Julia: Use of Distributed Arrays in Expressions - arrays

I am trying to spawn and evaluate expressions over different processes. The expressions contain local parts of distributed arrays, and this seems to create problems. For example,
x = [i for i = 1:10]
foo = #spawnat 2 quote
out = x[1]
for i = 2:5
out += x[i]
gives, as expected,
Out [ ]: 15
However, if I try to replace the vector x with a distributed array dx and use only the local chunk in the expression, I get the following error.
# Construct a distributed array dx = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] #
dx = DArray(I->[i for i in I[1]], (10, ))
dfoo = #spawnat 2 quote
out = localpart(dx)[1]
for i = 2:5
out += localpart(dx)[i]
Out []: ERROR: BoundsError()
while loading In[9], in expression starting on line 9
in getindex at array.jl:246
in anonymous at In[9]:2
I got the feeling that the problem is the localpart() which is not recognized when the expression is evaluated.
Am I right?
Is there a way around this issue?
Thank you

Here its the quote function that spawns at 2, not the evaluation itself. its like a misusage of spawnat macro.
look at this:
foo = #spawnat 2 quote
eval(fetch(foo)) # => 1
And to calculate sum over distributed array: (there is nothing to do with #spawnat)
# Construct a distributed array dx = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] #
dx = DArray(I->[i for i in I[1]], (10, ))
dfoo = #spawnat 2 quote
eval(fetch(dfoo))==sum(localpart(dx)) # => true


MethodError: no method matching -(::Int64, ::Array{Int64,1})

I tried playing around with this example in the Julia documentation. My attempt was to make the cell split into two parts that have half of the amount of protein each.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
const α = 0.3
function f(du,u,p,t)
for i in 1:length(u)
du[i] = α*u[i]/length(u)
function condition(u,t,integrator) # Event when event_f(u,t) == 0
function affect!(integrator)
u = integrator.u
idxs = findall(x->x>=1-eps(eltype(u)),u)
u[idxs] ./ 2
u[end-idxs:end] = 0.5
callback = ContinuousCallback(condition,affect!)
u0 = [0.2]
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
prob = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan)
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5(),callback=callback)
I get the error: MethodError: no method matching -(::Int64, ::Array{Int64,1}). I know there is a problem with idxs = findall(x->x>=1-eps(eltype(u)),u), and my attempt was to put a dot between the 1 and eps, but that didn't fix it. I am using Julia 1.1.1.
Running your code the stacktrace points to the line
u[end-idxs:end] = 0.5
The issue here is that findall returns an array even when it only finds one element, e.g.
julia> findall(x -> x > 2, [1,2,3])
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
and you can't subtract an array from end in your indexing expression.
I don't understand enough about your code to figure out what idxs should be, but if you expect this to only return one element you could either use first(idxs) (or even only(idxs) in Julia 1.4), or replace findall with findfirst, which returns the index as an Integer (rather than an array).

