I'm working on a project that solves the classic problem of producer / consumer scheduling.
Linux Open Suse 42.3 Leep, API System V, C language
The project consists of three programs: producer, consumer and scheduler.
The purpose of schedulers is to create 3 semaphores, shared memory in which there is a buffer (array) in which write (producer) and read (consumer) and to run n producer and m consumer processes.
Each producer must perform k write cycles to the buffer, and the consumer must perform k read cycles.
3 semaphores were used: mutex, empty and full. The value of the full semaphore is used in the program as an index in the array.
The problem is that: for example, when the buffer size is 3, producers write 4 portions of data, when the buffer size is 4 - 5 portions of data (although there should be 4) ...
Consumers read normally.
In addition, the program does not behave predictably when calling get_semVal fucntion.
Please help, I will be very, very grateful for the answer.
#define BUFFER_SIZE 3
#define MY_RAND_MAX 99 // Highest integer for random number generator
#define LOOP 3 //the number of write / read cycles for each process
#define DATA_DIMENSION 4 // size of portion of data for 1 iteration
struct Data {
typedef struct Data buffer_item;
buffer_item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
void P(int semid)
struct sembuf op;
op.sem_num = 0;
op.sem_op = -1;
op.sem_flg = 0;
void V(int semid)
struct sembuf op;
op.sem_num = 0;
op.sem_op = +1;
op.sem_flg = 0;
void Init(int semid,int index,int value)
int get_semVal(int sem_id)
int value = semctl(sem_id,0,GETVAL,0);
return value;
int main()
sem_mutex = semget(KEY_MUTEX,1,0);
sem_empty = semget(KEY_EMPTY,1,0);
sem_full = semget(KEY_FULL,1,0);
const int SIZE = sizeof(buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]);
shm_id = shmget(KEY_SHARED_MEMORY,SIZE, 0);
int i=0;
buffer_item *adr;
do {
buffer_item nextProduced;
//prepare portion of data
for(int j=0;j<DATA_DIMENSION;j++)
adr = (buffer_item*)shmat(shm_id,NULL,0);
int full_value = get_semVal(sem_full);//get index of array
printf("-----%d------\n",full_value-1);//it’s for test the index of array in buffer
// write the generated portion of data by index full_value-1
adr[full_value-1].buf[0] = nextProduced.buf[0];
adr[full_value-1].buf[1] = nextProduced.buf[1];
adr[full_value-1].buf[2] = nextProduced.buf[2];
adr[full_value-1].buf[3] = nextProduced.buf[3];
printf("producer %d produced %d %d %d %d\n", getpid(), nextProduced.buf[0],nextProduced.buf[1],nextProduced.buf[2],nextProduced.buf[3]);
} while (i<LOOP);
int main()
sem_mutex = semget(KEY_MUTEX,1,0);
sem_empty = semget(KEY_EMPTY,1,0);
sem_full = semget(KEY_FULL,1,0);
const int SIZE = sizeof(buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]);
shm_id = shmget(KEY_SHARED_MEMORY,SIZE,0);
int i=0;
buffer_item *adr;
buffer_item nextConsumed;
int full_value = get_semVal(sem_full);
adr = (buffer_item*)shmat(shm_id,NULL,0);
for(int i=0;i<BUFFER_SIZE;i++)
printf("--%d %d %d %d\n",adr[i].buf[0],adr[i].buf[1],adr[i].buf[2],adr[i].buf[3]);
for(int i=0;i<BUFFER_SIZE;i++)
buffer[i].buf[0] = adr[i].buf[0];
buffer[i].buf[1] = adr[i].buf[1];
buffer[i].buf[2] = adr[i].buf[2];
buffer[i].buf[3] = adr[i].buf[3];
// Set buffer to 0 since we consumed that item
for(int j=0;j<DATA_DIMENSION;j++)
for(int i=0;i<BUFFER_SIZE;i++)
printf("consumer %d consumed %d %d %d %d\n", getpid() ,nextConsumed.buf[0],nextConsumed.buf[1],nextConsumed.buf[2],nextConsumed.buf[3]);
// increase empty
} while (i<LOOP);
struct Data {
typedef struct Data buffer_item;
buffer_item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
struct TProcList
pid_t processPid;
typedef struct TProcList ProcList;
ProcList createProcess(char *name)
pid_t pid;
ProcList a;
pid = fork();
if (!pid){
else if(pid){
cout<<"error forking"<<endl;
return a;
int main()
sem_mutex = semget(KEY_MUTEX,1,IPC_CREAT|0600);
sem_empty = semget(KEY_EMPTY,1,IPC_CREAT|0600);
sem_full = semget(KEY_FULL,1,IPC_CREAT|0600);
Init(sem_mutex,0,1);//unlock mutex
Init(sem_full,0,0);//unlock empty
const int SIZE = sizeof(buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]);
shm_id = shmget(KEY_SHARED_MEMORY,SIZE,IPC_CREAT|0600);
buffer_item *adr;
adr = (buffer_item*)shmat(shm_id,NULL,0);
for(int i=0;i<BUFFER_SIZE;i++)
for(int i=0;i<BUFFER_SIZE;i++)
adr[i].buf[0] = buffer[i].buf[0];
adr[i].buf[1] = buffer[i].buf[1];
adr[i].buf[2] = buffer[i].buf[2];
adr[i].buf[3] = buffer[i].buf[3];
int consumerNumber = 2;
int produserNumber = 2;
ProcList producer_pids[produserNumber];
ProcList consumer_pids[consumerNumber];
for(int i=0;i<produserNumber;i++)
producer_pids[i]=createProcess("/home/andrey/build-c-unknown-Debug/c");//create sleeping processes
for(int i=0;i<consumerNumber;i++)
for(int i=0;i<produserNumber;i++)
kill(producer_pids[i].processPid,SIGCONT);//continue processes
for(int i=0;i<consumerNumber;i++)
for(int i=0;i<produserNumber;i++)
for(int i=0;i<consumerNumber;i++)
It is not fun to try and unravel uncommented code someone else has written, so instead, I'll explain a verified working scheme.
