Can we do this with GCC's inline functions? - c

As far as I know inline functions are code substituted in the caller, which means that any code written in an inline function lives in the last function's stack frame. I happen to be in a situation where I need to allocate memory dynamically without using malloc. Is there a way, then, for me to allocate a variable-length array in an inline function, and have it persist when the function terminates---you know, since the stack isn't really unwinding.
What I have is a function called in signal handler context, activated by sigpoll. It attempts to read data from a tcp socket. The data it reads is organised into data structures we came up with; artificial "packets", if you will. There is no telling how much data is in the buffer, where the "packet" boundaries are, etc. It's called by a signal handler, so we can't use any dynamic memory allocators.

Hmm. This seems to be another aspect of what you want. Call all the alloca function to allocate stack memory. alloca()- allocated memory goes away when the function terminates. It returns a pointer
See this for further information. Also note that using alloca may cause some other issues, so it is not perfect.


How do I know it is OK to free the pointer after passed it to a function?

For example,, takes a pointer to region as parameter. So how do I know it does not store it somewhere to use later? Or may I free the pointer right after calling the function? Is there any general routine in GTK?
Generally, this problem can be solved with the concept of "ownership" of the pointer resp. the associated memory area.
Essentially, the function has to define if it takes ownership of the area (in this case, you pass it to that function and don't have to care about it, but OTOH you necessarily have to allocate it in a way that the function is fine with), or if it just "borrows" the pointer. In this case, it remains yours, and the function just temporarily uses it.
A third alternative is a mixed case: the function borrows ownership, but requires you to keep the memory remains allocated (i. e. usable) until a certain action occurs (e. g. freeing a given resource). In this case, it is your choice where to pick the memory from (heap, stack, static memory etc.), but it is your responsibility to keep it usable long enough.
What the function does should be documented somewhere.

Am i overusing malloc in c?

I am working on learning c. I understand that malloc() allocates a block of bytes that cannot be changed or corrupted without user request, however I find myself using it very often. To be exact, I am using malloc every time that I want to create either a struct or any of its contents that I want to reference in the future. I also do understand to free() the allocated memory when its complete.
Is my use of malloc correct?
Dynamic memory allocation (malloc and family) are there for two reasons:
Your data needs to persist beyond the scope that allocated it (e.g. multithreading)
Whatever you are allocating is too large for your stack
You should really be avoiding to allocate dynamic memory for any other reason. Automatic (stack) variables are far less prone to errors and are automatically deallocated for you at the end of the scope.
Having "corrupted memory" like you call it can only really arise from bad programming and can happen on both the stack and the heap and you should not rely on dynamic memory to provide safety from buffer overflows or other mistakes that lead to memory corruption.
There is a reason why many functions in the C standard library get a pointer to a buffer as an argument to put results in: it allows you to allocate those buffers on your stack. e.g:
ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
Also as mentioned by another answer: Your stack memory is already in the CPU cache and is thus far faster accessible.
Please also consider the other types of allocation:
int foo;
outside of a block will allocate a global variable, which is alive during the whole lifetime of your process, and visible for other modules of the program.
static int foo;
outside of a block is the same but visible in the actual module only.
int foo;
inside a block is alive only while the code in the block runs, then it's destroyed.
static int foo;
inside a block is visible in the block only, but it preserves its value for the entire lifetime of the process.
I'm doing a lot of embedded C coding, and using malloc() is absolutely prohibited. And it's entirely possible. You typically need malloc() if you don't know the size of your problem at compile time. But even in some cases like that, you can replace dynamic memory allocation with other techinques like recursion, line-based processing etc, etc.
It depends on what you mean by
cannot be changed or corrupted without user request
If you are referring to code - then it's usually called client, not user. And it's still unclear what do you mean by that. But that's not the point.
The point is that malloc() is one of the functions used for dynamic memory allocation. It means that you can pass an address returned by this function somewhere else and data stored there will be there until it's manually deallocated. Unlike static memory allocation which is automatically freed when it's out of the scope.
So, you probably shouldn't be using malloc() if memory allocated by it is freed in the same scope, just because it's meaningless and because static allocation is faster because it's easier for CPU to cache and it's initialized at program startup, not at runtime as heap allocated memory.