Array subsetting in Julia

With the Julia Language, I defined a function to sample points uniformly inside the sphere of radius 3.14 using rejection sampling as follows:
function spherical_sample(N::Int64)
# generate N points uniformly distributed inside sphere
# using rejection sampling:
points = pi*(2*rand(5*N,3).-1.0)
ind = sum(points.^2,dims=2) .<= pi^2
## ideally I wouldn't have to do this:
ind_ = dropdims(ind,dims=2)
return points[ind_,:][1:N,:]
I found a hack for subsetting arrays:
ind = sum(points.^2,dims=2) .<= pi^2
## ideally I wouldn't have to do this:
ind_ = dropdims(ind,dims=2)
But, in principle array indexing should be a one-liner. How could I do this better in Julia?
The problem is that you are creating a 2-dimensional index vector. You can avoid it by using eachrow:
ind = sum.(eachrow(points.^2)) .<= pi^2
So that your full answer would be:
function spherical_sample(N::Int64)
points = pi*(2*rand(5*N,3).-1.0)
ind = sum.(eachrow(points.^2)) .<= pi^2
return points[ind,:][1:N,:]
Here is a one-liner:
points[(sum(points.^2,dims=2) .<= pi^2)[:],:][1:N, :]
Note that [:] is dropping a dimension so the BitArray can be used for indexing.
This does not answer your question directly (as you already got two suggestions), but I rather thought to hint how you could implement the whole procedure differently if you want it to be efficient.
The first point is to avoid generating 5*N rows of data - the problem is that it is very likely that it will be not enough to generate N valid samples. The point is that the probability of a valid sample in your model is ~50%, so it is possible that there will not be enough points to choose from and [1:N, :] selection will throw an error.
Below is the code I would use that avoids this problem:
function spherical_sample(N::Integer) # no need to require Int64 only here
points = 2 .* pi .* rand(N, 3) .- 1.0 # note that all operations are vectorized to avoid excessive allocations
while N > 0 # we will run the code until we have N valid rows
v = #view points[N, :] # use view to avoid allocating
if sum(x -> x^2, v) <= pi^2 # sum accepts a transformation function as a first argument
N -= 1 # row is valid - move to the previous one
rand!(v) # row is invalid - resample it in place
#. v = 2 * pi * v - 1.0 # again - do the computation in place via broadcasting
return points
This one is pretty fast, and uses StaticArrays. You can probably also implement something similar with ordinary tuples:
using StaticArrays
function sphsample(N)
T = SVector{3, Float64}
v = Vector{T}(undef, N)
n = 1
while n <= N
p = rand(T) .- 0.5
#inbounds v[n] = p .* 2π
n += (sum(abs2, p) <= 0.25)
return v
On my laptop it is ~9x faster than the solution with views.

In MATLAB how can I write out a multidimensional array as a string that looks like a raw numpy array?

