control move in canvas with alignmentrular affect - wpf

I am working on a form designer application in wpf. A functionality to show a alignment rular at runtime as in WPF designtime has to implement. Please suggest me the approach. Or anyone who done it before?

I'm drawing a lines with the respective element (Control). As i will have four possible controls to which we have to draw measurement line.
Step 1. I have all children of controls with its location in a list, which i have prepared on drawing controls at run-time at Mouse move event.
Step 2: I calculate the closest cords difference with respective controls. and drawn line for for that points.


Creating a WPF divided diagram

So there's this tutorial about creating a diagram in WPF.
I've read it, and still studying it to understand it completely.
At the end of this tutorial, you can basically add shapes, move/rotate/scale them, and since they are created in a vector form, they are keeping their resolutions, there are also connectors that can connect each shape with another.
My goal, since I need to create a simulator which shows how internet protocols are delivered, is to create a divided diagram in which Side A communicates with Side B. it could read an automata and simulate the transitions in the diagram.
I'm thinking of how to deliever this, and since I don't have a lot of knowledge in WPF, I wonder in which way should I implement it.
Should I create 2 different Canvases? or maybe dividing 1 canvas with two sides?
The main issue I'm dealing with, is that when a shape is being dragged to the end margin of the window, then the window allow me to slide it so I can see the rest of the field, this is being done by increasing the size of the Canvas, as seen in the Tutorial Part 1.
However, if my canvas is divided by two, and there's a border in the middle, how can I create two sliders for each of the sides?
I was wondering if you can give me any tips about how approaching this idea, since my knowledge in WPF is still very limited.
Here is my point of view, but it would be very useful if you would provide a more/less final sketch of your app. I recommend using Telerik AppMock but paint will also suffice ;).
From what I have understood you should need 3 canvases.
1-st is canvas on the left.
2-nd is canvas on the right.
3-rd is on top of both canvases.
When you want to drag an element, you must set opacity of the clicked element to be a bit transparent and leave it on its place(1st canvas), add copy of dragged element in to the 3rd canvas. When you do leftmousebuttonup(drop dragged item), you have to check where was it dropped and if it was droppend on the 2nd canvas you add it to this canvas. To position element on the canvas you can use Canvas.SetLeft and accordingly SetRight method.
You can put 1st and 2nd canvases into Grid. Even if Canvases will be bigger if Grid, view will be cut only to the size of the Grid.
Moreover, to allow canvases manipulation, add there (to the Grid) a scrollviewer which will Translate Transform the canvases given to their sizes.
Later, try to use MVVM pattern to fill your Canvases with data.
I would also suggest an ObservableColletion of drawable (you can use FrameworkElement as base class) and draggable objects. Different for every Canvas.
Good luck!

Control snapping in Visual Studio 2010

I'm sort-of just nit picking here, but maybe there's a simple solution which will save me some time.
When I'm drawing my Winforms GUI in the designer, controls snap to certain points. I can align the baseline of the text of one control to that of another, I can align the left and/or top of one control to another, etc. This is all great.
What's great too, is that the controls snap to other controls spaced with their margins. This means that if I'm making a vertical array of TextBoxes, then I can have them equidistant in my GUI - it looks less messy.
However not everything snaps correctly, or at all. Say I have put in my TextBoxes and now I wish to reduce the width of my form so that there is no white space between the edges of the TextBoxes and the edge of the form. Additionally, I want the distance between the edge of the TextBoxes and the edge of the Form to be the same on the left as it is on the right. If I drag the right edge of the form to the left, towards the TextBoxes it will not snap. I'm left with either calculations to work out what the width should be, or a juggling act to gradually reduce the width until the TextBox is snapping to both the left of the right.
I'm not saying this process is particularly difficult or time consuming. It's just that if it were to snap, the whole process would be infinitely easier.
Is there a built-in option in VS2010, or perhaps an extension? Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong in the first place?
The snap lines in the designer work perfectly when moving or resizing any of the built-in controls. The only time that they don't work is when you are resizing the form itself.
I agree that it would be extremely convenient to have snap lines here, as well. I wish I knew of a way to enable this. But unfortunately, I don't believe that there is one.
The workarounds are either to calculate the proper size mathematically, or guess at resizing the form then check your work by dragging one of the controls (and using the snap lines that appear). I go through the same "juggling act" that you describe on an unfortunately regular basis.
Whenever a control needs to be positioned so that it "snaps" to a form edge I usually move (or resize) the controls to the correct size first, and then change the controls "Anchor" property of those controls to be anchored to the corresponding form edge (even if the form itself won't be allowed to resize).
That way whenever I resize the form, the controls position relative to that form remains the same, simply resizing or moving the control as required (depending on the Anchor property chosen).
I completely agree that the ability to "snap" the form to controls when resizing the form would be extremely useful, but its normally possible to work-around using the anchor property in this way - the times when its doesn't work (such as when a form consists entirely of a column of text-boxes is a fixed height), I'm afraid you need to resort to calculations, but I find that most of my dialogs are resizable.

