Creating a dynamically expandable array of memory in C - c

In my below code I am trying to create a dynamically expandable array of memory.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BLOCKSIZE 5
int hash_table_length = 0;
int *currentblock = NULL;
int size_left;
int *hash_table = NULL;
int *start = NULL;
int *create_hash_table() {
int *tmp;
if (currentblock == NULL || size_left == 0) {
if (currentblock == NULL) {
currentblock = (int *) malloc( BLOCKSIZE * sizeof(int));
start = currentblock;
size_left = BLOCKSIZE;
} else {
currentblock = (int *) malloc( BLOCKSIZE * sizeof(int));
size_left = BLOCKSIZE;
tmp = currentblock++;
size_left -= 1;
return tmp;
void build() {
int hash;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
hash = i + 3;
if (hash_table_length == 0) {
hash_table = create_hash_table();
} else {
hash_table = create_hash_table();
hash_table = &hash;
printf("hash value is %d\n", *hash_table);
int main() {
// How do I reach the start of the hash table again?
// the below start does not give me the first value
printf("Hash table first value is %d\n", *start);
return 0;
My problem here is I wish to traverse through the values stored in the hash_table. I am unable to reach to the first element/address of the hash_table. I wish to print out all the values stored in my hash table. How can this be done?

In your code the hash values never get stored inside the hash table(inside currentblock). Inside the create_hash_table() function you allocate memory for a new block but never store values inside this block. Thus if you try dereferencing any of these int* locations you might get a garbage value(which may be a 0).
This is what is precisely happening inside your main() function when you dereference the start pointer. It is infact pointing to the start of the hash table and as that location is uninitialized it gives an output of 0.
To actually store values inside the hash table change the following inside build():
hash_table = &hash;
*hash_table = hash; // Store value of 'hash' inside the memory location pointed to by hash table(which happens to be 'current_block' inside build())
Now if you try running the code, it will output 3.
Coming to the second part of question as to how you'll traverse the entire hash table: It cannot be done using this code. This is because there is no linkage between your malloc'd blocks of integers. The malloc() call can assign any block of free memory from the heap. Thus in the current form you have disconnected blocks of locations which cannot be traversed.
Instead of malloc you can use realloc to increase the size of your current block. realloc allocates memory for the larger block and copies your previous data to this new block. This will essentially allow you to traverse the entire hash table using start.
Here is how you might do that:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BLOCKSIZE 5
int hash_table_length = 0;
int *currentblock = NULL;
int size_left;
int *hash_table = NULL;
int *start = NULL;
int *create_hash_table() {
int *tmp;
if (currentblock == NULL || size_left == 0) {
if (currentblock == NULL) {
currentblock = (int *) malloc(BLOCKSIZE * sizeof(int));
start = currentblock;
size_left = BLOCKSIZE;
} else {
/* Call realloc() to allocate new memory block of size (hash_table_length+BLOCKSIZE) and copy previous data*/
currentblock = ((int *) realloc(start,(hash_table_length + BLOCKSIZE) * sizeof(int))) + hash_table_length;
size_left = BLOCKSIZE;
tmp = currentblock++;
size_left -= 1;
return tmp;
void build() {
int hash;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
hash = i + 3;
if (hash_table_length == 0) {
hash_table = create_hash_table();
} else {
hash_table = create_hash_table();
/* Store value of hash inside the hash_table */
*hash_table = hash;
printf("hash value is %d\n", *hash_table);
int main() {
int i;
printf("Hash table first value is %d\n", *start);
/* Traverse the hash table */
for(i = 0; i < hash_table_length; ++i)
printf("hash_table[%d] = %d\n",i,*start++);
return 0;


Issue with hashtable in c

So I have an assignment to create a program in c that reads a couple of sentences(a 140mb file), and based on the 2nd input, which is a number, I need to return the Nth most common word. My idea was to build a hash table with linear probing, every time I get a new element I hash it accordingly based its position and based on djb2, else if there is a collision I rehash. After that, I apply Quicksort based on the occurrence and then I finally access by index.
I am having issues finishing up a hash table with linear probing in c. I am pretty sure I have finished it but every time I run I am getting a heap buffer overflow on lldb. I tried to spot the issue but I still cannot figure it out.
Am I getting out of memory on stack? The file is relatively small to consume so much memory.
I used address sanitiser and I got a heap-buffer-overflow on inserting.
