How do I include the Extjs 5.1 features to the Eclipse? - extjs

I am trying add Extjs plugin to eclipse. But it was not working. Can anyone help me how can I include Ext js features to eclipse.


why angularjs is not supported in old eclipse versions

I am new to anugularjs. I am having eclipse Indigo service. I am able to execute some of the angularjs example using notepad++ but routing examples are not working so I tried to use eclipse, but angularjs simple examples are also not working eclipse version: indigo service release 2.Do I need to install any plugins for it to support.

Sencha plugin problems with IntelliJ

I am new to Sencha and Intellij. I downloaded the sencha plugin, but it tells me it won't run because of dependencies on JavaScript and com.intellij.css. Where/how to I get those into the IDE ?
The plugin will only work in IDEA Ultimate, because the Javascript and CSS plugins are not included in the Community edition.
Alternatively, it should work with other IDEs that contain these plugins (RubyMine, WebStorm etc).

Version of Ext JS used by AEM 6.1

Which version of Ext JS library does AEM 6.1 use? Is there a direct way/console to find this out?
It uses v3.4.0 of ExtJS on top of which the AEM Widget Library is built. You can find the details at /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/ext/release-notes.html
The following Note is also available at
Adobe Experience Manager is built upon ExtJS 3.4.0.

How to Add AngularJS 1.4 in Visual Studio 2015 RC Cordova TypeScript Project

I have a Visual Studio 2015 RC and create a TypeScript Cordova project.
I want to use AngularJS in this project, but after search for a long time, there's no such step by step guide telling me how to apply AngularJS 1.4 in VS2015RC TypeScript Cordova project.
Could someone share me the steps about how to add AngularJS in the TypeScript Cordova project of VS2015RC?
ps. there's a AngularJSToDo demo project, but it's not TypeScript version.
thanks a lot.
Could someone share me the steps about how to add AngularJS in the TypeScript Cordova project of VS2015RC?
Add angular.js
Get definitions for angular :
Start using TypeScript .ts files like any other angular project e.g.

Source Code of Ext JS Examples

I saw some examples from a JavaScript library: Ext JS i.e.:
I have some knowledge about JQuery developed some applications. How can I get sources of that examples to try them myself and what should I download to run them?
They are in the extjs package /ext-4.0.2a/examples/key-feed-viewer.
Download link:
Newest versions of Ext js for download are:
For Extjs version 4.2.0 you can download it here
Ext js 5 can download it here ( Ext js 5 has a trial period )
