Sharepoint document library as a destination in SSIS - sql-server

I create a CSV-file from SSIS and I want to "publish it" in a specific folder in our Sharepoint document library. What is the preferred way to this?
I have looked at the example with the sharepoint list destination SharePoint List Source and Destination which is quite good but not exactly what I'm out for. I just want to upload a file to the document library from within SSIS.

SharePoint uses WEBDAV to provide a folder like locations. You can see an example of this by going to the list in question and selecting actions-> open with explorer.

Another alternative is to send an email to the doc library.
The doc lib owner needs to set up the email address on the page options, this will give you an email that looks like
If the folder ever gets moved around, as long as the email remains, you don't need to worry about it


Export Outlook Emails Into SQL (Vai ACCESS?)

I have a email folder in Outlook that contains 100s of emails which record my discussions with a developer of some bespoke software. I want to import these into SQL to create a knowledge base of information that can be searched upon to extract all the decisions that we have made during the course of the 2 year project.
Having sreached the net, I found that it is very easy to dump the contents of an email folder into Access using the import data functionality. In fact I have linked the table and so believe (never used Access before!!) that I now have an Access table that is connected in 'real-time' to the Outlook folder. This is eactly what I want BUT in SLQ as this is something that I am very familiar with using.
So I have tried to import the Access database into SQL (which also appears to be relatively easy) but keep getting the message that 'The source database ...contains no visible tables or views'. Checking SQL pemissions, I am owner of this new databse.
Two questions please. First, cant believe that going through Access is the simplest way to do this and presume that I will loose the 'real-time' link - am I right? Second, given that I can see my Access database has a visible table, why am I getting the error?
The easiest and quickest way is to create a VBA macro where you can populate your SQL database from Outlook emails. You can build the table structure according to your needs and extract the required information from Outlook using VBA. I'd suggest processing emails in chunks using the Find/FindNext or Restrict methods of the Items class, so you will not reach the reference counter limit. The MailItem properties you may find described in MSDN.
BTW The internal store (if you use the cached mode) in Outlook acts like a database. So, why do you need to introduce yet a new database?

Multiple Similar (Duplicate) Reports

I currently created a report that I would like to duplicate 40 times but with a different filter each time. So far I'm afraid this is only possible with a very manual process but I was hoping if someone has a faster solution?
Would it be possible to connect to the DataStudio API (if there is one) and run a script for this?
Also, making a design change can be problematic as it needs to be copied to 40 reports. Does anyone have a suggestion for this?
A report is stored as an RDL file in the file system. Its of XML format. Make a copy of the file in the file system and open the copy using a text editor (I prefer notepad++) and find the parameter. Change the paramater to whatever value you want it to be and save the file under a different name. I would include the parameter name in the report name. If the report as using 'Memphis' I would name the report Sales_Memphis.RDL.
Do this 40 times. Be very careful about not changing the structure of the XML file (Don't change any of the element names or opening and closing symbols(<>). Re-import the file into SSDT report project to verify it is using the correct value.
To import a file into an existing project:
Right click on “Reports” folder and select “Add” then “Existing Item”
Now file browser window will open.
Find the file and double click on it.
Ideally you can have a dropdown with all the possible values for users to choose from but I guess that is not appropriate for your needs.
If this is a good solution please check it off as valid solution.
I checked this with google support and apparently there is no way yet to do this.
There are currently no API's available to do this nor can you download something similar to an RDL file. Right now the only way is manual duplication and to make adjustments for each report separately.
Have you looked into custom bookmarking. It sounds like it might be able to address the problem you're expressing. This way you would only have one report, but the links you would share would automatically apply the correct filter value.

Is there a software to read local .hist files saved by Lync?

I'm using Lynch at my work place. But none of us was able to save the convo history in outlook as expected.
Basically when I close the conversation window, all history is lost.
After some search, I found that the convo history is actually stored in local files under:
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\sip_user#domain\History Spooler
and there's a bunch of files with .hist extension, containing a "weird" header and the conversation in HTML format.
Is there any software to read/access those files in a "clean" way?
That said, I found Lync SDK but it's to be used server side.
I don't have access to the server, nor any network resources. Just local .hist files.
Till now, I was able to open those files in a browser, by renaming them to .html(with some garbage at top of page due to the "weird" header).
Next step was to write some code, in order to parse those files, as asked here: How can I read a Lync conversation file containing HTML?
but not much came out of it.
This is temporary solution to view lync history under you mentioned path
C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\sip_user#domain\History Spooler.
You need to change .hist to .HTML format. After double click the .html file. Now you are able to see the proper chat data.

