Where to Store sensitive data/information - sql-server

I have a Two Factor Authentication system where I need to store the Auto generated Code and the requested time in some form storage for retrieving it later purpose. I need to know what is the best way to store these sensitive information.
I was planning to use Session to store those sensitive information. When I googled, In some places people are telling its not recommended to use session to store sensitive information. Can any body explain why so.
Any suggestion to this will be highly appreciated.

In your user database is fine, it's a web app so the database should be completely hidden from end users (if properly managed).
The rest is just making sure your actual application is secure -- ie no SQL injections, no buffer overflows, proper workflows that all pass through your server side authentication engine etc.

If you are worried about your information they should be encrypted before store them in database, for more secure propose you can use HSM (Hardware security module) to do encryption and decryption for you or even you can rely on OTP (one-time password) for two factor authentication.


How to secure my database access from angularjs side without nodejs

For my Next Project (web + electron + ionic),
I want to use angularjs but don't want to use nodejs and for database.
I am thinking about pouchdb or google-firebase.
Now security is an issue for my database. like i have to connect with my database using angular because i will not use nodejs.
So i have to put my username and password on connection.
will my username and password secure ?
I am thinking that anyone who press Ctrl+u or from dev tool can see my user access.
Any suggestions ?
try angularfire2 library for firebase using this library no needed nodejs or any backend server. it's directly communicate with firebase.here is library
I am afraid that you can't do that, you need some server side application to connect with the database in a secure way.
There is some gold rules you must always follow:
There is no security from the client side.
Never trust on information that comes from the client, even if you think it's validated.
For the security purpose, you can go with firebase auth
these are many secure login methods like
-Google.. etc
reference link- https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/start
If you are planning to use firebase for the huge database then one thing keep in mind firebase is not designed for the huge database it's limited.You can't compare firebase to SQL n MySQL etc databases. Firebase specifically designed for small databases.
If you grant write access for your chat clients by one hardcoded credentials (really easily get known) - you are on very dangerous side: one can quickly fill your DB with tons of garbage. There is no harm to hardcode read credentials (in order to separate access to different server DBs, i.e.) but for write ones you definitely need registration, which means Node or something. It will handle new users creation and give you ability to block unwanted client behaviour, just in case.

REST resource permissions

I am creating a REST API for my next project. I am not sure what the best way to handle read / write permissions on resources is. Some resources will be readable by anyone, others will only be readable by "logged in" users, others will only be readable by specific users or admins. This also goes for write access.
How are these permissions stored and validated in REST APIs. Are there simply database tables that store the permissions for each resource or the permissions each user has to each resource? This approach seems like it could become bloated if there were many resources to keep track of not to mention every database query would require a JOIN to the table that contains permissions.
Thanks for your input in advance!
How your server side stores authentication and authorization data is entirely up to the server. It may use a database, it may use files, or none of the above.
From the perspective of RESTful HTTP, the point is that client might try to access some resource, the server may answer with 401 (Unathorized/Authentication required) or 403 (Fordbidden) HTTP error codes to enforce login/permission requirements.
Also remember, that not all services map directly to one or more relational database queries. In other words, plan to implement the authentication/authorization logic independently of the "data" if you can, and if you need fine-grained access restrictions, try to do it in code instead of joining stuff in the database, if it's possible.

Evernote users in the application database

What's the best practice or the common way of keeping (or not keeping) Evernote users in your application's database?
Should I create my own membership system and create a connection to Evernote accounts?
Should I store Evernote user data (or only part of it) in my own app and let the user log in only with Evernote?
Summary: you must protect their data but how you protect it is up to you. Use the integer edam_userId to identify data.
I think the API License agreement covers protection in the terms:
you agree that when using the API you will not, directly or indirectly, take or enable another to take any of the following actions:...
1.8.4 circumvent or modify any Keys or other security mechanism employed by Evernote or the API;
If you cache people's data and your server-based app lacks security to prevent people looking at other's data, then I think you're pretty clearly violating that clause. I think it's quite elegantly written!
Couple that with the responsibility clause 1.2
You are fully responsible for all activities that occur using your Keys, regardless of whether such activities are undertaken by you or a third party.
So if you don't protect someone's cached data and another user is able to get at it, you're explicitly liable.
Having cleared up the question of your obligations to (as you'd expect) protect people's data, the question is how do you store it?
Clause 4.3 covers identifiers pretty directly although it's a bit out of date now that we are all forced to use oAuth - there are no passwords ever entered into anything other a web view. However, mobile or desktop client apps must provide a mechanism for the user to log out, which must completely remove the username and password from your application and its persistent storage.
For a web app, you can't even save the username: If your Application runs as an Internet service on a multi-user server, you must not ask for, view, store or cache the sign-in name or password of Evernote user accounts.
The good news is that you can rely on the edam_userId value which comes back to you in the oAuth token credentials response, as discussed here.
When you look at the Data Model, you can see the unique id under the User and going into the User struct, see the reassuring definition The unique numeric identifier for the account, which will not change for the lifetime of the account.
Thinking about the consequences, as you can't get the user id until you have logged into the service, if you want to provide a local login for people you will have to link your local credentials to the user id. That may irk some people if they have to enter a username twice but can't be helped.
You can allow users to log-in via OAuth. Here's a guide on how that process works.
But you'll probably also want to store a minimal amount of user data, at least a unique identifier, in your database so you can do things like create relationships between the user and their notebooks and tags. Refer to the Evernote data model for those relationships. If you're using rails, this will also help you take advantage of rails conventions.

