$compile within $compile not getting applied - angularjs

I have a directive which takes in an array of container objects and $compiles a new container directive for each container and each nested container. It also compiles a resize handle before all containers except the first child. The link function looks like this:
//scope.dock is retrieved from a factory
scope.initContainers = function () {
var prevScope;
for (var i = 0; i < scope.dock.containers.length; i++) {
var newScope = scope.$new(true);
newScope.container = scope.dock.containers[i];
var newElement = '<panel-container class=\"' + scope.dock.containers[i].axis + '" ></panel-container>';
var newTemplate = $compile(newElement)(newScope);
if (i > 0) {
var sizerScope = scope.$new(true);
sizerScope.containerOne = prevScope;
sizerScope.containerTwo = newScope;
var sizerElement = '<resize-handle class=\"' + scope.dock.containers[i].axis + '"></resize-handle>';
var sizerTemplate = $compile(sizerElement)(sizerScope);
if (scope.dock.containers[i].containers.length > 0) {
generateContainers(scope.dock.containers[i], newScope, newTemplate);
return scope;
scope.sizeContainers = function () {
var generateContainers = function (value, parentScope, parentElement) {
var prevScope;
for (var y = 0; y < value.containers.length; y++) {
var newChildScope = parentScope.$new(true);
newChildScope.container = value.containers[y];
var newChildElement = '<panel-container class=\"' + value.containers[y].axis + '" ></panel-container>';
var newChildTemplate = $compile(newChildElement)(newChildScope);
if (y > 0) {
var sizerScope = parentScope.$new(true);
sizerScope.containerOne = prevScope;
sizerScope.containerTwo = newChildScope;
var sizerElement = '<resize-handle class=\"' + value.containers[y].axis + '"></resize-handle>';
var sizerTemplate = $compile(sizerElement)(sizerScope);
if(typeof value.containers[y].containers !== 'undefined') {
if (value.containers[y].containers.length > 0) {
generateContainers(value.containers[y], newChildScope, newChildTemplate);
prevScope = newChildScope;
My problem is that the first child layer compiles but the second one does not. It does, however, work when I add scope.$apply to the end of generateContainers. Unfortunately for some reason it is skipping the first child element for each container and throwing a 'digest in progress' error.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this to compile?
And could someone explain why scope.$apply() is compiling the second layer only after I explicitly call it, even when $digest is already running?

I fixed this by getting rid of initContainers (since it was exactly the same as generateContainers) and moving that function to the container directive as well. That way the root directive wasn't trying to compile everything.


how to access function parameter value inside nested AngularJS for each loop?

I am new for AngularJS and I am trying to access function parameter value inside nested angular for each loop , but that variable gets undefined error. here is my code .
var pieChart = function (_data, _fieldName) {
var data = _data;
var cost_max = 0;
var cost_min = 99999;
angular.forEach(groupBy($scope.api_data, _fieldName), function (obj, index) {
var total = 0;
var name = '';
angular.forEach(obj, function (row, i) {
name = row._fieldName;
total += 1;
data.push([name, total]);
if (cost_max < obj.cost) cost_max = obj.cost;
if (cost_min > obj.cost) cost_min = obj.cost;
$scope.chart.data = data;
$scope.loaded = 1;
row._fieldName is undefined here , what was the issue ? kindly help me.
var groupBy = function (xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function (rv, x) {
(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
return rv;
}, {});
In your second angular.forEach loop, you have to replace row._fieldName with row[_fieldName].
angular.forEach(obj, function (row, i) {
name = row[_fieldName];
total += 1;
By writing row._fieldName, you try to get the key named _fieldName from object row instead of the real field.
Little JSFiddle

Why this component doesnt work if I use: polymer init app-drawer-template

Hi Im just a rookie with polymer, I hope this question doesnt sound stupid for you :(
I am triying to make a image gallery and I am using this idea: From this page
<dom-module id="simple-gallery" >
HTMLImports.whenReady(function () {
(function() {
var current_index = 0;
var image_length = 0;
is: "simple-gallery",
ready: function() {
var images = Polymer.dom(this).querySelectorAll('img');
var container = this.$.links;
for (var img in images) {
load_popup: function(e, detail, sender) {
var links = document.getElementById('links');
image_length = links.getElementsByTagName('img').length;
var image_url = e.target.getAttribute('data-original');
var modalbody = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-body")[0];
var modal_img = modalbody.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
var modal = document.getElementsByClassName("modal")[0];
modal.style.display = 'block';
current_index = parseInt(e.target.getAttribute('data-index').replace("s",""));
return false;
next: function () {
current_index = current_index + 1;
if(current_index == (image_length + 1) ){
current_index = 1;
var current_image = document.querySelectorAll("[data-index='s"+current_index+"']");
image_url = current_image[0].getAttribute('data-original');
var modalbody = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-body")[0];
var modal_img = modalbody.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
prev: function () {
current_index = current_index - 1;
if(current_index == 0 ){
current_index = image_length;
var current_image = document.querySelectorAll("[data-index='s"+current_index+"']");
image_url = current_image[0].getAttribute('data-original');
var modalbody = document.getElementsByClassName("modal-body")[0];
var modal_img = modalbody.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
close: function () {
var modal = document.getElementsByClassName("modal")[0];
modal.style.display = "none";
I realy dont understand why this code works fine if I use it as in the example, but if I create a proyect with: polymer init app-drawer-template and I use this as an element wich is called from one of the views I have an error :(
Uncaught ReferenceError: HTMLImports is not defined(anonymous function) # simple-gallery.html:91
Surely I am not understanding well something but I dont know why, hope somebody has the time to give me a brief explanation :(
thanks a lot for your time.
I had the same issue so I have added following include in my main html:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
Which worked for me.

