Where the Impresspages page content is stored? - database

Here I am referencing to the content inserted in the controls. For instance Texts, etc. I couldn't figure it out anywhere. No database entry, no files in the folders storing the website content. I am working in version 4.5.2. It is weird that the publisher hasn't documented this so it is an open source initiative! Anybody knows where is it stored?

Content data is stored in the database. "ip_widget" table "data" field.


Worksheet Code in Snowflake Web UI -> Where is it stored?

In the Snowflake Web UI, you have the option to rename and/or save worksheet "code". Where is this code stored? Is it local to the machine, in a table on snowflake, or out in the ether of the web?
Example below: Tab named "DEV Acct Perf CE" contains a series of SQL statements. Where are those statements stored?
They are stored in S3, Azure BLOB, or Google Cloud Storage depending on where you're running Snowflake. It's stored to Snowflake-managed storage, so the only place you can access it is through the web UI. The newer UI in preview allows sharing between users. The current UI is single-user, so you'd need to copy & paste any statements.
Edit: You can see where they're stored, but I think the body of the worksheet is encrypted.
You can see where they're stored by doing this:
ls #~/worksheet_data/;
I downloaded mine and tried gunzip on the body, but that didn't work. I also tried selecting it in Snowflake using the JSON file format, but that didn't work either. I think the body field may be encrypted in addition to being compressed.
Last I checked they were stored in your personal internal stage.
Try this:
list #~;
There should be a folder there called worksheets if I recall correctly. I never tried to open them to see what the files look like, but I did move the files from one user to another successfully when I had to recreate a user for one of my users.

What are Access _be and _bp files and how do they link together?

I'm trying to fix and add some functionality to an Access Database that a group I work with uses. They have a FileName.accdb file which holds the queries and forms. The data seems to be stored in one of two other database files FileName_be.accdb and/or FileName_bp.accdb both stored in a 'Back End' Folder beside the FileName.accdb file.
I was hoping someone might be able to explain how all this might link together, there is no documentation on how it was organized.
The other thing that seems odd to me is that 3 files are similar in size:
FileName.accdb = 11MB
FileName_be.accdb = 10.1MB
FileName_bp.accdb file = 7.5MB
The _bp and _be files both only have the database tables, but the _bp file seems to be more up to date.
Your database is split into Frontend and Backend. See e.g.
Microsoft Access Split Database Architecture.
FileName.accdb should have linked tables, queries, forms and code.
FileName_be.accdb sounds like a backend, having only tables.
FileName_bp.accdb - if it's newer, maybe "bp" is "backend production", but that's just a guess.
Open FileName.accdb and open a linked table in design view. In the property sheet, the Description will tell you where the table is linked from. The tooltip in the navigation bar will do so too.
Alternatively, you can use External Data -> Linked Table Manager to re-map these file locations.

Liferay: Where in the database are the community pages saved?

I need to find the table where community pages are saved. I found tables for blogentries, bookmarks or directories, but I couldn't find the table for communty pages? Are they even saved in the database, or are they just files on the filesystem?
The table is called Layout.
Also of relevance is LayoutSet and Group.
Web Content data on pages can be found on JournalArticle (and other tables that begin with Journal).

cakephp finding multiple images and displaying them (possibly outside webroot?)

I am currently trying to build a cakephp app that will list items from a database, and there is a field in the database named picture. This picture field contains a string which is the primary picture, so for example ABCD, and then in the images folder this is ABCD.jpg
However there is usually various extra pictures for this particular item, which may be named ABCD1 or ABCD_2 or some other such variating suffix. I had previously written some script in php which used a glob function and counted the files and outputted them.
I am seriously struggling to do this in cakephp, at the moment there is several thousand images stored in the webroot of the server in /images and I understand that cake will be looking in the webroot of the app like /app/webroot, so is it possible to view their original location? or must they be moved...
I have read a little about the file and folder classes but I am struggling to comprehend them, not sure if my brains failed me here or if this is actually a difficult concept..
my question is how would I find any files that begin with this prefix in the picture field after selecting by the id of the item, to then display all those that match for that particular item?
thanks for your help!
Not a real answer to your question but you should start making a database relationship with your pics.
Check out hasMany to make a relationship between your Article (or whatever it is) and the Picture models. Now you will not have to look for each filename, as you'll have it in your database.

Sharepoint document library as a destination in SSIS

I create a CSV-file from SSIS and I want to "publish it" in a specific folder in our Sharepoint document library. What is the preferred way to this?
I have looked at the example with the sharepoint list destination SharePoint List Source and Destination which is quite good but not exactly what I'm out for. I just want to upload a file to the document library from within SSIS.
SharePoint uses WEBDAV to provide a folder like locations. You can see an example of this by going to the list in question and selecting actions-> open with explorer.
Another alternative is to send an email to the doc library.
The doc lib owner needs to set up the email address on the page options, this will give you an email that looks like
If the folder ever gets moved around, as long as the email remains, you don't need to worry about it
