Consecutve Subset Array Sum is a certain integer algorithm - arrays

Here is the problem:
Given is an array A of n integers, a seperate integer M, and an integer d. Find a consecutive subarray S of A, such that the size of the subarray is less than or equal to d and the sum of all the elements in S is M. Return the indexes of A that make the left and right index the subarray S. All numbers are positive.
If there is more than one result, give the rightmost result.
We have to make the algorithm run in better time than: O(n^2) or O(n*d). So basically it has to be O(nlog(n)), and divide and conquer I'm assuming is the way to go. I know how to do maximum continuous subarray problem, but that is made easier because when you divide and conquer you can look for max subarrays, with this one you don't really know what you are looking for in the subarrays, if that makes sense, since the solution could come from combinations of subarrays with small numbers and subarrays with big
Any help to lead me to the solution would be greatly appreciated!
I'm about 80% sure at this point that this is not possible... I keep looking it over and I can not think of a single way to make this work, is it possible this is a massive trick question?

This is relatively easy if the integers in A are >= 0, because you can just maintain a couple of pointers that define an interval with sum close to M and slide this along the array from right to left. Is it possible that you have missed some extra information like this in the question?
OK - here is some expansion. You have a left pointer and a right pointer. Move the right hand pointer from right to left, maintaining the invariant that the left hand pointer is no more than d places from the right hand pointer, and the sum of elements enclosed by the two pointers is the greatest possible number <= M. Repeatedly move the right hand pointer one step to the left and move the left hand pointer to the left until either you reach the limit of d or moving it further would produce a sum > M. Each time you move a pointer you can increment or decrement to maintain a running total of the sum enclosed by the two pointers.
Because the numbers are >= 0 every time you move the right hand pointer you decrease the sum or it stays the same so you always want to leave the left hand pointer the same or move it to the left. Because the numbers are >=0 you know that if there is an answer starting at the right hand pointer position you will find it with the left hand pointer position - anything that doesn't extend as far as the left hand pointer is too small, and anything that extends further is too large, except in the case where there are zeros and in that case you will find a solution, it's just that there are other solutions.
Each pointer is moved only in one direction so the maximum number of pointer movements is O(n) and the cost per pointer move is fixed so the complexity is O(n)

If all numbers are non-negative, this has a straightforward O(N) solution. The requirement of length<=d doesn't add any complexity, just add a check current_length<=d. I assume there are negative numbers in the array. We need additional O(N) space.
Compute prefix-sum of each index of S: p(i) = sum(S,0,i). Place p(i) in an additional array P: P[i]=p(i).
Make a copy of P: PSorted = P. Sort PSorted with a stable sort algorithm. We use it as a map prefix-sum -> index, with the index being a tie-breaker.
For each index k of S, starting from the largest:
Set p = P[k].
Look up p-M in PSorted using binary search, biased to the right. Say the resulting index is q.
If found, and q-k<d, return the answer (k,q).
This has overall O(n log n) complexity.
Expected running time can be reduced to O(N) if one uses a hash table instead of a sorted array, but one needs to be careful to always return the rightmost index which is smaller than the current index.

Correctly working algorithm, time complexity is O(n), if you count number operations closely.
public void SubArraySum(int[] arr, int d, int sum)
int n = arr.Length-1;
int curr_sum = arr[0], start = 0, i;
/* Add elements one by one to curr_sum and if the curr_sum exceeds the
sum, then remove starting element */
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
// If curr_sum exceeds the sum, then remove the starting elements
while (curr_sum > sum && start < i - 1)
curr_sum = curr_sum - arr[start];
// If curr_sum becomes equal to sum, then return true
if (curr_sum == sum && Math.Abs(start - i - 1) <= d)
Console.WriteLine("Sum found between indexes {0} and {1}", start, i - 1);
// Add this element to curr_sum
if (i < n)
curr_sum = curr_sum + arr[i];
// If we reach here, then no subarray
Console.WriteLine("No subarray found");
Hope this help :)


quicksort code understanding

i have a quicksort code that is supposed to run on the text "B A T T A J U S" (ignore blanks). But i dont seem to understand the code that well.