I don't think I am touching the memory outside the allocate region but I am not 100% sure.
Any idea what has gone wrong? This is the table.c implementation and below that you can see the form of the struct.
Here is a more detailed message from address sanitiser:
thread #1: tid = 0x148b44, 0x0000000100166b20 libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib`__asan::AsanDie(), queue = '', stop reason = Heap buffer overflow
"access_size": 1,
"access_type": 1,
"address": 105690555220216,
"description": "heap-buffer-overflow",
"instrumentation_class": "AddressSanitizer",
"pc": 4294981434,
"stop_type": "fatal_error"
table.c :
#include "table.h"
#include "entities.h"
static inline entry_t* entryInit(const char* const value){
unsigned int len = strlen(value);
entry_t* entry = malloc(sizeof(entry));
entry->value = malloc(sizeof(char*) * len);
strncpy(entry->value, value, strlen(value));
entry->exists = 1;
entry->occurence = 1;
return entry;
table_t* tableInit(const unsigned int size){
table_t* table = malloc(sizeof(table_t));
table->entries = malloc(size*sizeof(entry_t));
table->seed = getPrime();
table->size = size;
table->usedEntries = 0U;
return table;
//okay, there is definitely an issue here
table_t* tableResize(table_t* table, const unsigned int newSize){
//most likely wont happen but if there is an overflow then we have a problem
if(table->size > newSize) return NULL;
//create a temp array of the realloced array, then do changes there
entry_t* temp = calloc(newSize,sizeof(entry_t));
table->size = newSize;
//temp pointer to an entry
entry_t *tptr = NULL;
unsigned int pos = 0;
unsigned int index = 0;
while(pos != table->size){
tptr = &table->entries[pos];
if(tptr->exists == 1){
index = hashString(table->seed, tptr->value, table->size, pos);
temp[index] = *entryInit(tptr->value);
temp[index].occurence = tptr->occurence;
else pos++;
table->entries = temp;
//TODO: change table destroy to free the previous array from the table
return table;
//insert works fine, it is efficient enough to add something in the table
unsigned int tableInsert(table_t* table,const char* const value){
//decide when to resize, might create a large enough array to bloat the memory?
if(table->usedEntries >(unsigned int)(2*(table->size/3))) table = tableResize(table, table->size*2);
entry_t* entry = NULL;
unsigned int index;
auto int position = 0;
while(position != table->size){
//calculate the hash of our string as a function of the current position on the table
index = hashString(table->seed,value,table->size, position);
entry = &table->entries[index];
if(entry->exists == 0){
*entry = *entryInit(value);
return index;
} else if (entry->exists == 1 && strcmp(entry->value, value) == 0){
return index;
} else{
//there might be an issue here
static inline void tableDestroy(const table_t* const table){
entry_t* entry = NULL;
for (auto int i = 0; i < table->size; ++i){
entry =&table->entries[i];
//printf("Value: %s Occurence: %d Exists: %d \n",entry->value, entry->occurence, entry->exists );
if(&table->entries[i] !=NULL)free(&table->entries[i]);
entities.h :
#pragma once
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) __entry {
char *value;
unsigned int exists : 1;
unsigned int occurence;
} entry_t;
typedef struct __table {
int size;
int usedEntries;
entry_t *entries;
unsigned int seed;
} table_t;
here is how I read from a file and process the text:
void readFromFile(const char* const fileName, table_t* table){
FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if(!fp) fprintf(stderr,"error reading file. \n");
char word[15];//long enough to hold the biggest word in the text?
int position = 0;
char ch;
while((ch = fgetc(fp))!= EOF){
//discard all the ascii chars that are not letters
if(!(ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) && !(ch >= 97 && ch <= 122)){
word[position]= '\0';
if(word[0] == NULL)continue;
tableInsert(table, word);
position = 0;
else word[position++] = ch;
Any suggestions what is wrong with my code?
I believe resize might have an issue and I am not properly deleting yet because I have had a lot of problems with the memory management.
Thanks in advance!

