how to do auto fetch in backbone - backbone.js

I have a collection of models I fetch from a REST API every 10 seconds. (collection.fetch() every 10 seconds with a timer).
The user can also edit the model in a dialog box and click Save going back to the table of models.
How do I prevent cases where the user saves a model in a dialog and the auto fetch exactly comes back with a stale model so the model stays with the stale data until the next auto fetch.

Two suggestions:
Use collection.fetch({ update: true }) - that way models will only be add/remove/change'd rather than recreated on each fetch.
When the model is edited via the your dialog box, only save() the specific attributes that the user changed, like, { patch: true }); -- using this patch behavior will make sure you're only sending the attributes that were just changed. Then your server can respond with the other recently-changed attributes, and all should be fine.


Appending new data to the Backbone Relational Relation

I'm trying to design a load more type of system where every time you press load more you add data to the existing collection. This is a rough sketch of how the UI looks.
Everything works pretty great except as you would except everytime I re-run the
What it does: It overrides the entire collection with the new data
What I want it to do: I want the new records returned to be added to the records collection not override old 'records'
How can I make this work so that the newly fetched records are appended to existing records and not overridden?
Add { remove: false } to your fetch call:
items.fetch({ remove: false, data: { nextId:'nextId') } });
What's happening here is Collection#fetch will synchronize its models with the data the server returns. That includes adding new models, updating models already present, and removing models that are not included in the response.
The behavior of fetch can be customized by using the available set options. For example, to fetch a collection, getting an "add" event for every new model, and a "change" event for every changed existing model, without removing anything: collection.fetch({remove: false})
The available set options are add, remove, and merge. Setting one (or all) to false will disable that functionality in the fetch.
It sounds like you just want { remove: false }, leaving the add and merge functionality.
I'm not familiar with backbone-relational,
But with a normal collection, you can do the following in parse method:
parse: function(response){
// you can update the info here like = or similar
return _.union(this.toJSON(), response.records);
Basically we combine the response with existing data and return it so that we maintain the previous data when the collection updates

Query unrendered components

What is the best way to query unrendered components? I tried to query them as always using .query( '[group=abc]' ).
However this time, the components, having each group: abc, are not yet rendered, since they are used in an editable grid (first click it).
What I am trying to do is:
get data via Ajax for comboboxes
create an unknown number of comboboxes
put that Ajax data into each combobox
Problem: I want that boxes to be filled with the data on Ajax success
loading the data on Ajax success answer fails since I am missing a method to get my comboboxes via the property group=abc
loading the data on combobox creation fails too, since the Ajax success answer is not yet back
You will not be able to use ComponentQuery for unrendered components. You best bet is probably your last list item: Load the data into the combo stores when the combos are created. The key will be to mask the action that creates the combos (is this a grid row editor or something like that?) until the Ajax call is complete.
//your request info here
success: function() {
//now unmask your component, allowing your combos to be created:
//do other stuff here

Trigger backbone.js change when value doesn't change

It's a known feature of backbone.js that when you set data that hasn't changed it won't fire the change event, nor will it go through validations. I however need the change event to fire as I'm storing a JSON response from an AJAX call which stores results of backend validation. If the user keeps submitting the form while leaving the same field empty, the backend validation will return the same JSON result and when I save it to the model it won't trigger the change event.
A few things I've tried within the AJAX success callback where I set the data into the model:
Attempted Solution #1
t.model.unset('fieldErrors',{silent: true});
t.model.set({fieldErrors: JSONResponse});
Attempted Solution #2
t.model.set({fieldErrors: null},{silent: true});
t.model.set({fieldErrors: JSONResponse});
Neither of these results in the change event firing a second time when the call is made and the user has the same JSONResponse.
Manually trigger the change event:
t.model.trigger('change', t.model);
t.model.trigger('change:fieldErrors', t.model, newFieldErrorsValue);
this.model.set({fieldErrors: JSONResponse}, {silent:true});
see this conversation:
Can I force an update to a model's attribute to register as a change even if it isn't?

Does backbone trigger .add when a collection is .fetched?

I am converting my backbone app so that it starts communicating with the server, previously I had just been populating the collection with test data using .add()
I have tied some events to the collections add event. So every time an item is added to the collection I can render the view and update some statistics.
it appears that as soon as i add the .fetch() call to get data from the server the add events stop.
for example
var PayableCommitmentCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.SetInitialAmount() is never called after fetch creates the models in the collection.
I also have 2 views that are watching for items to be added to this collection that are now not updating.
My obvious work around is to write my own AJAX call so that I can add the items the same way I have been during development so far, however I'm sure backbone has the smarts to help me out here.
Can anyone suggest a way i can bind to the completion of fetch, or to make it stimulate the add event.
The fetch method accepts a hash of options. One of these options can be the "add" option, which calls add on the collection instead of reset.
collection.fetch({ add: true });
From the fine manual:
fetch collection.fetch([options])
Fetch the default set of models for this collection from the server, resetting the collection when they arrive.
And a reset:
reset collection.reset(models, [options])
Adding and removing models one at a time is all well and good, but sometimes you have so many models to change that you'd rather just update the collection in bulk. Use reset to replace a collection with a new list of models (or attribute hashes), triggering a single "reset" event at the end.
So a fetch will trigger a single "reset" event rather than a bunch of "add" events. You need a collection-wide version of setInitialAmount that you can bind to "reset".
In Backbone 1.0, Collection#fetch has this to say:
fetch collection.fetch([options])
Fetch the default set of models for this collection from the server, setting them on the collection when they arrive.
The behavior of fetch can be customized by using the available set options. For example, to fetch a collection, getting an "add" event for every new model, and a "change" event for every changed existing model, without removing anything: collection.fetch({remove: false})
So, if you're using 1.0+ then all you need to do is call your fetch with the remove: false option.

Who is supposed fetch a model in a backbone application?

In a backbone application what is the best practice regarding when a model is fetched? I can see the following possibilities.
View calls the model fetch method
Some other JavaScript code calls the fetch model? if so when and what structure would this code have? is this the missing controller concept in Backbone?
A few best practives:
1 Collections and models that are necessary from the very first milliseconds of the app's life should be 'bootstrapped' in place (so there shouldn't be need to fetch them to gain access to vital data)
So when the user is served the correct pages from the server, the models and collections should be already in place (nice example from backbone.js docs)
var ExampleCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
ExampleCollection.reset(<%= #your_collection_data.to_json() %>); // Or whatever your server-side language requires you to do, this is a ruby example
2 The rest can be fetched just in time
The models and collections that aren't needed at the moment your app is initialized can be fetched whenever you feel like it, but I think that the logical time to do that is when the user expresses intent to use those models. E.g. user presses a button to open a view that needs some model/collection -> fetch that collection, user wants to clear unsaved changes from a model -> fetch that model from the server to get the last saved status of the model, and so forth. Usually the place where the fetching is bound to happen is the view that 'owns' the model/collection, because it relays the users actions to the model and displays the model's state to the user.
But like it was said, Backbone.js isn't strict about when a model or collection should be fetched. It can be done anywhere in the app, just make sure you do it only when it's necessary.
Hope this helps!
If you want to be standard, your view must render one time when initialize and listen for the change event of the Model and re render the view every time that model changes, that is all. (regarding what does View needs to do when fetch is completed)
And for call the model.fetch() if you follow the standard that I said, no matters where the fetch is called your view will be updated.
Some people could have a module named load in the view where do something like this:
load : function(){
Others could do external fetch call, like this:
var myModel = new YourModel();
var myView = new SomeView( {model : model} );
//Probably you could render with the default data in the while model is fetched