(Note that comments should always explain programmer intent or idea, and never what the code does; we can read the code to see what it does. The problem is, we need to first understand the programmer idea/intent first, before we can compare that to the implementation. Without comments, I would need to first read the code to try and guess at the intent, then compare that to the code itself; it's like double the work.)
(I suspect OP's underlying problem is trying to use semaphore values as buffer indexes, but didn't pore through all of the code to be 100% certain.)
Let's assume the shared memory structure is something like the following:
struct shared {
sem_t lock; /* Initialized to value 1 */
sem_t more; /* Initialized to 0 */
sem_t room; /* Initialized to MAX_ITEMS */
size_t num_items; /* Initialized to 0 */
size_t next_item; /* Initialized to 0 */
item_type item[MAX_ITEMS];
and we have struct shared *mem pointing to the shared memory area.
Note that you should, at runtime, include <limits.h>, and verify that MAX_ITEMS <= SEM_VALUE_MAX. Otherwise MAX_ITEMS is too large, and this semaphore scheme may fail. (SEM_VALUE_MAX on Linux is usually INT_MAX, so big enough, but it may vary. And, if you use -O to optimize when compiling, the check will be optimized completely away. So it is a very cheap and reasonable check to have.)
The mem->lock semaphore is used like a mutex. That is, to lock the structure for exclusive access, a process waits on it. When it is done, it posts on it.
Note that while sem_post(&(mem->lock)) will always succeed (ignoring bugs like mem being NULL or pointing to uninitialized memory or having been overwritten with garbage), technically, sem_wait() can be interrupted by a signal delivery to an userspace handler installed without SA_RESTART flag. This is why I recommend using a static inline helper function instead of sem_wait():
static inline int semaphore_wait(sem_t *const s)
int result;
do {
result = sem_wait(s);
} while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR);
return result;
static inline int semaphore_post(sem_t *const s)
return sem_post(s);
In cases where signal delivery should not interrupt waiting on the semaphore, you use semaphore_wait(). If you do want a signal delivery to interrupt waiting on a semaphore, you use sem_wait(); if it returns -1 with errno == EINTR, the operation was interrupted due to signal delivery, and the semaphore wasn't actually decremented. (Many other low-level functions, like read(), write(), send(), recv(), can be interrupted in the exact same way; they can also just return a short count, in case the interruption occurred part way.)
The semaphore_post() is just a wrapper, so that you can use "matching` post and wait operations. Doing that sort of "useless" wrappers does help understand the code, you see.
The item[] array is used as a circular queue. The num_items indicates the number of items in it. If num_items > 0, the next item to be consumed is item[next_item]. If num_items < MAX_ITEMS, the next item to be produced is item[(next_item + num_items) % MAX_ITEMS].
The % is the modulo operator. Here, because next_item and num_items are always positive, (next_item + num_items) % MAX_ITEMS is always between 0 and MAX_ITEMS - 1, inclusive. This is what makes the buffer circular.
When a producer has constructed a new item, say item_type newitem;, and wants to add it to the shared memory, it basically does the following:
/* Omitted: Initialize and fill in 'newitem' members */
/* Wait until there is room in the buffer */
/* Get exclusive access to the structure members */
mem->item[(mem->next_item + mem->num_items) % MAX_ITEMS] = newitem;
The above is often called enqueue, because it appends an item to a queue (which happends to be implemented via a circular buffer).
When a consumer wants to consume an item (item_type nextitem;) from the shared buffer, it does the following:
/* Wait until there are items in the buffer */
/* Get exclusive access to the structure members */
nextitem = mem->item[mem->next_item];
mem->next_item = (mem->next_item + 1) % MAX_ITEMS;
mem->num_items = mem->num_items - 1;
mem->item[(mem->next_item + mem->num_items) % MAX_ITEMS] = newitem;
/* Omitted: Do work on 'nextitem' here. */
This is often called dequeue, because it obtains the next item from the queue.
I would recommend you first write a single-process test case, which enqueues MAX_ITEMS, then dequeues them, and verifies the semaphore values are back to initial values. That is not a guarantee of correctness, but it takes care of the most typical bugs.