void quicksort (itemType a[], int l, int r)
int i, j; itemType v;
if (r>l)
v = a[r]; i = l-1; j = r;
for (;;)
while (a[++i] < v);
while (a[--j] >= v);
if (i >= j) break;
i can explain what i understand: the first if check if l < r which in this case it is since, s is greater than b. THen i get alittle confused: v is set to be equal to a[r], does this mean S? since S is all the way to the right? then l is set to outside the "array" since its -1. (so its undefined, i assume) then j is set to be equal to r, but is that the posision r? as in S?
I kinda dont understand what values are set to what, if the a[r] = the letter in the posision or the or anything else. Hopefully some1 can explain me how the first swap works, so i hopefully can learn this?
It is probably better to start with an understanding of the QuickSort algorithm, and then see how the code corresponds to it, than to study the code to try to figure out how QuickSort works. Basic QuickSort (which is what you have) is in fact a pretty simple algorithm. To sort an array A:
If the length of A is less than 2 then the array is already sorted. Otherwise,
Select any element of A to be a "pivot element".
Rearrange the other elements as needed so that all those that are less than the pivot are at the beginning of A, and those that are greater than or equal to the pivot are at the end. (This particular version also puts the pivot itself between the two, which is common but not strictly necessary; it could simply be included in the upper subarray, and the algorithm would still work.)
Apply the QuickSort procedure to each of the two sub-arrays produced by (3).
Your particular code chooses the right-most element of each (sub)array as the pivot element, and at step (4) it excludes the pivot from the sub-arrays to be recursively sorted.
Quick sort works by separating your array into a "left" subarray which contains only values stricly less than an arbitrarily chosen a pivot value and a "right" subarray that contains only elements that are greater than or equal to the pivot. Once the array has been divided like this, each of the two subarrays are sorted using the same algorithm. Here is how this applies to your code:
v = a[r] sets the pivot value to the last element in the array. This works well since the array is presumably unsorted to begin with, so a[r] is as good a value as any.
while(a[++i] < v) ; keeps stopping at the first element of the left sub-array that is greater than or equal to the pivot, v. When this loop ends, i is the index of an element that should be in the right sub-array rather than the left.
while(a[--j] >= v) ; does the same thing, except that it stops at the last element of the right sub-array that is strictly less than the pivot, v. When this loop ends, j is the index of an element that should be in the left sub-array rather than the right.
Whenever we find a pair of elements that are in the wrong sub-arrays, we swap them.
When all of the elements in the array are sorted (i meets j), we swap the pivot with the element at index i (which is now guaranteed to be in the right sub-array).
Since the pivot is guaranteed to be in the right position (left sub-array is strictly less and right sub-array is greater than or equal), we need to sort the sub-arrays but not the pivot. That is why the recursive calls use indices l,i-1 and i+1,r, leaving the pivot at index i.
I can't offer a solution in that exact form. That code is overly complicated in my thinking.
Also not sure if what I'm proposing is a bubble sort, or modified bubble, but to me just easier. My added comment is that quicksort() is calling itself, therefore it is recursive. Not good in my book for something as simple as a sort. This all depends on what you need for size and efficiency. If you're sorting many terms, then my proposed sort is not the best.
for(i = 0; i < (n - 1); i++) {
for(j = (i + 1); j < n; j++) {
if(value[i] > value[j]) {
tmp = value[i];
value[i] = value[j];
value[j] = tmp;
n is the number of total elements.
i, j, and tmp are integers
value[] is an array of integers to sort

max. distance of a number greater than a given number in array

i was going through an interview question ..and came up with logic that requires to find:
Find an index j for an element a[j] larger than a[i] (with j < i), such that (i-j) is the largest. And I want to find this j for every index i in the array, in O(n) or O(n log n) time with O(n) extra space.`
What I have done until now :
1) O(n^2) by using simple for loops
2) Build balanced B.S.T. as we scan the elements from left to right and for i'th element find index of element greater than it. But I realized that it can easily be O(n) for single element, therefore O(n^2) for entire array.
