updating a single value in localstorage - angularjs

So i've got this piece of code to update the date and time a person leaves in localstorage
$scope.visitorout = function(){
var dateout1 = new Date();
var signout = JSON.parse(localStorage["allVisitors"]);
for(var i=0;i<signout.length;i++)
if (signout[i].id===signout[i].id) signout[i].dateout = dateout1;
localStorage["allVisitors"] = JSON.stringify(signout);
but whenever i call the function, it changes all the values of dateout for every single thing in local storage but i only want it to change just one
I have modified the code to this:
$scope.visitorOut = function(id){
var allVisitors = JSON.parse(localStorage["allVisitors"]);
var visitor;
for(var i=0; i<allVisitors.length; i++){
visitor = allVisitors[i];
if (allVisitors[i].id === visitor.id) {
visitor.dateout = new Date();
localStorage["allVisitors"] = JSON.stringify(allVisitors);
It updates the 'dateout' but for just the same item in localstorage and the console.log displays the same id each time...
<div class="list">
<a class="item item-icon-left item-icon-right" ng-repeat="visit in visits | orderBy: '-date'" ng-click="visitorOut(id); closesignout()" ng-hide="visit.hide">
<i class="icon ion-person"></i>
{{visit.fname}} {{visit.lname}}
<i class="icon ion-log-out" ng-click="hideMe(visit)"></i>

This code looks like a bug. You are comparing an object to itself (which will always be true):
if (signout[i].id===signout[i].id)

This function needs to know which visitor to update. Wherever you're calling this function, you need to pass in at least the userId (if not the full user object) something like: $scope.visitorOut(user.id) or from html: <myElement ng-click="visitorOut(user.id)" />
$scope.visitorOut = function(userId){
var allVisitors = JSON.parse(localStorage["allVisitors"]);
var visitor;
for(var i=0; i<allVisitors.length; i++){
visitor = allVisitors[i];
if (visitor.id === userId) {
visitor.dateout = Date.now();
localStorage["allVisitors"] = JSON.stringify(signout);
Note that I've used Date.now() here instead of new Date(). It's much easier to work with timestamps than Dates if you're going to stringify it. A timestamp can be converted to a Date like this:
var myDate = new Date(visitor.dateOut);
But if you want to convert a stringified date back to a Date object... it gets complicated (click).
I also changed the variable names a bit. Camelcase is a useful naming convention that aides readability, and from reading the rest of the code the signout variable seems to actually be an array of visitor objects, not an array of signouts, so I renamed that too.


AngularJs Auto Complete Search

So this works with static data, but when I push data with a $http this autocomplete does not work. The data pushes to the empty array of airport_list but something is happening when I try to use airport_list in for the autocomplete. Not sure what is is. I can only find answers which pertain to static data.
This is updated per everyones help.
Here is the controller
app.controller('selectCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.airport_list = null;
url: 'someUrl.com',
method: 'GET'
.then((response) => {
angular.forEach(response.data.airports, function(value, key) {
$scope.airport_list = response.data.airports;
$scope.airports = $scope.airport_list;
$scope.selectAirport = function(string) {
$scope.airport = string;
$scope.hidelist = true;
Here is the template
<div class="control">
<div class="airport-container-dropdown" ng-hide="hidelist">
ng-repeat="airport in airports"
{{ airport.name }}
I really would like to do this without using bootstrap typeahead.
Thank you for looking at this.
I have made changes as recommended by below answers and the $http request is feeding into the autocomplete as a whole list but searching by name does not work and clicking on name sets [object, object]
this would be the code which is specific to that functionality.
$scope.searchFor = function(string) {
$scope.hidelist = false;
const output = [];
angular.forEach($scope.airport_list, function(airport) {
if (airport[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(string.toLowerCase(airport)) >=
0) {
$scope.airports = output;
$scope.selectAirport = function(string) {
$scope.airport = string;
$scope.hidelist = true;
Try this:
$scope.airport_list = response.data.airports;
What I am seeing is that you have an array: $scope.airport_list = [];
When you make your http request, you push what I would understand to be an array of airports into that array. So you end up with your airport array from the backend at the first position of $scope.airport_list, vs. $scope.airport_list being the actual list.
For your search method, you should change the following:
In your HTML:
In your JS:
I've renamed your function and changed the input variable to be more clear. You were passing in a full airport, but treating it as a string. You need to compare your provided airport name to that of the airports in the array. So you iterate over the array, and compare each element's name property to what you pass in.
$scope.searchFor = function(airportName) {
$scope.hidelist = false;
const output = [];
angular.forEach($scope.airport_list, function(airport) {
if (airport.name.toLowerCase() === airportName) {
$scope.airports = output;
I have provided minimal changes to your code to implement this, however I suggest you look at this SO post to filter drop down data more appropriately.
Angularjs Filter data with dropdown
If you want to simply filter out what is displayed in the UI, you can try this in your HTML template. It will provide a text field where you supply a partial of the airport name. If at least one character is entered in that box, the list will display on the page, with the appropriate filtering applied. This will avoid having to call functions on change, having a separate array, etc.
<input type="text" name="airport" id="airport" ng-model="airportSearch.name" placeholder="From..." />
<div class="airport-container-dropdown" ng-hide="!airportSearch.name">
<div class="airport-list"
ng-repeat="airport in airport_list | filter:airportSearch"
{{ airport.name }}

