How to clear view definition cache infor M3 smartoffice - arp

I am using Infor M3
Is there a way to clear view definition cache from Smartoffice?

You can use the following commands:-
Clear all view definitions : mforms://_command?value=clear view all
clear view definition of program MNS150: mforms://_command?value=clear view MNS150

After bit of research i found this on smartofficeblog on a comment
The url is:
mforms://_command?value=clear lngcache //this will clear lang cache
mforms://_command?value=clear view all //this will clear all view def cache
mforms://_command?value=clear view MNS150 //this will clear MNS150 screen view cache

The command behind the clear button is:
mforms://_command/?value=clear custcache
More information at


How to call view in another view but with triggered controller

Hi how could I render one view inside another but with its data...
for example I have view home.ctp, than controller for news, and news.ctp
I want to render in home.ctp news.ctp but first all news has to be selected from database...
I tried this
echo $this->elements(../News/news);
but there is no selected data to be displayed.. it returns error undefined variable.
CakePHP cell is the right thing to solve such type of problems. In this document there is a easy tutorial. you can check it

Maintain the values in Angular Views

I am new to Angular.js and i am facing problem in maintaining the JSON feed values in the view.
I am using different routers and when i launch the app it loads the home.html which in turns calls the homeCtrl and make an HTTP call and binds the data using ng-repeat ( in home.html ). If user clicks on the list item to brings them to detail.html ( kind of detail page ).
Now the problem i face is , on the detail page when user tabs the back button - the app goes to home.html and the homeCtrl again hits the webservice and bind the whole data once again. Which i feel is unwanted as the JSON datas was already collected on the 1st time page load itself.
How can i preserve the old data when user move back forth between different views so i no need to hit same call over and over.
Thanks and sorry if its really basic stuff.
How can i preserve the old data when user move back forth between
different views so i no need to hit same call over and over.
If you use the $http service to make the requests use the cache: true option to use the default angular cache as explained in the docs:$http#caching
Here an example:
$http.get(url, { cache: true}).then(...);
You can also define your custom cache object through the $cacheFactory service:$cacheFactory
If you want some more complete with expiration, size limit and other cool stuff try angular-cache:
Hi I think that you need is create a factory or service;so in this way the controllers shared data between them.
Here's an example

In backbone marionette is there a way to tell if a view is already shown in a region?

Given something like this:
View = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ });
myView = new View();
//region already exists
//some time later this gets called again:
I can see currentView in the docs but this only seems to apply at initialisation. Once a view is shown can I query the region to see the view? Either the view instance or type would be helpful. Looking in Chrome's debugger I can't see any properties/methods on the region that would help.
The motive for wanting to do this is so I don't show a static item view in a region again if it is already displayed as this can (especially if images are involved) cause a slight flickering effect on the screen.
--Justin Wyllie
you can add a condition before calling show method:
if (myLayout.region.currentView != myView)
so if you'll try to call show with the same View it wont be shown.
if you want to call once you can check in this way:
if (_.isUndefined(myLayout.region.currentView))
You can check the isClosed and $el attributes of the view. Something like
if (myView.isClosed || _.isUndefined(myView.$el)) {;
This is the same way the region checks to see if the view is closed or not:
show: function(view) {
var isViewClosed = view.isClosed || _.isUndefined(view.$el);
I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that the OP's question is based on app behavior when navigating to different parts of the app via an anchor tag in the navigation or something similar.
This is how I found the question and I thought briefly that the answers would save my day. Although both answers so far are correct they do not quite solve the problem I was having. I wanted to display a persistent navigation bar. However, I did not want it to display on the login page. I was hopeful that detecting if a Region was already shown or not I'd be able to properly let the display logic take care of this.
As it turns out we were both on the right track to implement Regions as this provides granular control, but even after implementing the above I found that my nav bar would still "flicker" and essentially completely reload itself.
The answer is actually a bit ridiculous. Somehow in all the Backbone tutorials and research I've been doing the last two weeks I never came across the need to implement a javascript interface to interrupt normal link behavior. Whenever a navigation item was clicked the entire app was reloading. The routing was functioning so the content was correct, but the flicker was maddening.
I added the following to my app.js file right after the Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}); code:
// Holy crap this is SOOO important!
$(document).on("click", "a[href^='/']", function(event) {
if (!event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey) {
var url = $(event.currentTarget).attr("href").replace(/^\//, "");
Backbone.history.navigate(url, { trigger: true });
Check out this article for some explanation about the keyPress detection stuff.
Boom! After adding this stuff in my app no longer completely reloads!
Disclaimer: I am very new to Backbone and the fact that the above was such a revelation for me makes me think that I may be doing something wrong elsewhere and this behavior should already exist in Backbone. If I've made a giant error here please comment and help me correct it.

Backbone view based on model from collection, how to update view?

I am looking for a bit of direction I am still fairly new to Backbone and am currently creating a test application to learn more.
My problem is this, I am populating a backbone view with a underscore template. I load a collection of models, then I find the model I need and populate these values into the template. There can be many pages based on the template so I have a dynamic route that accepts an id.
My problem is I want to add a next feature, that would change the current page and reload the template with the new model.
I have tried a crude method along the lines of :
However this did'nt work, please note newLocation is actually populated with the route and the id I want to navigate to.
I will add some code from my view below, I won't include the full code however if it is needed please ask.
Any help or a push in the right direction would be great.
Thanks in advance
You need to use your router object's navigate method rather than than history's class method, and you need to pass it the option `{trigger: true} in order to invoke the corresponding route function.

Who is supposed fetch a model in a backbone application?

In a backbone application what is the best practice regarding when a model is fetched? I can see the following possibilities.
View calls the model fetch method
Some other JavaScript code calls the fetch model? if so when and what structure would this code have? is this the missing controller concept in Backbone?
A few best practives:
1 Collections and models that are necessary from the very first milliseconds of the app's life should be 'bootstrapped' in place (so there shouldn't be need to fetch them to gain access to vital data)
So when the user is served the correct pages from the server, the models and collections should be already in place (nice example from backbone.js docs)
var ExampleCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
ExampleCollection.reset(<%= #your_collection_data.to_json() %>); // Or whatever your server-side language requires you to do, this is a ruby example
2 The rest can be fetched just in time
The models and collections that aren't needed at the moment your app is initialized can be fetched whenever you feel like it, but I think that the logical time to do that is when the user expresses intent to use those models. E.g. user presses a button to open a view that needs some model/collection -> fetch that collection, user wants to clear unsaved changes from a model -> fetch that model from the server to get the last saved status of the model, and so forth. Usually the place where the fetching is bound to happen is the view that 'owns' the model/collection, because it relays the users actions to the model and displays the model's state to the user.
But like it was said, Backbone.js isn't strict about when a model or collection should be fetched. It can be done anywhere in the app, just make sure you do it only when it's necessary.
Hope this helps!
If you want to be standard, your view must render one time when initialize and listen for the change event of the Model and re render the view every time that model changes, that is all. (regarding what does View needs to do when fetch is completed)
And for call the model.fetch() if you follow the standard that I said, no matters where the fetch is called your view will be updated.
Some people could have a module named load in the view where do something like this:
load : function(){
Others could do external fetch call, like this:
var myModel = new YourModel();
var myView = new SomeView( {model : model} );
//Probably you could render with the default data in the while model is fetched
