I am using this code right now to pull a users
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );
$hybridauth_session_data = get_stored_hybridauth_session( $current_user_id );
$hybridauth->restoreSessionData( $hybridauth_session_data );
$twitter = $hybridauth->getAdapter( "Twitter" );
$user_profile = $twitter->getUserProfile();
And it works fine for the current logged in user.
Now i want to show other users Twitter wall on a new page when this user is visiting the other user. Is that possible?
Use restoreSessionData to store other users session data that you should save to DB, and use the following method
$hybridauth->restoreSessionData( OTHER-USER-SESSION-DATA);
$twitter = $hybridauth->authenticate( "Twitter" );
$twitter_timeline = $twitter->api()->api('statuses/user_timeline.json?count=20&trim_user=TRUE');
$dataFilteredTwit = _hitsup_filter_timeline($twitter_timeline, "Twitter" );
I am trying to code a simple React app that requires a user to sign in with Google before sample data can be accessed in the app. I would like a welcome message to display upon login that says "Welcome, [name]!" Currently, this function is working, but it's lagging behind by one sign-in.
The beginning state of my app
This is how the app appears at the beginning.
The app after one login
This is how the app appears after one login. Note that instead of getting the name from the user's Google account, it displays the default value of "default".
The app after two or more logins to the same account
After logging out and logging back in again, however, the app functions normally, showing the welcome message with the user's name. I've tried logging in with a different account, and the lag persists, i.e. "default" displays when logging in with Naomi, "Naomi" displays when logging in with Ally, "Ally" displays after logging out and logging back into Ally.
I've tried logging the variable with the user's name (userName) to the console right before information is passed, and it appears to be firing AFTER the log-in is completed, but I'm not sure why.
The code I hope is relevant is below.
import React from 'react';
import Login from './Login';
var userName = "default";
class LoginButton extends React.Component {
// some other code here
onSignIn = googleUser => {
let user = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
let id_token = googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token;
userName = user.getName(); //I try to grab the name from the user's account and assign it to userName
console.log('google user obj', user);
{/*console.log('google_id_token', id_token);*/}
console.log('Name:', userName); //This properly logs the correct userName to the console
// some other code here
render() {
console.log(userName); //this incorrectly logs the userName lagged by one
// noinspection CheckTagEmptyBody
return (
<Login isLoggedIn={this.state.isLoggedIn} name={userName}/> //this passes the incorrect userName
<div id="my-signin2"></div>
<br />
{this.state.isLoggedIn && (
<button style={{ width: 200, height: 40, textAlign: 'center' }} onClick={this.logout}>
Any help would be much appreciated.
My problem was the placement of this.toggleLoggedIn();
Moving it to the end of the onSignIn function block solved my problem.
onSignIn = googleUser => {
console.log("Sign in successful");
let user = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
userName = user.getName();
Looking at the sample code: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/tutorial/mutations/
Lets say login form mutation returns the JWT token and also the user profile. Is there a way to save the user profile to client cache so we can display the "home" page with this data immediately?
In other words, as we are already going to the server to authenticate, server return the data to start to display something straight away to the user.
I don't want to write purely client-side data such as isLoggedIn. I would like to write the whole profile data in a way the Home page can read from cache or server as we usually do with useQuery(...)
I figured it out. It's simple.
const client = useApolloClient();
const [loginUser, { loading }] = useMutation(LOGIN_USER, {
onCompleted(result) {
const membership = _.get(result, 'loginUser.`profile`');
const loginUserResult = _.get(result, 'loginUser');
'auth', '...'
client.writeData({ data: { profile } });
Then when home page renders, profile data is available in local cache and graphql doesn't make another request for profile
I have a react application and currently the user authentication done with Wordpress. So I'm using JWT_AUTH! plugin to manage user login functionality.
So now the requirement has changed and the users should be able to login to both React and the Wordpress websites with one single login attempt. This means if the user login to the React application, he should automatically log in to his Wordpress application as well. Also if the user login on Wordpress application he should automatically log into his react application as well.
I have created a custom REST API endpoint to do this requirement. But it's not working as expected. This endpoint is working when I using this API link with a browser. That because it doesn't have the ability to store cookies with the REST API call.
I also tried to generate auth cookies with the rest API call but it gave me the "500" error.