The Goal
(Forgive me for length of this, it's mostly background and detail.)
I'm contributing to a TOML encoder/decoder for MATLAB and I'm working with numerical arrays right now. I want to input (and then be able to write out) the numerical array in the same format. This format is the nested square-bracket format that is used by numpy.array. For example, to make multi-dimensional arrays in numpy:
The following is in python, just to be clear. It is a useful example though my work is in MATLAB.
2D arrays
>> x = np.array([1,2])
>> x
array([1, 2])
>> x = np.array([[1],[2]])
>> x
3D array
>> x = np.array([[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]])
>> x
array([[[1, 2],
[3, 4]],
[[5, 6],
[7, 8]]])
4D array
>> x = np.array([[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[11,12]],[[13,14],[15,16]]]])
>> x
array([[[[ 1, 2],
[ 3, 4]],
[[ 5, 6],
[ 7, 8]]],
[[[ 9, 10],
[11, 12]],
[[13, 14],
[15, 16]]]])
The input is a logical construction of the dimensions by nested brackets. Turns out this works pretty well with the TOML array structure. I can already successfully parse and decode any size/any dimension numeric array with this format from TOML to MATLAB numerical array data type.
Now, I want to encode that MATLAB numerical array back into this char/string structure to write back out to TOML (or whatever string).
So I have the following 4D array in MATLAB (same 4D array as with numpy):
>> x = permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4])
x(:,:,1,1) =
1 2
3 4
x(:,:,2,1) =
5 6
7 8
x(:,:,1,2) =
9 10
11 12
x(:,:,2,2) =
13 14
15 16
And I want to turn that into a string that has the same format as the 4D numpy input (with some function named bracketarray or something):
>> str = bracketarray(x)
str =
I can then write out the string to a file.
EDIT: I should add, that the function numpy.array2string() basically does exactly what I want, though it adds some other whitespace characters. But I can't use that as part of the solution, though it is basically the functionality I'm looking for.
The Problem
Here's my problem. I have successfully solved this problem for up to 3 dimensions using the following function, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to extend it to N-dimensions. I feel like it's an issue of the right kind of counting for each dimension, making sure to not skip any and to nest the brackets correctly.
Current bracketarray.m that works up to 3D
function out = bracketarray(in, internal)
in_size = size(in);
in_dims = ndims(in);
% if array has only 2 dimensions, create the string
if in_dims == 2
storage = cell(in_size(1), 1);
for jj = 1:in_size(1)
storage{jj} = strcat('[', strjoin(split(num2str(in(jj, :)))', ','), ']');
if exist('internal', 'var') || in_size(1) > 1 || (in_size(1) == 1 && in_dims >= 3)
out = {strcat('[', strjoin(storage, ','), ']')};
out = storage;
% if array has more than 2 dimensions, recursively send planes of 2 dimensions for encoding
out = cell(in_size(end), 1);
for ii = 1:in_size(end) %<--- this doesn't track dimensions or counts of them
out(ii) = bracketarray(in(:,:,ii), 'internal'); %<--- this is limited to 3 dimensions atm. and out(indexing) need help
% bracket the final bit together
if in_size(1) > 1 || (in_size(1) == 1 && in_dims >= 3)
out = {strcat('[', strjoin(out, ','), ']')};
Help me Obi-wan Kenobis, y'all are my only hope!
EDIT 2: Added test suite below and modified current code a bit.
Test Suite
Here is a test suite to use to see if the output is what it should be. Basically just copy and paste it into the MATLAB command window. For my current posted code, they all return true except the ones more than 3D. My current code outputs as a cell. If your solution output differently (like a string), then you'll have to remove the curly brackets from the test suite.
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1)), {'[1]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1)), {'[[1],[1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2)), {'[1,1]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2)), {'[[1,1],[1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(3,2)), {'[[1,1],[1,1],[1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,3)), {'[[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,2)), {'[[[1]],[[1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,2)), {'[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,2)), {'[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2,2)), {'[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,1,2)), {'[[[[1]]],[[[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,1,2)), {'[[[[1],[1]]],[[[1],[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,1,2)), {'[[[[1,1]]],[[[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,2,2)), {'[[[[1]],[[1]]],[[[1]],[[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,1,2,2)), {'[[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]],[[[1],[1]],[[1],[1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,2,2,2)), {'[[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]],[[[1,1]],[[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(2,2,2,2)), {'[[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]],[[[1,1],[1,1]],[[1,1],[1,1]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4])), {'[[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]],[[[9,10],[11,12]],[[13,14],[15,16]]]]'})
isequal(bracketarray(ones(1,1,1,1,2)), {'[[[[[1]]]],[[[[1]]]]]'})
I think it would be easier to just loop and use join. Your test cases pass.
function out = bracketarray_matlabbit(in)
out = permute(in, [2 1 3:ndims(in)]);
out = string(out);
dimsToCat = ndims(out);
if iscolumn(out)
dimsToCat = dimsToCat-1;
for i = 1:dimsToCat
out = "[" + join(out, ",", i) + "]";
This also seems to be faster than the route you were pursing:
>> x = permute(reshape([1:16],2,2,2,2),[2,1,3,4]);
>> tic; for i = 1:1e4; bracketarray_matlabbit(x); end; toc
Elapsed time is 0.187955 seconds.
>> tic; for i = 1:1e4; bracketarray_cris_luengo(x); end; toc
Elapsed time is 5.859952 seconds.
The recursive function is almost complete. What is missing is a way to index the last dimension. There are several ways to do this, the neatest, I find, is as follows:
n = ndims(x);
index = cell(n-1, 1);
index(:) = {':'};
y = x(index{:}, ii);
It's a little tricky at first, but this is what happens: index is a set of n-1 strings ':'. index{:} is a comma-separated list of these strings. When we index x(index{:},ii) we actually do x(:,:,:,ii) (if n is 4).
The completed recursive function is:
function out = bracketarray(in)
n = ndims(in);
if n == 2
% Fill in your n==2 code here
% if array has more than 2 dimensions, recursively send planes of 2 dimensions for encoding
index = cell(n-1, 1);
index(:) = {':'};
storage = cell(size(in, n), 1);
for ii = 1:size(in, n)
storage(ii) = bracketarray(in(index{:}, ii)); % last dimension automatically removed
out = { strcat('[', strjoin(storage, ','), ']') };
Note that I have preallocated the storage cell array, to prevent it from being resized in every loop iteration. You should do the same in your 2D case code. Preallocating is important in MATLAB for performance reasons, and the MATLAB Editor should warm you about this too.

