How to disable auto completion in ui.ace editor in Angular JS - angularjs

I am using directive to implement ace editor in my angular JS application.
Everything works well, i just want to know, how to disable the auto completion in the editor. I am using it in mode:html, and whenever I type in any opening tag like div, closing tag is added automatically. I want to disable this behaviour


iframe of TinyMCE editor is removed from DOM after moving the editor

I have a sortable collection of TinyMce editors and when an editor is moved, this one doesn't work anymore.
The TinyMCE editor iframe turn empty after drag end event but I don't understand why.
The editor toolbar is here but doesn't work and the content disappear without possibility of typing in it again.
Is there a way to reinitialize the dragged editor with his initial content after drag end event.
I'm using Reactjs and #dnd-kit/sortable.
Moving the iFrame editor around the DOM is not supported. If you want to move the editor you can achieve this by removing the editor with remove() and reinitializing it with init() once it has been moved.
The other alternative is to run TinyMCE in inline mode:

How to disable Back button of Browsers in SPA apps With Angular Js?

In my single page application developed using Angular Js, I don't want to navigate in browser using browsers Back button,How to Hide or Disable or override the Back button function
You cannot control browser features using Javascript. It's as simple as that.
I found an answer here. But this code above will not work well with AngularJS because AngularJS uses URL_Hash # in the background.
Control or Disable Browser Back Button with Javascript or AngularJS

CKEditor conflicting with TextAngular

We have a nifty AngularJS 1 app and we're using TextAngular add on. Works great. We now have the requirement to add the customer's custom header into our work, which is being added via JS AJAX call and it inserts the HTML into the page. This header is using CKEditor. I've asked to remove it but they can't. As a result, when I click into my TextAngular box, the CKEditor toolbar appears.
Thoughts on how I can separate the two? It appears CKEditor is attaching itself to any div where contenteditable="true". Is there a way to tell CKEditor to ignore divs?

webstorm IntelliSense not showing ng-disabled for button

I got AngualrJS plugin installed and enabled, and set angular.js to javascript lib, but there is no ng-disabled code completion pops up when I want to add it to button attribute, but it shows the code completion when add to other elements like input.
This code works fine but still it's annoying that webstorm display such pop-up like this.

AngularJs:How to create a tooltip in angularjs

We are trying to determine what tooltip plugin we should use for web page that uses AngularUI to get an effect like this (or close to this)
the angular-ui popover plugin with some custom html and css would do the job:
