Checking if something was malloced - c

Given a pointer to some variable.. is there a way to check whether it was statically or dynamically allocated??

Quoting from your comment:
im making a method that will basically get rid of a struct. it has a data member which is a pointer to something that may or may not be malloced.. depending on which one, i would like to free it
The correct way is to add another member to the struct: a pointer to a deallocation function.
It is not just static versus dynamic allocation. There are several possible allocators, of which malloc() is just one.
On Unix-like systems, it could be:
A static variable
On the stack
On the stack but dynamically allocated (i.e. alloca())
On the heap, allocated with malloc()
On the heap, allocated with new
On the heap, in the middle of an array allocated with new[]
On the heap, within a struct allocated with malloc()
On the heap, within a base class of an object allocated with new
Allocated with mmap
Allocated with a custom allocator
Many more options, including several combinations and variations of the above
On Windows, you also have several runtimes, LocalAlloc, GlobalAlloc, HeapAlloc (with several heaps which you can create easily), and so on.
You must always release memory with the correct release function for the allocator you used. So, either the part of the program responsible for allocating the memory should also free the memory, or you must pass the correct release function (or a wrapper around it) to the code which will free the memory.
You can also avoid the whole issue by either requiring the pointer to always be allocated with a specific allocator or by providing the allocator yourself (in the form of a function to allocate the memory and possibly a function to release it). If you provide the allocator yourself, you can even use tricks (like tagged pointers) to allow one to also use static allocation (but I will not go into the details of this approach here).
Raymond Chen has a blog post about it (Windows-centric, but the concepts are the same everywhere): Allocating and freeing memory across module boundaries

The ACE library does this all over the place. You may be able to check how they do it. In general you probably shouldn't need to do this in the first place though...

Since the heap, the stack, and the static data area generally occupy different ranges of memory, it is possible with intimate knowledge of the process memory map, to look at the address and determine which allocation area it is in. This technique is both architecture and compiler specific, so it makes porting your code more difficult.

Most libc malloc implementations work by storing a header before each returned memory block which has fields (to be used by the free() call) which has information about the size of the block, as well as a 'magic' value. This magic value is to protect against the user accidently deleting a pointer which wasn't alloc'd (or freeing a block which was overwritten by the user). It's very system specific so you'd have to look at the implementation of your libc library to see exactly what magic value was there.
Once you know that, you move the given pointer back to point at header and then check it for the magic value.

Can you hook into malloc() itself, like the malloc debuggers do, using LD_PRELOAD or something? If so, you could keep a table of all the allocated pointers and use that. Otherwise, I'm not sure. Is there a way to get at malloc's bookkeeping information?

Not as a standard feature.
A debug version of your malloc library might have some function to do this.

You can compare its address to something you know to be static, and say it's malloced only if it's far away, if you know the scope it should be coming from, but if its scope is unknown, you can't really trust that.

1.) Obtain a map file for the code u have.
2.) The underlying process/hardware target platform should have a memory map file which typically indicates - starting address of memory(stack, heap, global0, size of that block, read-write attributes of that memory block.
3.) After getting the address of the object(pointer variable) from the mao file in 1.) try to see which block that address falls into. u might get some idea.


c malloc functionality for custom memory region

Is there any malloc/realloc/free like implementation where i can specify a memory region where to manage the memory allocation?
I mean regular malloc (etc.) functions manages only the heap memory region.
What if I need to allocate some space in a shared memory segment or in a memory mapped file?
Not 100 %, As per your question you want to maintain your own memory region. so you need to go for your own my_malloc, my_realloc and my_free
Implementing your own my_malloc may help you
void* my_malloc(int size)
char* ptr = malloc(size+sizeof(int));
memcpy(ptr, &size, sizeof(int));
return ptr+sizeof(int);
This is just a small idea, full implementation will take you to the
Refer this question
use the same method to achieve my_realloc and my_free
I asked myself this question recently too, because I wanted a malloc implementation for my security programs which could safely wipe out a static memory region just before exit (which contains sensitive data like encryption keys, passwords and other such data).
First, I found this. I thought it could be very good for my purpose, but I really could not understand it's code completely. The license status was also unclear, as it is very important for one of my projects too.
I ended up writing my own.
My own implementation supports multiple heaps at same time, operating over them with pool descriptor structure, automatic memory zeroing of freed blocks, undefined behavior and OOM handlers, getting exact usable size of allocated objects and testing that pointer is still allocated, which is very sufficient for me. It's not very fast and it is more educational grade rather than professional one, but I wanted one in a hurry.
Note that it does not (yet) knows about alignment requirements, but at least it returns an address suitable for storing an 32 bit integer.
Iam using Tasking and I can store data in a specific space of memory. For example I can use:
testVar _at(0x200000);
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but for example I'am using it to store data to external RAM. But as far as I know, it's only workin for global variables.
It is not very hard to implement your own my_alloc and my_free and use preferred memory range. It is simple chain of: block size, flag free/in use, and block data plus final-block marker (e.g. block size = 0). In the beginning you have one large free block and know its address. Note that my_alloc returns the address of block data and block size/flag are few bytes before.