I want to know if it is possible to do it in O(n) or O(n log n). If yes, please give some hints.
EDIT : i think i am unable to explain my question . let me explain it clearly:
i want arr[j] on left of arr[i] such that (i-j) is the largest possible ,and arr[j]>arr[i] and find this for all index i i.e.for(i=0 to n-1).
EDIT 2 :example - {2,3,1,6,0}
for 2 , ans=-1
for 3 , ans=-1
for 1 , ans=2 (i-j)==(2-0)
for 6 , ans=-1
for 0 , ans=4 (i-j)==(4-0)
Create an auxillary array of maximums, let it be maxs, which will basically contain the max value on the array up to the current index.
Formally: maxs[i] = max { arr[0], arr[1], ..., arr[i] }
Note that this is pre processing step that can be done in O(n)
Now for each element i, you are looking for the first element in maxs that is larger then arr[i]. This can be done using binary search, and is O(logn) per op.
Gives you total of O(nlogn) time and O(n) extra space.
You can do this in O(n) time using a stack data structure for array indexes for which you have yet to find a solution. It can be implemented as an array of at most n elements.
Iterate over the input array from left to right, starting with the last element:
Pop all indexes from the stack for which the array element is less than the current element. Mark the index of the current element as the solution for each index you pop.
Push the index of the current element on the stack.
Invariant: the array items corresponding to the indexes in the stack are always in ascending order, with the least item on top.
When you reach the beginning of the input, mark any items that still remain on the stack with -1; for them there is no answer.
Each array index is pushed into the stack exactly once and popped at most once, so this algorithm runs in O(n) time.
An example in Python:
def solution(arr):
stack = []
out = [-1]*len(arr)
for i in xrange(len(arr)-1, -1, -1):
while len(stack) > 0 and arr[stack[-1]] < arr[i]:
out[stack.pop()] = i
return out
Note that the correct answer for input [2, 4, 1, 5, 3] is [-1, -1, 1, -1, 3]: for a fixed i, the difference j-i is greatest when j is greatest, so you are looking for the leftmost index j, which minimizes the distance. (When j < i, the difference j-i is negative.)
The fastest solution I can think of is allocating a second array and scanning the array left-to-right. As you traverse the array and scan each element, append the index of the element to your second array if arr[index] is greater than the right-most element of your second array. This is O(1) time per append, maximum of n appends, so O(n).
Finally, once your array is complete, take a second pass through your array. For each element, scan your second array using binary search (this is possible since it is implicitly sorted) and find the leftmost (earliest inserted) index j in your array such that arr[j] > arr[i].
To do this, you have to do a modification of binary search. If you find an index j such that arr[j] > arr[i], you still have to check to see if there are any indices k to the left such that arr[k] > arr[i]. You must do this until you find the left-most index.
I think this is O(log n) per binary search and you have to do the search for n elements. So the total time complexity would be close to O(n log n), but I am not sure of this. Any comments/suggestions to this answer would be much appreciated.
Here's my solution in C++
We maintain an increasing array. Compare the current element with the element at the back of the array.
If it is larger or equals to the larget element so far, then append this element to the array, return -1, there's no smaller element on its left.
If not, we use a binary search, find the index and return the difference.
(We still need to append vec.back() to the array, because we cannot change the index)
int findIdx(vector<int>& vec, int target){
auto it = upper_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), target);
int idx = int(it-vec.begin());
return idx;
vector<int> farestBig(vector<int>& arr){
vector<int> ans{-1};
vector<int> vec{arr[0]};
int n = (int)arr.size();
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
if(arr[i] >= vec.back()){
int idx = findIdx(vec, arr[i]);
return ans;

Finding kth smallest number from n sorted arrays

So, you have n sorted arrays (not necessarily of equal length), and you are to return the kth smallest element in the combined array (i.e the combined array formed by merging all the n sorted arrays)
I have been trying it and its other variants for quite a while now, and till now I only feel comfortable in the case where there are two arrays of equal length, both sorted and one has to return the median of these two.
