Who is supposed fetch a model in a backbone application? - backbone.js

In a backbone application what is the best practice regarding when a model is fetched? I can see the following possibilities.
View calls the model fetch method
Some other JavaScript code calls the fetch model? if so when and what structure would this code have? is this the missing controller concept in Backbone?

A few best practives:
1 Collections and models that are necessary from the very first milliseconds of the app's life should be 'bootstrapped' in place (so there shouldn't be need to fetch them to gain access to vital data)
So when the user is served the correct pages from the server, the models and collections should be already in place (nice example from backbone.js docs)
var ExampleCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
ExampleCollection.reset(<%= #your_collection_data.to_json() %>); // Or whatever your server-side language requires you to do, this is a ruby example
2 The rest can be fetched just in time
The models and collections that aren't needed at the moment your app is initialized can be fetched whenever you feel like it, but I think that the logical time to do that is when the user expresses intent to use those models. E.g. user presses a button to open a view that needs some model/collection -> fetch that collection, user wants to clear unsaved changes from a model -> fetch that model from the server to get the last saved status of the model, and so forth. Usually the place where the fetching is bound to happen is the view that 'owns' the model/collection, because it relays the users actions to the model and displays the model's state to the user.
But like it was said, Backbone.js isn't strict about when a model or collection should be fetched. It can be done anywhere in the app, just make sure you do it only when it's necessary.
Hope this helps!

If you want to be standard, your view must render one time when initialize and listen for the change event of the Model and re render the view every time that model changes, that is all. (regarding what does View needs to do when fetch is completed)
And for call the model.fetch() if you follow the standard that I said, no matters where the fetch is called your view will be updated.
Some people could have a module named load in the view where do something like this:
load : function(){
Others could do external fetch call, like this:
var myModel = new YourModel();
var myView = new SomeView( {model : model} );
//Probably you could render with the default data in the while model is fetched


Backbone best practices where to fetch models/collections

I've inherited a codebase that follows the format of: a router sets a controller, the controller fetches the collection/model needed, then the controller set/passes the view the collection/model.
The current View I'm working on loads a collection, and now I need to build in a feature where I fetch a single model after the view has rendered, based on an id clicked (note the model is from a different collection).
I only want to load the model when/if they click a button. So my question is, can I setup the model/fetch in the View, or should I be doing that in the controller? Is there a backbone best practice when adopting a controller/view setup like this?
I primarily ask because it seems easier for me to add this new feature right in the View. But is that a bad practice? I thought so, so I started down the path of triggering an event in the View for the controller to the fetch the model, and then somehow pass that back to the View (but I'm not sure really how to even do that)...it seems like a lot of unnecessary hoop jumping?
Its OK to fetch collection via views. As 'plain' backbone does not Controller, View in charge of it responsibilities.
But imho fetch collections via controller is better practice, its easier to scale and support and test.
The only difficulty is to set communication between Controller and View context event. One of the approach is trigger Message Bus event on context event like
events: {
'click .some': function() {
this.trigger('someHappend', { some: data })
and listen to this event in Controller
this.on(someViewInstance, 'someHappend', function() {
// do something in controller
If you already inherited code with structure you described you'd better follow it. Also you might be interested in MarionetteJS as significant improvement. Also highly recommend you to checkout BackboneRails, screencasts not free but very usefull, especially in large scale app maintain

Backbone model singleton

I am new to Backbone.js and I have the following problem: I have multiple views that uses the same model. I do not want to re-fetch model on every view render, but I want to fetch it only once and then when view is rendered use that instance/data.
My example: I have 3 views for user. One is some user statistics, another user info and third user profile. After login user lands on user profile view and there I fetch the user model but how could I then pass this model reference around or even better how could I access that model data from different views?
I hope I am not doing any anti-pattern here. I have seen a lot of examples with binding events to model change and then rerender all the views but that is not my case. I am using backbone.js with require.js and underscore template engine.
Just return the instantiated model:
define(function (require) {
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({})
return new MyModel()

how to do auto fetch in backbone

I have a collection of models I fetch from a REST API every 10 seconds. (collection.fetch() every 10 seconds with a timer).
The user can also edit the model in a dialog box and click Save going back to the table of models.
How do I prevent cases where the user saves a model in a dialog and the auto fetch exactly comes back with a stale model so the model stays with the stale data until the next auto fetch.
Two suggestions:
Use collection.fetch({ update: true }) - that way models will only be add/remove/change'd rather than recreated on each fetch.
When the model is edited via the your dialog box, only save() the specific attributes that the user changed, like model.save(changedData, { patch: true }); -- using this patch behavior will make sure you're only sending the attributes that were just changed. Then your server can respond with the other recently-changed attributes, and all should be fine.

Pre loading backbone collections

So what I'm wanting to do is have Backbone fetch all my collections when the router starts, and then keep all the collections and not have to re-fetch and reload all the collections while moving to different routes in the router. Does anyone know a way to do this?
From Backbone.js docs:
Note that fetch should not be used to populate collections on page
load — all models needed at load time should already be bootstrapped
in to place. fetch is intended for lazily-loading models for
interfaces that are not needed immediately: for example, documents
with collections of notes that may be toggled open and closed.
This is what I meant in my comment:
define("data", function() {
return <?php echo json here ?>;
Then you can have var data = require("data"); and use it to init Backbone models/collections. I'm not sure this is the right way of doing it.
Well, backbone does this by default. Just add code to your router to create an instance of each collection and call fetch() once on each collection. Then make sure the rest of your app just uses those same collection instances and does NOT call fetch() on them again. It's really that simple.
However, I presume you want other bits of your application to be able to call fetch() and have this silently use cached data if needed. This a considered a hard problem to do correctly, but a naive and simple implementation would be to simply store an isCached flag as a property of your collection and check that in your overridden fetch() method and just return without doing anything if your collection data is already loaded.