In practice, I would personally write the queueing functions as static inline helpers in the same header file that describes the shared memory structure. Pretty much
static inline int shared_get(struct shared *const mem, item_type *const into)
int err;
if (!mem || !into)
return errno = EINVAL; /* Set errno = EINVAL, and return EINVAL. */
/* Wait for the next item in the buffer. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->more));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (err)
return errno;
/* Exclusive access to the structure. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->lock));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
/* Copy item to caller storage. */
*into = mem->item[mem->next_item];
/* Update queue state. */
mem->next_item = (mem->next_item + 1) % MAX_ITEMS;
/* Account for the newly freed slot. */
/* Done. */
return 0;
static inline int shared_put(struct shared *const mem, const item_type *const from)
int err;
if (!mem || !into)
return errno = EINVAL; /* Set errno = EINVAL, and return EINVAL. */
/* Wait for room in the buffer. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->room));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (err)
return errno;
/* Exclusive access to the structure. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->lock));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
/* Copy item to queue. */
mem->item[(mem->next_item + mem->num_items) % MAX_ITEMS] = *from;
/* Update queue state. */
/* Account for the newly filled slot. */
/* Done. */
return 0;
but note that I wrote these from memory, and not copy-pasted from my test program, because I want you to learn and not to just copy-paste code from others without understanding (and being suspicious of) it.
Why do we need separate counters (first_item, num_items) when we have the semaphores, with corresponding values?
Because we cannot capture the semaphore value at the point where sem_wait() succeeded/continued/stopped blocking.
For example, initially the room semaphore is initialized to MAX_ITEMS, so up to that many producers can run in parallel. Any one of them running sem_getvalue() immediately after sem_wait() will get some later value, not the value or transition that caused sem_wait() to return. (Even with SysV semaphores you cannot obtain the semaphore value that caused wait to return for this process.)
So, instead of indexes or counters to the buffer, we think of the more semaphore as having the value of how many times one can dequeue from the buffer without blocking, and room as having the value of how many times one can enqueue to the buffer without blocking. The lock semaphore grants exclusive access, so that we can modify the shared memory structures (well, next_item and num_items) atomically, without different processes trying to change the values at the same time.
I am not 100% certain that this is the best or optimum pattern, this is one of the most commonly used ones. It is not as robust as I'd like: for each increment (of one) in num_items, one must post on more exactly once; and for each decrement (of one) in num_items, one must increment next_item by exactly one and post on room exactly once, or the scheme falls apart.
There is one final wrinkle, though:
How do producers indicate they are done?
How would the scheduler tell producers and/or consumers to stop?
My preferred solution is to add a flag into the shared memory structure, say unsigned int status;, with specific bit masks telling the producers and consumers what to do, that is examined immediately after waiting on the lock:
#define STOP_PRODUCING (1 << 0)
#define STOP_CONSUMING (1 << 1)
static inline int shared_get(struct shared *const mem, item_type *const into)
int err;
if (!mem || !into)
return errno = EINVAL; /* Set errno = EINVAL, and return EINVAL. */
/* Wait for the next item in the buffer. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->more));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (err)
return errno;
/* Exclusive access to the structure. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->lock));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
/* Need to stop consuming? */
if (mem->state & STOP_CONSUMING) {
/* Ensure all consumers see the state immediately */
/* ENOMSG == please stop. */
return errno = ENOMSG;
/* Copy item to caller storage. */
*into = mem->item[mem->next_item];
/* Update queue state. */
mem->next_item = (mem->next_item + 1) % MAX_ITEMS;
/* Account for the newly freed slot. */
/* Done. */
return 0;
static inline int shared_put(struct shared *const mem, const item_type *const from)
int err;
if (!mem || !into)
return errno = EINVAL; /* Set errno = EINVAL, and return EINVAL. */
/* Wait for room in the buffer. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->room));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (err)
return errno;
/* Exclusive access to the structure. */
do {
err = sem_wait(&(mem->lock));
} while (err == -1 && errno == EINTR);
/* Time to stop? */
if (mem->state & STOP_PRODUCING) {
/* Ensure all producers see the state immediately */
/* ENOMSG == please stop. */
return errno = ENOMSG;
/* Copy item to queue. */
mem->item[(mem->next_item + mem->num_items) % MAX_ITEMS] = *from;
/* Update queue state. */
/* Account for the newly filled slot. */
/* Done. */
return 0;
which return ENOMSG to the caller if the caller should stop. When the state is changed, one should of course be holding the lock. When adding STOP_PRODUCING, one should also post on the room semaphore (once) to start a "cascade" so all producers stop; and when adding STOP_CONSUMING, post on the more semaphore (once) to start the consumer stop cascade. (Each of them will post on it again, to ensure each producer/consumer sees the state as soon as possible.)
There are other schemes, though; for example signals (setting a volatile sig_atomic_t flag), but it is generally hard to ensure there are no race windows: a process checking the flag just before it is changed, and then blocking on a semaphore.
In this scheme, it would be good to verify that both MAX_ITEMS + NUM_PRODUCERS <= SEM_VALUE_MAX and MAX_ITEMS + NUM_CONSUMERS <= SEM_VALUE_MAX, so that even during the stop cascades, the semaphore value will not overflow.
Very recently I have started working on pthreads and trying to implement software pipelining with pthreads. To do that I have a written a toy program myself, a similar of which would be a part of my main project.
So in this program the main thread creates and input and output buffer of integer type and then creates a single master thread and passes those buffers to the master thread. The master thread in turn creates two worker threads.
The input and the output buffer that is passed from the main to the master thread is of size nxk (e.g. 5x10 of size int). The master thread iterates over a chunk of size k (i.e. 10) for n (i.e. 5) number of times.
There is a loop running in the master thread for k (5 in here) number of times. In each iteration of k the master thread does some operation on a portion of input data of size n and place it in the common buffer shared between the master and the worker threads. The master thread then signals the worker threads that the data has been placed in the common buffer.
The two worker threads waits for the signal from the master thread if the common buffer is ready. The operation on the common buffer is divided into half among the worker threads. Which means one worker thread would work on the first half and the other worker thread would work on the next half of the common buffer.
Once the worker threads gets the signal from the master thread, each of the worker thread does some operation on their half of the data and copy it to the output buffer. Then the worker threads informs the master thread that their operation is complete on the common buffer by setting flag values. An array of flags are created for worker threads. The master thread keeps on checking if all the flags are set which basically means all the worker threads finished their operation on the common buffer and so master thread can place the next data chunk into the common buffer safely for worker thread's consumption.
So essentially there is communication between the master and the worker threads in a pipelined fashion. In the very end I am printing the output buffer in the main thread. But I am getting no output at all. I have copy pasted my code with full comments on almost all steps.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MthNum 1 //Number of Master threads
#define WthNum 2 //Number of Worker threads
#define times 5 // Number of times the iteration (n in the explanation)
#define elNum 10 //Chunk size during each iteration (k in the explanation)
pthread_mutex_t mutex; // mutex variable declaration
pthread_cond_t cond_var; //conditional variarble declaration
bool completion_flag = true; //This global flag indicates the completion of the worker thread. Turned false once all operation ends
//marking the completion
int *commonBuff; //common buffer between master and worker threads
int *commFlags; //array of flags that are turned to 1 by each worker threads. So worker thread i turns commFlags[i] to 1
// the master thread turns commFlags[i] = 0 for i =0 to (WthNum - 1)
int *commFlags_s;
int counter; // This counter used my master thread to count if all the commFlags[i] that shows
//all the threads finished their work on the common buffer
// static pthread_barrier_t barrier;
// Arguments structure passed to master thread
typedef struct{
int *input; // input buffer
int *output;// output buffer
// Arguments structure passed to worker thread
typedef struct{
int threadId;
int *outBuff;
void* worker_func(void *arguments);
void *master_func(void *);
int main(int argc,char*argv[]){
int *ipData,*opData;
int i,j;
// allocation of input buffer and initializing to 0
ipData = (int *)malloc(times*elNum*sizeof(int));
// allocation of output buffer and initializing to 0
opData = (int *)malloc(times*elNum*sizeof(int));
pthread_t thread[MthNum];
master_args* args[MthNum];
//creating the single master thread and passing the arguments
for( i=0;i<MthNum;i++){
args[i] = (master_args *)malloc(sizeof(master_args));
args[i]->input= ipData;
args[i]->output= opData;
pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *)args[i]);
//joining the master thred
//printing the output buffer values
for(j =0;j<times;j++ ){
for(i =0;i<elNum;i++){
return 0;
//This is the master thread function
void *master_func(void *arguments){
//copying the arguments pointer to local variables
master_args* localMasterArgs = (master_args *)arguments;
int *indataArgs = localMasterArgs->input; //input buffer
int *outdataArgs = localMasterArgs->output; //output buffer
//worker thread declaration
pthread_t Workers[WthNum];
//worker thread arguments declaration
worker_args* wArguments[WthNum];
int i,j;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&cond_var, NULL);
counter =0;
commonBuff = (int *)malloc(elNum*sizeof(int));
commFlags = (int *)malloc(WthNum*sizeof(int));
memset(commFlags,0,WthNum*sizeof(int) );
commFlags_s= (int *)malloc(WthNum*sizeof(int));
memset(commFlags_s,0,WthNum*sizeof(int) );
for(i =0;i<WthNum;i++){
wArguments[i] = (worker_args* )malloc(sizeof(worker_args));
wArguments[i]->threadId = i;
wArguments[i]->outBuff = outdataArgs;
pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func,(void *)wArguments[i]);
for (i = 0; i < times; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < elNum; j++)
indataArgs[i + j * elNum] = i + j;
while (counter != 0) {
counter = 0;
for (j = 0; j < WthNum; j++) {
counter += commFlags_s[j];
memcpy(commonBuff, &indataArgs[i * elNum], sizeof(int));
counter = 1;
while (counter != 0) {
counter = 0;
for (j = 0; j < WthNum; j++) {
counter += commFlags[j];
// printf("master broad cast\n");
//releasing the lock
completion_flag = false;
for (i = 0; i < WthNum; i++) {
pthread_join(Workers[i], NULL);
return NULL;
void* worker_func(void *arguments){
worker_args* localArgs = (worker_args*)arguments;
//copying the thread ID and the output buffer
int tid = localArgs->threadId;
int *localopBuffer = localArgs->outBuff;
int i,j;
bool local_completion_flag=false;
commFlags[tid] =0;
commFlags_s[tid] =1;
commFlags_s[tid] =0;
commFlags[tid] =1;
if (tid == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < (elNum / 2); i++) {
localopBuffer[i] = commonBuff[i] * 5;
} else { // Thread ID 1 operating on the other half of the common buffer data and placing on the
// output buffer
for (i = 0; i < (elNum / 2); i++) {
localopBuffer[elNum / 2 + i] = commonBuff[elNum / 2 + i] * 10;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);//releasing the lock
return NULL;
But I have no idea where I have done wrong in my implementation since logically it seems to be correct. But definitely there is something wrong in my implementation. I have spent a long time trying different things to fix it but nothing worked. Sorry for this long post but I am unable to determine a section where I might have done wrong and so I couldn't concise the post. So if anybody could take a look into the problem and implementation and can suggest what changes needed to be done to run it as intended then that it would be really helpful. Thank you for your help and assistance.