Is the bookkeeping of allocated memory blocks redundant?

When we use malloc() we provide a size in byte.
When we use free() we provide nothing.
This is because the OS of course knows about it already, it must have stored the information somewhere.
By the way, also our software must remember how many memory blocks it has requested, so that we can (for instance) safely iterates starting from the pointer and going ahead.
So, my question is: isn't this redundant? Can't we simply ask the OS the size of the memory pointed by a given pointer since it knows it? And if not, why not?
When we use malloc() we provide a size in byte. When we use free() we
provide nothing. This is because the OS of course knows about it
already, it must have stored the information somewhere.
Even though it gives you memory and it keeps track of what memory range belongs to your process, the OS doesn't concern itself with the internal details of your memory. malloc stores the size of the allocated chunk in its own place, also reserved inside your process (usually, it's a few bytes before the logical address returned by malloc). free simply reads that reserved information and deallocates automatically.
By the way, also our software must remember how many memory blocks it
has requested, so that we can (for instance) safely iterates starting
from the pointer and going ahead.
So, my question is: isn't this redundant? Can't we simply ask the OS
the size of the memory pointed by a given pointer since it knows it?
And if not, why not?
Given the above, it is redundant to store that information, yes. But you pretty much have to store it, because the way malloc does its book-keeping is an implementation detail.
If you know how your particular implementation works and you want to take that risk for your software, you are free (no pun intended) to do it. If you don't want to base your logic on an implementation detail (and you'd be right not to want to), you'll have to do this redundant book-keeping side-by-side with malloc's own book-keeping.
No, it's not redundant. malloc() manages, in cooperation with free() and a few other functions, a zillion tiny, individually addressed blocks within relatively large blocks which are generally obtained with sbrk(). The OS only knows about the large range(s), and has no clue which tiny block within it are in use or not. To add to the differences, sbrk() only lets you move the end of your data segment, not split it into parts to free independently. Though one could allocated memory using sbrk exclusively, you would be unable to free arbitrary chunks for reuse, or coalesce smaller chunks into larger ones, or split chunks without writing a bunch of bookkeeping code for this purpose - which ends up essentially being the same as writing malloc. Additionally, using malloc/free/... allows you to call sbrk only rarely, which is a performance bonus since sbrk is a system call with special overhead.
When we use free() we provide nothing.
Not quite true; we provide the pointer that was returned by malloc.
Can't we simply ask the OS the size of the memory pointed by a given pointer since it knows it?
Nope. Pointers are simply addresses; apart from their type, they carry no information about the size of the object they point to. How malloc/calloc/realloc and free keep track of object sizes and allocated vs. free blocks is up to the individual implementation; they may reserve some space immediately before the allocated memory to store the size, they may build an internal map of addresses and sizes, or they may do something else completely.
It would be nice if you could query a pointer for the size of the object it points to; unfortunately, that's simply not a feature of the language.

Is there a standard C malloc like function that takes double pointer to avoid fragmentation?

The problem with the current malloc function is that is does not keep track of the variable that stores the returned memory location. As such fragmentation can occur because it is harder to move around memory.
The MMU can solve this only to a certain extent. Lets say that instead malloc took a double pointer and kept track of the variable. Calls to free would allow free to move around memory and change the memory location.
It is highly unlikely that I am the first to think about this so I am wondering if there is a standard C function that does this or POSIX function?
I understand that this idea is not perfect. The program would have to pass around the same variable instead of copying it however it does solve the issue of fragmentation which does matter to me as I work with low memory devices.
Of course, the realloc() function will, if necessary, move a previously allocated block of memory to a new (larger) location. However, it does not necessarily impact fragmentation.
My solution (in C) has been (in low-memory conditions) to do my own memory management.
Though not the same mechanism, the closest thing to what you are speaking of are smart pointers as implemented with the boost libraries. However, they are built for C++.
Smart pointers are 'smart' in that they don't hang around after they aren't needed (and you don't have to free them) so they avoid most of the fragmentation problems you cite.
Keeping track of which variable points to which memory location cannot be done by just passing a pointer to a pointer. What if the address of the allocated memory is copied to another variable?
C is unlike Java that keeps track of object references. In your case, you may be better off managing memory on your own by preallocating a large chunk of memory and splitting it as needed, keeping track of usage, in brief, implementing your own memory management.
The idea is not that attractive when you start thinking about implementation details. You can of course write a function that returns a double pointer. What about the intermediate pointer? Where should it be stored? The program itself clearly cannot store it, because the intermediate oointer should have exactly the same lifetime as the pointed-to memory. So the allocator itself should store and manage it. And the memory where the intermediate pointer lives is not movable. But the killer misfeature is that the scheme is not thread safe. As pointers are free to change under the hood, each pointer dereference now requires a lock.

