Episerver - Why BlockData doesn't implement IContent - episerver

Does anybody knows why BlockData class doesn't directly implement IContent?
I know that during BlockData is being retrieve from database, proxy created by Castle implements IContent.
If StackOverflow isn't suitable place for this kind of a question, please move it.

Johan Björnfot at EPiServer explains some of the details in this post.
"In previous versions of CMS was pages (PageData) the only content type that the content repository (traditionally DataFactory) handled. In CMS7 this has changed so now content repository (IContentRepository) handles IContent instances. This means that the requirement for a .NET type to be possible to save/load from content repository is that it implements the interface EPiServer.Core.IContent.
There are some implementations of IContent built into CMS like PageData and ContentFolder (used to group shared block instances) and it is also possible to register custom IContent implementations.If you look at BlockData though you will notice that it doesn’t implement IContent, how is then shared block instances handled?
The answer is that during runtime when a shared block instance is created (e.g. through a call to IContentRepository.GetDefault where T is a type inheriting from BlockData) the CMS will create a new .NET type inheriting T using a technic called mixin where the new generated subclass will implement some extra interfaces (including IContent)."

BlockData does implement IContent as it is intended to work both when added to another content item such as a PageData instance (a.k.a. Local Block), and as a standalone instance (a.k.a.Shared Block). In latter case the interface is added by using a mix-in though Castle Windsor so that it can be referenced.
The decision for this construct was based on wanting to be able to use the same rendering templates regardless if a block is local or shared. Therefor the choice stood between having a large number of empty properties on local blocks or the current solution using mixins. Both options were tested and mixins was selected as the preferred solution even though it's not a perfect one.

BlockData "does implement IContent", just do:
var myContent = (IContent)myBlock;
But, if you're by any chance handling a Block which itself is a property (not a ContentReference), that cast will throw an exception.
This will be true for 100% of all cases (... using Math.Round).


How obtain list of qooxdoo sublasses programmatically

I am working on a ClojureScript wrapper for qx.mobile and would like to programmatically build a cljs type hierarchy mirroring the qx class hierarchy.
Is there a way to get all the subclasses of a qooxdoo class?
How about a programmatic way to query the superclass of a class?
I am already putting qx.Class.getProperties to good use.
Thx, kt
The programmatic way of getting the superclass of a given class is documented at http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/apiviewer/#qx.Class
or getting the name of the superclass as a string
which means that e.g.
will return the string "qx.ui.core.LayoutItem".
Regarding the programmatic way to retreive all subclasses of a class:
This is currently not possible without iterating the whole class hierarchy/tree and testing the objects against being subclasses of the given class.
We discussed at https://gitter.im/qooxdoo/qooxdoo that it maybe would be usefull to create an array for each class holding the subclasses. This could be added to the code of the private method __createClass in qx.Class.
We would like to encourage everyone who needs this (or other) functionalities to join us on https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/ and help extending qooxdoo by creating a pull requests. Thank you.
After digging arround a bit in qx.Class we decided to implement a method qx.Class.getSubclasses which returns a hash object with all subclasses of a given class.
var subclasses = qx.Class.getSubclasses(qx.ui.core.Widget);
gets all subclasses of qx.ui.core.Widget.
Landed in qooxdoo master with commit https://github.com/qooxdoo/qooxdoo/pull/9037

Should I dispose HtmlElement instances?

In WinForms, the WebBrowser control has a Document property in type HtmlDocument. The HtmlDocument instance has properties/methods like Forms, Links, GetElementsByTagName(), etc. that returns HtmlElementCollection instances. When I iterate over an HtmlElementCollection I am getting HtmlElement instances. These HtmlElement instances have DomElement properties which is a reference to the underlying COM object. My question is, should I call Marshal.ReleaseComObject() method on these HtmlElement instances or does WinForms manage the references internally?
Manual memory management is always a bad idea, particularly so with COM objects. You can get an opinion about it from the experts, the blog post from the Visual Studio team brings the point home pretty well.
Just in case you still think it is a good idea, the Winforms team has already made the decision for you. The interface pointer wrapped by classes like HtmlDocument, HtmlElement, HtmlWindow, HtmlElementCollection etcetera is a private variable of the class. You simply can't get to it, not without breaking every rule in the book anyway.
It is not entirely impossible to have a problem, these wrapper class objects are pretty small so you may have a problem with the garbage collector not running often enough to ensure the underlying COM objects are released. GC.Collect() is the fallback for that. Only use it if necessary.
If you don't call the ReleaseComObject function, the objects will be released automatically by winforms. Msdn says it can be used to control the lifetime of an object, but it is not necessary.

