How do I open a file in its default program by using the CLI in GitBash on Windows 7? - file

I'm currently using GitBash on Windows 7 to play around with the command line interface and would be very interested to know how to use GitBash to open a file/document in its default program.

You can use start to open a file using its default application. For example:
start some-image.jpg
start some-document.pdf

Start gives me permission issues on my work machine. However the explorer command works for me.
explorer some-image.jpg


how to start code server terminal with chroot?

I have a code server that runs on Android with termux, for university reasons, there are times when I must share my vscode environment and I would not like to expose my entire system and personal files through the terminal.
So I was wondering if it was possible to expose a terminal from an alpine distro with chroot (prrot in the case of termux) by default every time code server opens a terminal
After some time reading the vscode config, I realized that you can use the shell option to force it to start inside with alpine and not expose my files, nor my android system with termux

Daydream View Controller Emulator won't work with Google VR SDK 1.1 and Unity 5.6 beta for Linux

I can't get the controller emulator to work with Google VR SDK 1.1 & Unity 5.6b3 under Arch Linux 64-bit. If I load the GVRDemo scene in Unit and click the play button to enter Play Mode, the console shows the following:
"Android Debug Bridge (adb) command not found.
Verify that the Android SDK is installed and that the directory containing adb is included in your PATH environment variable."
In Windows, you have to add the directory containing the Android Debug Bridge (adb) program to the PATH environment variable in Windows itself (not in the Unity program). Once you do that, the Controller Emulator works fine in Windows. You have to do the same in Linux, evidently, to get Unity to locate adb, and therefore get the Controller Emulator phone working for testing the game.
I've added the following line in my .bashrc and .profile files in my home directory:
This, however, doesn't fix the issue.
I've also added the root directory of the Android SDK to my Unity Preferences > External Tools section.
I don't know how to get Unity and Google VR SDK to recognize the directory containing adb to the PATH environment variable that Unity needs to make the Controller Emulator work.
Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a fix or work-around?
I was able to locate the culprit and modify Google VR SDK scripts to make it work! Turns out there was an issue in the code of the script file titled "EmulatorClientSocket.cs" regarding non-Windows machines. Here's what I changed, and why:
Originally, in line 111 and 112 of this script, it read:
stringprocessArguments = string.Format(" -l -c \"{0}\"", adbCommand);
The context is that when Windows is not present (forgive my layman's terms -- I've only started learning coding a month ago) the command to process is this: bash -l -c "adb forward tcp:7003 tcp:7003". The problem is when the -l option is used in the command, the command is interpreted as if coming from a login shell, which - I believe - means that bash isn't looking at the custom environment variables set in the user's .bashrc and .profile files in their home directory. Without looking at those files, bash can't locate the adb command (try running the bold command above in a terminal, and the result will be a prompt saying adb command not found).
To fix it, I simply removed the -l option from line 112, and, voila! Everything works like a charm! Lines 111 and 112 now look like this:
stringprocessArguments = string.Format(" -c \"{0}\"", adbCommand);
The fix will work when running "unity-editor" or "unity-editor-beta" from the Terminal or Xterm, but running it from the application menu will still produce the adb error and Controller Emulator will not work.

Failed to start Mongodb

I'm studying pro angularjs by adam freeman. I've installed deployd v0.8.8 and created sportsstore. When I run 'dpd –p 5500 sportsstore\app.dpd' form command prompt, it shows 'Failed to start MongoDB Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref: bye'.
I've found all the possible answers as much as I can. But still can't solve it. I'm using Windows 7 32-bit. Please help me.
Try to run like this: (Moved code snippet to pastebin).
Hello you must install mongodb after this add the path of th folder installation into the windows path environment restart your cli and type again the command
from control panel open up advanced system settings. click on environment variables. under system variables select path and click edit. then add the directory for your mongodb installation in my case is "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin". P.S if you use windows 8.1 or an earlier release of windows OS type a ";" first. leave out out the quotation marks.

Why do I get "The Application Failed to initialize properly" when calling candle?

I am writing a batch script in which I need to run a candle command:
candle.exe - present in wix installation 'bin' directory
I have set the path during my batch file load to the wix installation directory, and have checked writing
candle.exe abc.wxs -dplatform=x86 -ext WixUtilExtension
But on Windows XP it gives me an error:
The Application Failed to initialize properly (0xc00001235)" .Click on OK To terminate
On Windows 7, candle.exe works fine.
How can I resolve this?
I guess it is because i have not specified as to how to deal with different OS
This actually seems to be a result of not having .Net framework installed. Try installing .net 3.5 for Windows XP, or later for Windows 7 +.

How to pass a file as command line argument in Netbeans

I have trying to work out with Netbeans for the last two days.
I am writing a scanner program that takes input of the scanner from a file
So How can we give this as an argument to the Main file (
When I am doing it on the Unix system using command line argument all works fine and well. The problem comes when i am doing it on netbeans.
I have even tried giving the file name as an argument in the run properties in the project. But then later i realized that the command line arguments for the run properties are for just giving the inputs rather than the file name.
Update : The command that I give in unix is
$java Scanner input.text
So What I am now trying to do in netbeans is right click on the and run it.
But it then gives the error that no arguments have been passed. I am taking the file name in argv
There is a community contributed plugin named NbRunWithArgs which will provide you "Run with Arguments" option when you run Java project or a single Java file.
You may want to use this plugin, more details are available on blog post here.
UPDATE (24 mar 2014) This plugin is now available in NetBeans Plugin Portal that means it can be installed from Plugins dialog box from the available plugins shown from community contributed plugins, in NetBeans IDE 8.0
In Netbeans, right-click on your Project name and click Properties
In the "Run", you can define, which class is the main-class, the working directory and arguments
After that, try to run the project, not the class itself !
