Dynamic id inside AngularJS template - angularjs

I'm wrapping a jQuery plugin inside a AngularJS directive. The way I would like to call the directive is for example:
<my-dialog data-trigger-id="myTriggerId">My dialog content...</my-dialog>
Inside my directive template it looks like this:
<button id="{{triggerId}}">Button text...</button>
I attach the event for the jQuery plugin (where you specify the trigger selector) inside the link function of my directive. My problem is that it works if I hardcode the id of the button inside the directive template like this:
<button id="myTriggerId">Button text...</button>
The generated html looks fine in the browser, which means that rendering an element with a dynamic id works. It's just that the jQuery plugin cannot find this element if I use the dynamic id but it works with the hardcoded version.
I also looked up AngularJS compile because it looks like at the point where the jQuery plugin wants to initialize the element doesn't exist yet.
Is there a gotcha I'm missing? Thanks!
Edit: I finally managed to simplify it down and create a jsfiddle example. If you run the example, you will see in the console that the element doesn't exist at the time I'm logging it but if you inspect the DOM, you will see that it's there and has the correct id.
However if you hardcode the id in the template (id=test instead of id={{elemId}}), the console log will show that one element could be found. I hope this helps to find a solution.

The digest has not yet rendered in the DOM by the time you are calling you $("#test").length.
You need to add in a $timeout so that the digest will complete, then call your method
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('myDialog', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<button id="{{elemId}}" class="{{elemClass}}">Open dialog</button>',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var selector = scope.elemSelector,
elemClass = (selector.indexOf('.') > -1) ? selector.substr(1) : '',
elemId = (selector.indexOf('#') > -1) ? selector.substr(1) : '';
scope.elemClass = elemClass;
scope.elemId = elemId;
$timeout(function() {
console.log('elem: ', $('#test').length);
// jQuery plugin init here but element doesn't seem to exist yet.
scope: {
elemSelector: '#'
Although it should be noted that you should try and alleviate any Id's at all and just use $(element) instead unless your jQuery absolutely needs the Id.


how to insert an angular 1.5 component with ng-bind-html

I have a component, and i would like to inject it dynamically into my html.
I have a component like this:
angular.module('test1', []);
angular.module('test1').component('test1', {
templateUrl: 'components/test1/test1.template.html',
controller: function test1Controller($scope) {
the test1.template.html file looks like this:
<p>TEST 1</p>
on my controller i have this:
.controller('ctrlCtrl', function ($scope, $sce) {
$scope.tag = "<test1/>";
on my index.html, i have this:
<ng-bind-html ng-bind-html="tag"></ng-bind-html>
but the tag will not show up. I have tried writing literaly "'<p>hi!</p>'" on the ng-bind-html field, and the text "hi!" shows up on a paragraph, so i don't think this error is because of a typo.
I also tried to use $sce.trustAsHtml, but it didn't work neither :(
$scope.tag = $sce.trustAsHtml("<test1/>");
when i insert an input field, the trustAsHtml method does work, but when i try to inject my components dynamically, it just won't let me, please help D:
Why ng-include won't work?
Components need to be compiled before you can use them on the markup. Try editing the html of the app with the developer tools from your browser, by artificially injecting your component on the markup: it won't work.
How to dynamically include components?
you'll need to use directives, this tutorial (thanks to #Artem K.) is friendly to follow, but you can also read the angular's official documentation, it is a little hard to understand though.
Following the logic of the final example of the angular's official documentation, you can create a directive that compiles everything that is passed to it, like this:
// source: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$compile
.directive('my-compile', function ($compile) {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
function(scope) {
// watch the 'compile' expression for changes
return scope.$eval(attrs.compile);
function(value) {
// when the 'compile' expression changes
// assign it into the current DOM
// compile the new DOM and link it to the current
// scope.
// NOTE: we only compile .childNodes so that
// we don't get into infinite loop compiling ourselves
and then, on your index.html, you'll have to invoke the directive, sending the the string containing the component's tag as an argument.
<div compile="tag"></div>
As #charlietfl and #Artem K. said, you have to understand the angular's $compile so, thanks guys for pointing me in the right direction :)

