AngularJS controller for main menu - angularjs

What is the best way to handle the functionality of html that is global to an application? Should I just put an ng-controller on the navigation element to handle the logout and login?
<div class="nav"></div>
<div class="view-container" ng-view></div>

Controller is a set of javacscript functions bound to scope that refers to app model. If you want the navigation to have the particular control you can just define it there.
<div class="nav" ng-controller="YourController"></div>


How to change scope when controller is changed using Angular routes without using $rootScope
I am able to change ng-view with templateUrl. But it is not updating {{msg}} when I am updating it using $scope.msg in every new controller.
Is there a way to update it without using $rootscope. Since I have heard that $rootScope practise is bad.
I guess I Am not registering the controller ??
I am new to Angular.
I dont know how to use services
in index.html
app.controller("redCtrl", ['$scope', '$route', function($scope, $route) {
$scope.msg = "I love red"; //NOT WORKING **************
check out this plnkr
#Rohitas Behera The reason is simple you are using
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mainController">
<div ng-view>
{{msg}} <!-- why using here !>
so this time the msg is in scope of maincontroller . There are not other controller in scope
To do so remove {{msg}} from index.html and place it in there respective page.
Like this.
<div style="background-color:#2196f3;">
<h1>Blue {{msg}}</h1>
same for all html page.
To alter the value {{msg}} in different context/controller, you will need to write {{msg}} in individual .html files where you have set the scope of respective controller.
As of now the variable is accessible only to your mainController as it is seen in index.html only, hence the value never changes.
You need to remove it from index.html and put it in every html.
here is the fixed plunkr
you have to add {{msg}} in every this
<div style="background-color:#f44336;">
and remove {{msg}} form index.html page because maincontroller is working for index page and the modified page like this
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mainController">
<div ng-view>

Adding partial views and controller in angular app

I am in the process of optimizing the performance of Angular app. I am using ng-include to add partial views and its controllers. Following is the code snippet
<!--show term rule view-->
<div id="showTermRule" ng-controller="TermRuleController as term" ng-if="showTermRule">
<div data-ng-include src="'/Relevancy/termRule/termRule.html'" ng-if="!isPublsihed"></div>
<div data-ng-include src="'/Relevancy/termRule/publishedTermRule.html'" ng-if="isPublsihed"></div>
<!--show function rule view-->
<div id="showFunctionRule" ng-controller="expressionBuilderController" ng-if="showFunctionRule">
<div data-ng-include src="'/Relevancy/functionRule/functionRule.html'" ng-if="!isPublsihed"></div>
<div data-ng-include src="'/Relevancy/functionRule/publishedFunctionRule.html'" ng-if="isPublsihed"></div>
<div id="showQueryRule" ng-controller="queryBuilderController" ng-if="showQueryRule">
<div data-ng-include src="'/Relevancy/queryRule/queryRule.html'" ng-if="!isPublsihed"></div>
<div data-ng-include src="'/Relevancy/queryRule/publishedQueryRule.html'" ng-if="isPublsihed"></div>
I have a parent controller from where I am making "showTermRule" variable true and broadcasting an event as follows
switch (rule) {
case "Term Rules":
$scope.currentRuleDisplayed = 'Significant Terms';
$scope.showTermRule = true;
The problem I am facing is when I use ng-if in child controller, say TermRuleController, it is not able to catch the broadcasted event from parent controller. As per my understanding it is because by the time I am broadcasting event div element which is adding controller is not getting added to DOM.
I have tried same thing using ng-show. It is working then but then it is taking very long to load the page. Can someone suggest the right way to add partial views and controller. After some research I have found that instead of using ng-include I can use directive. I am yet not sure about it.
Also I guess writing service instead of broadcasting might solve the problem but my question is, is it the correct way to add partial views having different controllers?
You need to keep in mind when using ngInclude to split your templates into partials. Instead of applying a controller to an element in a layout-template, apply the controller to an element in the partial. That way you’ll not need to target its parent’s scopes, coupling controllers together by scope. Here’s an example: Layout.html
<div ng-controller="LoginCtrl">
<div ng-include="login.html"></div>
Login.html :
<form-field ng-field-data="{{login.usr_name}}"></form-field>
<form-field ng-field-data="{{login.password}}"></form-field>
In the case above, you would want to handle the login model in the
LoginCtrl controller, but the scope of the login partial login.html
will be one step deeper. Instead, define the controller on the same
level as the partial (see below).
Layout.html: <div ng-include="login.html"></div>
<div ng-controller="LoginCtrl">
<form-field ng-field-data="{{login.usr_name}}"></form-field>
<form-field ng-field-data="{{login.password}}"></form-field>
So, in this way $scope of parent and child controller would be same.
So, in your case you don't have to broadcast an event , it would be directly available in the child controller.
Hope, this articles helps you out from the problem that you are dealing.

Angular, Login State, and Conditional Includes

My index.html looks like this:
<div ng-include src="'common/header.html'"></div></div>
<div id="view" ng-view></div>
However, I don't want the header.html to show up when the user is not logged in. AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn() is available to use. How do I make this work?
Do I need to broadcast the login event from the LoginController so that HeaderIncludeController can update itself or something? Seems really messy...
<div ng-include src="'common/header.html'" ng-if="loggedIn()"></div>
$scope.loggedIn = AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn;

ui-router global state with "main view"

can someone please point me to an example of managing global states for ui-router?
i'm trying to implement a general site template that contains on all pages a header and a footer, with a main view that changes along with nested views within that view.
<div ui-view="header"> should appear on all pages, has its own controller.
<div ui-view>main view that holds the different "pages" and nested views
<div ui-view="footer"> should appear on all pages, has its own controller.
i will try to elaborate, this is my current state with angulars routing:
<div class="wrap">
<div ng-include="'partials/header.html'"></div>
<div ng-view></div>
<div ng-include="'partials/footer.html'"></div>
i would like to migrate to ui-router, but cannot achieve the same.
i need the header and the footer on all pages and an ui-view as main content that will hold all views/nested vies and stats
That will definitely work for you. You'll just need to make sure it's ui-view insteadl of ng-view. Here's what I'm using now on a similar app:
<div ng-include src="'app/templates/nav.html'" id="global-nav"></div>
<div ui-view></div>
<footer ng-include src="'app/templates/footer.html'"></footer>

Angular JS and addthis eventhandlers

I'm using Angular for the first time on a large project and one of the requirements is that we use AddThis for social sharing for articles. But in addition to the AddThis sharing, we want to track the share events in google analytics.
So what I want to do is add the AddThis
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_16x16_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
and in the controller, add an event handler as described in their docs
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
The problem, is that I can't seem to get a reference to the addthis object in the $scope of the controller. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this either via directive or some other trick to do a document.ready and getting a reference to the addthis object?
addthis is a property of window and must be visible in any scope, however I guess that type parameter of addEventListener is not evaluated inside addthis_widget.js
Did you try this?
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_16x16_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
That way events should be applied each time you reload the widget.
If does't help, you can wrap it into a directive like I did here. Try to add your listeners inside the directive.
