Requiring unknown module "crypto" in react-native environment - reactjs

I'm writing a simple Twitter app using react-native. Using twit module to get twitter feeds and stream. Below is the code, it works fine node. However, when included into my react-native app, seeing error "Requiring unknown module "crypto"". Dependency seems to be myapp->twit->oauth->crypto (thats part of node v0.12.2). Any suggestions to get this working inside react-native environment?
var Twit = require('twit')
var T = new Twit({
, consumer_secret:''
, access_token:''
, access_token_secret:''
var filtered_tweets=[];
var error;
var isSuccess=false;
function getTweets(searchString){
T.get('search/tweets',{q:searchString, count:100}, getResponse);
function getResponse(err,data,response){
if(err) {
function handleGetErr(err){
enter code here
error = err;
function handleGetData(data){{
var twit={,
module.exports = getTweets;

The crypto module is a built-in Node module; React Native runs JS on JavaScriptCore (when on the device or simulator) and on Chrome itself (when using Chrome debugging), so modules that depend on built-in Node.js modules won't work. See the JavaScript Runtime section of the React Native docs for more info.
I'm not sure how hard it would be to integrate into a React Native app, but browser module bundlers like Browserify often have browser versions of core Node.js modules, like this one for crypto.

If you are using rn-nodeify as #emmby suggests, then you can use react-native-crypto. Instructions from the README:
npm i --save react-native-crypto
# install peer deps
npm i --save react-native-randombytes
react-native link react-native-randombytes
# install latest rn-nodeify
npm i --save-dev mvayngrib/rn-nodeify
# install node core shims and recursively hack package.json files
# in ./node_modules to add/update the "browser"/"react-native"
# field with relevant mappings
./node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --hack --install
rn-nodeify will create a shim.js in the project root directory
// index.ios.js or
// make sure you use `import` and not require!
import './shim.js'
// ...the rest of your code
But rn-nodeify also states:
If you're looking for a saner approach, check out ReactNativify. I haven't tested it myself, but I think philikon will be happy to help
With ReactNativify you create a rn-cli.config.js and then in a transformer.js you let Babel transform bundle dependencies using babel-plugin-rewrite-require:
// The following plugin will rewrite imports. Reimplementations of node
// libraries such as `assert`, `buffer`, etc. will be picked up
// automatically by the React Native packager. All other built-in node
// libraries get rewritten to their browserify counterpart.
[require('babel-plugin-rewrite-require'), {
aliases: {
crypto: 'crypto-browserify',
// ...
throwForNonStringLiteral: true,
(Note: You can also do this in without these 2 js files directly in .babelrc)
(Note2: Though ReactNativify is the cleaner way, it is still giving me issues wiring up crypto.getRandomValues for production-use in RN. See this question)

You can use the rn-nodeify module to get crypto on react-native.
Add rn-nodeify to your devDependencies in package.json:
"devDependencies": {
"rn-nodeify": "^6.0.1"
Add the following to the scripts section of the same file:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --install crypto --hack"
Be aware that rn-nodeify will modify your package.json.
More information available here:

React Native packager uses Babel under the hood. This means that you can use babel-plugin-rewrite-require Babel plugin to rewrite all require('crypto') calls to require('crypto-browserify'), assuming that the latter is installed in your node_modules.
As of January 2016, you can use .babelrc file to define optional configuration, so this becomes really easy. First, install the dependencies:
npm install --save crypto-browserify
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-rewrite-require
Then add plugins config to your .babelrc file:
"presets": ["react-native"],
"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-rewrite-require", {
"aliases": {
"crypto": "crypto-browserify"
Restart the packager and that should be it.
This is the same approach that ReactNativify uses, except that here we use .babelrc instead of defining custom transformer. When ReactNativify was written, it was not supported, so they had to go with more complex solution. See this file from ReactNativify for almost complete list of node polyfills.

I was having the same issue when implementing the Twilio package in my React Native app, and having React Native break over the crypto dependency.
As a work around I ended up creating a separate, stand alone Node/Express app to act as my server and take care of the Twilio logic I had. That way I removed all Twilio logic from my React Native app and moved it to Node. I then just called my Express route in React Native using fetch, which triggered the functionality I wanted to happen with Twilio. If you're unfamiliar with fetch here's a good starting point -
Making AJAX calls with Fetch in React Native
In addition, here's my question on the crypto dependency breaking my app:

As far I can see amazon-cognito-identity-js uses crypto-js 3.3.0 without any additional magic... If that version of the package works then perhaps try that.