Problem freeing memory from multidimensional array in C, free() crashes program

I am creating a deque to store stings in C, and when I call the free() function, the program crashes. I have implemented a similar structure but only storing integers, and encountered no problems, but this seems to be causing me a few. I created a struct containing a multidimensional array or characters, and i think maybe I am not using the pointers correctly? I have searched far and wide and cannot solve it The main area of concern is when i call clear() from the ain body. That in turn calls free(), and the program just stalls. :-( Any help would be extremely useful.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 20 // number of characters for word
typedef struct {
char **deque;
int size;
int pFront;
int pRear;
} deque;
typedef int bool;
enum { false, true };
void initDeque(deque *d, int initialSize)
d->size = initialSize;
d->pFront = -1;
d->pRear = -1;
d->deque = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char*)*initialSize);
int idx;
for(int idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
d->deque[idx] = (char *)malloc((MAX+1) * sizeof(char));
d->deque[idx] = "";
printf("d->size: %zu\n", d->size);
void clear(deque *d) {
if(d->pFront == -1)
printf("Queue is empty\n");
printf("Attempting to clear...\n");
for(int idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
printf("Attempting to clear columns...");
printf("Attempting to clear rows...");
d->deque = NULL;
d->size = 0;
d->pFront = -1;
d->pRear = -1;
bool isEmpty(deque *d)
if(d->pFront == -1){
return true;
return false;
bool isFull(deque *d)
if(d->size == d->pRear+1)
return true;
return false;
void display(deque *d)
printf("Deque Values:\n");
int idx;
for(int idx = 0; idx <= d->pRear; idx++)
printf("Index: %zu\tValue: %s\n", idx, d->deque[idx]);
printf("Size: %zu\n", d->size);
void rAppend(deque *d, char item[]) // as in rear append - same enqueue for queue structure.
printf("Is Full\n");
int idx;
deque dTemp;
initDeque(&dTemp, d->size);
printf("dTemp Initialised\n");
for(idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
dTemp.deque[idx] = d->deque[idx];
printf("deque copied to dTemp:\n");
for(idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
printf("dTemp[%zu]: %s\n", idx, dTemp.deque[idx]);
printf("d cleared\n");
initDeque(&d, dTemp.size*2);
printf("New deque of double length initialised\n");
for(idx = 0; idx < dTemp.size; idx++)
d->deque[idx] = d->deque[idx];
printf("dTemp Copied to new deque\n");
printf("dTemp Cleared\n");
char **tmp = realloc( d->deque, sizeof (d->deque) * (d->size*2) );
if (tmp)
d->deque = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < d->size; i++)
d->deque[d->size + i] = malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX );
printf("Appending to rear.. %s\n", item);
d->deque[d->pRear] = item;
if(d->pFront == -1)
d->pFront = 0;
int main(void)
deque d;
initDeque(&d, 5);
rAppend(&d, "when");
rAppend(&d, "will");
rAppend(&d, "wendy");
rAppend(&d, "walk");
rAppend(&d, "with");
return 0;
The problem is your are calling free() on static chain "when", "will",...
You can replace insertion in the function void rAppend(deque *d, char item[]) :
d->deque[d->pRear] = item;
d->deque[d->pRear] = strdup(item);
Doing like this chains are allocated in the heap and free from the heap.
After there is others problems in the code, but it run without crash.
The main problem seems to be that you don't appreciate the difference between copying / assigning pointers and copying / assigning the data to which they point. Secondarily, it seems you may not appreciate the utility of pointers that don't point to anything, especially null pointers. Some details follow.
You are dynamically allocating space for a bunch of strings ...
for(int idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
d->deque[idx] = (char *)malloc((MAX+1) * sizeof(char));
... and then leaking all of that space by replacing the pointer to each with a pointer to an empty string literal:
d->deque[idx] = "";
As if the leak were not bad enough, you are not permitted to free a string literal or modify its content, which you nevertheless try to do to any of those pointers that remain in the dequeue whenever you clear() it. This is likely the cause of some of your errors.
If you want to set each allocated string to an empty one then modify its content instead of replacing the pointer to it. For example:
d->deque[idx][0] = '\0';
In fact, however, you probably don't need to do even that. You are already performing bookkeeping to know which arrays contain valid (string) data and which don't, and that should be sufficient to do the right thing. Supposing you maintain copies of the strings in the first place.
But that's not all. When you rAppend() elements to your deque you have a similar problem. You create a temporary deque, and then copy the string pointers from your original deque into the temporary:
dTemp.deque[idx] = d->deque[idx];
Not only does this leak the original (empty) data in the temporary deque, it aliases that deque's contents with the main deque's. When you later clear the temporary deque, therefore, you free all the string pointers in the original. Subsequently using or freeing them produces undefined behavior.
