Creating a Android catalog - database

Anyone seen an android app created with App Inventor that is a catalog?
I want to create app with a static DB, when a user selects a number it will display the item name, details about the item and image of that item.

I suggest this easy way if you're a beginner at programming in general and you know a bit of HTML and Javascript.
Have your database in JSON, most database management systems will export your tables in JSON format.
And here is how to insert your javascript in App inventor
Using a javascript library will make the process even easier.

Let me suggest to store your data in a csv file. Just add it as asset into your project and import it using the File component. Your catalog could be displayed using a listpicker component.
Start doing the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor. Also take a look at How to work with Lists by Saj
How to work with Lists and Lists of lists (pdf) by

My suggestion would be to use a list stored in an online database like firebase or a custom tinyWebDB. That way you can change the items, their prices, descriptions without having to build the app all over again. As a bonus, you could use that database to track purchases. If by static DB you mean a database on the device like tinyDB, I would still recommend using lists because they are so easy to work with.
You could have 3 paired lists. One list could be for images, one for the description, and one for the name. Then when a user picks the item number, say 3, you display item 3 of names, item 3 of descriptions, and item 3 of images.


First guideline to create an app for price list

I'm trying to search some guidelines to create my first app for a price list. If I search on Google I find only ready system but I'd like to make something customized. My needs are to import a 3-4000 lines excel sheet for products with different measures and give to customers the possibility to make a quotation with their personal discount and place an order our make only a quotation for logged users. Instead for not logged user to see only product without prices. Then I don't know if it's better to make contents downloadable or to load all contents inside the app. I think it's better to download contents, so I can update prices directly without make them download each time an app update. Then a possibility to show some pop-up with products news, sometimes in a month. I'm yet practice with magento, WordPress and sql queries. I think The best for me is to find some kind of cms, for phone app, if they exist. Cross platform maybe the best. To understand something like wish or geek. I wait for your replies. Thank you guys!

Export content from an ecommerce site without using the Backend

I have a site that I'm looking to transfer to Volusion. Importing tabled content into Volusion's a breeze, it's getting it tabled that's an issue. The old site has no real ability to export, nor do I know how to get at it's database. I'm thinking there must be some sort of script I can write to take the content from the frontend and download it in some sort of list that I can put into a CSV, and put into Volusion.
Any suggestions? I'm hoping to get in the image directory as well and download all them for upload to the new site.
You are going to need at the very least a file with product code, product name, weight and price.
Looking at the URL you provided it doesn't appear that the products their follow any type of orderly structure where you can target the images folder or products based on a known piece of information like a products code. Unless the back-end has some type of product export function you may have no choice but to recreate it from scratch.
I don't know if you solved this yet or not, but I would suggest scraping the data providing you have the information on the old site currently. This can be done easily using vbscript and excel, or if you aren't very savvy at coding you could look at a piece of software called mozenda. There are a whole variety of methods that can be used to scrape data, all of them pretty easy to learn with a bit of research. Basically you write a script that will crawl your dom and extract the data (to xml works best in my experience)
Hope this helps.

Storing Images in SQL Server database

I'm trying to create a sample ASP.NET MVC application with a ViewModel and onion architecture - very simple online shop.
So as you suppose this shop has products, and each product should have one very small image and when user clicks on that product, he is redirected to a details page, and of course he should see a bigger image of the product.
AT first I thought, it's a simple application, I would (internet) links to the pictures in the database. But then I thought, ok what about when this image is erased from internet, my product will no longer have an image.
So I should store those pictures in the database somehow. I have heard about something called FileStream that is the right way but I found no material to understand what is that.
I hope someone would help me.
There are several options. You could save the picture in the database using a varbinary.
Read here how to read it using MVC.
When you opt for a solution where you split database and file storage, which is perfectly possible, you should consider that it could mean extra maintenance for cross-checking deleted records, etc.
If you choose the last option, the information in the article will mostly suite your needs too.

Using Alternative DataSources in Sharepoint

As I know, Sharepoint save all users list in one table. I have several sharepoint lists. And I want to store Data from Sharepoint lists in custom MS Sql Server DB. That difrent Sharepoint lists store data in diffrent tables. I want that this data is stored only in my custom DB (not in sharepoint DB).
And I also want that mutual (many-to-many) links between difrent lists in this DB are. For example I have 2 lists Projects and Emploeyrs one project can have many employers and one employer can work on several projects. I want that if I delete emploer from project link for that project is deleted from this emploer.
Could You recomend me some sollutions for this task?
I think I know what your trying to do :\
You might want to look at this and use dynamic columns
Sounds like a real mashup, I'd bee using some external components like the ASPxGridView from DevExpress,, to get the list views since you wont be able to use the internal lists.
To interface towards the internal SharePoint lists I'd use the Camelot .NET Connector from Bendsoft,
With that combination it wont really matter where you put the result, it can be used internally in SharePoint as well as externally and it dont matter if you use 2007 or newer either.

linking gwt combobox with database

I created a gwt app with a gxt combobox. I have it where it pulls data (a list of names apprx 5000) from the database places it in an array which in turns places it in a store. That is then placed in the combobox using set store, so when a user starts typing in the combo it searches through the store for the name. My question: is this the best way to do this or is there another method.
How is the performance loading that list of 5000 names? Does it take a long time to load your page? You may want to think about loading them as you need them so that the gui loads faster.
This article suggest 'lazy loading' gui components
How have you pulled down the list? I assume is via RPC, have you used a Data Transfer Object?, XML?
This link talks about options for serialization
