How to pass a state className variable to another component in react - reactjs

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do things but i want to pass one class name variable to another component in react.
This is a button which launch an animation onClick just adding one className to few elements of it. Also i created the var = overlay this.state.cliked ? 'open' : '' to launch an overlay, if i have the overlay html on the same component it works fine but i have to do little components as i can.
var React = require('react');
var OverlayView = require('./OverlayView.jsx');
var StatusBarButtonView = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {cliked: false};
handleClick: function(event) {
this.setState({cliked: !this.state.cliked});
render: function() {
var fondo = this.state.cliked ? 'active' : '';
var overlay = this.state.cliked ? 'open' : '';
return (
<div className={"statusbar-button-container " + (fondo)} onClick={this.handleClick}>
<img src="images/navbar-element-icon-cross.png" className={"rotate " + (fondo)}/>
<OverlayView className={overlay} />
module.exports = StatusBarButtonView;
As you see the is the component of the overlay i want to pass to this component but im not sure if it can just be alone and be launched when this one handle the click. im a bit lost with react, not so much online info and im new with this.
This is the Overlay component:
var React = require('react');
var OverlayView = React.createClass({
return (
<div className={"overlay overlay-slidedown " + this.props.class}>
module.exports = OverlayView;
I'm not sure how to do this, im looking for examples around the web but nothing very clear for me :(

Use this:
<div className={`statusbar-button-container ${fondo}`} onClick={this.handleClick}>
Note: Make difference between ' and ` (known as backticks). This sign on keyboard is just left to 1 and above tab.

Passing class names as strings between components and even appending class names in the same component is error-prone and not ideal. I'd suggest using the classSet() helper:
In your case, instead of passing a class prop to the OverlayView component, you should ideally pass a prop that describes the state of the component. Within the OverlayView component, compute the correct classes to be applied using the classSet helper.
For example, instead of using this:
<OverlayView className={overlay} />
you could simply pass in the state variable:
<OverlayView isOpen={this.state.cliked} />
In your OverlayView component, you would then create a classes object using the className helper:
var classes = cx({
'overlay': true,
'overlay-slidedown': true,
'open': this.props.isOpen
And change the line in your render() function to use the classes object:
<div className={classes}>

I tried this part of your code...
return (
<div className={"overlay overlay-slidedown " + this.props.class}>
And it seemed to work perfectly for me. It solved my problem: a prop failing to interpolate when I want to display it next to some static text.
I find this better than the accepted answer, because that solved the problem by parameterizing the extra concat'd values, when this is often not desired and against general encapsulation philosophy.

I find it much neater to place the classes in an array, and then reference that:
const styles = [
return (
<div className={styles.join(" ")}>


React- onClick styling of currentTarget

I am trying to build a simple dynamically updated, interactive list that styles each <li></li> according to the css rules of a .clicked class, when you click on them.
The app is composed of two components, a parent and a child and the code in question is the following (taken from the child):
handleClick(e) {
render() {
let ar = this.props.sentences;
let pro =,i)=>{ return (<li id={i} key={i} className={i%2==0 ? "white" : "grey"}
onClick={this.handleClick}>{x}</li>); })
return (
<ul id="ul">{ pro }</ul>
What is happening here is basically that the parent is passing to the child a sentences prop (an array of sentences that will form the basis for the formation of a dynamic list).
The controversial part is me using DOM manipulation in the form of document.getElementById("class","two");
in order to change the class of the dynamically created html from jsx.
The code above works, however it does not feel as best practice. The whole advantage in using react is to use virtual dom and optimize the way the DOM is updated.
My questions are the following:
1) Am I right to feel this way? (that my solution is not best practice?)
2) (If so, ) How can I structure my code in order to use the virtual dom machinery react offers?
If you know this question to be a duplicate, please leave a comment and I ll remove it.
1) Am I right to feel this way? (that my solution is not best practice?)
It is correct to assume that this is not an ideal approach, manipulating the DOM via vanilla js in React has its place (Example Use Cases) but should not be done unless absolutely necessary. Also, it is not ideal to use the index from as the key on your components as if they change order it can cause confusion for React as the keys would map differently in that case.
2) (If so, ) How can I structure my code in order to use the virtual dom machinery react offers?
You should make use of the component state. If you want each clicked element to maintain the clicked class then make a piece of state that caches the elements that have already recieved the clicked class. if only the most recently clicked element gets the clicked class then simply cache an identifier to the appropriate element in the state. You could also use refs for this purpose though the overusage of them is somewhat discouraged by facebook.
Here is a quick snipped that will toggle the click class on each <li>
class Test extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
clicked: {}
render() {
let ar = this.props.sentences;
let pro =, i) => {
const color_class = i % 2 === 0 ? "white" : "grey";
const clicked_class = this.state.clicked[i] === true ? "clicked" : "";
let clicked = Object.assign({}, this.state.clicked); // Dont mutate state!!!
return (
className={`${color_class} ${clicked_class}`}
onClick={e => {
if (clicked.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
delete clicked[i];
} else {
clicked[i] = true;
this.setState({ clicked });
return (
<ul id="ul">

onClick not being called ReactJS

Before downvoting, I've been through plenty of other solutions on SO around this same issue and can't find an answer that resolves this issue.
I'm having trouble trying to get the onClick attribute to fire off my function, here's a piece from the problematic component:
constructor() {
this.state = {
submissionFormCount: 0
this.addToSubmissionFormCount = this.addToSubmissionFormCount.bind(this);
<div className="row">
<div className="col s12 m12 l12">
<h5 onClick={this.addToSubmissionFormCount} style={beatSubmissionStyles.colorize}><span>(Plus) </span>add another beat</h5>
addToSubmissionFormCount() {
submissionFormCount: this.state.submissionFormCount++
I'm rendering the app from an Express server using 'react-dom/server'
Here's how I am rendering the component:
exports.beatSubmission = (req, res) => {
const appString = renderToString(<App type="beatSubmission"/>);
body: appString
I think you're only rendering your react components on the server side. The reason I think this is because of the following code you've copied:
exports.beatSubmission = (req, res) => {
const appString = renderToString(<App type="beatSubmission"/>);
body: appString
You're rendering the component to a string and shipping the string to the frontend as static HTML. While this will indeed give you properly rendered markup, it will result in a non-interactive app.
To have click handlers work, you also need to compile your JS, and include it for use on the frontend like this:
renderToString(<Html assets={webpackIsomorphicTools.assets()} store={store}/>));
There are a few ways to do this. You can manually add a script file with your JS pre-packaged for the frontend in your template or you can use Webpack Isomorphic Tools.
I suspect you read a react tutorial that lead you down the isomorphic (server/client side rendered) path. You can run react on the server, the client side or both. Running it on both takes some work, but results in an app that "feels" faster.
I can't see any problem with the code. However, the only thing that comes to my mind is if you're rendering the <h5> in a function of some sort, maybe mapping and array for example. If so, you need to define var self = this in the render function before the return, then use self.addToSubmissionFormCount.
P.S. I don't recommend using onClick handler in <h5> tag
Change your h5 into an anchor tag. So replace:
<h5 onClick={this.addToSubmissionFormCount} style={beatSubmissionStyles.colorize}><span>(Plus) </span>add another beat</h5>
<a onClick={this.addToSubmissionFormCount} style={beatSubmissionStyles.colorize}><span>(Plus) </span>add another beat</a>
You can style your anchor anyway you want afterwards. For example if you want to not have a cursor when hovering then add cursor: none
You should not mutate the state of react.

How to setState to one particular component instance in RefluxJS?