Best practice for allocating memory for use by a function — malloc inside or outside?

During my experience with C coding, I've seen 2 ways of passing arguments for functions:
malloc before calling functions
malloc inside functions (variable is not initialized before calling function)
I, particularly, prefer the second form. But while I'm the only one to code my program, I know that, but some else could not know, and could lead to 2 malloc, and leak of memory.
So, my question is: What's the best practice for this?
Allocating memory in the caller is more flexible, because it allows the caller to use static or automatic storage instead of dynamic allocation, and eliminates the need to handle the case of allocation failure in the callee. On the other hand, having the caller provide the storage requires the caller to know the size in advance. If the size is compiled into the caller as a constant and the callee is in a library that's later updated to use a larger structure, things will break horribly. You can avoid this, of course, by providing a second function (or external variable in the library) for retrieving the necessary size.
When in doubt, you can always make two functions:
The main function that uses caller-provided storage.
A wrapper function which allocates the right amount of storage, calls the function in #1 using it, and returns the pointer to the caller.
Then the caller is free to choose whichever method is more appropriate for the particular usage case.
I personally strongly favor your first proposition (whenever it is possible) for orthogonality. Take the following example:
extern void bar(int *p, int n);
void foo(int n)
int *p = malloc(n * sizeof *p);
// fill array object
bar(p, n);
// work with array elements
/* ... */
// array no longer needed, free object
This is orthogonal. malloc and free are called in the same lexical scope which is clean and readable. Another advantage is you can pass to bar function an array with a different storage duration for example an array with automatic or static storage duration. You let bar function focus only on the work it has do and let another function manage the array allocation.
Note that this is also how all Standard C functions work: they never appear to call malloc.
The criteria I'd use for deciding are:
If the code outside the called function can know how much memory to allocate, then it is better to have the calling code allocate the memory.
If the code outside the called function cannot know how much memory to allocate, then the called function must do the memory allocation. It is likely then that there will be a second function available to release the memory returned by the first function (the 'called' function), unless it is just a single free() that's needed. The function documentation should make this clear.
For example, if the called function is reading a complete tree structure from a file, the function will have to allocate the memory. But, there will also be a companion function for releasing the memory (since the called code knows how to do it and the calling code shouldn't need to know).
On the other hand, if the called function is reading a simple list of integer and floating point values into a fixed size structure, it is far better to make the calling function allocate the memory. Note that I skipped 'strings'! If the strings are of a fixed size in the structure, then the calling function can do the allocation, but if the strings are of variable size, then probably the called function does the allocation.
The Standard C Library has functions like fgets() which expect the calling code to allocate the memory to be used. The calling sequence tells fgets() how much space is available. You run into problems if you didn't provide enough memory. (The problem with fgets() is that you may only get the start of a line of text, not the whole line of text.)
The POSIX 2008 Library provides getline() which will allocate enough space for the line.
The asprintf() and related functions (see TR24731-2) allocate memory as required. The snprintf() function does not — it is told how much space there is available, it uses no more than that, and says how much it really needed, and it is up to you to note if you didn't provide enough space and do something about it (allocate more space and try again, or blithely ignore the truncated value and continue as if nothing went wrong).
The principal of information hiding suggests that it allocating memory is best done within a function.
If you look at how stdio.h works:
FILE *myFile;
myFile = fopen("input.txt", "r");
if (!myFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening input.txt for reading.\n");
// other exit handling close
else {
// code to read from file
the library call allocates memory that holds information about the file you are working with, and it returns a pointer to that structure. The caller is responsible for later on freeing that memory (with a call to fclose).
This pattern is repeated throughout the Standard C library.
There are at least two disadvantages to requiring the caller to allocate and free memory:
Extra code would be required on the calling side.
The calling code would need to be recompiled (at a minimum) or changed if the size of structure being allocated ever changed.