There are several errors in this code.
You may start from fixing creation of worker threads:
wArguments[i] = (worker_args* )malloc(sizeof(worker_args));
wArguments[i]->threadId = i;
wArguments[i]->outBuff = outdataArgs;
pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func, (void *)wArguments);
You are initializing worker_args structs but incorrectly - passing pointer to array (void *)wArguments instead of pointers to array elements you just initialized.
pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func, (void *)wArguments[i]);
// ^^^
Initialize counter before starting threads that use it's value:
void *master_func(void *arguments)
/* (...) */
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&cond_var, NULL);
counter = WthNum;
When starting master thread, you incorrectly pass pointer to pointer:
pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *)&args[i]);
Please change this to:
pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *) args[i]);
All accesses to counter variable (as any other shared memory) must be synchronized between threads.
I think you should use semaphore based producer- consumer model like this
I am trying to create two threads resembling TaskA and TaskB. Both TaskA and TaskB do some kind of computation that it is not very interesting for this post. TaskA and TaskB have to be executed 10 times in order to cover the whole array. TaskA has an input AA and an output BB. BB is also the input of TaskB. CC is the output of TaskB. Because BB is written by taskA and read by taskB we need mutexes.
The behavior I would like to achieve is that when TaskA operates on i, TaskB operates on i-1 in parallel, where i is the number of arrays that are processed.
I want to avoid TaskB to wait for TaskA to finish for every i.
The problem here is that I have a deadlock. ThreadA and ThreadB represent TaskA and TaskB. To make it easier I removed all the computations and I left only synchronization instructions. The deadlock is caused because ThreadA signals the conditional variable CV[0] before threadB is in the state that waits for CV[0].
Do you know any way to remove the deadlock but without TaskA waiting for TaskB to finish and vice versa. Ideally when TaskA operates on array i TaskB should operate on array i-1.
/* Includes */
#include <unistd.h> /* Symbolic Constants */
#include <sys/types.h> /* Primitive System Data Types */
#include <errno.h> /* Errors */
#include <stdio.h> /* Input/Output */
#include <stdlib.h> /* General Utilities */
#include <pthread.h> /* POSIX Threads */
#include <string.h> /* String handling */
#include <semaphore.h> /* Semaphore */
#include <stdint.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 2048*2400
#define DEBUG
pthread_mutex_t mutex[10];
pthread_cond_t cv[10];
/* prototype for thread routine */
void threadA ( void *ptr );
void threadB ( void *ptr );
struct thread_arg
uint32_t *in;
uint32_t *out;
uint32_t ID;
int main()
pthread_t pthA;
pthread_t pthB;
//Memory allocation
uint32_t *AA = malloc(10*ARRAY_SIZE*sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t *BB = malloc(10*ARRAY_SIZE*sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t *CC = malloc(10*ARRAY_SIZE*sizeof(uint32_t));
unsigned int j,i;
// THread Arguments
struct thread_arg arguments[2];
arguments[0].in = AA;
arguments[0].out = BB;
arguments[0].ID = 1;
arguments[1].in = BB;
arguments[1].out = CC;
arguments[1].ID = 2;
//Init arguments data
for (j=0;j<10;j++)
for (i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE;i++)
AA[j*ARRAY_SIZE+i] = i;
BB[j*ARRAY_SIZE+i] = 0;
CC[j*ARRAY_SIZE+i] = 99 ;
//Semaphore and conditional variables init
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex[i], NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&cv[i], NULL);
pthread_create (&pthA, NULL, (void *) &threadA, (void *) &arguments[0]);
pthread_create (&pthB, NULL, (void *) &threadB, (void *) &arguments[1]);
pthread_join(pthA, NULL);
pthread_join(pthB, NULL);
// Destroy Semaphores and CVs
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
// Checking results
} /* main() */
void threadA ( void *ptr )
int i;
struct thread_arg *arg = (struct thread_arg *) ptr;
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
printf("TA: LOCK_M%d \n",i);
printf("TA: SIG_CV%d\n",i);
printf("TA: UNL_M%d\n",i);
pthread_exit(0); /* exit thread */
void threadB ( void *ptr )
int i;
struct thread_arg *arg = (struct thread_arg *) ptr;
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
printf("TB: WAIT_CV%d\n",i,i);
pthread_cond_wait(&cv[i], &mutex[i]);
printf("TB CV%d_PASSED\n",i);
printf("TB UNL_M%d \n",i);
As WhozCraig commented, a condition variable needs to be paired with a condition over some shared state, known as a predicate. The mutex is used to protect the shared state.
