Skrollr for Mobile - mobile

I have been playing around with skrollr for awhile but I am getting stuck when trying to get it to consistently work well on mobile devices, I like how the demo works really well on mobile.
So, how is this implemented to get the desired result, if this is what I need at all? I also don't want to use the skrollr-body container as this causes other problems.
My test page is on mobiles this works but seems to screw up after orientation change or refresh.


Tips to make Codename One PeerComponents z-ordering working

I created a PeerComponent, that is a port in Codename One of the Horizon Camera SDKs. At the moment, it simply shows a live-preview of the camera.
I tried to add a Label over the PeerComponent: the Label is on top only in Android. On iOS, the Label is on bottom (that means invisible).
I've done a lot of trials to get a correct z-ording on iOS, without success.
My question is which tips, suggestions or checks can I do to make z-ordering working properly on iOS also. Thanks.
Normally it should "just work", there is no special treatment. I think horizon paints in an area we rely on and doesn't paint when we expect it to. Looking at their sample code I see that they reference top and bottom elements which might allow working around this.

Why is there a slight lag between native apps and "desktop" apps?

So I'm not really sure how to explain this but I will try my best.
I created a jsfiddle:
As you quickly hover over each text, you can see that the background color changes. This is just a simple div with a css hover property. Here is the kicker though, go to your address bar and type in any letter and you get a drop down of items, like so.
Now, quickly hover your mouse over the items in the dropdown. And then go back to the jsfiddle and hover your mouse over its items. You can tell that the chrome versions` background color feels more responsive. It's rarely noticable, but I can tell. Why is that?
Is this because Chrome's a Native application that doesn't rely on CSS or the DOM? If so, does this mean that native apps are generally more responsive in user interface applications? Thanks ~
Chrome is a software program running on your device. jsfiddle is, in part, a program that communicates with Chrome via the internet. Each transaction between the browser and jsfiddle takes tens of milliseconds, perhaps hundreds, and there can be a multitude of back and forth operations to serve one page and its in-betweens. In addition, Chrome is written in a language that runs in your machines native processing language while communication with jsfiddle is all interpreted by Chrome first, not to mention some processing is done on the jsfiddle server before being sent to your browser.
tl,dr; Programs running on your computer can do things a lot faster if they don't have to communicate with other programs over the internet.

Codename One - Crash due to TextFields

I had my app working just fine a few days ago and then I noticed the first problem. I had to tap twice in order to make a button go to the next screen. Also happened to the checkBoxes. Had to tap twice to make them change.
But now it got serious. Since yesterday when I tap on a TextField the app freezes and then crashes.
The only significant changes I remember I did were 2: I uploaded an image for the App Icon and I edited the TitleArea UIID. I removed the TOP and BOTTOM margins. It also affected some of my label and button UIID, because now they don't show on the device
When I run the simulator, the doble tap also occurs, but the TextFields work fine and the Button and Label UIID look the way they should.
Any ideas why this happens?
I am right now working with old versions to try to determine the reason, but no luck so far. Thanks
Use a solid color rather than a gradient with the same colors. Gradients are slow and problematic across platforms so you are paying a lot for something that you aren't even using.
We'll need a better test case to reproduce crashing, I think that what you initially saw when you submitted the issue was a regression in the text input that we since resolved in the build servers.

Viewing design in different sized browsers?

I've just starting reading about responsive design and I want to start learning more and more about it.
The first thing that has occurred to me is how to actually view your work in different screen sizes.
Is there a standard tool that people use on there computers to simulate there work on all different devices?? Or do you just check your work on the different devices??
Currently I've just been moving my browser to approximate sizes and it feels really unprofessional.
In Chrome, if you press [F12], on the top left corner, you have an icon which look like a mobile phone, then in your page, you can select the device model, and the screen resolution

Fire event on Opera Mobile browser for orientation change

How can I fire an event when orientation is changed on a mobile device.
onresize works fine on iPod Touch but not on mobile device using Opera mobile as browser.
Any help on how to fire event on Opera mobile.
Abhishek Jain
I've racked the web trying to find a good solution to this, I was in the same boat. There dosn't seem to be any really fantastic solutions out there, but what I use is this. Like I said not the best option, but mobile and mini Opera don't seem to fire anything catchable when the screen is resized. Since I'm looking at mobile devices I set the viewport to which ever (width/height) is smallest. When the user turns their device it will at least be kind of intuative.
Edit: I actually did this and coupled it together with a update width&height routine on my div's, based on screen.width/height, and it turned out pretty good.