Freeing Static Structures in C Library

A project I am working on involves a flight vehicle with GNC code written in a C library (.out). We must call this C code from LabVIEW (the primary avionics software) in the form of a .out library, and the nature of the software requires static pointers to store data between successive calls to the function. We call the GNC executive function at regular intervals throughout a flight. I'm now trying to call this function using a Matlab MEX wrapper in a DLL on Windows, and this has uncovered some memory management issues.
I am declaring the structures at the beginning of the function like this:
static Nav_str *Nav_IN_OUT_ptr;
static hguid_ref *Guid_IN_OUT_ptr;
static HopControl *Control_IN_OUT_ptr;
Nav_IN_OUT_ptr = (Nav_str *)malloc(sizeof(Nav_str));
Guid_IN_OUT_ptr = (hguid_ref *)malloc(sizeof(hguid_ref));
Control_IN_OUT_ptr = (HopControl *)malloc(sizeof(HopControl));
This happens during every run of the function. However, after this function is called iteratively several times, it always crashes with a memory segmentation fault after it tries to exit. My understanding was that this memory was supposed to clean itself up, is that incorrect?
In order to clean it up manually, I added these lines to the end, to be called only on a clean-up iteration:
Is this the correct way to free this memory? Can I free this memory? Might there be another reason for the segmentation error other than C not giving up the memory properly after the last call, or Matlab not properly managing its memory? I've searched all over for someone with a similar problem (even contacting Mathworks) without much luck, so any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Failing to free memory is not going to cause a segmentation fault. It's probably likely your problem lies somewhere else. The two likely conditions are:
Overflowing a buffer
Using a pointer to memory that has previously been free'd.
Using a bad pointer value, somehow set incorrectly.
Trying to free a pointer not returned by malloc'd (or already free'd)
My understanding was that this memory
was supposed to clean itself up, is
that incorrect?
Yes, you need to call free() to release the memory back to the heap. I would also suggest that you set the pointer value to null after the free, this may help you catch condition 2, from above.
Nav_IN_OUT_ptr = (Nav_str *)malloc(sizeof(Nav_str));
This code statement is questionable. What is Nav_str type? Are you sure you don't mean to use strlen(Nav_str)+1?
I also need to ask what is the purpose for making your pointers static? Static function variables are basically globals, and only to be used in rare cases.
Your code does have a memory leak - it is allocating that memory each time the function is called. Even your current method still has the memory leak - if you only call free() once, in the final iteration, then you have only freed the most recent allocation.
However, a memory leak will not generally cause a segmentation fault (unless your memory leak exhausts all available memory, causing subsequent malloc() calls to return NULL).
If you wish to have static structures that are only allocated once and re-used, you do not need to use malloc() at all - you can simply change your declarations to:
static Nav_str Nav_IN_OUT;
static hguid_ref Guid_IN_OUT;
static HopControl Control_IN_OUT;
... and use Nav_IN_OUT.field instead of Nav_IN_OUT_ptr->field, and &Nav_IN_OUT in place of Nav_IN_OUT_ptr (if you are directly passing the pointer value to other functions).
My understanding was that this memory was supposed to clean itself up, is that incorrect?
Sorry, but you were incorrect. :) Memory allocated with malloc() will persist until you manually remove it with free(). (You did get this right in the end. Hooray. :)
Is this the correct way to free this memory? Can I free this memory?
That is the correct way to free the memory, but it might not be in the correct place. In general, try to write your free() calls the same time you write your malloc() calls.
Maybe you allocate at the start of a function and then free at the end of the function. (In that case, on-stack memory use might be better, if the memory is only ever used by functions called by the original function.)
Maybe you have a foo_init() function that calls malloc() and creates associated contexts from an API, then you pass that context into other routines that operate on that data, and then you need to place the free() calls into a foo_destroy() or foo_free() or similar routine. All your callers then need to balance the foo_init() and foo_free() calls. This would be especially appropriate if you can't just write the foo_init() and foo_destroy() calls in one function; say, your objects might need to be removed at some random point in a larger event loop.
And maybe the data should just be allocated once and live forever. That would be correct for some application designs, and it's tough to tell just from the variable names whether or not these blocks of data should live forever.
Might there be another reason for the segmentation error other than C not giving
up the memory properly after the last call, or Matlab not properly managing its memory?
There sure could be; perhaps this memory is being returned too soon, perhaps some pointer is being free()ed two or more times, or you're overwriting your buffers (that malloc(sizeof(Nav_str)) call is a little worrying; it is probably just allocating four or eight bytes, based on the pointer size on your platform; and before you replace it with strlen(), note that strlen() won't leave space for a NUL byte at the end of the string; malloc(len+1); is the usual pattern for allocating memory for a string, and I get concerned any time I don't see that +1 in the call.)
Some time with valgrind would doubtless help find memory errors, and maybe some time with Electric Fence could help. valgrind is definitely newer, and can definitely handle 'large' programs better (since electric fence will allocate a new page for every malloc(), it can be expensive).