Perhaps you instead want to strcpy() all the elements of the main deque into the temp and back, but I suggest instead skipping the temp deque altogether with something along these lines:
void rAppend(deque *d, char item[]) // as in rear append - same enqueue for queue structure.
printf("Is Full\n");
char **tmp = realloc(d.deque, d->size * 2);
if (tmp)
d->deque = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < d->size; i++)
// Copied from the original, but see below
d->deque[d->size + i] = malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX );
d->size * 2;
} // else?
printf("Appending to rear.. %s\n", item);
// Oops, this is another leak / aliasing issue:
d->deque[d->pRear] = item;
if(d->pFront == -1)
d->pFront = 0;
The whole point of the temporary deque is lost on me, since the realloc() you need to do preserves the original data anyway (as long as it succeeds, anyway).
Note too, however, that this still has an aliasing issue: you have aliased a deque element with the appended string, and leaked the memory allocated for that element. Furthermore, when you clear the deque, you free that string for everyone holding a pointer to it. Or at least you attempt to do so. You're not permitted to do that to string literals.
I suggest not allocating space in your deque for the individual strings at all, and not freeing it. Continue to use assignment to store elements in your deque, understanding and embracing that these are aliases. This will be more analogous to your implementation for ints.
using namespace std;
struct S {
S() { cout << "make an S\n"; }
~S() { cout << "destroy an S\n"; }
S(const S&) { cout << "copy initialize an S\n"; }
S& operator=(const S&) { cout << "copy assign an S\n"; }
S* f()
return new S; // who is responsible for deleting this S?
unique_ptr<S> g()
return make_unique<S>(); // explicitly transfer responsibility for deleting this S
int main()
cout << "start main\n";
S* p = f();
cout << "after f() before g()\n";
// S* q = g(); // this error would be caught by the compiler
unique_ptr<S> q = g();
cout << "exit main\n";
// leaks *p
// implicitly deletes *q

Hashmap implementation problem in C with void pointer as value

Hi I am attempting to implement a really simple hashmap in regular C with a string as key and a void pointer as value as I wish to use the map for multiple data types.
So far I have this
struct node{
void * value;
char * key;
unsigned long strhash(char *string)
unsigned long hash = 5381;
int c;
while ((c = *string++))
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
return hash;
map_t *map_create(int maxSize){
map_t *map = malloc(sizeof(map_t));
map->curSize = 0;
map->maxSize = maxSize;
map->nodes = calloc(map->maxSize, sizeof(node_t *));
return map;
node_t *node_create(char *key, void *value){
node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node->key = key;
node->value = value;
return node;
void map_insert(map_t *map, char *key, void *value){
node_t *node = node_create(key, value);
int idx = strhash(key) % map->maxSize;
if(map->nodes[idx] == NULL){
map->nodes[idx] = node;
while(map->nodes[idx] != NULL){
map->nodes[idx] = node;
void map_print(map_t *map){
for(int i = 0; i < map->maxSize; i++){
if(map->nodes[i] != NULL){
printf("index: %d\t value: %d\n",i, *(int*)map->nodes[i]->value);
void map_destroy(map_t *map){
for(int i = 0; i < map->maxSize; i++){
if(map->nodes[i] != NULL){
int main(){
map_t *map = map_create(32);
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){
map_insert(map, (char*)&i, &i);
return 0;
The problem is the output is not as I'd expect when the map gets printed all that is retrieved is the value "30" on all indexes which is the last number inserted into the map. If I change the value to type int the map works as expected, so is there must be something crucial I am missing in regards to pointers.
I am not the greatest at C so any light which could be shed on this would be most appreciated.
The problem is that you're using the same pointer every time you call map_insert(). It just stores the pointer, it doesn't copy the data. Each time through the loop you change the contents of that memory, so all the hash map elements point to that same value.
There are two ways you can fix it. One way is to always make a dynamically-allocated copy of the data before calling map_insert():
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
int *i_copy = malloc(sizeof *i_copy);
*i_copy = i;
map_insert(map, (char *)i_copy, (char *)i_copy);
The other option is to add the size of the value to the map_insert() and node_create() arguments. Then node_create call malloc() and memcpy() to copy the value to dynamic memory.