Why $http response data are not shown in angular js?

I make a example of directive in angular js .I am using this directive
when I take static data ..it show the output please check my plunker
but when I use $http request and make same json object .it not display the chart see my plunker using $http request .I have same data object as in static
$http.get('data.json').success(function(data) {
var arr = data
var model={};
var new_array = []
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var obj = {};
obj.name = arr[i].name;
obj.id = arr[i].id;
obj.x = arr[i].x;
obj.y = arr[i].y;
obj.color = '#000';
obj.borderColor = '#000';
var p = {};
p.type = 'flowchartConstants.bottomConnectorType';
p.id = arr[i].con_id
obj.connectors = [];
console.log('new array')
var edge = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].children.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < arr[i].children.length; j++) {
var obj = {};
obj.source = arr[i].con_id;
obj.destination = arr[i].children[j].con_id;
$scope.flowchartselected = [];
var modelservice = Modelfactory(model, $scope.flowchartselected);
$scope.model = model;
$scope.modelservice = modelservice;
any update ?
Working Example
It is now working.
The issue was when we load the directive first time it has no parameter value to it. So, when the chart directive try to initialize your chart with no parameter it gets an error. So, it will not work anymore.
How solve the issue?
Just give a dummy parameter upon the page load. I have given the dummy model as,
$scope.model = model;
$scope.modelservice = modelservice;
So, first your chart will display a chart based on the dummy values. After that it populates chart with the data from the server ($http.get())

In AngularJs set a variable in forEach for each object

I am trying to run a forEach function with data from a query and I want to set a variable for each object in that data to be able to use in a ng-repeat. I keep overriding the variable and cannot wrap my head around setting the variable for each one.
CategoryCardService.query({}, function (data) {
$scope.categoryCards = data;
angular.forEach(data, function (value) {
var categoryOccupancyPercent = $filter('number')(value.occupancy_percent * 100, 0);
var categoryTotalTurnover = value.total_turnover;
var doughnut_chart_min = 0;
var doughnut_chart_max = 0;
doughnut_chart_min = categoryOccupancyPercent;
doughnut_chart_max = 100 - categoryOccupancyPercent;
data.doughnutData = [doughnut_chart_min, doughnut_chart_max];
data.display = categoryOccupancyPercent + '%';
Pass in the key and assign like that.
CategoryCardService.query({}, function (data) {
$scope.categoryCards = data;
angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
// ...
data[key].display = categoryOccupancyPercent + '%';

getting the inner html of a contenteditable div in angularjs

I am trying to get innerHTML of a contenteditable div via function defined in controller of angularjs but it returns undefined every time.. what are the alternatives or how can I handle this issue?
var read_string=document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag= '\n<p id="test"> \n'+read_string.innerHTML+'\n </p>';
//document.getElementById("createdHTML").value = p_tag ;
//$compile( document.getElementById('createdHTML') )($scope);
the contenteditble div's classs name is "MainPage"
var text_file_blob= new Blob([$scope.genratedHTML_text],{type:'text/html'});
$scope.file_name_to_save=document.getElementById("file_name").value ;
var downloadLink=document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.innerHTML="Download File";
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(text_file_blob);
downloadLink.onclick = destroyClickedElement;
downloadLink.style.display = "none";
function destroyClickedElement(event)
$scope.toggleModal = function(){
$scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;
///add details
document.getElementById("createdHTML").innerHTML = $scope.details;
$scope.$watch('details', function (value) {
}, true);
var read_string=document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag = '';
for (var i = 0; i < read_string.length; i++) {
p_tag += '\n<p id="test_"' + i + '> \n' + read_string[i].innerHTML + '\n </p>';
document.getElementById("createdHTML").value = p_tag;
//$compile( document.getElementById('createdHTML') )($scope);
getElementsByClassName returns an Array, so, your read_string variable is an Array type. you should iterate through the elements of read_string with for loop.
NOTE: Please check the p element's id here aswell. Because id must be unique!
$scope.genrate_HTML = function() {
var read_string = document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag = '';
for (var i = 0; i < read_string.length; i++) {
p_tag += '\n<p id="test_"'+i+'> \n'+read_string[i].innerHTML+'\n </p>';
/* Other code here... */
UPDATE: Don't use the code below! If read_string returns with no elements than your code will crash!
But if it's a 1 element Array then you can take the value like:
$scope.genrate_HTML = function() {
var read_string = document.getElementsByClassName("MainPage");
var p_tag= '\n<p id="test"> \n'+read_string[0].innerHTML+'\n </p>';
/* Other code here... */
I hope that helps. If it doesn't then paste the full code of the Controller.
