ui-router global state with "main view" - angularjs

can someone please point me to an example of managing global states for ui-router?
i'm trying to implement a general site template that contains on all pages a header and a footer, with a main view that changes along with nested views within that view.
<div ui-view="header"> should appear on all pages, has its own controller.
<div ui-view>main view that holds the different "pages" and nested views
<div ui-view="footer"> should appear on all pages, has its own controller.
i will try to elaborate, this is my current state with angulars routing:
<div class="wrap">
<div ng-include="'partials/header.html'"></div>
<div ng-view></div>
<div ng-include="'partials/footer.html'"></div>
i would like to migrate to ui-router, but cannot achieve the same.
i need the header and the footer on all pages and an ui-view as main content that will hold all views/nested vies and stats

That will definitely work for you. You'll just need to make sure it's ui-view insteadl of ng-view. Here's what I'm using now on a similar app:
<div ng-include src="'app/templates/nav.html'" id="global-nav"></div>
<div ui-view></div>
<footer ng-include src="'app/templates/footer.html'"></footer>


ng-include vs. ui-view for static content

I'm populating my index.html via angular, as per usual. I have an index that looks something like:
<nav ng-include="'app/partials/navbar.html'" ng-controller="NavBarController"></nav>
<section ui-view="donate"></section>
<section ng-include="'app/partials/about.html'"></section>
<section ui-view="stories"></section>
<section ng-include="'app/partials/contact.html'"></section>
<footer ng-include="'app/partials/footer.html'"/>
My nav, about, contact and <footer> all have static content, so I used ng-include. The donate and stories <section>s are dynamic, so I used ui-view.
The Question
Is there any advantage to using ui-view over ng-include where static content is concerned? The nav might be better with a ui-view I can reference the NavBarController in $stateProvider.state(), but what about the static partials?
ui-view is useful only when you want to leverage the feature of browser history. For e.g. If you have a HTML as below
<div class="searchbar">
<input type="text" ng-model="student.id">
<button type="button" ng-click="getStudent()">Get Student</button>
<div class="student-info">
<div class="student" ui-view="studentview"></div>
Having a ui-view here will make sense since we can pass different data (like student id etc) as parameter to the same template and display different content. Also the browser history will help us navigate between different students here.
For content like about or footer though which are mostly static I would recommend you to use ng-include as you are hardly getting anything extra out of router here.
For Contact it can depend on what it contains. If it is something which requires navigation (like one route for contact of each country's office) then go with ui-route otherwise stick with ng-include

AngularJS view without using main ui-view template?

I'm creating an application that provides a logged in user with the ability to create a poll (with questions and choices) in their dashboard.
Once the poll has been created I would like to redirect to the poll page, which will have a unique url (ex: http://example.com/p/3eRr4g6).
I would like this page to NOT use the dashboard template.
How does one accomplish this?
Here's my dashboard view:
Example Poll Page/Template:
UPDATE: To show my current index file and how I have it structured. (In reply to koox00's response)
<body class="hold-transition skin-purple sidebar-mini">
<div class="wrapper">
<div ng-include="'components/navbar/navbar.html'"></div>
<div ng-include="'components/sidebar/sidebar.html'"></div>
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div ui-view></div>
<div ng-include="'components/footer/footer.html'"></div>
You can use named views.
Create a state that loads the default template in that view e.g main and make every other state a child of this one if you want to share data.
In the desired state you can load over the main view the html you want.
<div class="wrapper">
<div ng-include="'components/navbar/navbar.html'"></div>
<div ng-include="'components/sidebar/sidebar.html'"></div>
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div ui-view></div>
<div ng-include="'components/footer/footer.html'"></div>
<div ui-view="main"></div>
take a look at nested states also if you want to share data between states parent/child.

AngularJS controller for main menu

What is the best way to handle the functionality of html that is global to an application? Should I just put an ng-controller on the navigation element to handle the logout and login?
<div class="nav"></div>
<div class="view-container" ng-view></div>
Controller is a set of javacscript functions bound to scope that refers to app model. If you want the navigation to have the particular control you can just define it there.
<div class="nav" ng-controller="YourController"></div>

Prevent Angular from toggling ng-view size

I have this specific issue with the way ng-view renders templates. Whenever a partial is rendered, the div with the ng-view attribute slides up and then again renders with the compiled template. I tried using ngCloak as follows:
<div ng-view autscroll="true">
<!--Partials rendered here-->
<div class="some-class" ng-cloak>
For better illustration:
Pre render
Post render
Here the dark part is the footer that's static across all pages along with the red header.
How do I prevent this jumping?

Is it possible to add template trough angular.js from outside of ng-view?

I want to have a login view outside ng-view, but is it even possible with angular.js? couldnt find any examples of folowing on the internet. Example is descibed below.
<div class="container">
<div class="header">
<div class="loginView"> my huge login view</div>
<div class="container">
<div ng-view></div>
Yes. Assign a controller to the loginView and treat it like any other view.
ng-view is just used when using the $routeProvider to define routes.
This is perfectly valid. ngView is used to complement the router. This means it is just a directive as any other. You can put anything around it.
It sounds like you want something like this: Live demo here (click).
<div class="container">
<div class="header">
<div class="loginView" ng-include="'login.html'"></div>
You could also include your file from a $scope property like this:
$scope.foo = 'login.html';
<div ng-include="foo"></div>