This has logarithmic time complexity.
After this I tried to generalize it to finding kth smallest among two sorted arrays. Here is the question on SO.
Even here the solution given is not obvious to me. But even if I somehow manage to convince myself of this solution, I am still curious as to how to solve the absolute general case (which is my question)
Can somebody explain me a step by step solution (which again in my opinion should take logarithmic time i.e O( log(n1) + log(n2) ... + log(nN) where n1, n2...nN are the lengths of the n arrays) which starts from the more specific cases and moves on to the more general one?
I know similar questions for more specific cases are there all over the internet, but I haven't found a convincing and clear answer.
Here is a link to a question (and its answer) on SO which deals with 5 sorted arrays and finding the median of the combined array. The answer just gets too complicated for me to able to generalize it.
Even clean approaches for the more specific cases (as I mentioned during the post) are welcome.
PS: Do you think this can be further generalized to the case of unsorted arrays?
PPS: It's not a homework problem, I am just preparing for interviews.
This doesn't generalize the links, but does solve the problem:
Go through all the arrays and if any have length > k, truncate to length k (this is silly, but we'll mess with k later, so do it anyway)
Identify the largest remaining array A. If more than one, pick one.
Pick the middle element M of the largest array A.
Use a binary search on the remaining arrays to find the same element (or the largest element <= M).
Based on the indexes of the various elements, calculate the total number of elements <= M and > M. This should give you two numbers: L, the number <= M and G, the number > M
If k < L, truncate all the arrays at the split points you've found and iterate on the smaller arrays (use the bottom halves).
If k > L, truncate all the arrays at the split points you've found and iterate on the smaller arrays (use the top halves, and search for element (k-L).
When you get to the point where you only have one element per array (or 0), make a new array of size n with those data, sort, and pick the kth element.
Because you're always guaranteed to remove at least half of one array, in N iterations, you'll get rid of half the elements. That means there are N log k iterations. Each iteration is of order N log k (due to the binary searches), so the whole thing is N^2 (log k)^2 That's all, of course, worst case, based on the assumption that you only get rid of half of the largest array, not of the other arrays. In practice, I imagine the typical performance would be quite a bit better than the worst case.
It can not be done in less than O(n) time. Proof Sketch If it did, it would have to completely not look at at least one array. Obviously, one array can arbitrarily change the value of the kth element.
I have a relatively simple O(n*log(n)*log(m)) where m is the length of the longest array. I'm sure it is possible to be slightly faster, but not a lot faster.
Consider the simple case where you have n arrays each of length 1. Obviously, this is isomorphic to finding the kth element in an unsorted list of length n. It is possible to find this in O(n), see Median of Medians algorithm, originally by Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest and Tarjan, and no (asymptotically) faster algorithms are possible.
Now the problem is how to expand this to longer sorted arrays. Here is the algorithm: Find the median of each array. Sort the list of tuples (median,length of array/2) and sort it by median. Walk through keeping a sum of the lengths, until you reach a sum greater than k. You now have a pair of medians, such that you know the kth element is between them. Now for each median, we know if the kth is greater or less than it, so we can throw away half of each array. Repeat. Once the arrays are all one element long (or less), we use the selection algorithm.
Implementing this will reveal additional complexities and edge conditions, but nothing that increases the asymptotic complexity. Each step
Finds the medians or the arrays, O(1) each, so O(n) total
Sorts the medians O(n log n)
Walks through the sorted list O(n)
Slices the arrays O(1) each so, O(n) total
that is O(n) + O(n log n) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n log n). And, we must perform this untill the longest array is length 1, which will take log m steps for a total of O(n*log(n)*log(m))
You ask if this can be generalized to the case of unsorted arrays. Sadly, the answer is no. Consider the case where we only have one array, then the best algorithm will have to compare at least once with each element for a total of O(m). If there were a faster solution for n unsorted arrays, then we could implement selection by splitting our single array into n parts. Since we just proved selection is O(m), we are stuck.
