How to modify transcluded content before compile inside directive? - angularjs

What I want to do, is to handle transclude by hand and modify the content before I insert into the DOM:
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
template: '<HTML>',
replace: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl, $transclude) {
var caption = element.find('.caption');
$transclude(function(clone) {
clone.filter('li').addClass('ng-hide'); // this don't work
clone.addClass('ng-hide'); // same this one
clone.attr('ng-hide', 'true'); // same this one
caption.find('li').addClass('ng-hide'); // and this
In angular.js source I found this example:
var templateElement = angular.element('<p>{{total}}</p>'),
scope = ....;
var clonedElement = $compile(templateElement)(scope, function(clonedElement, scope) {
//attach the clone to DOM document at the right place
//now we have reference to the cloned DOM via `clonedElement`
but when I add clonedElement.appendTo(caption); inside link function it only add comment with ng-repeat inside.
I need this because I need to hide all elements in this case
<li ng-repeat="item in items"><a>{{item.label}}</a></li>
I need to modify the template before compile or DOM after ng-repeat is expanded. Before would be better because I will be able to add logic using ng-hide directive instead of ng-hide class.

I realise it's been a long time since this question was posted, but I hope you may find the following useful.
I've been quite long and heavily in this (transclusion) business, I tried a few ways to achieve what you #jcubic need and finally I came across a solution which is really robust and quite simple.
replace: false,
transclude: false,
compile: function( tElement, tAttributes ) {
// store your "transcluded" content of the directive in the variable
var htmlContent = tElement.html();
// then remove it
return function postLink(scope, elem, attrs) {
// then html var is available in your link!
var $html = $('<div />',{ html:htmlContent }); // for much easier manipulation (so you can use DOM functions - you can also manipulate directly on htmlContent string)
// so you can manipulate the content however you want
scope.myVariable = true;
$html.find('li').attr('ng-hide', 'myVariable'); // add native directive
$html.removeClass('inner-content').addClass('my-inner-content'); // add/remove class
$html.find('#myElement').attr('my-directive',''); // add custom directive etc. etc.
// after you finished you just need to compile your html and append your directive element - also however you want
// you also convert back $html to the string
elem.append( $compile( $html.html() )(scope) ); // append at the end of element
/* or:
elem.find('.my-insert-point').html( $compile( $html.html() )(scope) ); // append the directive in the specific point
elem.find('[my-transclude]').html( $compile( $html.html() )($parent.scope) ); // once the scope:true it will be the same as native transclusion ;-)
scope.variable = $html.html(); // or you can probably assign to variable and use in your template with bind-html-compile ( - may need $sce.trustAsHtml
So as you can see you have full control on your "transcluded" content and you don't even need transclusion! :-)
ps. I tested it with Angular 1.4. Not sure if it works with replace:true (I wasn's bother to test it as it's minor nuisance if it doesn't). You can use pre and post link as normally you'd use within compile function and you need to inject $compile service into your directive.

jcubic. You do not have to use $compile for what you are trying to do.
You can filter the transcluded element 'clone' and add css classes to the filtered nodes , but after that you have to append the modified clone to the template (it is identified by the 'element' attribute of the link function).
I created this jsfiddle for you.
If you still have other questions , please create a jsfiddle of your case.It Will be better to make an answer Thx

If you're using angular > 1.3 and ngTransclude in template, so you need to update not the clone, but transcluded DOM, eg:
but be sure to compile found elements if you update some you need to access from controller


Angular dynamic templating with compile VS template function?

I already know what is the purpose of each item in : compile vs link(pre/post) vs controller
So let's say I have this simple code :
<body ng-controller="mainController">
{{ message }}
<div otc-dynamic=""></div>
app.controller("mainController", function($scope) {
$scope.label = "Please click";
$scope.doSomething = function() {
$scope.message = "Clicked!";
app.directive("otcDynamic", function($compile) {
var template = "<button ng-click='doSomething()'>{{label}}</button>";
return {
compile: function(tElement, tAttributes) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
angular.element(tElement).append("<br>Repeat " + i + " of {{name}}");
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs) { = "John";
So as we can see , I modify the template (at the compile function - which is where it should be actually)
Result ( plnker):
I didn't know that template:... can also take a function.
So I could use the template function instead (plunker) :
app.directive("otcDynamic", function() {
var template1 = "<button ng-click='doSomething()'>{{label}}</button>";
return {
template: function(element, attr) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
element.append("<br>Repeat " + i + " of {{name}}");
link: function(scope, element) { = "John";
If so - When should I use the template function vs compile function ?
Let me try to explain what I understood so far.
Directives is a mechanism to work with DOM in Angular. It gives you leverage of playing with DOM element and it's attribute. So it also gives you callbacks to make your work easy.
template , compile and link are those examples. Since your question is specific with compile and template I would like to add about link as well.
A) Template
Like it state, it is a bunch of HTML tags or files to represent it on DOM directly as the face of your directive.
Template can be a file with specific path or inline HTML in code. Like you stated above. template can be wrap in function but the sole use of template is the final set of HTML which will be placed on DOM. Since you have the access to element and its attributes, you can perform as many DOM operation here as well.
B) Compile
Compile is a mechanism in directive which compiles the template HTML or DOM to do certain operation on it and return final set of HTML as template. Like given in Angular DOC
Compiles an HTML string or DOM into a template and produces a template function, which can then be used to link scope and the template together.
Which clearly says that, this is something on top of template. Now like I said above you can achieve similar operations in template as well but when we have methods for its sole purpose, you should use them for the sake of best practice.
You can read more here$compile
C) Link
Link is used to register listeners like $watch, $apply etc to link your template with Angular scope so that it will get binded with module. When you place any directive inside controller, the flow of scope goes through the link that means the scope is directly accessible in link. Scope is sole of angular app and thus it gives you advantage of working with actual model. Link is also useful in dom manipulations and can be used to work with any DOM element using jQlite
So collecting all above in one
1. Template is the primary source of DOM or HTML to directive. it can be a file or inline HTML.
2. Compile is the wrapper to compile HTML into final template. It is used to gather all the HTML element and attribute to create template for directive.
3. Link is the listener wrapper for various scope and watchers. It binds scope of current controller with html of template and also do manipulation around it.
Hope this helps a bit to understand. Thanks