BTW, there's another problem. The key is supposed to be a null-terminated string (strhash() depends on this), but you're using &i, which is a pointer to an integer. Casting a pointer to an integer to char* doesn't return a string, it just returns a pointer to the same location with a different data type. I haven't fixed this above.
OP stores a reference to the same value, so of course all lookups yield the same value (which is not even a string, but whatever the storage representation of the value of the variable i happens to be).
I prefer chaining the hash map entries, and keeping a copy of the hash in the entry:
struct entry {
struct entry *next;
size_t hash;
void *data;
size_t data_size;
int data_type;
unsigned char name[];
typedef struct {
size_t size;
size_t used; /* Number of entries, total */
struct entry **slot; /* Array of entry pointers */
size_t (*hash)(const unsigned char *, size_t);
} hashmap;
int hashmap_new(hashmap *hmap, const size_t size,
size_t (*hash)(const unsigned char *, size_t))
if (!hmap)
return -1; /* No hashmap specified */
hmap->size = 0;
hmap->used = 0;
hmap->slot = NULL;
hmap->hash = NULL;
if (size < 1)
return -1; /* Invalid size */
if (!hash)
return -1; /* No hash function specified. */
hmap->slot = calloc(size, sizeof hmap->slot[0]);
if (!hmap->slot)
return -1; /* Not enough memory */
hmap->size = size;
hmap->hash = hash;
return 0;
void hashmap_free(hashmap *hmap)
if (hmap) {
size_t i = hmap->size;
while (i-->0) {
struct entry *next = hmap->slot[i];
struct entry *curr;
while (next) {
curr = next;
next = next->next;
/* Poison the entry, to help detect use-after-free bugs. */
curr->next = NULL;
curr->data = NULL;
curr->hash = 0;
curr->data_size = 0;
curr->data_type = 0;
curr->name[0] = '\0';
hmap->size = 0;
hmap->used = 0;
hmap->slot = NULL;
hmap->hash = NULL;
To insert a key-value pair, the function either uses the data specified as-is, in which case it's the caller's responsibility to ensure each key has their own unique data not overwritten later; or we copy the user data. In the above hashmap_free() function, you'll see free(curr->data);; it assumes we allocated memory dynamically, and copied the user data there. So:
int hashmap_add(hashmap *hmap, const unsigned char *name,
const void *data, const size_t data_size,
const int data_type)
const size_t namelen = (name) ? strlen(name) : 0;
struct entry *curr;
size_t i;
if (!hmap)
return -1; /* No hashmap specified. */
if (name_len < 1)
return -1; /* NULL or empty name. */
/* Allocate memory for the hashmap entry,
including enough room for the name, and end of string '\0'. */
curr = malloc(sizeof (struct entry) + namelen + 1;
if (!curr)
return -1; /* Out of memory. */
/* Copy data, if any. */
if (data_size > 0) {
curr->data = malloc(data_size);
if (!curr->data) {
return -1; /* Out of memory. */
memcpy(curr->data, data, data_size);
} else {
curr->data = NULL;
curr->data_size = 0;
curr->data_type = data_type;
/* Calculate the hash of the name. */
curr->hash = hmap->hash(name, namelen);
/* Copy name, including the trailing '\0'. */
memcpy(curr->name, name, namelen + 1);
/* Slot to prepend to. */
i = curr->hash % hmap->size;
curr->next = hmap->slot[i];
hmap->slot[i] = curr;
/* An additional node added. */
return 0;
The meaning of data_type is completely up to the user of the code.
Lookup can be made based on the hash and the data type:
/* Returns 0 if found. */
int hashmap_find(hashmap *hmap, const unsigned char *name,
const int data_type,
void **dataptr_to, size_t *size_to)
struct entry *curr;
size_t hash;
if (size_to)
*size_to = 0;
if (dataptr_to)
*dataptr_to = NULL;
if (!hmap)
return -1; /* No hashmap specified. */
if (!name || !*name)
return -1; /* NULL or empty name. */
hash = hmap->hash(name, strlen(name));
curr = hmap->slot[hash % hmap->size];
for (curr = hmap->slot[hash % hmap->size]; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next) {
if (curr->data_type == data_type && curr->hash == hash &&
!strcmp(curr->name, name)) {
/* Data type an name matches. Save size if requested. */
if (size_to)
*size_to = curr->data_size;
if (dataptr_to)
*dataptr_to = curr->data;
return 0; /* Found. */
return -1; /* Not found. */
The above lookup returns 0 if found, and nonzero if error or not found. (This way, even zero-size NULL data can be stored in the hash map.)