I'm currently doing one small project in React + Flux (RefluxJS) and I faced wit one issue I can't solve. I would be very gratefully if someone of you can give me a hand.
Here you have the link to GitHub with the whole project in order to facilitate your help, it's a simplest version just to reproduce the problem I faced.
My doubt is, how can I use one component in the same view with different content. Let me explain:
I have on component in, "components/threads.jsx" which in summary render this peace of code getting the data from the store ("stores/thread-store.jsx") throug a fake API ("utils/api.jsx"):
renderThreads: function() {
return, i) {
return (
<div key={}>
<div className="row">
<div className="col-md-10">
<a data-toggle="collapse" href={'#thread-' +} className="faq-question">{}</a>: <small>{thread.content}</small>
<div className="row">
<div className="col-lg-12">
<div id={'thread-' +} className="panel-collapse collapse ">
<Posts id={} />
As yo can see, I have another component nested called "Posts" in "components/thread-posts.jsx" which is rendered for each thread is mapped. In the "Posts" component I have this peace of code:
module.exports = React.createClass({
mixins: [
Reflux.listenTo(PostsStore, 'onChange'),
getInitialState: function() {
return {
posts: []
componentDidMount: function() {
render: function() {
return (
renderPosts: function() {
if(this.state.posts.comments != undefined){
return, i) {
<div key={i} className="faq-answer">
onChange: function(event, posts) {
posts: posts,
Here comes the problem. When finish the render, all the threads have the same posts, in particular the lasts ones were set. I think is related with the states, if they change it will be change in all the components were rendered.
So, my question is, how can I deal with it in order to have the posts according to its thread but using the same component? If it's not posible, which is the best solution to do that?
I hope explained myself as well as enough to understand me.
I will be very gratefully if you can give me a hand in this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Yes if you share the Store with your View then latest one will be overwrite your previous Component's data
you have to create a separate variable which can hold the data of each API Call and when call API you have to pass the Key like
let's take one example
I have one Component it's called MainComponent
I want to use same Component on same page twice but the data should be different for both component
I have one Store for MainComponent called MainStore
In MainStore I have one Method called getData like
//API Call
now I am calling this method from my MainComponent from componentDidMount event like
//if you used Action then you have to called like
// if you directly called
here this.props.Key you have to pass from the parent component which should 1 or 2
now come to store we have passed the Key so now we have to check condition while we received a data from API
suppose I have taken one variable in which I am storing the data which is return by API like
now you have to create two methods for store the data based on key
var _data,_data1
function loaddata(APIdata,key)
and in your store you to methods for getting the data like
return _data;
return _data1;
now your getintialState of MainComponent Should be
and your MainComponent render function should be
var LatestData;
else if(this.props.Key===2)

React - how to do jQuery style find() to find children of a DOM node?

I've got a component that returns this:
return (
<div className="audio-widget">
I need to do the equivalent of:
handleWheel(event) {
let $canvas = $('.audio-widget').find('canvas');
The canvas is drawn programatically by a 3rd party script, so I can't just slap an ID on it (especially since this is a component and there are several per page).
Excuse the extreme n00b question, I'm brand new to React. Thanks!
This is a good use case for the ref prop. If you give a component a ref prop, e.g. ref="foo", upon rendering that component will be available as e.g. Then you can get the rendered DOM node with React.findDOMNode.
render() {
// ...
return (
<div ref="audioWidget" className="audio-widget">
handleWheel(event) {
let canvas = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.audioWidget)
// ...
You can learn more about refs here:
I think, it's a bad way to direct access 'canvas' with selector, the reason is as follows:
When you component changed, the React will do some diff works, then update your dom with a best way, that means, the node you get with selector may be changed to another node just for 'the best way'.
You can build a 'Child Component', and do something in the 'handleWheel' of the 'Parent Component', then communicate with the 'Child Component' through the 'props' for 'Child Component'

Is this good practice store state in variable?

I have just started to study ReactJS and have some questions. I was reading documentation here, but I can't find the answer I am looking for. Here is an example:
var Awesome = React.createClass({
getInitialState:function() {
return {
txt : ["1","2","3","4","5"],
isTrue : true
handleClick:function() {
isTrue : !this.state.isTrue
render:function() {
var changeStyle = {
display: this.state.isTrue ? "block" : "none"
var message = {
return <SubChild change={changeStyle} txt={oneMessage}/>
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick} >Click Me</button>
var SubChild = React.createClass({
render:function() {
return (
<div style={this.props.change}>
React.render(<Awesome />, document.body)
Everything works fine, but I have some questions. As you can see I store my state inside a variable. Is this the best practice? How can I achieve the same result without variables inside render function or actually without states (I am trying to avoid state). Is this possible?
Here is my Fiddle
Why State Variables?
The idea of using state variables is to have changing / dynamic data, ie if anything about the component is changing, it should be defined as a state variable in the component so user interaction can result in change of this variable and a change in this variable causes the effected component to re-render.
Use of Properties
If some value is changed for each instance of the component and is uneffected by user interaction or component state change, it should be defined as a property so it can be assigned only once at instantiation.
In all cases, we cannot really avoid the use of variables inside the render