File Maker Scripting - Sending Different Attachment

Is there a way to send a mail with different PDF file to different contacts using file maker?
I am aware of sending batch emails with one attachment but I would like to send a personalize PDF for each contact which seems not so simple.
Can I add PDF files to the table itself or would I have to use the path to the file?
Table 1
**Name** [James Brown] [James Blue]
**Email** [] []
**PDFfileAttchamnet** [folder/PDF/JamesBrown.pdf] [folder/PDF/JamesBlue.pdf]
So an Email for James Brown would look like:
Dear James Brown, please see the attached file.
Attachment [JamesBrown.pdf] {actual file}
Dear James Blue, please see the attached file.
Attachment [JamesBlue.pdf] {actual file}
I think you can solve it by creating container field in you database and import the pdfs in it.
then you can use export Field Contents[] to export it and send it by email
Hope it useful
I would like to send a personalize PDF for each contact which seems
not so simple.
Find the records of contacts you want to include and loop among them, sending mail to each one individually (i.e. without selecting the 'Collect addresses across found set' option).
Can I add PDF files to the table itself or would I have to use the
path to the file?
You can do either, it's up to you. If the path to the file can be calculated (as in your example), you can calculate it right there in the Send Mail script step.
Note that you can also generate the PDF files during the process itself.
Do I understand correctly that you would actually like to personalize the PDF document(s)?
This is possible, maybe not very simple, but quite simple. The trick is to prepare the PDF as a form, and then fill the form fields to personalize.
PDF has a native forms data format (called FDF), which is described in ISO 32000 (as well as the older PDF specification documents provided by Adobe, as you can find in the Acrobat SDK, downloadable from the Adobe website).
FDF is a simple structured text file, which can easily be assembled using FileMaker (I have done that routinely for several catalog projects). The easiest way to get going is to open the form in Acrobat, fill in the fields, and then export the data as FDF. This gives you the pattern to "fill in the blanks".
So, you create the FDF files using Filemaker. With them you can fill the blank form and feed the saved document to the eMail system.
Which tool to use to fill the blank form depends on the volume you have to process. Acrobat is not very powerful (and you may end up in a bit of a legal gray zone, because Acrobat is not set up for being used as a service). There are applications which are made specifically for filling out forms on a server (such as FDFMerge by Appligent), or there are also several libraries which have the tools to fill out forms (iText or pdflib come to my mind). These applications also allow you to flatten the PDF, which means that there are no longer form fields, but their contents becomes part of the base.
The resulting file can now be either made to an eMail attachment, or you make it available on a server and send an eMail with the link to the file (which method you will use may depend on security and privacy regulations).

Automatically apprend or prepend names of files uploaded with date or random number in SharePoint

I have somehow turned into the person to oversee my organization's SharePoint and I have been tasked with finding a way that when a file is uploaded to any of our document libraries the file name of said file is either prepended, appended with a date or random string in an effort to prevent naming collisions.
I understand that SharePoint will block uploading files with the same name but I would like to just apprend or prepend a date or string to the file name to just bypass the whole issue. Our users aren't the most tech savvy so to automatically rename their files for them would help us and them both.
Is there a way to do this currently in SharePoint's settings? I've looked into versioning and Document ID but neither prevent the naming issues so far. Is there a plug-in of some sort I could use? or do I need to have code written by someone and have it added to SharePoint?
The Content Organizer feature of SharePoint 2010 allows you to set a duplicate submissions tag to documents.
"Duplicate Submissions
This option specifies whether to use SharePoint versioning or append unique characters to the end of duplicate file names if a document is uploaded that has the same name as a document that is already in the destination library."
Play around with this to see if it is going to help before worrying about a more complex coded solution. Your users may also appreciate the drop box approach to document uploading.