How do you structure two nested lists in a sample Backbone.js todo list app?

I'm working on a sample ToDo list project in Backbone and I'd like to understand how the framework would prefer me to organize its views and models in the nested list scenario.
To clarify what I mean by that, my single-page Backbone app should display lists of ToDo lists. From the backend standpoint, there's a List resource and an Item (a single entry in a todo list) resource. Something along the lines of:
Monday chores
Pick up the mail
Do the laundry
Pick up drycleaning
Grocery list
You get the idea...
Since mine is a Rails 3.2 app, I'm vaguely following the Railscasts Backbone.js tutorial, so that's where I'm getting the current design from. I would love to know if I'm wildly off the Backbone-prescribed pattern, or if I'm on the right track!
I thus far have:
ListsIndex View //index of all lists
\-- ListsCollection
\-- ListView / Model //individual list
\-- ItemsIndex View //index of items in one list
\-- ItemsCollection
\-- Item View / Model //individual todo item
The flow would be:
On router initialize, fetch() collection of lists on /lists backend route. On the 'reset' event for the collection part of ListsIndex, execute render() on each of the items in the collection, appending to the list index view template.
In the initialize method of each Item View (is this where you'd wire-up the second level fetch?) fetch() the items from the /lists/:id/items backend route into an ItemsCollection specific to that view.
In the same method, instantiate an ItemsIndex object and pass the collection into it. Once again, in ItemsIndex, have a 'reset' event handler for when the collection is populated, at which point it should render each fetched model from the item collection and append them to its own view.
I'm essentially taking the design of the List and mirroring it down one level to its items. The difference is that I no longer have a router to rely on. I therefore use the initialize method of ListView to a similar effect.
Yay / nay? Super wrong? Thanks!
TL:DR; 1) I would bootstrap your initial data instead of a fetch() reset(). 2) You can do a fetch in the initialize of a View as you need it. Or you could load the data at the start. Just remember that if you fetch in the init, the async nature won't have the data ready at render. Not a problem if you have a listener waiting for that sync/add/etc. 3) I don't know what you mean by itemIndex object but you can create objects and add to them collections as you need them. Or you can just bake the in at the start if you know all your lists are going to have a collection eventually. You can reset if you want (fetch automatically does this unless you give it option {add:true}) or just add them in one by one as they come in although reset(), remove prior views, render all views seems to be the common way people do things with a complete fetch().
I think it looks pretty good. The nice thing about Backbone is that you can do it many different ways. For example, your number 2 says to wire up a second fetch() from the view. You could do that if you want to lazy load. Or you could just grab all the data at app start before anything is done. It's really up to you. This is how I might do it.
This is how I might make an app like this (just my preference, I don't know that it's any better or worse or if its the same as you described.)
First I would create a model called ListModel. It would have an id and a name attr. This way, you can create many separate lists, each with their own id that you can fetch individually.
Each ListModel has an ItemsCollection inside of it. This collection has a url based on the ListModel it is a part of. Thus, the collection url for ListModel-1 would be something like /list/1
Finally you have ItemModel which is a resource id and text.
ListModel // Monday Chores
ItemModel // Mail
ItemModel // Laundry
ItemModel // Drycleaning
ListModel // Grocery
ItemModel // Celery
ItemModel // Beef
So in this little display you'll notice I didn't put anything to do with views in yet. I don't know if it's more of a conceptual thing but this is what the data hierarchy looks like and your views can be, should be totally independent of it. I wasn't exactly sure how you were including the views up above but I thought this might make it clearer.
As for defining these structures, I think two things.
First, I'd make sure my ListModel is defined in my collection. That way I can use the collection add(hash) to instantiate new models as I produce / add them.
Second, I would define the ListModel so that when one is created, it automatically creates an ItemCollection as a property of that ListModel object (not as an attribute).
So ideally, your ListModels would be like this:
Before the app initializes, I would bootstrap the data in and not fetch(). (This kind of addresses point 1 you make) Ideally, when your Backbone application starts it should have all the necessary data it needs from the get go. I would pass in the head some data like this:
var lists = [listModel-1-hash, listModel-2-hash];
Now when the app fires up, you can instantly create these two lists.
var myLists = new ListCollection();
_.each(lists, function(hash) {
myLists.add(hash); // Assumes you have defined your model in the ListCollection
Now your List Collection has all the list models it needs.
Here is where views come in. You can pass in anything to any view. But I might break views down into three things.
AppView, ListModelView, ItemModelView and that's it.
Imagine a structure like this:
<body> // AppView
<ul class="List"> // ListModelView
<li class="Item"></li> // ItemModelView
<ul class="List"> // ListModelView
When your start your app and create an AppView, inside AppView you'd generate each ListModelView and append it to the body. Our lists are empty. Maybe when you click on the it lazy loads the items. This is how you'd hook it up.
// In ListModelView
events: {'click':'fetchItems'}
fetchItems: function() {
this.model.itemCollection.fetch(); // Assumes you passed in the ListModel into view
So since I bootstrapped the data to begin with, this fetch() call would be your "second" fetch. (I'm addressing point 2 you made.) You can fetch it in your initialize. Just remember that it is an asynchronous function so if you need them at render time, it won't work. But, what you can do is add event listeners to this view that are listening for add events to your itemCollections.
this.model.itemCollection.on('add', this.addItemView, this);
addItemView() will generate new instances of the itemViews and append them.
As for point 3, you can instantiate a collection at that point you need it and throw it into your ListModel. Or you can do what I did and make sure all your models always have an ItemCollection. This depends on your preferences and goals. You probably didn't need all this but I felt like illustrating it out for some reason. I dunno, maybe it helps.