You could look at my recent answer on the related question here. The same idea can be generalized to multiple arrays instead of 2. In each iteration you could reject the second half of the array with the largest middle element if k is less than sum of mid indexes of all arrays. Alternately, you could reject the first half of the array with the smallest middle element if k is greater than sum of mid indexes of all arrays, adjust k. Keep doing this until you have all but one array reduced to 0 in length. The answer is kth element of the last array which wasn't stripped to 0 elements.
Run-time analysis:
You get rid of half of one array in each iteration. But to determine which array is going to be reduced, you spend time linear to the number of arrays. Assume each array is of the same length, the run time is going to be cclog(n), where c is the number of arrays and n is the length of each array.
There exist an generalization that solves the problem in O(N log k) time, see the question here.
Old question, but none of the answers were good enough. So I am posting the solution using sliding window technique and heap:
class Node {
int elementIndex;
int arrayIndex;
public Node(int elementIndex, int arrayIndex) {
this.elementIndex = elementIndex;
this.arrayIndex = arrayIndex;
public class KthSmallestInMSortedArrays {
public int findKthSmallest(List<Integer[]> lists, int k) {
int ans = 0;
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> {
return lists.get(a.arrayIndex)[a.elementIndex] -
for (int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i++) {
Integer[] arr = lists.get(i);
if (arr != null) {
Node n = new Node(0, i);
int count = 0;
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
Node curr = pq.poll();
ans = lists.get(curr.arrayIndex)[curr.elementIndex];
if (++count == k) {
return ans;
The maximum number of elements that we need to access here is O(K) and there are M arrays. So the effective time complexity will be O(K*log(M)).
This would be the code. O(k*log(m))
public int findKSmallest(int[][] A, int k) {
PriorityQueue<int[]> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(x -> A[x[0]][x[1]]));
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
queue.offer(new int[] { i, 0 });
int ans = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty() && --k >= 0) {
int[] el = queue.poll();
ans = A[el[0]][el[1]];
if (el[1] < A[el[0]].length - 1) {
return ans;
If the k is not that huge, we can maintain a priority min queue. then loop for every head of the sorted array to get the smallest element and en-queue. when the size of the queue is k. we get the first k smallest .
maybe we can regard the n sorted array as buckets then try the bucket sort method.
This could be considered the second half of a merge sort. We could simply merge all the sorted lists into a single list...but only keep k elements in the combined lists from merge to merge. This has the advantage of only using O(k) space, but something slightly better than merge sort's O(n log n) complexity. That is, it should in practice operate slightly faster than a merge sort. Choosing the kth smallest from the final combined list is O(1). This is kind of complexity is not so bad.
It can be done by doing binary search in each array, while calculating the number of smaller elements.
