modal that have dimension of full screen, and the back button just close the current modal. This method can do a memory leak?
This case is an hybrid application running in the tablet, the back button is in the menu of application not that of the browser.
Why don't you use $window.history.back();
Why don't you create a template for the menu and include it into your views by using ng-include?

Reload store / refresh grid in main window when button is clicked in Modal window in EXTJS

I am facing a problem in my EXTJS application.
Basically there is a grid which displays all the projects. In my main menu which is a different file, I have "Add Project" link. On clicking this, Add Project modal window opens irrespective of any main window which may be project list or dashboard currently displaying in browser.
Now I want if the main page is the Project List in the browser and I open the Add Project modal, When I will click Add button, I want the grid / store in the project list page should reload or refresh.
I am not getting any way to get a reference to the project store in the project list page from the Add Project modal window.
Can any one please help me on this.
Thanks in Advance... :)
You can use Ext.getStore('your_store_name'); to get a reference to your store.
The sencha grid tutorial covers this:!/guide/grid