Syntax highlighted code snippet wont display with AngularJs ngBind

I used some Syntax highlighting API for highlighting code snippet for my web application.To do that i have used highlightjs .I created popup model and inside model i have put <pre> tag and when model open it should display my highlighted xml string.
HTML Code snippet
<pre id="tepXml" ><code class="xml">{{tepXml}}</code></pre>
In AngularJs controller dynamically bind the value to tepXml from server.
AngularJs controller
But the problem was that when i open popup model my xml content is empty.nothing display anything.But when i removed <code class="xml"></code> from <pre> xml content would display with out highlighting.I referred some posts and used $compile in angularJs controller but the problem was still the same.
AngularJs controller with $compile
var target = angular.element($window.document.querySelector('#tepXml'));
var myHTML = data.xml;
target.append( $compile( myHTML )($scope) );
If someone knows where i went wrong please point me out.
The quick answer is to do:
// Call highlight api
$timeout(function() {
$('pre#tepXml code').each(function(i, block) {
hljs.highlightBlock(block); //or whatever the correct highlightjs call is.
The more Angular way of doing things is to call a jQuery function from Angular is to write a Directive. Something like this:
.directive("highlightCode", function($interval) {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: { highlightCode: "=" },
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
$scope.$watch('highlightCode', function() {
$(elem).find('code').each(function(i, block) {
hljs.highlightBlock(block); //or whatever the correct highlightjs call is.
Used like this:
<pre id="tepXml" highlight-code="tepXml"><code class="xml">{{tepXml}}</code></pre>

Angularjs - Directive Two-way binding Isolated Scope Issue

I'm building a SPA based on AngularJS. In one component of the SPA I have a document upload system, which is built via a custom directive below called docmgmt. Within the component docmgmt I have an another custom directive component called modalCompanyQuery. It is a modal window that searches the company database and returns matching company results. Upon the finding the right company the user clicks on the company name which is then passed back to the parent directive docmgmt called modalOutput.
The issue I have is that despite using two way binding '=' a new scope for modalOutput (output) is created in modalCompanyQuery. How can I pass the modalCompanyQuery search result (modalOutput) back to the parent directive docmgmt? Any help on the simplest way to return the results would be great. Thank you in advance!
Here is my code simplified
modalCompanyQuery Template
<div modal-company-query dialog-show="modalCompanyQuery.isShow" dialog-name ="Select Company" dialog-class="modalSelectCompany" dialog-icon ="fa fa-building" dialog-header="modalSelectCompany-header" company-type = "srchCompanyTypeList" output-select="modalOutput">
Directive docmgmt
angular.module("docmgmt", [])
.directive("docmgmt",['$http','sessionService','Upload','docService', function($http,sessionService,Upload,docService){
link: function(scope,element,attrs){
scope.docRecord = {};
scope.rightPane = {showAction:true, showInsert:false,showUpdate:false, showRead:false};
scope.progressBar = 0;
scope.submit =[{}];
//modal company search and linking search output results to docmgmt scope
scope.modalCompanyQuery = {isShow:false};
Directive modalCompanyQuery
angular.module("company", [])
.directive("modalCompanyQuery",['$http','companyService', function($http,companyService){
link: function(scope,element,attrs){ // normal variables rather than actual $scope, that is the scope data is passed into scope
//Read Company
scope.getRecord = function(result){
scope.output={id:result.cs_id, type:result.type,name:result.name, active: result.active};
scope.isShow = false;
/*AJAX search functions go here*/
restrict:"A", //assign as attribute only ie <div my-modal> Content </div>
replace:true,//replaces div with element, note if this is the case must all template must be wrapped within one root element. eg button is within ul otherwise get an error.
transclude:true, //incorporate additional data within
isShow:"=dialogShow",//two way binding
name:"#dialogName",//name to be in header
dialogClass:"#dialogClass",// style of the dialog
dialogHeader:"#dialogHeader",//color of the dialogHeader
dialogIcon:"#dialogIcon",//font awesome icon
//selectCompany:"=selectCompany",//company to be selected from search and passed back to main window
} //If on this should mean the html input is not binded to custom directive
alright, in your docmgmt directive, I see you have made the scope of the directive empty doing:
scope: {}.
I think you should do it like:
scope: {
modalOutput: "="
btw doing above expects an attribute in your directive template with name modal-output which must be an object type.
Try it...
After some research I found the solution. The following two links really helped me understand the problem and solution.
Understanding $emit, $broadcast and $on in AngularJS
Communication between nested directives
So I end up using $emit and $on. Outcome as follows:
Directive modalCompanyQuery
scope.getRecord = function(result){
scope.output={id:result.cs_id, type:result.type,name:result.name, active: result.active};
scope.$emit('companyRecord', {record:scope.output});
scope.isShow = false;
Directive docmgmt
scope.$on('companyRecord', function (event, args) {
scope.modalOutput = args.record;
Hope this helps other people that have come across the same brickwall!

How to modify transcluded content before compile inside directive?