In this example, your shared state could be an integer that contains the highest index of BB[] that ThreadA has produced. ThreadB then waits for this number to reach the index that it is up to reading. In this design, you only need one mutex and one condition variable. The globals would then be:
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cv = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int BB_ready = -1; /* Protected by 'mutex' */
(Using the static PTHREAD_*_INITIALIZER initialisers means that you don't need to bother with pthread_*_init() and pthread_*_destroy()).
The loop in ThreadA would then be:
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
/* Process AA[i] into BB[i] here */
/* Now mark BB[i] as ready */
printf("TA: LOCK_M%d \n",i);
BB_ready = i;
printf("TA: SIG_CV%d\n",i);
printf("TA: UNL_M%d\n",i);
..and in ThreadB:
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
/* Wait for BB[i] to be ready */
printf("TB: WAIT_CV%d\n",i);
while (BB_ready < i)
pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mutex);
printf("TB CV%d_PASSED\n",i);
printf("TB UNL_M%d \n",i);
/* Now process BB[i] into CC[i] here */
Notice that pthread_cond_signal() is called whenever the shared state has changed, which allows the other thread to wake up and re-check the state, if it's waiting.
The waiting thread always loops around, checking the state and then waiting on the condition variable if the state isn't ready yet.
My C program creates a producer thread, saving data as fast as possible. The main thread consumes and prints these.
After days of bug finding, I noticed that if the mutex was initialized, then the program stops within 30 seconds (deadlock?).
However if the mutex is left uninitialized it works perfectly.
Can anyone explain this?? To avoid undefined behavior, I would prefer to initialize them if possible.
Further Info: Specifically it's locking up if "pthread_mutex_t signalM" (the signaling mutex) is initialized
#include <stdlib.h> // exit_failure, exit_success
#include <stdio.h> // stdin, stdout, printf
#include <pthread.h> // threads
#include <string.h> // string
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <fcntl.h> // open
struct event {
pthread_mutex_t critical;
pthread_mutex_t signalM;
pthread_cond_t signalC;
int eventCount;
struct allVars {
struct event inEvents;
struct event outEvents;
int bufferSize;
char buffer[10][128];
* Advance the EventCount
void advance(struct event *event) {
// increment the event counter
// signal await to continue
* Wait for ticket and buffer availability
void await(struct event *event, int ticket) {
int eventCount;
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// lock signaling mutex
// loop until the ticket machine shows your number
while (ticket > eventCount) {
// wait until a ticket is called
pthread_cond_wait(&event->signalC, &event->signalM);
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// unlock signaling mutex
* Add to buffer
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[]) {
// get the current write position
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres a space free in the buffer
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1); // set to 2 to keep 1 index distance
// add data to buffer
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
* Get from buffer
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars) {
// get the current read position
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres something in the buffer
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
// allocate memory for returned string
char *str = malloc(128);
// get the buffer data
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
return str;
/** child thread (producer) */
void *childThread(void *allVars) {
char str[10];
int count = 0;
while (true) {
sprintf(str, "%d", count++);
putBuffer(allVars, str);
int main(void) {
// init structs
struct event inEvents = {
struct event outEvents = {
struct allVars allVars = {
inEvents, // events
10, // buffersize
{"", {""}} // buffer[][]
// create child thread (producer)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, childThread, &allVars)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create child thread");
// (consumer)
while (true) {
char *out = getBuffer(&allVars);
printf("buf: %s\n", out);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
#include <stdlib.h> // exit_failure, exit_success
#include <stdio.h> // stdin, stdout, printf
#include <pthread.h> // threads
#include <string.h> // string
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <fcntl.h> // open
struct event {
pthread_mutex_t critical;
pthread_mutex_t signalM;
pthread_cond_t signalC;
int eventCount;
struct allVars {
struct event inEvents;
struct event outEvents;
int bufferSize;
char buffer[10][128];
* Advance the EventCount
void advance(struct event *event) {
// increment the event counter
// signal await to continue
* Wait for ticket and buffer availability
void await(struct event *event, int ticket) {
int eventCount;
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// lock signaling mutex
// loop until the ticket machine shows your number
while (ticket > eventCount) {
// wait until a ticket is called
pthread_cond_wait(&event->signalC, &event->signalM);
// get the counter
eventCount = event->eventCount;
// unlock signaling mutex
* Add to buffer
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[]) {
// get the current write position
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres a space free in the buffer
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1); // set to 2 to keep 1 index distance
// add data to buffer
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
* Get from buffer
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars) {
// get the current read position
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres something in the buffer
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
// allocate memory for returned string
char *str = malloc(128);
// get the buffer data
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
return str;
/** child thread (producer) */
void *childThread(void *allVars) {
char str[10];
int count = 0;
while (true) {
sprintf(str, "%d", count++);
putBuffer(allVars, str);
int main(void) {
// init structs
struct event inEvents; /* = {
}; */
struct event outEvents; /* = {
}; */
struct allVars allVars = {
inEvents, // events
10, // buffersize
{"", {""}} // buffer[][]
// create child thread (producer)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, childThread, &allVars)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create child thread");
// (consumer)
while (true) {
char *out = getBuffer(&allVars);
printf("buf: %s\n", out);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Jonathan explained why the code that didn't initialize mutexes didn't deadlock (essentially because trying to use an uninitialized mutex would never block, it would just immediately return an error).