Secure / Authenticated interaction from a WP7 app

I am working on a WP7 application. This WP7 application will interact with some web services that I have created. I do not want other applications interacting with these web services. The reason why is because I do not want them stealing my data. With that in mind, here is what I'm currently doing:
Connecting to web services via HTTPS
Making my users initially login to the application
Passing the users username / password with each web service interaction
At this time, I don't see what is stopping a malicious developer from creating a username / password combo and using that account in their application to interact with my web services. How do I really lock this thing down?
As a start towards a more secure system you should stop storing the password and sending it over the wire with each request (even if you're using SSL).
If you must pass it with each request, store a salted hash of the password and use that instead.
I'm using a multi layered approach to this problem. I recommend thinking creatively and using a variety of methods to validate that requests are coming from devices you expect requests to come from.
Alternatively, if there is any merit in your scenario, open up your api to 3rd party developers and make this work toward your objectives.
If you do decide to store a key in your app, don't store RAW text but instead declare a byte array of the UTF8 values, this won't be as easy to read.
You can then handshake with your service using a salted hash of the key the first time the app is run, the service hands out another key for the device to actually use day-to-day.
The phone should have an almost accurate time, so you can recalculate the key each day or hour. You can also revoke the key at the server end for just that device.
This API will be useful in ensuring you can blacklist a device permanently.
I've not looked into symmetric encryption by you might even be able to use the above unique ID as a private key.
I think the key to success is that first hand-shake, and ensuring that is not snooped. If it's a really important system, then don't use any of these ideas since rolling your own encryption is always flimsy to anyone with serious intent - use well-known methods and read up.
You could introduce an "Authorized Application ID" feature where the application sends its name or identifier within each HTTP request body. Then on the server side you can verify the application's identity (e.g. store the authorized app ID's in a table). The application ID would be encrypted within the HTTP(S) body.
This would also give you the option of pushing out new application ID's in updated versions of the WP7 application if you wanted to get rid of an older application ID. You'd also be able support new applications on difference devices or platforms in the future.
You may want to look at this

Securly Storing OpenID identifiers and OAuth tokens

I am creating a web app that will use OpenID logins and OAuth tokens with Youtube. I am currently storing the OpenID identity and OAuth token/token secret in plain text in the database.
Is it inappropriate to store these values as plain text? I could use a one-way encryption for the OpenID identifier but I don't know if that is necessary. For the OAuth tokens, I would need to use a two-way encryption as my app relies on getting the session token for some uses.
Is it necessary to encrypt the OpenID identity? Could someone use it to gain access to a user's account?
First, there is a registered application that has consumer_key and consumer_secret.
When users authenticate and "allow" your registered application, you get back:
an access_token that is considered the user's "password" and would allow JUST YOUR application to act on the user's behalf.
So, getting just the user's access_token from your database won't help much if they don't also have the consumer_key and consumer_secret for complete access.
The service provider compares all 4 parameters on request. It would be smart to encrypt these 4 parameters before storage and decrypt them before response.
This is just when you need to update or make changes to the user's resource owner on behalf of a user. To keep a user logged-in on your site, use sessions.
The OAuth Token and Secret should both obviously be kept safe in your database, but you can't store them using 1 way encryption the same way you would for a password. The reason being is that you need the token and secret to be able to sign the request.
This would also be the case if you are running an OAuth server, you still need the original token/secret to verify the request.
If you want to you could still encrypt them using a 2 way encryption algorithm such as AES to offer security in case your database or database backups get compromised.
There's two schools of thought here.
The first argument is that: you should treat OAuth tokens like passwords. If anyone were to access your database, obtain all the OpenID/OAuth pairs and run an man-in-the-middle attack, they could impersonate any user on your site.
The second argument is this: by the time someone has access to your database and sufficient access to your network to run an man-in-the-middle attack, you're hosed anyway.
I'd personally err on the side of caution and just encrypt them; it's a standard practice for passwords, so you might as well give yourself just that little extra peace of mind.
Meanwhile, Google has this advice:
"Tokens should be treated as securely as any other sensitive information stored on the server."
source: http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OAuth.html
And some random guy on the web has specific implementation advice:
If they’re on a regular disk file, protect them using filesystem
permissions, make sure that they’re
encrypted, and hide the password well
If they’re in a database, encrypt the fields, store the key
well, and protect access to the
database itself carefully. *
If they’re in LDAP, do the same.
archived post (original post URL, now a dead link)
OpenID URL shouldn't be encrypted because this is your "open id" literally, everyone should know the value. Besides, the URL needs to be an index in the database and it's always problematic to encrypt the index in the database.
OAuth token/secret should be secret and encryption may improve security if you have to store the token long term. In our OAuth consumer application, token/secret is only stored in session for a short while and we choose not to encrypt them. I think that's secure enough. If someone can peek into our session storage, they probably have our encryption key also.
Yes, these should be symmetrically encrypted (say, AES-256 in CBC mode) at rest in a database. A simple way to encrypt these tokens is using SecureDB's Encryption as a Service RESTful APIs.
Disclosure: I work at SecureDB.
