Drupal 7 examples module not working - drupal-7

I just installed Drupal 7 examples module but when i try to access any of the menu like examples/ajax_example/simplest it takes to 403 service not available page.
I just enabled 'AJAX examples' and 'Examples For Developers' module only.
Am i missing something?

Step 1: Make sure you have kept the examples module in /sites/all folder.
Step 2: Go to this url hostname_or_address/admin/build/modules.
Step 3: Enable all the modules related to examples.
Step 4: Make sure navigation is coming in left or right side bar.
Step 5: Clear cache and go to home page.
Done !!
You can refer to the below site how it looks.


err_name_not_resolved issue after switching hosting service

Interesting issue I've run into when switching from Digital Ocean to Cloudways Digital Ocean plan. The styling and images do not load on the site with error "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED." If it's any use, I switched my domain from uncvrd.co to www.uncvrd.co and added a Let's Encrypt SSL. Here are the errors I see in the Chrome Console:
It appears that it is trying to load resources but something about the URL prevents the page from properly loading the content. Please let me know if you need any more info and I will happily provide.
I have check your screenshot Its not hosting change issue.Its path related issue.You are added space at end of url its converted in %20%.while browser load resource it convert 'www.example.co ' to 'www.example.co%20%'.
How to solve
Case 1: Goto your wp-admin and Select general setting remove space of site url and home url.update paramlinks from setting.
Case 2: In case above is not working,Login to database and goto wp_option file option name site_url and home_url update those two url.
That's it.I hop this will helpful.

Drupal 7 - Newly added custom page--*.tpl refuses to render

I am working with Drupal 7 and need to create some alternate page tpl's so that I can have pages full width as well as a page with one right sidebar. I have read the documentation and scoured the net and at this point am totally stumped.
Step 1: I created a new content type called test and made it a basic page.
Step 2: I went to the template.php file and added the following code for the pre_process page function:
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__'. $vars['node']->type;
Step 3: I created a new page named page--test.tpl.php
Step 4: In admin > configuration > I cleared the site cache
Step 5: Epic failure... the newly created page does not render and the page.tpl.php is still displaying. I tried different browsers & cleared cache to no avail. I don't know what I did wrong as my procedure seems to follow the correct steps that I have studied.
A search here landed me at custom page-xxxx.tpl.php doesnt works but the suggestion there is to implement the same preprocess code that I have already installed.
I found some great information at https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/36054/how-to-have-a-another-page-tpl-php-file-in-drupal-with-different-regions-and-blo which enabled me to solve this issue.
The solution:
Instead of naming your custom page page--yourcustompagename.tpl.php use a format like this: page--node--23.tpl.php If you are unsure of the node number of your custom page navigate to the content section and hover your mouse over the edit option for your custom created basic page and Drupal will display the node number for you.
As mentioned in one comment you will also need to clear your cache by clicking the clear cache button in Configuration > Performance > Clear Cache. You should also clear the theme registry as mentioned in a comment above. A helpful tool I found for clearing the theme registry is the Magic Module which you can find at https://www.drupal.org/project/magic After you install this module go to Appearance > (Your Active Theme) Settings > Development Enhancements and check the box for "Rebuild Theme Registry on Reload"

Deploying AngularJS Seed application in WebStorm

I recently started to learn about AngularJS and came across WebStorm and the AngularJS plugin by John Lindquist. Started by creating a new project using the angular-seed project and imported to WebStorm using File -> Open Directory. My directory structure looks like this
Now when I try to Debug it I get a 404 error. If I move the file app/index.html to the root folder and adjust all URL's to begin with app then it works fine. Is there a way to keep the default folder structure without moving the index.html to the root folder and also make it work with WebStorm?
I am using WebStorm 6.0.2.
I use WebStorm 7, so there might be some discrepancy in comparison with version 6 that you're using, but the over-all functionality is the same.
Quick solution:
Open the file in the editor and right click in the code to access the context menu. Choose the "Debug" option, which should start a debug session pointing to the current page.
Configuration solution:
WebStorm supports configurations for setting up different debugging scenarios. From the "Run" menu, choose the "Configurations" option. Add a JavaScript debug configuration, and add the URL you want in the designated field within the dialog presented.
Then, when you initialize a debugging session (a general one, not one for a specific page), you're presented a small dialog that allows you to choose a debug configuration.
Maybe there are more options or ways to accomplish the same thing as well, but I've never really given it more thought. I hope this is a working solution for you, but if not there's alway the documentation. If you need further clarification with regard to my answer, just give me a comment.

drupal 7 captcha image doesnt change

I have installed the captcha module into my drupal 7 website and have it displaying on two forms. It is working properly other than it is caching the captcha so it is the same when I do a refresh. If I go into the admin and turn off the cache they are still the same but if I go and hit the clear all caches button it changes to a new one the next time I go to the page.
Anyone have any ideas? Thank You.
simple following 3 steps and you get out from your error.
uninstall captcha module.
clear catch history
go to module page and enable captcha module.
it will work for you.

DotNetNuke 5: How do you edit module content in DotNetNuke 5?

How can I edit modules in DNN5? I have previously used DNN4. It is not obvious to me what to do now.
There isn't anything that has changed substantially between DNN 4 and DNN5 in terms of editing module content. First, make sure that you're logged in with a user who has edit permissions to the module. Then make sure that you're viewing the site in Edit mode (the radio buttons on the top left). Then, there will probably be an "action menu" in the top left corner of the module's container, from which you can access the module's edit page.
If you're still having trouble, it may be that you're using a container that doesn't have the standard action menu. You can try changing the container for the page or the site (in page or site settings) to see if that addresses the issue.
Finally, which module are you trying to edit content in? Is it an HTML module, or some other module?