The problem causing the infinite wait in the version of the program that does properly initialize mutexes is that you aren't using your condition variables properly. The check of the predicate expression and the wait on the condition variable must be done atomically with respect to whatever other thread might be modifying the predicate. You code is checking a predicate that is a local variable that the other thread doesn't even have access to. Your code reads the actual predicate into a local variable within a critical section, but then the mutex for reading the predicate is released and a different mutex is acquired to read the 'false' predicate (which cannot be modified by the other thread anyway) atomically with the condition variable wait.
So you have a situation where the actual predicate, event->eventCount, can be modified and the signal for that modification be issued in between when the waiting thread reads the predicate and blocks on the condition variable.
I think the following will fix your deadlock, but I haven't had a chance to perform much testing. The change is essentially to remove the signalM mutex from struct event and replace any use of it with the critical mutex:
#include <stdlib.h> // exit_failure, exit_success
#include <stdio.h> // stdin, stdout, printf
#include <pthread.h> // threads
#include <string.h> // string
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <fcntl.h> // open
struct event {
pthread_mutex_t critical;
pthread_cond_t signalC;
int eventCount;
struct allVars {
struct event inEvents;
struct event outEvents;
int bufferSize;
char buffer[10][128];
* Advance the EventCount
void advance(struct event *event) {
// increment the event counter
// signal await to continue
* Wait for ticket and buffer availability
void await(struct event *event, int ticket) {
// get the counter
// loop until the ticket machine shows your number
while (ticket > event->eventCount) {
// wait until a ticket is called
pthread_cond_wait(&event->signalC, &event->critical);
// unlock signaling mutex
* Add to buffer
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[]) {
// get the current write position
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres a space free in the buffer
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1); // set to 2 to keep 1 index distance
// add data to buffer
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
* Get from buffer
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars) {
// get the current read position
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
// wait until theres something in the buffer
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
// allocate memory for returned string
char *str = malloc(128);
// get the buffer data
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
// increment the eventCounter and signal
return str;
/** child thread (producer) */
void *childThread(void *allVars) {
char str[10];
int count = 0;
while (true) {
sprintf(str, "%d", count++);
putBuffer(allVars, str);
int main(void) {
// init structs
struct event inEvents = {
struct event outEvents = {
struct allVars allVars = {
inEvents, // events
10, // buffersize
{"", {""}} // buffer[][]
// create child thread (producer)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, childThread, &allVars)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create child thread");
// (consumer)
while (true) {
char *out = getBuffer(&allVars);
printf("buf: %s\n", out);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
I modified the getBuffer() and putBuffer() routines as shown (in both the initialized and uninitialized versions of the code):
void putBuffer(struct allVars *allVars, char data[])
int lock_ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&allVars->inEvents.critical);
if (lock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): lock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, lock_ok, strerror(lock_ok));
int in = allVars->inEvents.eventCount;
int unlock_ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&allVars->inEvents.critical);
if (unlock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): unlock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, unlock_ok, strerror(unlock_ok));
await(&allVars->outEvents, in - allVars->bufferSize + 1);
strcpy(allVars->buffer[in % allVars->bufferSize], data);
char *getBuffer(struct allVars *allVars)
int lock_ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&allVars->outEvents.critical);
if (lock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): lock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, lock_ok, strerror(lock_ok));
int out = allVars->outEvents.eventCount;
int unlock_ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&allVars->outEvents.critical);
if (unlock_ok != 0)
printf("%s(): unlock error %d (%s)\n", __func__, unlock_ok, strerror(unlock_ok));
await(&allVars->inEvents, out + 1);
char *str = malloc(128);
strcpy(str, allVars->buffer[out % allVars->bufferSize]);
return str;
Then running the uninitialized code yields a lot of messages like:
buf: 46566
putBuffer(): lock error 22 (Invalid argument)
getBuffer(): lock error 22 (Invalid argument)
putBuffer(): unlock error 22 (Invalid argument)
getBuffer(): unlock error 22 (Invalid argument)
Basically, it appears to me that your locking and unlocking is being ignored. There are other places in your code that you should check too.