After having tried a bunch of these solutions and never really having been satisfied with any of them (some didn't even work), I managed to stumble upon react-native-quick-crypto, which honestly worked much more effortlessly than trying to lift the existing crypto library to the front-end


Can't create npm package with nested react hooks via webpack

I'm trying to create npm package with some react hooks for my webrtc project. But found some mistakes
Current research process accumulated in github repo with reproducible example
According to project structure, problem looks like:
store/call <-- contains useCall and withCall. Call useDevices inside useCall
store/devices <-- contains useDevices and withDevices
entry -> store/call
entry -> store/devices
useDevices <-- return store
useCall <-- return store
useDevices <-- return undefined. PROBLEM HERE
What already try:
use dependOn - after this, ui failed with import bundle. Explained in webpack issue, but not result
move store/devices into separate subproject with webpack.config.js and import it in sdk. Add it into webpack "externals" in sdk. But nothing changed :(
Can anyone advice how to debug this or configure for valid results?

How to implement MobX in Create-React-App?

While studying React, and Redux, I was told to have a look at MobX as well, because it's much simpler. And I agree, I find it more intuitive when demonstrated to me.
But when I try to implement it in my React project I run into a lot of trouble, e.g. with the decorators, experimental syntax warnings and when fixed I run into a lot of more trouble.
And I can't follow tutorials, it does not look the same to me when I try it, new versions have arrived since then, etc..
After installing:
npm install mobx --save
npm install mobx-react --save
...what confuses me is the usage of the 2 files for further settings (or do I need just one of them?):
Do I have to create those files myself (or just one of them)?, and WHERE??
And I am also told by tutorials to change babel section in package.json, but there is no such section.
Right now I am stuck in a compiler (VSCode) error:
"Support for the experimental syntax ‘decorators-legacy’ isn’t currently enabled".
I did run the command:
npm install #babel/plugin-proposal-decorators
.. but there is still that error when compiling in VSCode.
In MobX 6 there is a new thing that will probably allow you to drop decorators altogether, makeAutoObservable:
import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx"
class Store {
// Don't need decorators now
string = 'Test String';
setString = (string) => {
this.string = string;
constructor() {
// Just call it here
makeAutoObservable (this);
With that you don't even need decorator syntax to be enabled.
More info here

requestAnimationFrame is not defined it Next.js with React Native Web (Animated module)

I'm working on Next.js and React-Native-Web. I managed to run them together following the official Next.js example but when I'm trying to use the Animated package from the react-native it fails with Error that the requestAnimationFrame isn't defined. Basically this functionality does the node_modules package but I set the alias in webpack to translate all react-native requires to the react-native-web so even the node_modules package should use the react-native-web.
Any suggestions on how to solve it?
ReferenceError: requestAnimationFrame is not defined
at start (...node_modules\react-native-web\
enter code here
Thanks for any help!
The problem is in the missed RequestAnimationFrame functionality at the server. This error happens when Next.js tries to render the component during SSR.
Unfortunately, there is no polyfill, etc. for such purpose so I just decided to use the Next.js dynamic imports for a Component that has animation functionality.
Next.js Official documentation
My own case оust to show how code looks:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const AutocompleteDropdown = dynamic(
() => import(
ssr: false,
Now you can use the AutocompleteDropdown as the standard JSX component
I'm coding an App with React Native Web and NextJS 12, and in 2021 I encounter this problem and I fixed it, but now I know my fix was only for Next Dev, because it returned for Next Production Build.
Solution details:
No Dynamic import (which is useful too, but can be annoying when having lot of components using it)
Using RAF polyfill and Webpack ProvidePlugin.
Main thing to have in mind is that next.config.js with webpack 5 is going to check the codes first before even reach next entry points _documents.js and _app.js. It means that, you can put polyfill in those entry point files, it will still raise error of RAF undefined. You have to make requestAnimationFrame ready for config check.
DEV approach that will work on Next DEV only. Install RAF package and In next.config.js add codes:
const raf = require('raf');
This will add requestAnimationFrame and cancelAnimationFrame function to global and window object if they don't have it. In our case, it would add it in global for NodeJS.
But this solution won't work when executing npm run dev. I don't know why, if anyone knows why Next or Webpack 5 act differently from DEV to PRODUCTION, let me know.
Complete Solution:
Use ProvidePlugin config of webpack 5 . Create a file to use as modules, let's say: raf.js in root project or anywhere you want:
const raf = require('raf');
const polys = {};
module.exports = polys.requestAnimationFrame;
And in next.config.js use it inside webpack: () = {} like:
webpack: (config, options) => {
// console.log('fallback', config.resolve.fallback);
if (options.isServer) {
// provide plugin
new options.webpack.ProvidePlugin({
requestAnimationFrame: path.resolve(__dirname, './raf.js'),
And now, it's up to you to adapt to your existing config logic. By doing this, in Production Build, NextJS is injecting the requestAnimationFrame function in Server Side everywhere a module is using it.