I used the bisect_left and bisect_right to make it work for non-unique numbers as well,
from bisect import bisect_left
from bisect import bisect_right
def kthOfPiles(givenPiles, k, count):
Perform binary search for kth element in multiple sorted list
givenPiles are list of sorted list
count is the total number of
k is the target index in range [0..count-1]
begins = [0 for pile in givenPiles]
ends = [len(pile) for pile in givenPiles]
#print('finding k=', k, 'count=', count)
for pileidx,pivotpile in enumerate(givenPiles):
while begins[pileidx] < ends[pileidx]:
mid = (begins[pileidx]+ends[pileidx])>>1
midval = pivotpile[mid]
smaller_count = 0
smaller_right_count = 0
for pile in givenPiles:
smaller_count += bisect_left(pile,midval)
smaller_right_count += bisect_right(pile,midval)
#print('check midval', midval,smaller_count,k,smaller_right_count)
if smaller_count <= k and k < smaller_right_count:
return midval
elif smaller_count > k:
ends[pileidx] = mid
begins[pileidx] = mid+1
return -1
Please find the below C# code to Find the k-th Smallest Element in the Union of Two Sorted Arrays. Time Complexity : O(logk)
public int findKthElement(int k, int[] array1, int start1, int end1, int[] array2, int start2, int end2)
// if (k>m+n) exception
if (k == 0)
return Math.Min(array1[start1], array2[start2]);
if (start1 == end1)
return array2[k];
if (start2 == end2)
return array1[k];
int mid = k / 2;
int sub1 = Math.Min(mid, end1 - start1);
int sub2 = Math.Min(mid, end2 - start2);
if (array1[start1 + sub1] < array2[start2 + sub2])
return findKthElement(k - mid, array1, start1 + sub1, end1, array2, start2, end2);
return findKthElement(k - mid, array1, start1, end1, array2, start2 + sub2, end2);

Need idea for solving this algorithm puzzle

I've came across some similar problems to this one in the past, and I still haven't got good idea how to solve this problem. Problem goes like this:
You are given an positive integer array with size n <= 1000 and k <= n which is the number of contiguous subarrays that you will have to split your array into. You have to output minimum m, where m = max{s[1],..., s[k]}, and s[i] is the sum of the i-th subarray. All integers in the array are between 1 and 100. Example :
Input: Output:
5 3 >> n = 5 k = 3 3
2 1 1 2 3
Splitting array into 2+1 | 1+2 | 3 will minimize the m.
My brute force idea was to make first subarray end at position i (for all possible i) and then try to split the rest of the array in k-1 subarrays in the best way possible. However, this is exponential solution and will never work.
So I'm looking for good ideas to solve it. If you have one please tell me.
Thanks for your help.
You can use dynamic programming to solve this problem, but you can actually solve with greedy and binary search on the answer. This algorithm's complexity is O(n log d), where d is the output answer. (An upper bound would be the sum of all the elements in the array.) (or O( n d ) in the size of the output bits)
The idea is to binary search on what your m would be - and then greedily move forward on the array, adding the current element to the partition unless adding the current element pushes it over the current m -- in that case you start a new partition. The current m is a success (and thus adjust your upper bound) if the numbers of partition used is less than or equal to your given input k. Otherwise, you used too many partitions, and raise your lower bound on m.
Some pseudocode:
// binary search
binary_search ( array, N, k ) {
lower = max( array ), upper = sum( array )
while lower < upper {
mid = ( lower + upper ) / 2
// if the greedy is good
if partitions( array, mid ) <= k
upper = mid
lower = mid
partitions( array, m ) {
count = 0
running_sum = 0
for x in array {
if running_sum + x > m
running_sum = 0
running_sum += x
if running_sum > 0
return count
This should be easier to come up with conceptually. Also note that because of the monotonic nature of the partitions function, you can actually skip the binary search and do a linear search, if you are sure that the output d is not too big:
for i = 0 to infinity
if partitions( array, i ) <= k
return i
Dynamic programming. Make an array
int best[k+1][n+1];
where best[i][j] is the best you can achieve splitting the first j elements of the array int i subarrays. best[1][j] is simply the sum of the first j array elements. Having row i, you calculate row i+1 as follows:
for(j = i+1; j <= n; ++j){
temp = min(best[i][i], arraysum[i+1 .. j]);
for(h = i+1; h < j; ++h){
if (min(best[i][h], arraysum[h+1 .. j]) < temp){
temp = min(best[i][h], arraysum[h+1 .. j]);
best[i+1][j] = temp;
best[m][n] will contain the solution. The algorithm is O(n^2*k), probably something better is possible.
Edit: a combination of the ideas of ChingPing, toto2, Coffee on Mars and rds (in the order they appear as I currently see this page).
