Deploying Umbraco to Azure. All files not included - sql-server

I've created an Umbraco project locally following instructions from here:
VS version: VS 2013 Pro
Umbraco version is 7.2.1
SQL version: SQL Server 2008 r2
All working fine locally, created master template, some page templates and some content. Now I would like to push the site live, both layout and content, using an Azure Website. I created the SQL DB on Azure using the app from:
I've verified the DB looks correct by doing a Schema compare and Data compare through VS SQL Server Object Explorer.
I published the site via VS 2013, right click project, publish, Azure Web Site and all went through as expected.
When trying to view the site it's just returning a blank page, no HTML in the source. Looking at the files which have been uploaded to Azure, it appears that some files from the Views directory weren't uploaded e.g. ContentMain.cshtml, Homepage.cshtml, Master.cshtml.
Looking at my local project source, none of those files are included in the project i.e. the icon has a dotted outline. Presumably this is something to do with the fact they were originally created via the browser?
Is it expected that those files aren't supposed to be part of the project and therefore aren't included when publishing to Azure?
I'm guessing that it would work fine if I simply right click and include each of the files then re-deploy. However I don't want to cause some other issue in Umbraco by doing so.
What is the best practice advice to get round this?

Is it expected that those files aren't supposed to be part of the project and therefore aren't included when publishing to Azure?
I'm guessing that it would work fine if I simply right click and
include each of the files then re-deploy.
I think it's correct. Templates created by Umbraco back-office are not included automatically in Visual Studio Project and VS cannot publish items not included in project.
A better approach is to create your templates directly in your VS Project.


Filezilla/Wildfly server deployment error (Possible database dependencies)

This is my first time on here. I am having an issue deploying a java application I made on myEclipse. I am using Filezilla to host my Wildfly 9.0.2 test server. I exported my project to a .war file and upon dragging it into the test server I am met with a deployment.failed. Upon viewing the file in Notepad it declares "Services with missing/unavailable dependencies". one such error can be seen below:
[ " is missing [] "
There are five of these similar errors and all point to a diffferent database connection of some type that I am not using within my project. I understand the issue but I do not know where these dependencies are declared and how I can go about removing them.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Creating the WAR file will use the project's deployment assembly (assuming you're using MyEclipse 2013 or later). Right click on the project and select Properties. Then go to the MyEclipse/Deployment Assembly page. This will have all of the files that are added to the deployment (or to the WAR file).
However, the message seems to suggest that a project is using a database connection which can't be found when running on the server. A first thought was that you're using the inbuilt Derby database but don't have that running when you run on Wildfly.But you say that you're not using a database. Also, I'm not familiar with how Filezilla can host a J2EE server - I thought Filezilla was an FTP client and server solution. Perhaps you could give more details, if this answer doesn't help.

Visual Studio Published Project Crashing when trying to access Database files

This is the biggest problem I've had with my project so far. Every time I try to publish it, I get hangups and crashes whenever the project tries to access a database file (which is fairly often).
I have two database objects, both created as part of my Visual Studio project under the main solution, as BUILDERDATA.mdf and CHARACTERS.mdf. When I access them during test builds, everything functions just fine. However, they always fail in the published project.
I get the feeling either they're not exporting correctly, or the act of publishing the project is breaking the connection strings, so I'm hoping someone can help me pinpoint the issue.
Under my project settings, I have a connection set up to each database. They're both Connection Strings, their scope is Application, and the value is this:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\BUILDERDATA.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30
Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\CHARACTERS.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30
Under Project Properties -> Publish -> Application Files, both databases and their log files are set to Data File (Auto) for Publish Status, Required for Download Group, and Include for Hash.
Under my Prerequisites, I have SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB marked, as well as Microsoft .NET Framework 4. Part of my code uses .NET, so that's required anyway, and I included SQL Server Express so it can access the database files. However, 2012 is the newest version available for me to include, so I'm not sure if there's an issue with that version?
If there's anything else you guys would need to see, please let me know. I just want to get this figured out and fixed so I can have my friends start testing my program. :(

WIX Deployment: Which files to deploy?

This might be a very trivial question but deployment is new to me and little confused about which file to deploy.
I have a WPF test project uses Entity framework in visual studio and trying to use WIX to deploy it. Target machine is running windows 7. Given that .Net Framework and sql server localdb is installed on the target machine what files I need to deploy (make component in the WIX xml file)? I have tried copying the whole bin/Release folder to the target machine and it works. However I don’t know if that is necessary. The following screenshot shows the bin\Release directory of my application.
The problem is I don’t know the job of some files particularly the files with the following extensions:
The database file is located in the Users\[username] directory and gets created if it doesn’t exist so I suppose it’s not part of the deployment.
Additionally I would like to understand two xml files-
Do I need to deploy these two files as well?
Several settings you can change here - if defined in the Project building the EXE. You probably want to deploy this.
Debugfiles. Deploy if you are investigating errors - else don't, these contain source information.
Do not deploy. These are used/generate by Visual Studio. If you start a Project out of Visual Studio it is ran in a hosted process environment so it cannot crash Visual Studio when then application runs into an error. Not for production.
This is documentation for the corresponding dlls. Useful for development, I do not think you want to deploy them thou.

How to insall a database with an application?

This seems like it would be easy as pie but it is not. I would like to include a sql server database with my application installation. I see a lot of similar questions, so let me be clear: I know how to set up prerequisites, but I want to include my application's database with the installation.
I am using Visual Studio 2010. I have a project with a local database. I have a setup project. However, when I generate the setup.exe and install the app, no database is generated and the app does not work.
I hope that the answer to this is as simple as it seems it should be. How do I include my application's database with the rest of the application in the setup.exe?
Got it! My solution:
In the setup project right click the project and select View > File System. Then right click the Application Folder folder and select Add > File...
Then browse to .mdf file, select it and bam! Included in the installation.

How to Depoly Application containing Crystal Report and Access Database file

I am trying to build a setup file which will install my application with database and crystal report files to the client.
1.) I created my application in release mode.
2.) I created new setup project and added my application project in that solution.
3.) Also added the primary output in application folder
4.) [dun know how to add database so] created app_data folder inside the application folder and added the database file manually from add->file
5.) [dun know how to add crystal reports so] created reports folder inside the application folder and added the reports manually from add->file
6.) Build solution.
7.) Tried deploying in client machine.
8.) Application runs fine and works great. But crystal report files doesn't. When i try to open crystal report some long error messages comes in my way.
So I would like to know is the way i am doing to add the database file and crystal report files correct? how can i make crystal reports work in client machine?
PS: I am building my application in VS2008 and using Crystal Report 9
You have to give datasource location during runtime.
Because the problem is that while designing the crystal reports have to select database and regarding tables and fields right, but while running on clients machine it will not get the path which you have.
I think what you are missing is the Crystal Redistributable package. It needs to be installed on the host.
