I have had to change the location for our Apache Karaf installation. After the change, several of the configuration settings still point to the original $karaf_home/karaf.base location. I have looked through all the config file and cannot find how this root karaf_home/karaf.base is being set. Any idea how this variable is being set?
One or more bundles in your cache might be still pointing your old karaf location. To make sure just shutdown your karaf, delete everything under your $KARAF_HOME/data/cache and start your karaf again by using "karaf clean" command.
I would like to be able to run QuestDB from IntelliJ so that it sees the data I keep in a particular folder. What class should I run?, how do I set the root folder for the data?, is there anything I need to do regarding configuration (ports and the like)?, do I need to set any size for the memory settings?
I assume you have already imported QuestDB as a Maven project in IntelliJ.
In order to start it from the IDE, the entry point is the io.questdb.ServerMain class.
Then you need to create a new Run Configuration:
Open the Run/Debug configurations dialog, create a new Application configuration and make sure that you point out root dir with a -d flag (in the Program arguments field). Here's how my configuration looks like:
I'm trying to install an SSL certificate on my shared hosting by Plesk.
It worked before, but the renewal went wrong.
I finally uninstalled the certificate, but when I try to get a new one, I can't access the .well-known/acme-challenge folder.
I tried to put a test file inside but ends up with a 404 error.
If I place the file inside .well-known, I can access it.
If I rename the acme-challenge folder to acme2-challenge, I can access it.
What makes this specific acme-challenge file so protected, and where can I unprotect it?
There may be an Apache module or config that controls the directory. Search a config acmetool and the module md in the Apache board or in command line with grep -rinF acme /etc/apache2.
There are two common modules that manages acme, so to fix it, you may run sudo a2disconf acmetool or sudo a2dismod md, then regenerate certificate (you may have to wait one hour or one day if you reach the limit of Let's Encrypt).
To avoid a future issue, search for the package that modified the apache config too.
Use Case
The code that I wish to edit in che is downloaded from a private SVN repository and uses a private nexus repository for maven dependencies. Due to this I need to use my custom settings.xml from "C:\Users\.m2".
It would be good to use the local maven repository too, hence the approach of creating a custom dockerfile that adds settings.xml was not used.
I created a user environment variable "CHE_EXTRA_VOLUME_MOUNT" with the value "~/.m2:/home/user/.m2".
I can see the env variable from "Docker Quickstart Terminal".
OS: Windows 7
Docker version: 1.12.6, build 78d1802
Docker image: eclipse/che-server:5.0.0
Can't see the mount path "/home/user/.m2" in any workspace.
Can someone please help me with this use case?
I see a couple issues. First, in the che.env file, you should be modifying CHE_WORKSPACE_VOLUME. The CHE_EXTRA_VOLUME_MOUNT is an older name that applied to the 4.x releases.
Second, the mount path you are using. The value that you provided on the mount path is likely not going to work well if it's on Windows 7. This is because you are using Boot2Docker on that system, and so VirtualBox limits files that can be mounted to those that exist as a subfolder of %userprofile%.
1. First make sure that c:\Users\.m2 is part of this subfolder, and then:
2. Use the absolute path to your .m2 folder in the mount in the che.env:
This funky path naming for volume mounts is a limitation in how the Docker client can understand volume mounts if you are using it on the batch shell.
A matching answer is posted on Che's support site - https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/3888
Looks like it is a bug in eclipse che. You can create an issue at https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues
I have been trying to install Ushahidi platform for weeks but without any luck. I recently started over using Ushahidi latest release ushahidi-Ushahidi_Web-2.0.1-140-g0991172.zip and extracted it to folder ushahidi under my root.
I am using godaddy Linux server. I have tried both the manual and wizard to setup Ushahidi. In all cases, after installation, I get the same error when I try to access admin page. The error reads:
No input file specified.
I have tried tried installing using the wizard and the manual process. My PHP version is as required.
Any help will be appreciated. I need it to work so I can move on and customize it. Very disappointing such a good open source tool has poor installation guides!
there are a few things that can trip up following the installation.
Make sure that:
mod_rewrite is turned on in apache "a2enmod rewrite"
AllowOverride All is set in your apache config for your site (/etc/apache2/sites-available/default)
your .htaccess file points to the correct webroot
I know how to configure solr.home by using Tomcat 6, but I don't know how to set solr.home by using Glassfish(V2.1). I have tried to set the solr.home in .profile as fellows:
export solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
export solr/home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
export solr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
export JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr
and they all not work. The error is:
HTTP Status 500 - Severe errors in solr configuration. Check your log
files for more detailed information on what may be wrong. If you want
solr to continue after configuration errors, change:
false in null
------------------------------------------------------------- java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in
classpath or 'solr/conf/',
cwd=/home/huenzhao/search/glassfish/domains/domain1/config at
at org.apache.solr.core.Config.(Config.java:100) at
org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig.(SolrConfig.java:113) at
org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig.(SolrConfig.java:70) at
at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule.start(WebModule.java:353) at
Anybody knows?
if you are running solr inside tomcat as a container you can specify the solr home inside the XML descriptor for this webapp. (my terminology for this is probably a little off).
I've got xml fragments for each solr instance I want to run and they specify their own local solr home directory inside the xml fragment. The fragments live at /conf/Catalina/localhost and each one manages a solr instance. This way I can have multiple solr instances on the same machine each with their own solr home variable.
The info is here:
In paticular
Create a Tomcat Context fragment to
point docBase to the
$SOLR_HOME/apache-solr-1.3.0.war file
and solr/home to $SOLR_HOME:
or place the file in
where Tomcat will automatically pick
it up. Tomcat deletes the file on
undeploy (which happens automatically
if the configuration is invalid).
Try to set the following:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dsolr.solr.home=/home/huenzhao/search/solr/"
Try setting a Java environment parameter from Java or edit your VM configuration:
System.setProperty("solr.solr.home", "/home/user/apache-solr-1.4/example/solr");
In my case I simply copied the 'solr' folder to glassfish/domains/domain1/config and it worked.