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'user/v1', '/api-login-check', array(
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::READABLE,
'callback' => 'rest_api_login_user',
'schema' => array(
'type' => 'array'
function rest_api_login_user($object, $request = null) {
$response = array();
$parameters = $request->get_json_params();
$creds = array();
$creds['user_login'] = $object['username'];
$creds['user_password'] = $object['password'];
$creds['remember'] = true;
$user = wp_signon( $creds, false );
if ($user) {
$response['code'] = 200;
$response['message'] = __("User logged in", "wp-rest-user");
return new WP_REST_Response($response, 123);
$response['code'] = 403;
$response['message'] = __("User not logged in", "wp-rest-user");
Is there any easy way to do this? Also if there a way to redirect user to different url from a rest api call, that also fine.
I'm trying to use the paypal-cordova-plugin to integrate paiement on my mobile app. But the instructions I am following are asking for sandbox id and production id but I have no idea where to find them in paypal. Can someone help me on this ?
This is the place where they are asked
.constant("shopSettings", (function () {
return {
payPalSandboxId: "Aar8HZzvc5NztVWodTBpOiOod9wWrBDrJUjyvRr4WsxcCD28xYig7oecfYsqxQUDu5QHptPpSALirxZD",
payPalProductionId : "production id here",
payPalEnv: "PayPalEnvironmentSandbo", // for testing production for production
payPalShopName : "SenPass",
payPalMerchantPrivacyPolicyURL : "url to policy",
payPalMerchantUserAgreementURL : "url to user agreement"
This is the link I'm following : http://ionicandroidlearning.blogspot.fr/2015/11/ionic-paypal-integration.html
First you need to create an account on paypal developers.
Then inside the dashboard create a new application (REST API apps).
When you create the new app, Paypal will generate a sandbox account and a client id for you.
Add the code (example):
var configuration=function () {
var configOptions = {
merchantName: "Some name you have specified",
merchantPrivacyPolicyURL: "http://yourserver/privacypolicy",
merchantUserAgreementURL: "http://yourserver/agreement",
languageOrLocale: "en_US"
// for more options see paypal-mobile-js-helper.js
var _config = new PayPalConfiguration( configOptions );
return _config;
var onPrepareRender = function(){
$log.info(" ======= onPrepareRender ==========");
var onPayPalMobileInit = function(){
var payPalConfig = configuration();
PayPalMobile.prepareToRender("PayPalEnvironmentSandbox", payPalConfig, onPrepareRender);
deferred.resolve( payPalConfig );
var clientIDs = {
"PayPalEnvironmentProduction": '', //leave it blank
"PayPalEnvironmentSandbox": 'your sandbox id'
PayPalMobile.init(clientIDs, onPayPalMobileInit);
to retrive PayPal Sandobx keys try to go here:
click on your generated account for testing (in the table) and then on Profile ...it open a modal with some tabs .. choose the API Credential tab
Hope it can help you
How do I get the page that was denied access by the Auth component using CakePHP 2.x? If I use the referer() function, it gives me the page that linked to the denied action. Here's my code:
public function login() {
//get the current url of the login page (or current controller+action)
$currentLoginUrl = "/login";
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$this->User->recursive = -1;
$user = $this->User->find(
'conditions' => array(
'User.username' => $this->request->data['User']['username'],
'User.password' => AuthComponent::password($this->request->data['User']['password'])
if ($user && $this->Auth->login($user['User'])) {
//if the referer page is not from login page,
if( $this->referer() != $currentLoginUrl )
//use $this->referer() right away
$this->redirect($this->referer('/admin', true)); //if referer can't be read, or if its not from local server, use $this->Auth->rediret() instead
//if the user lands on login page first, rely on our session
$this->redirect( $this->Session->read('beforeLogin_referer') );
$this->Session->setFlash('Username or password is incorrect', 'default', array('class' => 'alert-danger'));
if( $this->referer() != $currentLoginUrl )
//store this value to use once user is succussfully logged in
$this->Session->write('beforeLogin_referer', $this->referer('/admin', true) ) ; //if referer can't be read, or if its not from local server, use $this->Auth->rediret() instead
So basically what happens is I'm not logged in, and I'm at this url:
and I click on a link that would take me to
but that requires a user to be logged in, so it redirects me to the login page, which, when I debug referrer(), it gives me this:
What am I doing wrong?
When you use Auth component in CakePHP and try to access a restricted site, it redirects you to login page and saves the referring page in session. Session key Auth.redirect holds the value you're looking for - the page that you were trying to access.
Look at the __unauthenticated() method of AuthComponent. It includes the code responsible for writing session value to Auth.redirect. If you don't want to use AuthComponent, you can check how it is implemented in the component and write your own solution based on the method I have mentioned.
$this->referer() will not provide you the correct referrer url for you. If you want to get referrer url just use $this->Session->read('Auth.redirect');
You can find exact url you are looking for by $this->Session->read('Auth.redirect');
$this->referer() value update every time when you reload the page.