How to get the key of a firebaseArray object

I am trying to get the key for a returned firebaseArray record but am having no luck.
I have aservice that runs the following to return a store
getStore: function(uid, id){
var ref = firebase.database().ref('u/'+uid+'/stores/'+id+'/i/');
// to take an action after the data loads, use the $loaded() promise
return $firebaseArray(ref);
I use the following to get eeach record by calling the service
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.storesList.length; i++){
var storeInfo = Stores.getStore($rootScope.user['uid'], $scope.storesList[i]['$id']);
In my html I can access various properties within the array
<li ng-repeat="store in stores">
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('name').$value}}</span>
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('address1').$value}}</span>
But I cannot seem to get the id for each store record from within the ng-repeat
To get the id simply call the $id on the item.
<li ng-repeat="store in stores">
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('name').$value}}</span>
<span class="store-address">{{store.$getRecord('address1').$value}}</span>
<span class="store-address">{{store.$id}}</span>
See: https://github.com/firebase/angularfire/blob/master/docs/reference.md#firebasearray
Instead of getting yourself complicated, try this simple code!
var ref = new Firebase(url);
ref.once("value", function(list) {
var subData = list.val();
var subDataKey = list.key();
This must help you!
I solved this by switch from firebaseArray to firebaseObject which contains an $id parameter

How to append a new value to an item within an array in Firebase?

