Movilizer: How to disable the column head in a table screen? - mobile

I want to create a table by using a Table screen and the table should not include a column head.
However, if the Table screen does not include Answers with dummyAnswer="true", the screen is invalid.
Is there another possibility to create a table without a column head?

You can disable the column header row by leaving all Answers in the column head empty. This means you have to make sure they do not contain a text attribute with a value ... all of them. If this is the case the header will not be displayed.


When adding a new row to an Antd table, make it the first row visible?

Just started using Ant, have been loving it so far. I have a working ant table and add row button, however when a row is added, it is added at the end of all rows since its ID is incremented from the last ID in the table. I am working with less than a 1,000 items.
Is there common logic or a property I can change to make adding a new row visible at the beginning by default? This way a user can visibly confirm that their actions succeeded.
Some ideas around this are:
Add a date created field and have it hidden by default, but sort by newest date
Figure out a way to make the ID column invisible and display the largest ID first..this not scalable when using GUIDs which I would prefer :(
Temporarily render the newly added row data in a special container in the table? No idea on how to go about trying this.

Problem with Showing Query Results on a Form

I'm having a Projects lists Continuous form where the form's Record Source is based upon a table.
I have a requirement to display a field from another table which is linked back to original table using its primary key. The primary key is a AutoNumber field, but when displaying in the form I've used Input mask something like this "TMG/FEA/"0000.
So I made:
a unbound list box
and made the Row source as the query which displays the relevant information from second table
This query was created using primary key displayed in form (I mean the [Forms]![Form Name].[Field] ) as the where clause.
But the results returns blank. I'm Stuck here. I'm not sure if the query is not working due to the Input Mask or because of something else. Please help me. Thanks in advance
You should add to form field listbox, and set following values:
Data: primary key of your first table
After this, that field will duplicate ID value. Now you should transform RecordSource of this field in order to see contents from second table. So you should set:
SELECT [PrimaryForeignKeyID], [DetailedField] FROM tblSecond;. Actually I don't know the contents of your second table. Whereas PrimaryForeignKeyID is a field that links second table to first, so-called FK.
After this set following properties of list box:
ColumnCount = 2
ColumnWidth = 0;2
AllowEdits = False
Save form and open it for viewing.
In this case, your listbox will show the associated contents of second table on form.
So to my mind it is better for you to do such simple tables and forms, and you'll realize idea.

"FOR UPDATE...SELECT * FROM DELETED" Trigger copying to table with two extra columns

I have a very simple trigger that copies the current row of
Authors: AuthorID(PK),AuthorName,Bio
AuthorsHistory: HistoryID(PK), AuthorID, AuthorName, Bio, hWhen(dateTime)
hWhen uses getDate() to fill in its value.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[AuthorHistory]
ON [dbo].[B_Authors]
INSERT INTO B_AuthorsHistory
FROM deleted
There are more columns but they don't matter for this point. All columns are the same types, same null settings, same default values, other than the PK changing.
It works perfectly, but today I wanted to add a column.
I tried to add it to Authors which immediately threw an error, something about column list in the trigger. (I'm using Select *)
I added the column first to AuthorsHistory, tried Authors again, and it threw a different error directly mentioning the trigger.
I found a resolution, remove the trigger, adjust columns, add the trigger, but I also had to remove hWhen from AuthorsHistory temporarily (this isn't an issue at the moment, still building it).
Another option, probably, is to be specific with column names and values. I do this in code, but I like the idea of one less thing to update if I can avoid it.
The question: is there a way I can do this with SELECT *?** I have an identical trigger (ie "Products ==> ProductsHistory") on other tables as well.
As I see, the only way to add a new column to both tables, so that trigger wouldn't fail, is to do it in one query like that:
;disable trigger dbo.AuthorHistory on dbo.B_Authors;
alter table dbo.B_Authors add NewColumn int null;
alter table dbo.B_AuthorsHistory add NewColumn int null;
;enable trigger dbo.AuthorHistory on dbo.B_Authors;
But if you have high loaded system, you may lose some data in dbo.AuthorsHistory if any other transaction would change data in dbo.Authors in the middle of the query.

Inserting a column at the end in a database diagram and repositioning existing columns

I like working on my schema directly within a database diagram. From there, you can set table properties, column properties, add columns, remove, etc. (in addition to, of course, being able to easily define relationships).
However, it doesn't seem to be possible to insert a column at the end of a table's columns or to reposition existing columns. I can insert a column by selecting an existing column and right-clicking > "Insert Column", but that column always appears above the selected column. When I do this and create the column, I cannot drag it to reposition the column despite the drag cursor appearing.
Is there a workaround?
I like to use database diagrams too. If you right click on the header of the table and select Table View -> Standard you will be presented with an editable grid which allows you to add a column to the end of the table.
I should also say that you can also use Table View -> Modify Custom to allow you to modify all attributes of a column such identity etc. Once you have done this you can use Table View -> Custom to be able to update these.
Step 1: User right click on table
Step 2: User left click on "Standard (menu item)"
Step 3: User left click
Step 4: User keyboard input to enter new column
Thank You

how to copy structure and data with specific column in visual foxpro

Please help, I have large database in DBF where have 34 column and more than 50k record.
In this case, I need 10 column only from 34 column. Logically, if I delete not necessary column will reduce data load.
So I will copy structure and data from source file with specific column, but I do not know how to do it in visual foxpro.
Will you help me for this case ?
Before and after, thanks for your attention to read my problem.
Use the following syntax:
SELECT col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10 FROM table1 INTO TABLE table2
If you only want to REMOVE the column PERMANENTLY, first, for grins, make a backup copy of the file. Then, make sure you are out of any program using that table and start VFP. In the command window, enter
USE C:\SomePath\YourTable EXCLUSIVE {enter}
*/ Now, get the one column you want copied out... you can just add as many
*/ Columns, such as any primary key reference you may also want to include to.
COPY TheOneColumnYouWant to C:\SomePath\NewTableForThisColumnOnly {enter}
*/ Now, to remove the column from the original table, now that is has been moved
*/ to the "other" table.
This brings up a modify table structure where you can alter / delete ANY column. Scroll down the list to the column you want to delete, and at the bottom, click the DELETE button, then click the OK button to confirm structure changes. It will then come back with a confirmation prompt to "Make structure changes permanent?" and select Yes. Column now gone.
An alternative to deleting columns in VFP, you can use Alter Table via...
ALTER table C:\SomePath\YourTable DROP COLUMN TheOneColumnYouWant
