MS Access97 Run Time Error 2447 - database

Someone left a system using MS Access97 and I dont have any idea on how to use access97 since it is my first time using it.
I installed a Microsoft Access97 to a new computer then try to open the system but it displays an error "Run Time Error 2447 There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator or invalid parenthesis". However the old computer can open the database without any error. I am really confused about this scenario. Can anyone help me?

Open the code editor. Go to menu Tools, References and check that no reference is prefixed MISSING. If so, resolve it.
In any case, go to the menu and select Compile and save all modules.
If some ocx or third-party control is installed and used on the old computer, you must install these on the new computer as well.


LibreOffice Base: Connection to data source could not be established

I am trying to open an MS Access database in Base using the instructions here . (I've tried both .mdb and .accdb)
I can follow the process described by Gord with no problems until the last step, where it asks me to save the database in LibreOffice format. I choose a filename (say mylinuxdb.odb), click OK, and then Base opens with this error:
The connection to the data source "mylinuxdb" could not be established.
Note that it is complaining about the new .odb database, not the MS Access database. Nonetheless, no data is imported.
Can anyone help with this?
Thank you.
Revised answer:
It appears that this issue is specific to distributions like Linux Mint that install LibreOffice Base by default. Presumably in order to enable embedded HSQLDB databases they also install a rather old version of HSQLDB which conflicts with UCanAccess. To fix that, remove LibreOffice's copy of HSQLDB. For Linux Mint that would be
sudo apt remove libhsqldb1.8.0-java
(original answer)
I was able to reproduce your issue with LibreOffice on Xubuntu 20.04. It looks like the setup instructions on Ask Ubuntu may need to be tweaked.
In the meantime try opening your .odb file, clicking through any errors. When Base opens, choose
Edit > Database > Properties …
and notice that the "Database URL" text box has "jdbc:" in front of it.
so if the textbox contains
then apparently Base will try to use
and that won't work. We need to have just
in the text box (as in the screenshot above).
This is NOT (as per chosen answer) "specific to distributions like Linux Mint that install LibreOffice Base by default". Such statements should be avoided as they are clearly very difficult to prove except with rigorous analysis of all other situations, which is clear was not done and in practical terms cannot be done.
I just encountered this message with an LO Base form which uses a MariaDB installation on Windows 10, using a JDBC connection with the mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar connector .jar. The form was created only minutes previously.
Interestingly, I happened to have a Python application running at the same time but, and I stress, this Python application does not use any kind of connection to any mysql database whatsoever. Nor, being CPython, does it use Java in any way whatsoever.
I find that when I close the Python application I am then able to open the LO Base form. Furthermore, after having first opened the LO Base form I am then able to run the Python application.
As to why this ludicrous error should arise in these circumstances in the first place, I do not yet know. Chalk it down to yet one more LO anomaly and oddity around which you have to navigate by hook or by crook.

Error when trying to run default C# HSPI A template

I downloaded Visual Studio 2017 Community and installed it on my Windows 10 PC. I downloaded the HomeSeer templates from the VS "marketplace" and installed them. I created a new project from the C# HSPI "A" template and pressed F5 to start the debug; I get 1 error message:
Error The command "powershell -file c:\users\paul\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1\fix-output.ps1 -configuration Debug -executionpolicy Unrestricted -NonInteractive" exited with code -196608.
Project: HSPIPluginA1 File: c:\users\paul\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1.csproj Line: 77
Do you have any idea what I did wrong? I'm pretty bad if I can't even get the default, pre-packaged, code to work.
Also, how do I provide an alternate IP Address for the plugin to connect to? My HS3 runs on a remote Linux (Lubuntu 16.04 LTS) machine. Thanks in advance.
I did not mean to imply that I was frustrated with you - it was me I was frustrated with; there just seems to be so much to learn. I know how much time and effort it takes to create/package/edit/document things so other folks can use them, so I certainly don't want to be a "whiner" right at the start. I also really appreciate you made the modifications to the template so quickly.
Thanks for reporting.
I just published an update to the extension that corrects the problem you were having. The corresponding tracking issue is
I haven't finished the documentation yet, but you can see how to change the IP and port by going to
Please do not expect perfection from this project. It's something I'm working on in my spare time and I am in no way affiliated with HomeSeer.
Now that I think about it, I do not know if this project will work with Linux, as that is something I haven't tested yet. I am very interested to know if it works, so please keep me updated.
Thanks again!