Ninject ActivationBlock as Unit of Work

I have a WPF application with MVVM. Assuming object composition from the ViewModel down looks as follows:
My original approach was to inject dependencies (from the ViewModelLocator) into my View Model using .InCallScope() on the EFContext and .InTransientScope() for everything else. This results in being able to perform a "business transaction" across multiple business layer objects (Managers) that eventually underneath shared the same Entity Framework Context. I would simply Commit() said context at the end for a Unit of Work type scenario.
This worked as intended until I realized that I don't want long living Entity Framework contexts at the View Model level, data integrity issues across multiple operations described HERE. I want to do something similar to my web projects where I use .InRequestScope() for my Entity Framework context. In my desktop application I will define a unit of work which will serve as a business transaction if you will, typically it will wrap everything within a button click or similar event/command. It seems that using Ninject's ActivationBlock can do this for me.
internal static class Global
public static ActivationBlock GetNinjectUoW()
//assume that NinjectSingleton is a static reference to the kernel configured with the necessary modules/bindings
return new ActivationBlock(NinjectSingleton.Instance.Kernel);
In my code I intend to use it as such:
//Inside a method that is raised by a WPF Button Command ...
using (ActivationBlock uow = Global.GetNinjectUoW())
OrderManager orderManager = uow.Get<OrderManager>();
UserManager userManager = uow.Get<UserManager>();
Order order = orderManager.GetById(1);
To me this seems to replicate the way I do business on the web, is there anything inherently wrong with this approach that I've missed?
Am I understanding correctly that all .Get<> calls using the activation block will produce "singletons" local to that block? What I mean is no matter how many times I ask for an OrderManager, it'll always give me the same one within the block. If OrderManager and UserManager compose the same repository underneath (say SpecialRepository), both will point to the same instance of the repository, and obviously all repositories underneath share the same instance of the Entity Framework context.
Both questions can be answered with yes:
Yes - this is service location which you shouldn't do
Yes you understand it correctly
A proper unit-of-work scope, implemented in Ninject.Extensions.UnitOfWork, solves this problem.
// resolves, async/await, manual TPL ops, etc

