remove Nuke license expiration message - flexlm - nuke

I have Nuke licenses installed on a flexLM server. The licenses are going to expire in a few days. When I start Nuke I get all the time this message "You have a temporary license for nuke on hostIDs [host] with 29 day(s) remaining." which it's annoying. Is there any flag in flexlm/Nuke to remove the worrying?

You can set the environment variable FN_DISABLE_LICENSE_DIALOG to 1 to disable these messages in Nuke 8 and 9.
If you are using Nuke 7, the variable is named FN_NUKE_DISABLE_TMPLIC_NOTIFY_DIALOG instead, though this alternate variable will also work in Nuke 8 and 9.


Payara Server 5.2020.4 Trojan:Script/Oneeva.A!ml

I just faced off an strange event when I tried to download the lastest Payara Server Community Full Edition (5.2020.4) on Payara website or on maven: Windows Defender made a trojan alert.
The detected threat is Trojan:Script/Oneeva.A!ml on the file.
I haven't the issue on multi-language or older version.
Have you any info about that?
It looks much like a false positive. I tried running Windows Defender against Payara 5.2020.4 on my computer and it also claimed it detected the same threat, on the file glassfish/modules/war-util.jar in the ZIP. However, it doesn't detect any threat on 5.2020.3. I uploaded the Payara zip with the detected thread to and it shows that no virus scanning engine reports the ZIP as infected. Then I unpacked the war-util.jar from Payara ZIP and ran Windows Defender scan on it, and WD reported 44 files scanned and no threat. So evidently it's a false alarm and WD doesn't go into the file to confirm it really contains threats.
There are people on the internet that also came across Windows Defender detecting the same threat for other file, sometimes even files they created with a serious software, like a spreadsheet created in MS Excel. All of those look like false positives.
One particular case, for example (described here:
excel file used daily for many years
no other detection for this specific infection
detection is designated as an "!ml" (e.g. Machine Learning) type, which is AI based (not signature)
In another case, a user was running Norton A/V, which didn't report any threat. When stopped Norton A/V to update Windows Defender, WD detected this threat immediately on a file that was also previously scanned by Norton A/V without any threat detected.

Custom Script for Installing Adobe Acrobat DC

I do not think this question has been clearly asked before here on this site. I have scoured Google in hopes of finding a solution, but the information is scattered around the web and difficult to piece together in a timely fashion (with my limited scripting knowledge anyway). So, any help would be appreciated, and if there are any questions about what I'm trying to accomplish here, feel free to ask. I am reaching out because when it comes to creating scripts that are more complicated than merely launching an executable, my knowledge is very limited.
What I am trying to do:
Ultimately, I will be using ManageEngine Desktop Central to push a configuration out to remote computers on our domain/network. The more simple goal, that I just can't seem to find success with, is getting a batch file that can be as easy as running it and successfully installing Adobe Acrobat DC (Not the free Adobe Reader application). I would like to have a batch file that checks to see if the install folder is there, and if it is, uninstall it to eliminate the message that is prompted stating "Error 1316. The specified account already exists." or any other traces of Acrobat that would cause this install error. Once the safeguards are in place to avoid install errors, such as the error previously mentioned, it gets more simple. After that, I just want Adobe Acrobat to install, then I want to remove the shortcut "Adobe Creative Cloud.lnk" from all the users' desktops so they only see the "Adobe Acrobat DC" shortcut.
Okay, in the time I posted the original post, I have tried throwing together a batch file, but it still will not work. I am using a 3rd party service to deploy this config, so contacting Adobe would not be helpful. I don't expect most people to be familiar with ManageEngine Desktop Central, but that is why I need a batch file, which Adobe support cannot help me with. what I have right now is:
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC" (
rmdir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat DC"
goto :install
) ELSE (
ECHO Acrobat Folder Doesn't Exist goto :install
S:\Adobe_CC\AcrobatPro\AcrobatDC\AdobeAcrobatDC\Build\setup.exe --silent
ECHO execution failed
The answer here is a bit different, due to the fact most of the work is done in ManageEngine Desktop Central. What fixed the issue, in my case, was downloading the Creative Cloud Packager (CCPLauncher.exe) and advancing through the wizard. I disabled the end user being able to install updates or install other products. The only switches left on were the ones to allow my IT department to remotely manage and push out updates. I then ran through with defaults and selected only Adobe Acrobat DC [Pro] (the Adobe Creative Cloud Application Manager will be grayed out and cannot be unselected).
After the package was created and placed in my network share that contains all of my software executables, I opened and logged into Desktop Central. The first step was to create the Package in DTC. You do this by clicking Software Deployment tab, then click "+ Add Package" and select your operating system. Once you've done that, click "Create Package manually." After that, select the radio that fits the file type you are working with, in my case, I selected "MSIEXEC/EXE/ISS/Command." Then name your package and select the current license type (I selected Commerical). After that, in the field labeled "MSI File Name with Network path*:", enter the path of the executable/MSI file including the file and extension. Under Installation Enter the same path, if the same path applies here, which in most cases it will, but leave the file name and extension off. This is just for the folder where the installer resides. Then click the Add Package button below. At the top, I then clicked Configurations then on the left pane, Configuration. I chose to "Install/Uninstall Software" and selected Computer. I ran through the usual and named the configuration, then selected the "EXE" radio button and find the "Package" you just made and be sure the drop down list below that is set to Install Completely (or another option depending what your file is). For "Apply Deployment Policy:" select the correct one; I selected DC Default Policy. Below that, select the User/Computers you want to apply this configuration to on your network and click "Deploy" or "Deploy Immediately" and you are done. I made a Security Group in Active Directory and added machines to that and then in DTC, chose to deploy it to the Group that I named "Adobe Acrobat DC Pro" in AD. My configuration deployed successfully and I was able to recreate that successful deployment on every new computer I added to the group in AD. Hopefully there is someone out there that ran into the same problem with Desktop Central that now has somewhat of an answer. If this method does not work for you, hopefully you can find success with your issue.

active directory users functionality disappeared after windows 10 anniversary update

After windows 10 anniversary update and windows 10 creators update
the active directory users and computers functionality disappeared
and there was no way to re-activate it.
Downloading and re-installing WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu had no effect.
I solved this by uninstalling KB2693643 and then installing WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu again:
Control panel, Programs, see installed updates, select KB2693643, uninstall
download RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu from
run RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu, agree to install KB2693643, accept license, restart computer
P.S. Hope this may help somebody. Of course use x32 version if you have no x64 computer

Which cab should I deploy to my handheld device to install CF version 2?