If the number of data types supported is small, say 32, then using an unsigned int with each bit (1U<<0 == 1, 1U<<1 == 2, 1U<<2 == 4, and so on) reserved for a specific type, you can do the lookup using a mask, allowing only the specified types. Similarly, the data_type can be a mask, describing which types the value can be interpreted as (almost always will have just one bit set).
This scheme also allows one to dynamically resize the hashmap, by allocating a new slot array of pointers, and moving each old entry to the new one. The keys don't need to be rehashed, because the original hash is stored in each entry. For lookup efficiency, the chains (hanging off each slot) should be as short as possible. A common "rule of thumb" is that hashmap->size should be between hashmap->used and 2 * hashmap->used.
When you call map_insert(map, (char*)&i, &i); the value inserted into hasmap is the pointer to i variable, i.e. its address in memory, and not the value of i.
So when you change i value inside the for loop there is the side-effect to all entries into the hashmap, and at the end of the loop you only see the last value assigned.

Insert function of Hashtable in C

So, I have the functions. How can I insert numbers in the Hashtable? A for that goes until the size of the table? I don't know what goes inside the for, if it is exists.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct Element {
int key;
int value;
} Element;
typedef struct HashTable {
Element *table[11];
} HashTable;
//Create an empty Hash
HashTable* createHashTable() {
HashTable *Raking = malloc(sizeof(HashTable));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
Raking->table[i] = NULL;
return Raking;
//Insert element
void insertElement(HashTable *Raking, int key, int value) {
int h = hashFunction(key);
while(Raking->table[h] != NULL) {
if(Raking->table[h]->key == key) {
Raking->table[h]->value = value;
h = (h + 1) % 11;
if(Raking->table[h] == NULL) {
Element *newElement = (Element*) malloc(sizeof(Element));
newElement->key = key;
newElement->value = value;
Raking->table[h] = newElement;
int main() {
HashTable * Ranking = createHashTable();
/** ??? **/
Could someone explain to me how to write my main function with these structures? In this case I'm fixing the number of elements in this table, right? (table [11]) What could I do for the user to determine the size of the hash table? is it possible? Or should I set the size?
I've added comments and changes to your code that I feel will be of use to you. I've also adapted it so that size is not hardcoded. Finally I free all the malloc-ed statements.
This compiles without errors and I've tested it for memory leaks and other errors using valgrind and found no complaints.
Let me know if something is not clear and the comments fail to explain it. I've tried to stick to your code as much as possible but I've not had a chance to test the functionality properly.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Element {
int key;
int value;
} Element; /* you had a syntax error here */
typedef struct HashTable {
int size; /* we will need the size for the traversal */
Element *table; /* leave it as a pointer */
} HashTable; /* a syntax error here too */
HashTable* createHashTable(int size) {
HashTable *Ranking = malloc(sizeof(HashTable));
/* set the pointer to point to a dynamic array of size 'size' */
/* this way you don't have to hardcode the size */
Ranking->table = malloc(sizeof(Element) * size);
Ranking->size = size;
/* initialisation is a bit different because we don't have pointers here */
/* only table is a pointer, not its elements */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Ranking->table[i].key = 0;
Ranking->table[i].value = 0;
return Ranking;
/* I implemented a fake hashFunction just to test the code */
/* all it does is make sure the key does not exceed the size of the table */
int hashFunction(int key, int size)
return (key % size);
//Insert element
void insertElement(HashTable *Ranking, int key, int value) {
int h = hashFunction(key, Ranking->size);
int i = 0;
/* if hash is full and key doesn't exist your previous loop would have gone on forever, I've added a check */
/* also notice that I check if table[h] has empty key, not if it's null as this is not a pointer */
while(Ranking->table[h].key != 0 && (i < Ranking->size)) {
if(Ranking->table[h].key == key) {
Ranking->table[h].value = value;
return; /* break is intended to quit the loop, but actually we want to exit the function altogether */
h = (h + 1) % Ranking->size; /* changed 11 to the size specified */
i++; /* advance the loop index */
/* okay found a free slot, store it there */
if(Ranking->table[h].key == 0) {
/* we now do direct assignment, no need for pointers */
Ranking->table[h].key = key;
Ranking->table[h].value = value;
int main() {
int size = 0;
scanf(" %d", &size);
HashTable *Ranking = createHashTable(size);
insertElement(Ranking, 113, 10); /* this is just a test, 113 will be hashed to be less than size */
/* we free everything we have malloc'ed */
return 0;

Resetting a char buffer in C

I'm working on a homework assignment and I need to basically create a character buffer. One of the functions I need to create is called "b_reset". It's purpose is to reinitialize the given buffer so that it will point to the first position in the char buffer. This is needed because later on, when a new char is added to the buffer, it needs to be added to the first position in the buffer.