Within Firebase, I have a list of 'ideas.' If a user presses a button associated with the idea, I'd like a value to be appended to that idea under an attribute called 'newValue.'
For example, the below html, uses ng-repeat to show the array of ideas and creates an associated button called 'Append Value.' I want a new value to be appended to the idea's attribute called 'newValue' every time a user presses 'Append Value.'
<body ng-controller="ctrl">
<tr class="item" ng-repeat="(id,item) in ideas">
<td><input ng-model="newValue"></td>
<td><button ng-click="ValueAppend(id,newValue)">Append Value</button></td>
Below is my attempt to create this function.
var app = angular.module("app", ["firebase"]);
app.factory("Ideas", ["$firebase", function($firebase) {
var Ref = new Firebase('https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/');
var childRef = Ref.child('ideas');
return $firebase(childRef).$asArray();
app.controller("ctrl", ["$scope","Ideas", function($scope,Ideas) {
$scope.ideas = Ideas;
$scope.idea = "";
$scope.ValueAppend = function (id,newValue) {
var URL = "https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/ideas/" + id + "newValue";
var IdeaRef = new Firebase(URL);
var IdeaData = $firebase(IdeaRef);
$scope.IdeaAttributes = IdeaData.$asArray();
newValue: newValue,
timestamp: Date.now()
See my codepen for my working example: http://codepen.io/chriscruz/pen/PwZWKG
More Notes:
I understnad that AngularFire provides $add() and $save() to modify this array, but how could I use these methods so that I can add a new 'string' under an item in an array.
I'm not sure if these are your problems, but they are two typoes of mistakes in the code above and the codepen: typos and conceptual.
You forgot to inject $firebase into the controller, which leads to:
"ReferenceError: $firebase is not defined"
Solution is simply of course:
app.controller("ctrl", ["$scope","Ideas", "$firebase", function($scope,Ideas,$firebase) {
In addition you seem to be missing a slash before newValue, which means that you're trying to create a new idea instead of adding the value to an existing one. Solution is simple again, add a slash before newIdea as in:
var URL = "https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/ideas/" + id + "/newValue";
If you find yourself making this mistake more often, you might be better server by the child function. Although it typically is a bit more code, it lends itself less to this typo of typo. Creating the ref to the newValue node becomes:
var URL = "https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/ideas/";
var IdeaRef = new Firebase(URL).child(id).child("newValue");
With those trivial typos out of the way, we can focus on the real problem: which is easiest to see if you console.log the URL that you generate:
Yet if you look up the same data in the Firebase forge (by going to https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/ideas/ in your browser), you'll see that the correct URL is:
That '0' that you're using comes from the id and it is the index of the idea in the AngularJS array. But it is not the key that Firebase uses for this idea. When AngularFire loads your data with $asArray it maps the Firebase keys to Angular indexes. We need to perform the reverse operation to write the new value to the idea: we need to map the array index (in id) back to the Firebase key. For that you can call [$keyAt(id)][1]. Since you keep the array of ideas in Ideas, it is simply:
var URL = "https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/ideas/";
var IdeaRef = new Firebase(URL).child(Ideas.$keyAt(id)).child("newValue");
So the controller now becomes:
app.controller("ctrl", ["$scope","Ideas", function($scope,Ideas) {
$scope.ideas = Ideas;
$scope.idea = "";
$scope.ValueAppend = function (id,newValue) {
var URL = "https://crowdfluttr.firebaseio.com/ideas/";
var IdeaRef = new Firebase(URL).child(Ideas.$keyAt(id)).child("newValue");
var IdeaData = $firebase(IdeaRef);
$scope.IdeaAttributes = IdeaData.$asArray();
newValue: newValue,
timestamp: Date.now()
I quickly gave it a spin in your codepen and this seems to work.

Issue with Angularjs Dropdown and a custom filter

I'm having an issue using a dropdown that is populated with ng-repeat option values or even when using ng-options.
Basically I'm pulling a list of subsidiaries from the database. I then have a dropdown to choose a company, which in turn should populate the subsidiary dropdown with subsidiaries of the chosen company. Since many of the subsidiaries are of the same company, if I try and pull the the company name in ng-repeat, I get the same company several times. So I have created a custom filter that filters out the companyName and companyID of each company listed only once.
Everything works in the theory that when I change the value of the company dropdown, the correct subsidiaries are listed. However the value shown in the company box is stuck on the first option listed and will not change. If I remove the custom filter and allow it to list all the repeat names, the box displays correctly.
My first thought is to make a separate HTTP call that would just get companies from my companies table, but I would think I want to limit HTTP calls to as few as possible. Plus it would seem that I should be able to accomplish this.
What concept am I not grasping that prevents this from displaying correctly when I use my filter and what should I do to fix this?
<div class="col-sm-5">
<select ng-model ="parentCompany" name="company">
<option ng-repeat="company in companies | uniqueCompanies:'companyName'" value="{{company.id}}" >{{company.name}}</option>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<select name="subsidiary">
<option ng-repeat="subsidary in companies" value="{{subsidary.subID}}" ng-hide="$parent.parentCompany !== subsidary.companyID">{{subsidary.subName}}</option>
function getCompanies(){
$http.get("get.php?table=getcompanies").success(function(data) {
$scope.companies = data;
.filter("uniqueCompanies", function() {
return function(data, propertyName) {
if (angular.isArray(data) && angular.isString(propertyName)) {
var results = [];
var keys = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var val = data[i][propertyName];
var val2 = data[i]['companyID'];
if (angular.isUndefined(keys[val])) {
keys[val] = true;
results.push({'name':val, 'id':val2});
return results;
} else {
return data;
Sample Data :
{"subID":"1008","subName":"Data Services","companyID":"3","companyName":"Medcare"},
{"subID":"1013","subName":"Health Plan","companyID":"3","companyName":"Medcare"},
You are creating new objects in your filter with different properties so they will be different every time. You can you track by as mentioned by others. Since filters are executed every digest cycle you may want to set up a $watch and only create a new list of unique companies when your companies change. I actually get the 10 $digest() iterations reached error without doing this.
$scope.$watchCollection('companies', function(newValue) {
$scope.filteredCompanies = $filter('uniqueCompanies')($scope.companies,
You could also set a watch on parentCompany and create the list of subsidiaries only when it changes, as well as clear out the value you have for subsidiaryCompany:
$scope.$watch('parentCompany', function(newValue) {
$scope.subsidiaries = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.companies.length; i++) {
var c = $scope.companies[i];
if (c.companyID === newValue) {
$scope.subsidiaryCompany = undefined;
I may not be fully understanding you're issue here, but it looks like you could filter the data when you get it. Such as ...
function getCompanies(){
$http.get("get.php?table=getcompanies").success(function(data) {
$scope.companies = data.reduce(function (prev, cur) {
// some code for skipping duplicates goes here
}, []);
Array.reduce may not be the best way to get a new array without duplicates, but that's the general idea, anyway.