Checking if something was malloced

Given a pointer to some variable.. is there a way to check whether it was statically or dynamically allocated??
Quoting from your comment:
im making a method that will basically get rid of a struct. it has a data member which is a pointer to something that may or may not be malloced.. depending on which one, i would like to free it
The correct way is to add another member to the struct: a pointer to a deallocation function.
It is not just static versus dynamic allocation. There are several possible allocators, of which malloc() is just one.
On Unix-like systems, it could be:
A static variable
On the stack
On the stack but dynamically allocated (i.e. alloca())
On the heap, allocated with malloc()
On the heap, allocated with new
On the heap, in the middle of an array allocated with new[]
On the heap, within a struct allocated with malloc()
On the heap, within a base class of an object allocated with new
Allocated with mmap
Allocated with a custom allocator
Many more options, including several combinations and variations of the above
On Windows, you also have several runtimes, LocalAlloc, GlobalAlloc, HeapAlloc (with several heaps which you can create easily), and so on.
You must always release memory with the correct release function for the allocator you used. So, either the part of the program responsible for allocating the memory should also free the memory, or you must pass the correct release function (or a wrapper around it) to the code which will free the memory.
You can also avoid the whole issue by either requiring the pointer to always be allocated with a specific allocator or by providing the allocator yourself (in the form of a function to allocate the memory and possibly a function to release it). If you provide the allocator yourself, you can even use tricks (like tagged pointers) to allow one to also use static allocation (but I will not go into the details of this approach here).
Raymond Chen has a blog post about it (Windows-centric, but the concepts are the same everywhere): Allocating and freeing memory across module boundaries
The ACE library does this all over the place. You may be able to check how they do it. In general you probably shouldn't need to do this in the first place though...
Since the heap, the stack, and the static data area generally occupy different ranges of memory, it is possible with intimate knowledge of the process memory map, to look at the address and determine which allocation area it is in. This technique is both architecture and compiler specific, so it makes porting your code more difficult.
Most libc malloc implementations work by storing a header before each returned memory block which has fields (to be used by the free() call) which has information about the size of the block, as well as a 'magic' value. This magic value is to protect against the user accidently deleting a pointer which wasn't alloc'd (or freeing a block which was overwritten by the user). It's very system specific so you'd have to look at the implementation of your libc library to see exactly what magic value was there.
Once you know that, you move the given pointer back to point at header and then check it for the magic value.
Can you hook into malloc() itself, like the malloc debuggers do, using LD_PRELOAD or something? If so, you could keep a table of all the allocated pointers and use that. Otherwise, I'm not sure. Is there a way to get at malloc's bookkeeping information?
Not as a standard feature.
A debug version of your malloc library might have some function to do this.
You can compare its address to something you know to be static, and say it's malloced only if it's far away, if you know the scope it should be coming from, but if its scope is unknown, you can't really trust that.
1.) Obtain a map file for the code u have.
2.) The underlying process/hardware target platform should have a memory map file which typically indicates - starting address of memory(stack, heap, global0, size of that block, read-write attributes of that memory block.
3.) After getting the address of the object(pointer variable) from the mao file in 1.) try to see which block that address falls into. u might get some idea.