This is the code I have thus far:
The struct:
typedef struct BufferDescriptor {
char * ca_head ;
int capacity ;
char inc_factor;
int addc_offset ;
int mark_offset ;
char r_flag;
char mode;
} Buffer ;
The code:
int b_reset ( Buffer *pB )
Buffer *temp = NULL;
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
if (pB == NULL)
return R_FAIL_1;
temp = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer*));
if (temp == NULL)
return R_FAIL_1;
temp->ca_head = (char*)malloc(pB->capacity);
if (!temp->ca_head)
temp = NULL;
return R_FAIL_1;
for(i = 0;i < ca_getsize(pB);++i)
temp->ca_head[j] = pB->ca_head[i];
pB->ca_head = temp->ca_head;
return 0;
My goal in this code was to create a temporary buffer that would basically shift over everything 1 time based on the actual given buffer. This would make the first position empty so another char could be added.
The problem I'm running into is that the original buffer doesn't seem to be returning the right values after I reset it.
When I do this for example:
temp->ca_head[0] = 'a';
temp->ca_head[1] = 'b';
temp->ca_head[2] = 'c';
temp->ca_head[3] = 'd';
temp->ca_head[4] = 'e';
b_reset(temp); //this will return the size as 0, when it's actually 5
//temp->ca_head[0] = 'i'; //if this is executed, it returns the size as 6
//and prints out the right values, but if it's not,
//it will not print out anything
printf("%d", ca_getsize(temp));
for(i = 0;i < ca_getsize(temp);++i)
printf("%c", temp->ca_head[i]);
I know something is going wrong here, but I'm not too sure what. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This code is based on your followup comment:
well I'm not trying to resize the buffer, I just want to create an
empty space in the first position, so basically shifting everything to
the right 1 time. The assumption is that there is a enough space in
the buffer to handle this process.
I don't think you need to do any malloc() ing beyond the initial one. You can just shift everything up in a loop:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define R_FAIL_1 1
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
typedef struct BufferDescriptor {
char * ca_head ;
int capacity ;
char inc_factor;
int addc_offset ;
int mark_offset ;
char r_flag;
char mode;
} Buffer ;
void allocate_buffer(Buffer *pB, int size)
pB->ca_head = malloc(size);
pB->capacity = size;
int ca_getsize( Buffer *pB)
return pB->capacity;
int b_reset ( Buffer *pB )
int i = 0;
if (pB == NULL)
return R_FAIL_1;
if ( ca_getsize(pB) <= 0 || pB->ca_head == NULL )
return R_FAIL_1;
// shift data up by 1 byte
for( i = ca_getsize(pB) - 1 ; i > 0;i-- )
pB->ca_head[i] = pB->ca_head[i-1];
pB->ca_head[0] = '\0';
return 0;
void print_buffer(Buffer *pB)
printf("capacity: %d \n", ca_getsize(pB));
for (int i = 0;i < ca_getsize(pB);++i)
printf("buffer(%d): [%d] ",i, pB->ca_head[i]);
int main(void)
Buffer a_buffer;
int ret = b_reset(&a_buffer);
assert(ret == 0);
temp = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer*));
You need to allocate enough space to hold a Buffer, but you only allocate enough space to hold a pointer to a buffer. This should be:
temp = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer));
You are managing your memory incorrectly. You are allocating memory for a new Buffer struct when actually you only need to handle the memory of the ca_head member (if my interpretation of your homework problem is correct).
Each time you invoke b_reset, you will allocate memory for this struct that will not be released. If you don't handle your memory correctly, you will experience unexpected results as the one you are reporting in your question.
I suggest you to make a research on the function realloc and use it properly in your b_reset function.
Good luck with your homework.