System Verilog array reduction gotcha and array of parameters

I am trying to learn array reduction techniques in system verilog. Wrote below module:
module main;
localparam [7:0]PARAM_ARR0[3:0] = '{8'h1,8'h3,8'h4,8'h0};
localparam [3:0]PARAM_ARR1[7:0] = '{4'h3,4'h2,4'h2,4'h2,4'h1,4'h1,4'h1,4'h1};
int s = 0;
logic [7:0]arr0[3:0] = '{8'h1,8'h3,8'h4,8'h0};
logic [3:0]arr1[7:0] = '{4'h3,4'h2,4'h2,4'h2,4'h1,4'h1,4'h1,4'h1};
initial begin
//s = int'(PARAM_ARR0.sum() with (item.index<int'(PARAM_ARR1[0])?item:0));
//$display("sum0 = %0d",s);
//s = int'(PARAM_ARR0.sum() with (item.index<int'(PARAM_ARR1[4])?item:0));
//$display("sum1 = %0d",s);
s = int'(arr0.sum() with (item.index<int'(arr1[0])?item:0));
$display("sum0 = %0d",s);
s = int'(arr0.sum() with (item.index<int'(arr1[4])?item:0));
$display("sum1 = %0d",s);
s = int'(arr0.sum() with (item.index<int'(arr1[7])?item:0));
$display("sum2 = %0d",s);
If I uncomment the first 4 lines after initial (array reduction on 2D array of parameters), VCS is throwing compile errors like below. Is array methods not applicable on parameter arrays?
Error-[XMRE] Cross-module reference resolution error
../../test_param_array_sum.sv, 10
Error found while trying to resolve cross-module reference.
token 'sum'. Originating module 'main'.
Source info: PARAM_ARR0.sum(item) with (((item.index < int'(4'b1))
? item : 0))
Error-[IND] Identifier not declared
../../test_param_array_sum.sv, 10
Identifier 'item' has not been declared yet. If this error is not expected,
please check if you have set `default_nettype to none.
One more doubt is that when I simulate the code in VCS as is given above, I'm getting below results:
sum0 = 1
sum1 = 4
sum2 = 8
I was expecting results to be 0, 4 and 7 respectively. Because I was trying to get the sum of all elements in arr0 whose index is less than arr1[0] (1), arr1[4] (2), arr1[7] (3) respectively.
This works for me in Questa 2019.2. You may have to talk to your EDA AE about what's wrong. Serge's recommendation for using dynamic arrays works: https://www.edaplayground.com/x/26RL
Also, looks like your code is giving the results you expected in Questa.
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.main(fast)
# run -all
# sum0 = 0
# sum1 = 4
# sum0 = 0
# sum1 = 4
# sum2 = 7
# quit -f
# End time: 11:17:11 on May 23,2019, Elapsed time: 0:00:21
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 0

How to store value of inner for loop in nested for loop in an array in Matlab?

pvec = 1:3;
for i = 1:3
for m = 1:p
suma(m) = sum(erfun)
I want to save sum of all values of erfun for every p i.e I want to have 3 values in final array but every value in the array should be sum of all the values of erfun for one p.
Similar questions have been addressed but I could not apply them in my case.
Minimal fix method (to your own code)
The following modification to your code will yield your requested results
suma = zeros(3,1);
pvec = 1:3;
for i = 1:3
for m = 1:p
suma(i) = suma(i) + erfun; %// <-- modified here
Where I've also included suma = zeros(3,1), which I assume that you also have in your code (however not shown in your question); pre-allocating suma with sufficient entries.
Alternative method (arrayfun)
Another solution, you can make use of the arrayfun command to get rid of the inner for loop:
suma = zeros(1,3);
pvec = 1:3;
for i = 1:3
suma(i) = sum(arrayfun(#(x) erfc(5/(2*sqrt(p-x))), 1:p));
Alternative method #2 (arrayfun)
An even more condensed solution, including also the purpose of the outer for loop in your arrayfun call:
suma = arrayfun(#(x) ...
sum(erfc(5./(2*sqrt(kron(x, ones(1,x-1)) - 1:(x-1))))), pvec)
Here we've made use of the kron command, which will be implicitly used in the arrayfun command above as follows
kron(1, []) = [] %// empty array
kron(2, [1]) = 2
kron(3, [1 1]) = [3 3]
and used the fact that erfc addition from 1/sqrt(0) is always 0 (i.e., erfc(Inf) = 0, and hence we needn't evaluate the case m=p as it yields no addition to our sum).
All of the above methods yield the result
suma =