AngularJs delete record on nested grouped rows

I'm trying to build a simple page to group record and then add a button to eliminate some records.
The problem is that the record eliminated that has the same name is deleted from the wrong grouped list. And also if a list have no grouped records should disappear, and instead is always there.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Tropicalista/qyb6N/15/
// create a deferred object to be resolved later
var teamsDeferred = $q.defer();
// return a promise. The promise says, "I promise that I'll give you your
// data as soon as I have it (which is when I am resolved)".
$scope.teams = teamsDeferred.promise;
// create a list of unique teams
var uniqueTeams = unique($scope.players, 'team');
// resolve the deferred object with the unique teams
// this will trigger an update on the view
// function that takes an array of objects
// and returns an array of unique valued in the object
// array for a given key.
// this really belongs in a service, not the global window scope
function unique(data, key) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var value = data[i][key];
if (result.indexOf(value) == -1) {
console.log(Math.ceil(result.length / 10))
$scope.noOfPages = Math.ceil(result.length / 10);
return result;
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.pageSize = 5;
$scope.maxSize = 2;
$scope.deleteItem = function(item){
//code to delete here
var index=$scope.players.indexOf(item)
Here is a sample of something expanding on the tip from SpykeBytes
<div ng-repeat="location in journey.locations">
<div id="location_div_{{ $index }}">
<label class="journey-label">Location name</label>
<input class="journey-input" id="location_{{ $index }}" type="text" ng-model="location.location_name" />
<button ng-show="editable" tabindex="-1" class="journey-button remove" ng-click="removeItem(journey.locations, $index)">
Remove location
Then in my controller I set up an action that takes deletes the individual item
$scope.removeItem = function(itemArray, index) {
return itemArray.splice(index, 1);
To hide the group when nothing is listed, you need to get the filtered list and then use ng-show to drive the display. This is a bit tricky:
<div ng-show="currentList.length>0" ng-repeat="team in teams| startFrom:(currentPage - 1)*pageSize | limitTo:pageSize | filter:searchInput"> <b>{{team}}</b>
<li ng-repeat="player in (currentList = (players | filter: {team: team}))">{{player.name}}
<button class="btn btn-small" type="button" ng-click="deleteItem(player)">Delete</button>
However I am not seeing the problem you said about removing from wrong group. Can you let me know how to reproduce it?
Index won't help you here because the {{$index}} that ng-repeat provides is within the groupings. That is, each grouping restarts the $index variable. You are going to need a unique identifier for each record though. Without that there is no way to be sure that the record you want to remove is the right one.
As far as the groupings, you can recreate the model whenever you delete something. This wouldn't work with the sample data in the Fiddle, but it works when you're dealing with a real datasource.
You can instead pass the index of the object if it is within ng-repeat.