Set A = ceiling(sum/k). This is a lower bound for the minimum. To find a good upper bound for the minimum, create a good partition by any of the mentioned methods, moving borders until you don't find any simple move that still decreases the maximum subsum. That gives you an upper bound B, not much larger than the lower bound (if it were much larger, you'd find an easy improvement by moving a border, I think).
Now proceed with ChingPing's algorithm, with the known upper bound reducing the number of possible branches. This last phase is O((B-A)*n), finding B unknown, but I guess better than O(n^2).
I have a sucky branch and bound algorithm ( please dont downvote me )
First take the sum of array and dvide by k, which gives you the best case bound for you answer i.e. the average A. Also we will keep a best solution seen so far for any branch GO ( global optimal ).Lets consider we put a divider( logical ) as a partition unit after some array element and we have to put k-1 partitions. Now we will put the partitions greedily this way,
Traverse the array elements summing them up until you see that at the next position we will exceed A, now make two branches one where you put the divider at this position and other where you put at next position, Do this recursiely and set GO = min (GO, answer for a branch ).
If at any point in any branch we have a partition greater then GO or the no of position are less then the partitions left to be put we bound. In the end you should have GO as you answer.
As suggested by Daniel, we could modify the divider placing strategy a little to place it until you reach sum of elements as A or the remaining positions left are less then the dividers.
This is just a sketch of an idea... I'm not sure that it works, but it's very easy (and probably fast too).
You start say by putting the separations evenly distributed (it does not actually matter how you start).
Make the sum of each subarray.
Find the subarray with the largest sum.
Look at the right and left neighbor subarrays and move the separation on the left by one if the subarray on the left has a lower sum than the one on the right (and vice-versa).
Redo for the subarray with the current largest sum.
You'll reach some situation where you'll keep bouncing the separation between the same two positions which will probably mean that you have the solution.
EDIT: see the comment by #rds. You'll have to think harder about bouncing solutions and the end condition.
My idea, which unfortunately does not work:
Split the array in N subarrays
Locate the two contiguous subarrays whose sum is the least
Merge the subarrays found in step 2 to form a new contiguous subarray
If the total number of subarrays is greater than k, iterate from step 2, else finish.
If your array has random numbers, you can hope that a partition where each subarray has n/k is a good starting point.
From there
Evaluate this candidate solution, by computing the sums
Store this candidate solution. For instance with:
an array of the indexes of every sub-arrays
the corresponding maximum of sum over sub-arrays
Reduce the size of the max sub-array: create two new candidates: one with the sub-array starting at index+1 ; one with sub-array ending at index-1
Evaluate the new candidates.
If their maximum is higher, discard
If their maximum is lower, iterate on 2, except if this candidate was already evaluated, in which case it is the solution.

Find n-th smallest element in array without sorting?

I want to write a program to find the n-th smallest element without using any sorting technique..
Can we do it recursively, divide and conquer style like quick-sort?
If not, how?
You can find information about that problem here: Selection algorithm.
What you are referring to is the Selection Algorithm, as previously noted. Specifically, your reference to quicksort suggests you are thinking of the partition based selection.
Here's how it works:
Like in Quicksort, you start by picking a good
pivot: something that you think is nearly
half-way through your list. Then you
go through your entire list of items
swapping things back and forth until
all the items less than your pivot
are in the beginning of the list, and
all things greater than your pivot
are at the end. Your pivot goes into the leftover spot in the middle.
Normally in a quicksort you'd recurse
on both sides of the pivot, but for
the Selection Algorithm you'll only
recurse on the side that contains the
index you are interested in. So, if
you want to find the 3rd lowest
value, recurse on whichever side
contains index 2 (because index 0 is
the 1st lowest value).
You can stop recursing when you've
narrowed the region to just the one
index. At the end, you'll have one
unsorted list of the "m-1" smallest
objects, and another unsorted list of the "n-m" largest
objects. The "m"th object will be inbetween.
