What is an ideal login workflow along with Facebook's OAuth2? - angularjs

So today, I tried playing with Facebook's OAuth2 in my AngularJS application. I was able to make an activity work by clicking a Like button in my app. I'm also able to check if I'm logged in to Facebook using FB.getLoginStatus(). So my question is, if we currently have a login page, what is the ideal user experience when combining it with Facebook?
Do you display Facebook login page then goes back to your original login(this is what is happening on my application right now)
Do you display Facebook login page then once you've been logged in, bypass your original login page and allow the app to bring you directly to the main application. But how do I find out the facebook username that was used to log in?
any more ideas?


How to link accounts via API using the Auth0.js SDK in react

I am trying to set up a working example of linking accounts to my sample app. I am currently using the react example found here as my base. I have looked over the docs and the example of linking an account with Lock, but I'm not sure how to apply that to the react example I am working with. I have also looked at the API for linking a user account here.
Here are the use cases I am trying to work around:
There would be a user who creates a new account on my site using Google. Then they decide they want to add another social login via GitHub to that same account. They clicks a button that allows them to login via GitHub and then it redirects back to their account page and they can now login to the one account with either their Google login or GitHub.
There would be a user who creates a new account on my site using Google. Another day they create another new account on my site using GitHub. Later they realize that they mistakenly made two accounts and want to merge them. They login to either account then click a button that allows them to login to the other account and then they are redirected back to their now merged account.
I think the API would be my best option, but I'm not sure how to obtain the SECONDARY_ACCOUNT_JWT OR THE SECONDARY_ACCOUNT_USER_ID. How do I get the user to log in to their other account? When I try to redirect to the login page when a user is already logged in it just redirects back to the page I have set to redirect after login.
Hey there Camiblanch!
You could link the accounts together if they share the same email through a rule. Attached is an example that may help you in your quest. Thanks!

Bring back the users to the same page after facebook login

I am able to allow users to login using Facebook login API into my website, but every time they login, they go back to the homepage. I want the user to come back to the same page they where in when they login, not to go to the homepage.
Can anyone advise how this is done? I am using PHP SDK3.

Use currently logged in user in Dynamics CRM 2015 configured with IFD, to authenticate against an external MVC application

I have a Dynamics CRM 2015 on premise instance, IFD configured with claims authentication, as recommended from Microsoft, and working OK.
There is also a separate angular application, wrapped in, in ASP.NET MVC web application. The angular part i assume is not related much, but nevertheless, let it be here for complete picture.
I also have it configured to work with ADFS claims authentication, with the point being, the user to be logged in, and using the application, in the same user context in both CRM and web app. So when a user is using the application, he is using it with the user he logged in, in CRM with.
So, when i try to access the app URL, i get redirected to the adfs login, from which after logging in, i get redirected to my app index page. This is working fine as well.
In CRM i have a ribbon button which transfers selected records, to the web app, directly to the web app url, so as https://webapp.domain.com:port. Selected records is mentioned here only as info, and it is not related to the problem.
Now, my problem is, when i access CRM, i login to ADFS, and then try to click the button to open web app URL, i get the ADFS login screen again. If i try to login with the same user, i am stuck in a loop without any requests being sent, and the fields are constantly clearing, without the possibility of logging in.
So the users cannot access it anymore. It is not browser related.
Requests are getting sent, and the login request appears in the audit log in event viewer, as successful, but the redirection doesn't seem to happen. Also, it seems to be browser related, not sure how I've missed it before:
IE: I get a windows login instead of ADFS login, and after inputting password, i get redirected, and then logged in OK. This login should not show though.
Chrome: Constant loop, and a console issue logged: The specified value "DOMAIN\USERNAME" is not a valid email address.
Firefox: Fields, are constantly cleared in a loop.
End Correction
If i clear the cache, or firstly login to the web app directly, then there is no problem, and opening the URL from CRM after that works normally.
This issue is turning out to be quite of a drag, as i do not know how to address it. Has anyone had similar issue, with external apps logging in with claims, to let me know what i am missing?
Claims rules for the web app are below:

Salesforce Mobile SDK Issue Login "Receiving Remote Access Authorization Error"

I am using the salesforce mobile sdk to develop an application in native IOS. I was doing some testing logging in as a user. All was fine. Then I logged out. When I logout I call the coordinator revoke authentication method. I then tried to login as a new user who had never logged into the device and I received the following error: "Receiving Remote Access Authorization Error there was a problem in setting up your remote access." I then selected the Not me link and it logged me out. However, when I tried to login again as the user that wasn't able to login it takes me to the salesforce website for that user?!!!! It did not take me to the application but to the salesforce website? Anyone know why first the error above occurs? Does it have to do with a possible token issue? Also why would I be driven to the salesforce website when I try to login as the user again?
Note: The salesforce login is in its own webview component. I had a button to force a logout no matter where I am in the app. When I force the logout and try to login as the person it then takes me to the application. Very confused in terms of what is going on in this scenario.
There is potentially a solution posted here, or at least some clues: seems to suggest a timing issue and refreshing the web view in applicationDidBecomeActive might fix it
Also more information here:
You might also try making sure that you have a Connected App properly set up under Setup/Create/Apps, and that the key and return URL match those hardcoded in your app.

Google App Engine oAuth Issue

I'm working on building an iPhone application and using Google AppEngine as the data storage. I also need to have the ability to use oAuth for my users, but I can't even get oAuth to work at this moment on AppEngine.
Successful Demo:
Code powering that demo:
The problem is that when I run the script on my account with my Twitter application information, it goes through the process successfully, but nothing happens. It takes me to Twitter for the "allow or deny" page, but when I allow, it just reverts me back based on the callback URL without the page thinking I'm logged in.
Anyone have any ideas?
You mean the login page in twitter? If your question is about twitter not showing the login page then you are logged into twitter already. If your question is about twitter not showing allow or deny (authorization page) then you have already authorized the application. Twitter doesn't ask authorization question every time.