How to not refer to the controllerAs name in directive

Here is the minimal code to describe the issue. On the page, I have:
<div ng-controller='AController as a'>
<div a-directive></div>
In js, I have:
app.directive("aDirective", function($compile){
return {
scope: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var template = "<h1>{{a.label}}</h1>";
app.controller("AController", function($scope){
self = this;
self.label = "some text";
That works, but the issue is that {{a.label}}, which made the view and controller/model tightly coupled. Is there any way to get rid of that a., and not to mention the controllerAs-name in the directive code at all? (just like what I did in the controller code)
To improve this you can pass the text to display as a parameter to the directive. Something like this is the initial idea:
<div a-directive="a.label"></div>
However, I DO recommend using an alias for the controller, so I made a Plunker where you can see all of this working together with some improvements.
Check it out here:
I would also recommend to use template instead of link and restricting the directive to an element instead of using it as attribute, since it is modifying the DOM. But yeah, you could keep improving it till the end of the times :)

Dynamic id inside AngularJS template

I'm wrapping a jQuery plugin inside a AngularJS directive. The way I would like to call the directive is for example:
<my-dialog data-trigger-id="myTriggerId">My dialog content...</my-dialog>
Inside my directive template it looks like this:
<button id="{{triggerId}}">Button text...</button>
I attach the event for the jQuery plugin (where you specify the trigger selector) inside the link function of my directive. My problem is that it works if I hardcode the id of the button inside the directive template like this:
<button id="myTriggerId">Button text...</button>
The generated html looks fine in the browser, which means that rendering an element with a dynamic id works. It's just that the jQuery plugin cannot find this element if I use the dynamic id but it works with the hardcoded version.
I also looked up AngularJS compile because it looks like at the point where the jQuery plugin wants to initialize the element doesn't exist yet.
Is there a gotcha I'm missing? Thanks!
Edit: I finally managed to simplify it down and create a jsfiddle example. If you run the example, you will see in the console that the element doesn't exist at the time I'm logging it but if you inspect the DOM, you will see that it's there and has the correct id.
However if you hardcode the id in the template (id=test instead of id={{elemId}}), the console log will show that one element could be found. I hope this helps to find a solution.
The digest has not yet rendered in the DOM by the time you are calling you $("#test").length.
You need to add in a $timeout so that the digest will complete, then call your method
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('myDialog', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<button id="{{elemId}}" class="{{elemClass}}">Open dialog</button>',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var selector = scope.elemSelector,
elemClass = (selector.indexOf('.') > -1) ? selector.substr(1) : '',
elemId = (selector.indexOf('#') > -1) ? selector.substr(1) : '';
scope.elemClass = elemClass;
scope.elemId = elemId;
$timeout(function() {
console.log('elem: ', $('#test').length);
// jQuery plugin init here but element doesn't seem to exist yet.
scope: {
elemSelector: '#'
Although it should be noted that you should try and alleviate any Id's at all and just use $(element) instead unless your jQuery absolutely needs the Id.

Is there any better way for creating by code a directive object?