What I want to do, is to handle transclude by hand and modify the content before I insert into the DOM:
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
template: '<HTML>',
replace: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl, $transclude) {
var caption = element.find('.caption');
$transclude(function(clone) {
clone.filter('li').addClass('ng-hide'); // this don't work
clone.addClass('ng-hide'); // same this one
clone.attr('ng-hide', 'true'); // same this one
caption.find('li').addClass('ng-hide'); // and this
In angular.js source I found this example:
var templateElement = angular.element('<p>{{total}}</p>'),
scope = ....;
var clonedElement = $compile(templateElement)(scope, function(clonedElement, scope) {
//attach the clone to DOM document at the right place
//now we have reference to the cloned DOM via `clonedElement`
but when I add clonedElement.appendTo(caption); inside link function it only add comment with ng-repeat inside.
I need this because I need to hide all elements in this case
<li ng-repeat="item in items"><a>{{item.label}}</a></li>
I need to modify the template before compile or DOM after ng-repeat is expanded. Before would be better because I will be able to add logic using ng-hide directive instead of ng-hide class.
I realise it's been a long time since this question was posted, but I hope you may find the following useful.
I've been quite long and heavily in this (transclusion) business, I tried a few ways to achieve what you #jcubic need and finally I came across a solution which is really robust and quite simple.
replace: false,
transclude: false,
compile: function( tElement, tAttributes ) {
// store your "transcluded" content of the directive in the variable
var htmlContent = tElement.html();
// then remove it
return function postLink(scope, elem, attrs) {
// then html var is available in your link!
var $html = $('<div />',{ html:htmlContent }); // for much easier manipulation (so you can use DOM functions - you can also manipulate directly on htmlContent string)
// so you can manipulate the content however you want
scope.myVariable = true;
$html.find('li').attr('ng-hide', 'myVariable'); // add native directive
$html.removeClass('inner-content').addClass('my-inner-content'); // add/remove class
$html.find('#myElement').attr('my-directive',''); // add custom directive etc. etc.
// after you finished you just need to compile your html and append your directive element - also however you want
// you also convert back $html to the string
elem.append( $compile( $html.html() )(scope) ); // append at the end of element
/* or:
elem.find('.my-insert-point').html( $compile( $html.html() )(scope) ); // append the directive in the specific point
elem.find('[my-transclude]').html( $compile( $html.html() )($parent.scope) ); // once the scope:true it will be the same as native transclusion ;-)
scope.variable = $html.html(); // or you can probably assign to variable and use in your template with bind-html-compile (https://github.com/incuna/angular-bind-html-compile) - may need $sce.trustAsHtml
So as you can see you have full control on your "transcluded" content and you don't even need transclusion! :-)
ps. I tested it with Angular 1.4. Not sure if it works with replace:true (I wasn's bother to test it as it's minor nuisance if it doesn't). You can use pre and post link as normally you'd use within compile function and you need to inject $compile service into your directive.
jcubic. You do not have to use $compile for what you are trying to do.
You can filter the transcluded element 'clone' and add css classes to the filtered nodes , but after that you have to append the modified clone to the template (it is identified by the 'element' attribute of the link function).
I created this jsfiddle for you.
If you still have other questions , please create a jsfiddle of your case.It Will be better to make an answer Thx
If you're using angular > 1.3 and ngTransclude in template, so you need to update not the clone, but transcluded DOM, eg:
but be sure to compile found elements if you update some you need to access from controller

Replacing jQuery 'on' function in AngularJS

I have some legacy jQuery code that looks like the following:
$(document).on('replace', 'div', function (e, new_path, original_path) {
// do stuff here
I'm trying to figure out how to move this code into an AngularJS consistent approach. The code above is running when index.html gets loaded. I'm trying to move initialization code into a directive. Currently, I'm calling the directive as shown here:
<body initialize-page>
... content goes here
My directive looks like the following:
.directive('initializePage', function ($document) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (element) {
console.log('initialization code goes here.');
However, I don't know what the AngularJS equivalent of 'on' is. I'd like to get away from using jQuery if at all possible.
Angular includes a subset of jquery it calls jqLite. The jqlite version of .on has these constraints:
on() - Does not support namespaces, selectors or eventData
So, we can use the Angular on, but slightly differently than you did in jQuery (namely without the selector).
A directive's link function's second parameter is the element the directive is applied to. So, while we can't specify a selector in on, we can use find on the element parameter to get your div. Then we can chain the on to that result. This gives us the following link function:
link: function (scope,element,attrs) {
element.find('div').on('replace', function (event) {
console.log("got event: ",event);
Here's a demo fiddle in which I used click instead of replace just because it's easier to show.