WPF, any easy way to work with different screen resolutions?

Given a WPF Application running full screen, a fair amount of controls some of which will animate from off screen to center. I was wondering if there are any special ways to save on the amount of time required to optimize an application for different screen resolutions?
For example, using Blend I've setup some text, which is originally off screen to scroll into view. Now in design mode the start positions are static. If resolution changes the start positions will obviously not be correct.
So I guess to correct this, during app startup. I need to
Check resolution
Move the text box to the desired start location
Adjust the storyboard as required, so the frames all have correct co-ordinates depending on the res of the screen.
I don't mind doing all of this, but if there is an easier way please share!
In WPF layout of controls should be made in such way, that when size of window or content changes, controls automaticaly resize/reposition themselves to reflect this change.
This is highly affected how your layout is made, especialy by using specific panels, that do layout of their child elements.
This is also made obvious by using device-independent units for sizes, margins and sometimes positions of controls. And also allows different kind of zooming and scaling of whole UI without any need to redesign the whole thing.
If you are trying to position your controls absolutely, either by using Canvas panel or margins, your are doing it totaly wrong.
In WPF, scene is measured in abstract units, not pixels, and controls are freely scaled. There should be no problems to center something, or what?

WPF: Creating snappable grid lines with variable spacing

I'm currently creating a MSPaint-like WPF-application and struggling with the implementation of a snappable grid.
The painting of the grid is no problem with a VisualBrush and a Rectangle but the problem is that these lines are then purely for looks and can't be easily changed (for example highlighted when the snapping to a specific line triggered).
My other idea was to have a 2 Canvas solution where 1 Canvas is used for the elements and one Canvas (who is positioned above the other) contains all the grid lines. However I have the feeling that this would mean quite a performance hit.
Are there any other possible ways to implement this kind of functionality?
Efficiency considerations of a two-panel approach vs DrawingContext
I have good news for you: You are wrong about the significant performance hit. Your two-canvas idea is nearly optimal, even if you use individual objects for the grid lines. This is because WPF uses retained-mode rendering: When you create the canvas, everything on it is serialized into a compact structure at native level. This only changes when you change the grid lines in some way, such as changing the grid spacing. At all other times the performance will be indistinguishable from the very fastest possible managed-code methods.
A slight performance increase could be had by using DrawingContext as Nicholas describes.
A simpler and more efficient solution
Perhaps a better way then drawing individual lines on the grid canvas is to use two tiled visual brushes (one horizontal, one vertical) to draw all unhilighted lines, then use Rectangle(s) added in code-behind to hilight the line(s) you are snapping to.
The main advantage of this technique is that your grid can be effectively infinite, so there is no need to calculate the right number of grid lines to draw and then update this every time the window resizes or the zoom changes. You also only have three UIElements involved, plus one more for each grid line that is currently hilighted. It also seems cleaner to me than tracking collections of grid lines.
The reason you want to use two visual brushes is that drawing is more efficient: The brush drawing the vertical lines is stretched to a huge distance (eg double.MaxValue/2) in the vertical direction so the GPU gets only one drawing call per vertical line, the same for the horizontal. Doing a two-way tiling is much less efficient.
Adorner layer
Since you asked about alternatives, another possibility is to use Adorner and AdornerLayer with any of the solutions above rather than stacking your canvas using eg a Grid or containing Canvas. For a Paint-like application this is nice because the adorner layer can be above your graphic layer(s) yet the adorners can still attach to individual items that are being displayed.
You might consider drawing your grid using the DrawingContext inside of OnRender. Drawing this way does not introduce new UIElements into the visual tree, which helps to keep performance up. In some ways, it is similar to what you are currently doing with the VisualBrush, which also does not create new UI elements per copy.
However, since you will actually be individually drawing each line instead of copying the look of a single line, you'll be able to highlight the grid line(s) that participate in snapping without changing the colors of those that do not.
If you are going to go down this route, make sure to have a look into GuidelineSets for positioning your guide lines (more details here), since you'll probably want to have your guide lines snap to the device's pixels so that they draw sharply.

How can i check if 2 controls overlap eachother on a canvas in WPF?

I am writing a designer that enables the user to drag controls around the screen.
What would be the best way of detecting if a control is overlapping another control while i am dragging the one control around?
Should i just get the dimensions of the FrameworkElement and keep on checking the dimensions of the other elements?
You can use the Rect.IntersectsWith method
The dimension (FrameworkElement.ActualWidth FrameworkElement.ActualHeight) and postion (Canvas.Top, Canvas.Bottom,Canvas.Left, Canvas.Right) of your elements would suffice if they are always rectangular. In that case you can easily calculate if two rectangles overlap. If you elements can be of more complex shapes it gets hairy. I have no idea if I can test for intersection of two Visual instances in WPF.
Maybe we can use hittesting? With this approach you could at least test if a certain point or geometry intersect with a certian visual. So you would have to define a geometry or a list of points that more or less closely match the bounds of your 2nd visual.
