ExtJS 6.6 Community Edition available packages - extjs

Is it possible to use charts in ExtJS 6.6 Community Edition?
I try to add them as I usually do in my app, based on ExtJS 6.2 GPL version, but it does not work. Perhaps packages need to be somehow explicitly added via npm?
In addition, in the documentation for ExtJS 6.6 CE I do not see the description of the corresponding classes.

Unfortunately charts are not available in the CE edition. Here is an excerpt from the Sencha Software License Agreement, and specifically the "8. ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO THE COMMUNITY EDITION" section (emphasis mine):
In the event You have obtained a Sencha Ext JS Standard Community
Edition license (the “Community Edition”), the following terms apply
in addition to the General Terms described in Section 2 above. Please
note that the Community Edition does not include all the software
packages that Sencha Ext JS includes, and in particular does not
include Ext JS Classic, Ext JS Charts, and many Ext JS fonts and


Selecting correct .Net Framework for basic WPF - NUGET package can't install

I have created my first WPF project and it is written in .NET framework 4.7.2
I have NO idea about the importance and functionality of this however I want to be able to install it in a few businesses with as little chance of them needing to install a new framework. Perhaps that isn't important and I should just include it in the installer, but that is what I am not sure of.
I tried rolling back to 4.5 .NET however now one of my packages will not install on that framework.
Install-Package : Could not install package 'FluentEmail.Mailgun 2.8.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6', but the package does
not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
If I do any framework lower than 4.7.2 I can't see to run this, however I can't find documentation referring to this needing a specific framework to run.
Any pointers in the right direction would be helpful,
eg. Is the framework important for a basic WPF app not using any crazy tech, just a few API's and mainly data storage?
Can I force this package to install on an earlier based framework or is that going to fail?
The FluentEmail.Mailgun package targets .NET Standard 2.0 which you can see by expanding the Dependencies section at NuGet.org.
.NET Standard 2.0 is implemented by .NET Framework 4.6.1 and later which you read from the compatibility matrix in the docs.
This basically means that you need to target at least 4.6.1 to be able to consume the package in your app.
There is a caveat though:
While NuGet considers .NET Framework 4.6.1 as supporting .NET Standard 1.5 through 2.0, there are several issues with consuming .NET Standard libraries that were built for those versions from .NET Framework 4.6.1 projects. For .NET Framework projects that need to use such libraries, we recommend that you upgrade the project to target .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher.
So if you are developing a new app, you are recommended to either target .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later or even better .NET Core 3.1 or .NET 5.
If you want the full story of which versions that are officially supported on which operating systems, you should refer to the lifecycle FAQ in the docs.
Targeting 4.5 doesn't make much sense since the support for it ended back in January 2016.

Implementation of DHTMLX / DayPoilet or FullCalendar

Can i implement DHTMLX / DayPoilet or FullCalendar in our Asp.Net MVC using Angularjs freely for hospital rooms booking scheduler as on one side we have rooms while on other side we have time like
http://roombooking.scheduler-net.com/ (clickin on rooms button)
You can use the Standard edition of dhtmlxScheduler for your project. The Standard edition is distributed under GNU GPLv2 and can be downloaded for free. Please note that in case of using GPL version, your whole project should be open source and licensed under GNU GPL v2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
If you can't or don't want to license your project under GNU GPLv2, you should purchase the license.

Which parts of HippoCms need Sencha ExtJs to work?

I found this on the hippo cms licence page.
All included libraries are distributed either under the Apache
Software License 2.0 or a compatible license, with the exception of
the Sencha ExtJS library. Sencha ExtJS is distributed under GPL v3,
with an Open Source License Exception for Applications. If you
customise or redistribute Hippo Community Edition code that uses ExtJS
components, then you must comply to their open source licenses - or
buy an appropriate developer license from Sencha.
As I want to distribute my product I would like to exclude everything that use Sencha ExtJS to keep the product in Apache 2.0 licence.
So my question is, which parts of HippoCMS need Sencha ExtJS to work ?
Because, for example if we can't create date without ExtJS, it's really bad because I (and the client) would like to use it, so that's why I am asking you.
Check out this discussion on our Community forum .

Is worklight 5.0.6 same as worklight 6

i read some IBM links and it became unclear that either WL 5.0.6 is WL 6.0? Or is there any difference? If there is a difference then where i can get details of differences.
Since it is a new version - no it's not same as v5.0.6.
Worklight 6.0 contains new functionality, improved existing functionality, bug fixes, ... all that a new version should have.
Mobile Test Workbench, Geolocation, minification and concatenation for mobile web, operational analytics, and more. Go read What's New in Worklight v6.0.

Is there a DotNetNuke 6 Module Development Template for Visual Studio?

Can anybody tell me how to install a module development template for DotNeTNuke. Please note that I am working in DNN 6 and using Visual Studio 2010. So the template must be compatible with both DNN 6 and VS 2010. I have tried one that was for VS 2010 but not for DNN 6. Please suggest any links or videos.
There is a development template that's released with every version of DotNetNuke, available in both the DotNetNuke Support Network (for paid edition customers), and in the official downloads area for the Community Edition. Just click on the Visual Studio Starter Kit.
If you want a more complete visual studio template, I would highly recommend the templates that Chris Hammond put together on Codeplex, that bdukes mentioned. There are templates for both VB and C#, and they include automated packaging for your modules.
You can get c# version of module development template from http://dnnmodule.codeplex.com/.
There are some minor changes in module development for each new major version of dnn changes, but there are no templates dedicated to the version of dnn till yet since we assume our module should work in any version starting from 4.x to 6.x.
Let me know if you want any other help.