Why I can not just say the name of my directive ?
Seems so strange to write HTML line inside js...
Any better way for creating instance of directive in memory?
A common pattern for writing directives is like this.
angular.module('myApp.directives', [''])
A generic directive for toggling a class directly on an element
or by specifying a toggle-target option
eg. toggleclass="{class: 'open', target='.element'}"
.directive('toggleclass', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
element.on('click', function(){
var ops = scope.$eval(attrs.toggleclass);
// If a toggle-target is set
element = angular.element(document.querySelector(;
// Toggle the class
AFAIK this piece of code doesnt really create a directive,it just create an element tagged "my-directive".
You dont need the closing tag by the way. angular.element('<my-directive>') is valid.
If you want to get verbose : angular.element(document.createElement('my-directive')) .
It is some kind of jQuery light.
to instanciate a directive you need to compile some DOM and pass a scope.
var e = angular.element('<my-directive></my-directive>');

wrapping inputs in directives in angular

I had the idea to wrap inputs into custom directives to guarantee a consistent look and behavior through out my site. I also want to wrap bootstrap ui's datepicker and dropdown. Also, the directive should handle validation and display tooltips.
The HTML should look something like this:
<my-input required max-length='5' model='text' placeholder='text' name='text'/>
<my-datepicker required model='start' placeholder='start' name='start'/>
in the directives i want to create a dom structure like:
<div>..</div> //display validation in here
<div>..</div> //add button to toggle datepicker (or other stuff) in here
<div>..</div> //add input field in here
I tried various ways to achieve this but always came across some tradeoffs:
using transclude and replace to insert the input into the directives dom structure (in this case the directive would be restricted to 'A' not 'E' like in the example above). The problem here is, that there is no easy way to access the transcluded element as I want to add custom attributes in case of datepicker. I could use the transclude function and then recompile the template in the link function, but this seems a bit complex for this task. This also leads to problems with the transcluded scope and the toggle state for the datepicker (one is in the directives scope, the other in the transcluded scope).
using replace only. In this case, all attributes are applied to the outermost div (even if I generate the template dom structure in the compile function). If I use just the input as template, then the attributes are on the input, but I need to generate the template in the link function an then recompile it. As far as I understand the phase model of angular, I would like to avoid recompiling and changing the template dom in the link function (although I've seen many people doing this).
Currently I'm working with the second approach and generating the template in the link function, but I was wondering if someone had some better ideas!
Here's what I believe is the proper way to do this. Like the OP I wanted to be able to use an attribute directive to wrapper an input. But I also wanted it to work with ng-if and such without leaking any elements. As #jantimon pointed out, if you don't cleanup your wrapper elements they will linger after ng-if destroys the original element.
app.directive("checkboxWrapper", [function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
var wrapper = angular.element('<div class="wrapper">This input is wrappered</div>');
scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
And here's a plunker you can play with.
IMPORTANT: scope vs element $destroy. You must put your cleanup in scope.$on("$destroy") and not in element.on("$destroy") (which is what I was originally attempting). If you do it in the latter (element) then an "ngIf end" comment tag will get leaked. This is due to how Angular's ngIf goes about cleaning up its end comment tag when it does its falsey logic. By putting your directive's cleanup code in the scope $destroy you can put the DOM back like it was before you wrappered the input and so ng-if's cleanup code is happy. By the time element.on("$destroy") is called, it is too late in the ng-if falsey flow to unwrap the original element without causing a comment tag leak.
Why not doing a directive like that?
myApp.directive('wrapForm', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function(scope, inputElement, attributes){
var overallWrap = angular.element('<div />');
var validation = angular.element('<div />').appendTo(overallWrap);
var button = angular.element('<div />').appendTo(overallWrap);
var inputWrap = angular.element('<div />').appendTo(overallWrap);
inputElement.on('keyup', function(){
if (inputElement.val()) {
validation.text('Just empty fields are valid!');
} else {
Basically you take the original input field (which is, by the way, also an angularjs directive) and build the wrappings seperately. In this example I simply build the DIVs manually. For more complex stuff, you could also use a template which get $compile(d) by angularjs.
The advantage using this class or html attribute "wrapForm": You may use the same directive for several form input types.
Why not wrap the input in the compile function?
The advantage is that you will not have to copy attributes and will not have to cleanup in the scope destroy function.
Notice that you have to remove the directive attribute though to prevent circular execution.
angular.module('directives').directive('wrappedWithDiv', [
function() {
var definition = {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function(element, attrs) {
element.replaceWith("<div style='border:2px solid blue'>" +
element[0].outerHTML + "</div>")
return definition;
Based on this:
This directive does transclusion, but the transcluded stuff uses the parent scope, so all bindings work as if the transcluded content was in the original scope where the wrapper is used. This of course includes ng-model, also min/max and other validation directives/attributes. Should work for any content. I'm not using the ng-transclude directive because I'm manually cloning the elements and supplying the parent(controller's) scope to them. "my-transclude" is used instead of ng-transclude to specify where to insert the transcluded content.
Too bad ng-transclude does not have a setting to control the scoping. It would make all this clunkyness unnecessary.
And it looks like they won't fix it:
controlsModule.directive('myWrapper', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: {
label: '#',
labelClass: '#',
hint: '#'
link: link,
'<div class="form-group" title="{{hint}}"> \
<label class="{{labelClass}} control-label">{{label}}</label> \
<my-transclude></my-transclude> \
function link(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl, transclude) {
function (clone, scope) {
scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