Based on what I read here, in order to install CF version 2 on my handheld device, I should copy over one of the cab files here:
...but which one?
The device in question is a Symbol 3090, which currently has only CF version 1.0.3316.00 (1.0 SP2) installed. The OS version of the device is 05.00.1400
The device CPU is presumably 'ARMV4I' as a similar device (Motorola 3190) says that it is equipped with such.
Based on what I see here when I click "this link" here:
-- OR -- If you have Windows Mobile 5 or newer on your device, click this link and save the file to the desktop of your computer. seems "" is probably the best choice.
Any refutations?
I copied the file I reckoned to be the one, and clicked it on the device, but:
What in Sam L. Clemens' illustrious memory is going on here?!?
I then copied over the other file from the link above, which was slightly different (2.12MB as opposed to 2.14MB, for one thing), and tried to run it, and got the same err msg as above.
Trying to install from the last link, I see:
Actually, it turns out that what I might really need is to install CF version 1 after a cold boot of the device...but I don't know if version 1 of CF is still available. That's the only version the existing .exe will run on, but my PC only has cab files for versions 2 and 3.5...???
In the most recent version of the .exe (builds and compiles, but won't run on either device), it has three, count 'em three mscorlibs in its References area; the versions are:
They all have the same public key token (the same as shown in the screen shot)
The only other multi-reference is System, which has both version 2 and 3.5
AND, below System.Xml, there are three coredll.dlls, albeit spelled differently:
(no info for any of them...???)
I copied to the 3090.
I 2-clicked it on the device, but got this:
And so, I retreated (selected "No").
Thus continue unabated the travails of an accidental handheld developer.
The project is set to Framework Version == v2.0, Platform == Windows CE, Target Device == Windows Mobile 6 Classic Emulator (one of the few emulator choices I have), and the output shows that it is ARMV4i that is being deployed:
Deploying '%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Devices\wce500\ARMV4i
Deploying '%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Devices\wce500\ARMV4i
Deploying '%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Devices\wce500\ARMV4i
Deploying 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Motorola EMDK for .NET\v2.8\SDK\Smart Devices\wce500\armv4i\'
And when I run the .exe in the emulator, it fails with, "Error - An unexpected error has occurred in Platypus.exe
Select Quit and restart this program, or select Details for more information.
This application requires a newer version of the MS .NET Compact Framework than the version installed on this device."
Selecting the "Details" button augments the mental anguish with, "TypeLoadException
This application requires a newer version of the MS .NET Compact Framework than the version installed on this device."
Assuming your are using the WinCE 4.2 version of the 3090 (it comes in 4.2 and 5.0), you should proceed with the install using "The program is not compatible..." message is a warning only, and not a very smart one. There is even a way to edit the cab to remove that warning if you wanted to, though my memory fails me on the exact way to do it. I've had to do it to allow a silent install before (otherwise the nag screen gets in your way).
First you need to figure out what version of CE you are running. You can find this by going to System Properties. Also while you are in System Properties note what processor you are running ( arm, mips ...). If you are running windows ce 4.2 or higher you will pick a cab file out of the wce400 folder. If you are running windows CE 5.0 or higher you will pick a cab file out of the wce500 folder. Note you can't install .net 2.0 on windows ce 4.1 or lower, according to Microsoft documentation, however, I have noticed that the minimum version setting on the cab files is 4.0, so you might be able to hack it.
Like I said before on also the System Properties page is the type of processor you are using. From that select the appropriate sub-folder in either wce400 or wce500. In most of the folders for each processor there should be only one cab file. If there is more than one cab file see if the file name contains wm for windows mobile, wce for windows ce, or ppc for pocket PC and pick the one most appropriate for you.
You can also take the guess work out of this whole process by creating an ini file with the fallowing text and using ceappmgn.exe to pick and install the right cab file for you.
Version = 1.0
Component = NETCF
Description = .NET Compact Framework v2.0

CakePHP 2.2 random notice message

From time to time, randomly and very rarely, I get this message on my CakePHP site:
Notice (8): session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(C:\WINDOWS\TEMP) failed: No such file or directory (2) [CORE\Cake\Model\Datasource\CakeSession.php, line 615]
Why is this happening?
I am using sessions all the time since the user gets in so... why do I only get this message from time to time and so rarely?
I am using Windows Server 2003 over IIS 6 but i get the exactly same problem over Windows 7 and IIS 7.
It seems that either there is no C:\WINDOWS\TEMP directory or it is not writable by the IIS User.
That's why it cant open a new session.
There could also be a dead-lock or write-lock on the disc, but this is highly unlikely. Check the users that are trying to access that folder.
More than likely, the only permission IUSR is missing and needs to be granted is "List folder" under Advanced Security on the C:\Windows\Temp folder.
Notice (8): session_start() at CakePHP 2.2
If you're on a Windows server it's highly unlikely that C:\Windows\Temp does not exist.