Setting up React router: how to use {import} in the browser?

I am following the React-router docs, but I have encountered an obstacle that is not really related to the router itself: Babel transpiles the {import} as require, which would be used by Express or Node.js on the server, but from what I understand from the docs, it is actually intended for client-side rendering.
Of course, the JSX file with the router transpiled using Babel and included into a HTML browser page does not work, since require is only used by express/node server-side.
May I ask how is it actually supposed to work in the browser?
Thank you
Babel's transpile of import produces code relying on CommonJS require, you're correct.
You're also correct that node offers a natire require implementation, whereas browsers do not.
There are tools - such as webpack, browserify, and requirejs (among others,) which each do at least two things:
to package up source into a single bundle
to expose that source in a way that satisfies require to match node, allowing you to use the same code at either side.
To that end, what you need to do is to pair babel with one of the packaging tools.
Webpack is more powerful; browserify is easier to use.
Here's a tiny gulpfile where I've automated the process. The relevant source clip is this:
gulp.task('browserify', ['babel'], function() {
var browserifyConfig = {},
bpack = browserify(browserifyConfig, { 'debug' : !production });
return bpack
.require('./dist/pbar.es5.js', { 'expose' : 'pbar' })
.on('error', errorHandler)
In order for commonjs like require statement to work in a browser environment. You will need to look into a bundling solution like:
A bundler will statically parse your commonjs files and their dependencies to create a bundle which can be used in the browser.
Internet is full of great examples on how they work.
Browserify is easier to get started than Webpack, however I would suggest you learn Webpack over Browserify. Webpack provides you much much more than just loading JS files with its extensive loaders, for example you can do something like:
const imgSrc = require('images/test.svg')
magical right?

jest testing with es6 + jspm + systemjs + reactJS

I'm trying to figure out how to make my unit tests in my reactJS ES6 application. My application is already using es6 module system, transpiled with jspm/babel to systemJs.
I found babel-jest as preprocessor but even with it, I can't run my tests because jest can't find SystemJs. ("System is not defined" error is shown in the console)
In the browser, as explained in jspm documentation, SystemJs is loaded globally. I guess I should load SystemJs inside my preprocessor, but How can I make systemJs available for loading additional modules in my tests?
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, Jest does not support SystemJS ES6 modules at the moment.
See the following comments:
So it sounds like jest assumes that your modules resolve based on the Node resolution algorithm.
Unfortunately this isn't compatible with SystemJS's resolution algorithm.
If there was a way in jest to set a "custom resolver" algorithm through an API then we could plug jspm into jest, but I'm not sure if this is currently possible.
-- Comment by Guy Bedford, creator of SystemJS, Jun 2015
It is unlikely there'll be official support for [SystemJS] unless it is a community contribution.
-- Comment by #cpojer, Jest Collaborator, Jan 2016
Also see the following issue: Invalid URL is thrown when requiring systemjs in jest test cases
in essence to get Jest to play nice with an app running on JSPM/SystemJS you need to "teach" it about all the mapping it holds in the config.js file (or however you call System.config())
the long answer is that you need to create an entry for each dependency you have installed with JSPM like this:
//jest configuration
moduleNameMapper: {
"^redux$": "redux#3.6.0",
for each alias you have, you need at least one entry:
moduleNameMapper: {
"^common\\/(.*)": "<rootDir>/src/common/$1", //for a dir alias
"^actions$": "<rootDir>/src/actions/index", //for a file alias
you also need to have these mappings in your nodeNameMapper:
moduleNameMapper: {
"^npm:(.*)": "<rootDir>/jspm_packages/npm/$1",
"^github:(.*)": "<rootDir>/jspm_packages/github/$1",
and finally, you need to have this moduleDirectories config:
moduleDirectories: ["node_modules", "jspm_packages/npm", "jspm_packages/github"]
this isnt really practical because you dont want to keep two copies of all your dependencies registry and have to sync them when they change...
so the short and better answer, you use my gulp-jest-jspm plugin :)
even if you dont use gulp, you can use its getJestConfig() method to generate the config for you before you run Jest.
