Which parts of HippoCms need Sencha ExtJs to work? - extjs

I found this on the hippo cms licence page.
All included libraries are distributed either under the Apache
Software License 2.0 or a compatible license, with the exception of
the Sencha ExtJS library. Sencha ExtJS is distributed under GPL v3,
with an Open Source License Exception for Applications. If you
customise or redistribute Hippo Community Edition code that uses ExtJS
components, then you must comply to their open source licenses - or
buy an appropriate developer license from Sencha.
As I want to distribute my product I would like to exclude everything that use Sencha ExtJS to keep the product in Apache 2.0 licence.
So my question is, which parts of HippoCMS need Sencha ExtJS to work ?
Because, for example if we can't create date without ExtJS, it's really bad because I (and the client) would like to use it, so that's why I am asking you.

Check out this discussion on our Community forum .


Upgrade from ExtJS 3.4.1 to 7.5.0

Apparently, the ExtJS' forum isn't working anymore, so asking the question here.
I am trying to upgrade ExtJS integrated in a big application. Currently, it's using version 3.4.1 and I have to upgrade it to 7.5.0, so a lot of changes are expected. It's my first time working with ExtJS. I've been reading their documentation & examples for a while now, but I'm having issues understanding some things.
If someone's experienced with ExtJS, could you tell how big is the difference between these versions? What kind of effort is expected for this upgrade? Will I have to rewrite everything, or just changing files and API calls would be enough?
Another thing is that the folder structure in the new version looks quite different from the older version. Ours using 3.4.1 looks like this -
ext-js 3.4.1 image
There are no new adapter or resources folders in the new verion. Are these folders not required anymore, or is it possible to get the same folder structure with the new version?
Is it possible to download older versions of ExtJS like 4.x, 5.x etc.? I tried but couldn't find it, I was able to download the older documentation though.
Downloaded the latest ExtJS version from here.
Referring this Sencha ExtJS documentation.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You should download the version from support.sencha.com. There you can find all versions.
To access the download page, you need to log in. If you have lost your login, you can contact Sencha's licensing department.
Make sure you have a valid license.
If you are new to Sencha, you should not do the work yourself. Between version 3 and 7, there are at least two new coding paradigms and you'll have to rewrite everything. Unfortunately, there is no easy upgrade process from 3 to 7. If you had to upgrade from 5 to 7, it would be possible to ignore all the cool new features, but if you are starting from 3, you will have to rewrite everything.
Building process
In your screenshot, I can see that you are using the full ExtJS file. But are you really building the application? That means you end up with a single js file and a single css file.
Are you building your application?
Are you using SCSS?
You should definitely contact someone with experience. I've done quite a few upgrades in ExtJS to know that you need help with this.

ExtJS 6.6 Community Edition available packages

Is it possible to use charts in ExtJS 6.6 Community Edition?
I try to add them as I usually do in my app, based on ExtJS 6.2 GPL version, but it does not work. Perhaps packages need to be somehow explicitly added via npm?
In addition, in the documentation for ExtJS 6.6 CE I do not see the description of the corresponding classes.
Unfortunately charts are not available in the CE edition. Here is an excerpt from the Sencha Software License Agreement, and specifically the "8. ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO THE COMMUNITY EDITION" section (emphasis mine):
In the event You have obtained a Sencha Ext JS Standard Community
Edition license (the “Community Edition”), the following terms apply
in addition to the General Terms described in Section 2 above. Please
note that the Community Edition does not include all the software
packages that Sencha Ext JS includes, and in particular does not
include Ext JS Classic, Ext JS Charts, and many Ext JS fonts and

Agile Toolkit 4.3

Yesterday I downloaded the new Agile Toolkit 4.3 and found that the licensing and subscription model has been changed. Additionally a "developer sandbox" has been included which launches when the toolkit is first run and requires me to login with a registered account.
While I understand the reasons for these changes, and I'm fully supportive, the sandbox appears to be unnecessarily restrictive. However, there seems to be no easy way to bypass the sandbox, and logging in to the sandbox in a vanilla install of 4.3 leads to a screen where you are forced to choose between a pre-canned Admin or Frontend site.
The key reason for me to upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3 is the introduction of an Application class to support RESTful services. I have no need for either an Admin, nor a Frontend web user interface and yet the sandbox does not provide this option.
Is it possible to bypass the sandbox setup process and, if so, how would one go about doing this?
Looking at this in a different way, the folder structure of the ATK4 library seems to have changed under 4.3. Version 4.2 included documentation on the folder structure and how a developer should setup their application in relation to that structure. I have been unable to find corresponding documentation for Version 4.3 which would give clear guidance on how to build an application around the toolkit without relying on the included sandbox.
Hi Tim (i'm author of Agile Toolkit)
Agile Toolkit framework will continue to be available on github. You will find link to github on the bottom of the page, simply select branch 4.3. All of the documentation still applies and you can use the framework (you still need to respect the license). Github does not contain "admin" or "frontend", it is included for the convenience of new users.
The licensing terms has slightly changed, Agile Toolkit has always used AGPL and Commercial licensing. The reason to introduce the sandbox is because developers were not respecting the license terms. I also wanted to give easier ability to deploy projects for new PHP developers and for security it can only be done through sandbox.
Here is a blog-post outlining all of the changes: http://www4.agiletoolkit.org/blog/rebooting-agile-toolkit
The folder structure have changed, but it must still be compatible with the 4.2 branch. I've adopted the usage of "public" folders for improved security, but please do look into PathFinder documentation on how to customise folder structure.

Licensing ExtJs - Distribution of an app using ExtJs 4.2.0 is it allowed?

Is it allowed to sell an app that is built with the open-source ExtJS 4.2.0 to companies if they use the app to provide a free service or for intern uses only?
From this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1298989/1914034
If you respect one of those condition, you can, but does it apply if you sell it?
You open-source your app under GPL v3.
The app is only for internal use in your company.
The app is used by your company to provide a service and not directly
distributed to the customer e.g. most web pages (according to GPL
this is interpreted as an internal use of the app - if Ext team
would have chosen to prohibit that, then they would have used
Affero GPL, which directly forbids that).
I think that you can as long as you publish the project under GPL licence.

Possible to use Telerik rad controls for WPF in an open source project?

I am working a project that is going to be made open source eventually. The performance of builtin WPF 4.0 datagrid is terrible. I am thinking of using Telerik controls to improve the performance of the application.
Is it possible to use telerik in an open-source project without providing the binaries such that only people who have telerik libs installed will be able to compile the project.
Will telerik add something in the project file (or folder) that would allow people without a telerik license to use the their controls for free? (which I don't want)
I haven't bought telerik yet (so I do need to ask someone who has) but I remember for devexpress winforms, that they used to add a licx file (if memory serves me right) to the project that was unsafe to share due to license issues. Any similar files I need to be aware of for telerik?
Anyone who does not have a license to the Telerik grid would not be allowed or able to build your project. They would certainly be able to use it.
Assuming they were able to successfully build your project, there would generally be a runtime dialog that indicates the control is not licensed. I'm not sure if Telerik implements it this way though.
Generally, license information is embedded in the built assembly. This license information is generally stored on the developers machine and included by Visual Studio when building.
The license agreement can be found here. But if you purchase a license, you can distribute the assemblies as part of your application royalty-free.
All product licenses are perpetual and
Royalty-free. You can ship the Telerik
products as part of solutions for
internal company use, hosted
applications, commercial solutions
deployed at end-users' sites or
shrink-wrapped software in which our
controls are integrated. For more
details, please review the EULA.
You can still open-source your project, but in order for others to build it they'd have to buy a license as well.