MyGroups not implemented in Communicator.UIAutomation

I'm working on a out of browser Silverlight app that provides some MS Office Communicator 2007 controls. I'm using the Automation SDK. The docs that were installed with the SDK state that there's a MyGroups property in the IMessenger2 interface, which will return the groups that a user has defined, but when I try to use it, I get a NotImplementedException. Here's the code that I'm using:
dynamic communicator = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Communicator.UIAutomation");
foreach (dynamic g in communicator.MyGroups)
//Do something with the group
If I replace MyGroups with MyContacts, I can get the contact list just fine. Do I have to do something different to access properties in the IMessenger2 interface? I've seen a few things on the web that say that MyGroups was deprecated for Windows Messenger, but from the docs, it seems like it should be available for MS Office Communicator.
If I can't use MyGroups, is there another way to get the groups that a user has created?
The problem here is that the MyGroups property is marked as NotScriptable, meaning you can't call it in the way you are doing i.e. using the AutomationFactory. For security reasons, some properties and methods in the Automation API are not scriptable - this is to avoid malicious pages automating Communicator and carrying out certain tasks without you knowing.
It looks like the COM interop in Silverlight is treated in the same way as e.g. creating and calling the API from VBScript, so you won't be able to access any of the non-scriptable properties and methods. See the reference for details of which properties and methods are not scriptable.
I'm guessing this is going to seriously hobble your app. I think what's hurting you is the decision to go with Silverlight OOB. Is there any way you could use WPF (or even winforms) rather than Silverlight? If you did this, you could reference the API directly, and have full access to all properties/methods.
Otherwise, I can't think of too many options. You can't trap the OnContactAddedToGroup event, as this is not scriptable.
It might be possible to wrap the API with a .NET assembly, and expose it via COM, then instantiate it in the same way - but the Not Scriptable might still be respected in that case, so it won't buy you anything. Hard to say without trying it, and still a fairly horrible solution.
Edit: I've just given the wrapper method a try (needed to do something similar as a proof of concept for a customer), and it seems to work. This is the way I did it:
Create a new .NET class library. Define a COM interface:
public interface IComm
string GetMyGroups();
Define a class that implements that interface (you'll need to reference CommunicatorAPI.dll from the SDK):
public class Comm : IComm
public string GetMyGroups()
var comm = new CommunicatorAPI.MessengerClass();
var groups = comm.MyGroups as IMessengerGroups;
return string.Join(", ", groups.OfType<IMessengerGroup>().Select(g => g.Name).ToArray());
Build, and register using RegAsm. Then call from the OOB silverlight app:
dynamic communicator = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Test.Comm.1");
Note, the same technique also works using the Lync API:
public string GetMyGroups()
var comm = LyncClient.GetClient();
return string.Join(", ", comm.ContactManager.Groups.Select(g => g.Name).ToArray());
Although this works, I can't really say whether it's a good practice, as it's working around a security restriction which was presumably there for a good reason. I guess the worst that could happen is that a malicious web page could potentially use the component, if it knew the ProgId of the control.
Edit: Also, using this method you'd need to be careful about memory leaks, e.g. make sure you're releasing COM objects when you're finished with them - easy enough to do, just needs a little discipline ;o)

How can I loosely reference modules in Prism so they can or cannot exist?

In this stackoverflow question I learned that Prism/Unity is not as decoupled as I thought, e.g. if I have this class which gets menuManager injected into its constructor, then I have to make sure that this class actually exists somewhere (I thought that you could just pull the .dll that contains the class and the container would deal with it, e.g. injecting a null in its place):
public class EmployeesPresenter
public EmployeesPresenter(IMenuManager menuManager)
But I can deal with that: the application cannot run without a MenuModule (or else as was suggested I could have a NullMenuModule which does nothing but keeps the application from breaking).
However, the application I am building will have a MenuManager class in the MenuModule and every module will have to register everything it wants to have in the menu with the MenuManager. However, I want to be able to swap out MenuModules e.g. have a InfragisticsMenuModule and have a TelerikMenuModule, etc.
However, when I am in e.g. the CustomersModule, in order to use TelerikMenuModule, I need to reference it. And when I want to use InfragisticsMenuModule, I need to reference that.
So how will I be able to "hot swap" TelerikMenuModule with InfragisticsMenuModule without recompiling all my modules with new references, e.g. I want to replace this:
with this:
and simply be able to restart the application and it runs with the new InfragisticsMenuModule.dll and does not complain that TelerikMenuModule.dll no longer exists.
This is where interfaces come in. You need something like:
public interface IMenuSystem
// whatever operations need to be offered by a menu system
Application.exe and Customers.dll may only refer to that interface. They aren't allow to know about a specific implementation.
Then you would use configuration steps (calling Register... methods or using a config file) to specify which type will provide the implementation of MenuSystem.
For obvious reason MEF comes to mind here and is designed for stuffs like this. I haven't had a chance to use Unity, so I'm not sure if it has something built in like this (i.e. scanning a directory for an IMenuModule implementation), but MEF can do this.
Suggestion also is to put this IMenuModule in a common assembly (separate from your other assembly). I usually called this thing Something.Core.dll.
So you might have: Application.exe, Customer.dll, Application.Core.dll, and your specific MenuModule implementation.
Your specific MenuModule implementation will reference the Application.Core assembly to gain access to its IMenuModule interface and implement it there.