Fundamentally, if you ignore the errors reported, you don't notice that the locking and unlocking is not working at all, and there's no reason for the code to stop running.
Always check the return values from system calls that can fail.
I don't have an immediate explanation for why the initialized code locks up. It does for me, running on Mac OS X 10.10.3 with GCC 5.1.0, after anywhere from about 100,000 to 800,000 iterations.
I'm working on a multithreaded producer-consumer program in c that implements semaphores. Each buffer struct has two general semaphores - one for empty buffers and one for full buffers. However, when the program enters the readInput function, the value of those two semaphores change to random values. The semaphore within the thread struct is fine, but the semaphores within the buffer struct within the IO union within the thread struct change for some reason. Any idea why this is happening?
#include "st.h"
#include "semaphore.h"
#include "buffer.h"
/*Definitions here*/
//Input location.
#define DEFAULT_IN stdin
//Output location.
#define DEFAULT_OUT stdout
//Line width
#define LINE_SIZE 80
#define SLEEP_TIME 333333
//Shorthand for structure components
#define INPUT thread->in
#define MUTEX thread->mutex
#define OUTPUT thread->out
/*Global variables here*/
//The input/output can be a stream or a buffer.
typedef union
buffer *bufferIO; //Buffer to read from/write to.
FILE *stream; //An I/O stream.
} IO;
//Each thread has an input, a semaphore, and an output.
typedef struct
IO in; //Either an input stream or a buffer to read.
semaphore *mutex; //Pointer to a binary semaphore.
IO out; //Either an output stream or a buffer to write.
} Thread;
/*Function prototypes here*/
void *readInput(void *s);
void *processLines(void *s);
void *processAsterisks(void *s);
void *writeOutput(void *s);
int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) //The main function
/*Binary semaphore*/
semaphore mutex; //Binary semaphore for mutual exclusion.
createSem(&mutex, 1);
/*The three buffers between threads*/
buffer B1, B2, B3;
/*The 5 data locations*/
IO input, buffer1, buffer2, buffer3, output; //stdin, 3 buffers, stdout
/*Set the unions*/ = DEFAULT_IN; //Input stream
buffer1.bufferIO = &B1; //Contains raw input
buffer2.bufferIO = &B2; //Newlines have become spaces
buffer3.bufferIO = &B3; //** has become ^ = DEFAULT_OUT; //Output stream, 80 at a time
/*Initialize the threads*/
Thread input_thread = {input, &mutex, buffer1}; //Recieve input
Thread proc1_thread = {buffer1, &mutex, buffer2}; //Returns to spaces
Thread proc2_thread = {buffer2, &mutex, buffer3}; //** to ^
Thread output_thread = {buffer3, &mutex, output}; //Output 80 characters and a newline.
printf("%i\n", input_thread.out.bufferIO->emptyBuffers->value);
/*Create the actual threads*/
if(st_thread_create(readInput, &input_thread, 0, 0) == NULL)
perror("st_thread_create for input thread failure");
printf("%i\n", input_thread.out.bufferIO->emptyBuffers->value);
if(st_thread_create(processLines, &proc1_thread, 0, 0) == NULL)
perror("st_thread_create for line thread failure");
if(st_thread_create(processAsterisks, &proc2_thread, 0, 0) == NULL)
perror("st_thread_create for asterisk thread failure");
if(st_thread_create(writeOutput, &output_thread, 0, 0) == NULL)
perror("st_thread_create for output thread failure");
return 0;
/*Function definitions here*/
void *readInput(void *s)
Thread *thread = s;
char c; //An individual character.
printf("Type some input.\n");
c = getc(; //Consume a character from input.
printf("%i\n", OUTPUT.bufferIO->emptyBuffers->value);
deposit(OUTPUT.bufferIO, c); //Produce a character.
st_usleep(SLEEP_TIME); //Wait.
while(c != EOF); //Do-while in order to pass on the EOF as an exit flag.
//EOF reached - exit thread.
//assert(c == EOF);
printf("\nDone reading.");
Upon looking at it with gdb, I found this:
Hardware watchpoint 10: (*(*input_thread.out.bufferIO).emptyBuffers).value
(gdb) c
Hardware watchpoint 10: (*(*input_thread.out.bufferIO).emptyBuffers).value
Old value = 80
New value = 4216725
0x000000395221467c in _dl_runtime_resolve () from /lib64/
Not sure what this _dl_runtime_resolve is.
semaphore and buffers are created as stack variables in main thread so when the main thread exits the address pointing to semaphore and buffer are invalid and the behavior is unpredictable. Make the proper design and give proper scope to the variables, for time being make all the variables as global. Make the following things in the above code as global
semaphore mutex; //Binary semaphore for mutual exclusion.
IO input, buffer1, buffer2, buffer3, output; //stdin, 3 buffers, stdout
recompile and execute