When is malloc necessary in C?

I think all malloc(sizeof(structure)) can be replaced this way:
Then when is malloc necessary?
When you don't know how many object of some kind you need (e.g. linked list elements);
when you need to have data structures of size known only at runtime (e.g. strings based on unknown input); this is somewhat mitigated by the introduction of VLAs in C99, but see the next point:
when you know at compile time their size (or you can use VLAs), but it's just too big for the stack (typically a few MBs at most) and it would make no sense to make such thing global (e.g. big vectors to manipulate);
when you need to have an object whose lifetime is different than what automatic variables, which are scope-bound (=>are destroyed when the execution exits from the scope in which they are declared), can have (e.g. data that must be shared between different objects with different lifetimes and deleted when no one uses it anymore).
Notice that it isn't completely impossible to do without dynamic memory allocation (e.g. the whole rockbox project works almost without it), but there are cases in which you actually need to emulate it by using a big static buffer and writing your own allocator.
By the way, in C++ you will never use malloc()/free(), but the operators new and delete.
Related: a case in which trying to work without malloc has proven to be a big mess.
You will use malloc to dynamically allocate memory, either because:
you don't know at compile-time how much memory will be required,
you want to be able to reallocate memory later on (for instance using realloc),
you want to be able to discard the allocated memory earlier than by waiting for its release based on the scope of your variable.
I can see your point. You could think you could always using a declarative syntax for all of these, even using variables to declare the size of your memory spaces, but that would:
be non-standard,
give you less control,
possibly use more memory as you will need to do copies instead of re-allocating.
You will probably get to understand this in time, don't worry.
Also, you should try to learn more about the memory model. You don't use the same memory spaces when using a dynamic allocation and when using a static allocation.
For first pointers, visit:
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Static Memory Allocation
Stack vs Heap
Stack vs Heap?
How C Programming Works - Dynamic Data Structures
Friendly advice: I don't know if you develop C on *NIX or Windows, but in any case if you use gcc, I recommend using the following compilation flags when you teach yourself:
-Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes
You should read about dynamic memory allocation. You obviously don't know what it is.
The main difference between the two is that memory allocated with malloc() exists until you say so. Static memory such as char buff[10]; only exists in the function scope.
malloc is a dynamic memory allocator which helps u up to assign memory to ur variables according to ur need and therefore reduces the loss of memory.It is also supported by realloc() function through which u can edit the memory required which u have defined earlier through malloc() or calloc(). So in short we can say that malloc() can be used for managing the memory space and making use of the necessary memory without wasting it.
You never should do this the way you are proposing. Others already told you about the difference of allocating storage on the heap versus allocation on the function stack. But if and when you are allocating on the stack you should just declare your variable:
structure A = { /* initialize correctly */ };
There is no sense or point in doing that as an (basically) untyped char array. If you also need the address of that beast, well, take the address of with &A.
When you don't know how much memory to allocate at compile time. Take a very simple program, where you need to store the numbers entered by the user in linked list. Here you dont know how many numbers will be entered by the user. So as user enters a number you will create a node for it using malloc and store it in the linked list.
If you use char[sizeof(structure)] instead of malloc, then I think no dynamic memory allocation is done.
Besides the fact that your char[] method cannot resize or determine the size at runtime, your array might not be properly aligned for the type of structure you want to use it for. This can result in undefined behaviour.

Where do malloc() and free() store allocated sizes and addresses?

Where do malloc() and free() store the allocated addresses and their sizes (Linux GCC)? I've read that some implementations store them somewhere before the actual allocated memory, but I could not confirm that in my tests.
The background, maybe someone has another tip for this:
I'm experimenting a little bit with analyzing the heap memory of a process in order to determine the current value of a string in the other process.
Accessing the process heap memory and strolling through it is no problem. However, because the value of the string changes and the process allocates a new part of the memory each time, the string's address changes. Because the string has a fixed format it's still easy to find, but after a few changes the old versions of the string are still in the heap memory (probably freed, but still not reused / overwritten) and thus I'm not able to tell which string is the current one.
So, in order to still find the current one I want to check if a string I find in the memory is still used by comparing its address against the addresses malloc() and free() know about.
There are lots of ways in which malloc/free can store the size of the memory area. For example, it might be stored just before the area returned by malloc. Or it might be stored in a lookup table elsewhere. Or it might be stored implicitly: some areas might be reserved for specific sizes of allocations.
To find out how the C library in Linux (glibc) does this, get the source code from and look at the malloc/malloc.c file. There is some documentation at the top, and it refers to A Memory Allocator by Doug Lea.
This is up to the implementation of the standard library, of course. So your best bet would probably be to dig through the source of the library (glibc is the default on Linux) and see if you can figure it out. It is probably not going to be trivial.