This algorithm is also good for finding a sorted list of the highest m elements... just select the m'th largest element, and sort the list above it. Or, for an algorithm that is a little bit faster, do the Quicksort algorithm, but decline to recurse into regions not overlapping the region for which you want to find the sorted values.
The really neat thing about this is that it normally runs in O(n) time. The first time through, it sees the entire list. On the first recursion, it sees about half, then one quarter, etc. So, it looks at about 2n elements, therefore it runs in O(n) time. Unfortunately, as in quicksort, if you consistently pick a bad pivot, you'll be running in O(n2) time.
This task is quite possible to complete within roughly O(n) time (n being the length of the list) by using a heap structure (specifically, a priority queue based on a Fibonacci heap), which gives O(1) insertion time and O(log n) removal time).
Consider the task of retrieving the m-th smallest element from the list. By simply looping over the list and adding each item to the priority queue (of size m), you can effectively create a queue of each of the items in the list in O(n) time (or possibly fewer using some optimisations, though I'm not sure this is exceedingly helpful). Then, it is a straightforward matter of removing the element with lowest priority in the queue (highest priority being the smallest item), which only takes O(log m) time in total, and you're finished.
So overall, the time complexity of the algorithm would be O(n + log n), but since log n << n (i.e. n grows a lot faster than log n), this reduces to simply O(n). I don't think you'll be able to get anything significantly more efficient than this in the general case.
You can use Binary heap, if u dont want to use fibonacci heap.
Contruct the min binary heap from the array this operation will take O(n) time.
Since this is a min binary heap, the element at the root is the minimum value.
So keep on removing element frm root, till u get ur kth minimum value. o(1) operation
Make sure after every remove you re-store the heap kO(logn) operation.
So running time here is O(klogn) + O(n) it is O(klogn)...
Two stacks can be used like this to locate the Nth smallest number in one pass.
Start with empty Stack-A and Stack-B
PUSH the first number into Stack-A
The next number onwards, choose to PUSH into Stack-A only if the number is smaller than its top
When you have to PUSH into Stack-A, run through these steps
While TOP of Stack-A is larger than new number, POP TOP of Stack-A and push it into Stack-B
When Stack-A goes empty or its TOP is smaller than new number, PUSH in the new number and restore the contents of Stack-B over it
At this point you have inserted the new number to its correct (sorted) place in Stack-A and Stack-B is empty again
If Stack-A depth is now sufficient you have reached the end of your search
I generally agree to Noldorins' optimization analysis.
This stack solution is towards a simple scheme that will work (with relatively more data movement -- across the two stacks). The heap scheme reduces the fetch for Nth smallest number to a tree traversal (log m).
If your target is an optimal solution (say for a large set of numbers or maybe for a programming assignment, where optimization and the demonstration of it are critical) you should use the heap technique.
The stack solution can be compressed in space requirements by implementing the two stacks within the same space of K elements (where K is the size of your data set). So, the downside is just extra stack movement as you insert.
Here is the Ans to find Kth smallest element from an array:
using namespace std;
int Nthmin=0,j=0,i;
int GetNthSmall(int numbers[],int NoOfElements,int Nthsmall);
int main()
int size;
cout<<"Enter Size of array\n";
int *arr=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*size);
cout<<"\nEnter array elements\n";
cout<<*(arr+i)<<" ";
int n=sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int);
int result=GetNthSmall(arr,size,3);
printf("Result = %d",result);
return 0;
int GetNthSmall(int numbers[],int NoOfElements,int Nthsmall)
int min=numbers[0];
if(numbers[i]<Nthmin && numbers[i]>min)
return Nthmin;
The simplest way to find the nth largest element in an array without using any sorting methods.
public static void kthLargestElement() {
int[] a = { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8 };
int n = 3;
int max = a[0], min = a[0];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] < min) {
min = a[i];
if (a[i] > max) {
max = a[i];
int max1 = max, c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
if (a[j] > min && a[j] < max) {
max = a[j];
min = max;
max = max1;
if (c == (a.length - n)) {