"Operation in progress..." Never Ends When Previewing Rows in Kettle Spoon via Salesforce

I am trying to pull data from a Salesforce API account using Pentaho/Kettle Spoon. I am able to establish a connection on Pentaho with this account. I am also able to get fields from specific modules. However, when I try and "Preview rows" (even with a small number of rows), the "Operation in Progress" window comes up and never completes the task. When I try and cancel the job, Pentaho hangs and I have to force quit it.
I am running Fedora 21. Any input is greatly appreciated.
This works for me:
Since upgrading to Fedora 22 Spoon (the client tool of PDI) was not working properly anymore. Although I could start Spoon properly and create transformations etc, once I wanted to execute a transformation or sometimes even when trying to open settings, nothing was working and the terminal window showed several (SWT:20352): GLib-CRITICAL error messages. In a nutshell, Spoon was rendered useless.
Here is how to solve this:
Go to the Eclipse Download Page and download the latest 64bit verion of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Note: There is a separate download area for SWT; however, for Linux there is no 64 bit version available. The only way to get one is to build it yourself. So I just went the easier way and downloaded Eclipse instead.
Unzip the file and search for swt. A search result will show a few files, but the ones interesting for us are (your version number might be different): org.eclipse.swt_3.103.2.v20150203-1313.jar and org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64_3.103.2.v20150203-1351.jar.
Copy the first one of these files into <PDI_HOME>/libswt/linux/x86 and the second into <PDI_HOME>/libswt/linux/x86_64.
oth folders still have the original jar files in them. Rename them to swt-jar-old (Note: no extension, so that they are not picked up).
Start Spoon. There will be a few error messages shown, but so far Spoon is working way better for me than before.
i'm running Ubuntu 14.04, i5,6gb RAM, got same trouble..
when i check, the load in proccessor is 100%, evertime i try showing the content or other thing in pentaho, the Operation in progress is show up, and never end..
How to solve, check your access to file/connection in your database,unrecognize file,field,etc. after this resolve, my proccessor run normal, and i could run / execute the transformation.

Issue adding a Access File as a Data Source in Visual Studio

Good evening,
I seem to be having an issue with adding a Access Database as a Data Source in my Visual Studio project. When I launch the New Data Source wizard and go through the first two steps I land at the 'Choose Your Data Connection' window, where I have to choose 'New Connection...'. Once this window has opened I choose the first option which is 'Microsoft Access Database File' and this is where I'm having my issue. It seems the way that it is supposed to work, and how it works for everyone I know, is that it is supposed to open a New Connection window similar to this:
(This is a screenshot I grabbed off Google as I cannot actually get to this step, I realize it's an old photo but this is generally what I'm supposed to see)
First Screenshot
What I actually get is this:
Second Screenshot
And that's where I'm stuck. Any ideas?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
If anyone else has this issue, running the Windows System File Checker tool seems to repair it. To run, open a command prompt as administrator and type:
sfc /scannow
Once that completes (it may take a while), reboot and you should be good to go.

Visual Studio crashes when I add a .settings file in a C++ Windows form application

I'm trying to add a .settings file in a windows form application by adding a (whatever) file in the project and have it named smthng.settings. Right after it is created, it crashes (if I look into the project's directory the file is there, but it's not "in" the project). Am I doing it wrong or could it be that the problem lies elsewhere?
Edit: It seems that it's the settings designer that crashes.
Partially Solved:If I add a (whatever).config file, then rename it to .settings and change it's file type to C/C++ Code (don't ask how I figured this out..) then I can add to it settings, but if I do add something that has any connection to the form then automatically a (whatever).config with thew same name spawns (which is identical to the (whatever).setting even if change one of them) and at the stdafx.cpp a #include '(whatever).h' appears, which is a problem, because there is not such a header. (if I erase it or just create a blank (whatever).h it doesn't work. Apparently I have to somehow connect all the data in the (w/e).settings to (w/e).h as well or maybe something else) Anyone had this problem before? Anyone has any ideas?
If it crashes, then regarding of what else you may be doing wrong, it's a bug - software shouldn't crash on invalid user input. That said, the causes could be anything from bug in VS itself, to bug in some third-party extension you're using, to system problems.
Make sure you have all the latest OS updates and service packs for VS2005. If it still repros then, report it as a bug to Microsoft Connect, and people responsible for this product area will take it from there.
