SQL Server String extract based on pattern - sql-server

I have string data in the following format:
and need to extract IDs based on two conditions
Starting after a pattern &ID=
Ending till the last character or
if it hits a & stop right there.
So in the above example I'm using the following code:
SUBSTRING(MyCol,(PATINDEX('%&id=%',[MyCol])+4),(LEN(MyCol) - PATINDEX('%&id%',[MyCol])))
Essentially looking the pattern &id=% and extract string after that till end of the line. Would anyone advise on how to handle the later part of the logic ..
My current results are
What I need is

Try this
SUBSTRING(MyCol, (PATINDEX('%[A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',[MyCol])),7)
if you run into performance issues add the where clause below
-- from Mytable
WHERE [MyCol] like '%[A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'
maybe not the most elegant solution but it works for me.
Correct syntax of PATINDEX

Here's one example how to do it:
substring(d.data, s.s, isnull(nullif(e.e,0),2000)-s.s) as ID,
from data d
cross apply (
select charindex('&ID=', d.data)+4 as s
) s
cross apply (
select charindex('&', d.data, s) as e
) e
where s.s > 4
This assumes there data column is varchar(2000) and the where clause leaves out any rows that don't have &ID=
The first cross apply searches for the start position, the second one for the end. The isnull+nulliff in the actual select handles the case where & is not found and replaces it with 2000 to make sure the whole string is returned.


SQL Server - add to this query to first check for existence of a string

I have an nvarchar field in my database called CatCustom which contains comma-separated 5-character codes. It can contain as little as one code, or as many as 20 codes, separated by commas.
Right now, I use this query to add a new 5-character code to the field in given records (in this case the new code is LRR01):
UPDATE dbo.Sources
SET CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
WHERE SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
I need to add to this though: I need the record to be updated only if that 5-character code doesn't already exist somewhere in the CatCustom field, to ensure that code is not in there more than once.
How would I accomplish this?
EDIT: I really don't understand how this can be considered a duplicate of the suggested thread. This is a VERY specific case and has nothing to do with creating stored procedures and or variables. The alleged duplicated thread does not really help me - sorry.
Use STRING_SPLIT function to split the comma separated list and then add Not Exist condition in the WHERE clause like below
UPDATE dbo.Sources
SET CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
WHERE SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM STRING_SPLIT(CatCustom, ',') where value = 'LRR01')
UPDATE dbo.Sources
CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
AND CatCustom NOT LIKE '%LRR01%';

SQL Server: Text() in Xquery used to add delimiter in XML

I have following existing code in one of the stored procedures to all delimiter / between error messages encounters in the validations:
;with delimiting_errors
+ (select ' ' + Fn
from Customer e
where e.Id = e2.Id
for xml path(''), type
).value('substring(text()[1],2)', 'varchar(max)') as Delimited_Error
from Customer e2
group by e2.Id
SELECT * FROM delimiting_errors
Request you to please help me in understanding the command
value('substring(text()[1], 2)', 'varchar(max)')
I tried to search about text(), but couldn't find exact documentation for the same.
Similarly, how substring function is working only on 2 parameters in substring(text()[1], 2), which actually requires 3 parameter.
Please help me with the concept behind this command, also please help me with some resource to read about Text().
What is going on here:
.value('substring(text()[1],2)', 'varchar(max)')
value() function to extract a specific value from the XML, and convert it to a SQL Server data type, in your case to varchar(max)
substring is XQuery substring, not SQL substring, here it returns substring starting at position 2
text() function here retrieves the inner text from within the XML
[1] suffix acts as an indexer, and fetches the first result matched
For more info read XQuery Language Reference, it's like "another language" inside SQL.
.value('substring(text()[1],2)', 'varchar(max)') as Delimited_Error
You use this XML-trick to concatenate values. In the beginning you add a double space select ' ' + Fn, this must be taken away for the beginning of the return string.
So, the .value returns the "substring" (XPath-Function!) of the inner text() starting at the index 2.
Find more information here: http://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/XML/XSL/XPath/Funktionen

Concat the values in a string with SQL Server

I want to select a list of items and part numbers for for each item as a string:
SELECT top 100 *
(SELECT def, ( ipr.part_number + ',') as prt
FROM ipr
WHERE ii.item_id = ipr.item_id
The error is:
[Error Code: 8155, SQL State: S0002] No column name was specified for
column 1 of 'PN'.
How can I fix this?
I think that your whole OUTER APPLY statement generates one XML for both default_part_number and concatenated string, which(the whole XML) doesn't have a name.
What you could try to do would be adding alias like this AS PN(TestThis).
However, I don't think that you're expecting result you're going to get. It would better if you'd give us some example data and expected output. It will be easier for us to solve your problem in that case.
The combination of XML and STUFF is funny but perfectly fitting to your needs.
First you concat your strings with the ', ' in front, then you must return your XML with ", TPYE). You must read the result with ".value()" and use STUFF to replace the first ', '.
You'll find a lot of exampels in the net...

Building dynamic query for Sql Server 2008 when table name contains " ' "

I need to fetch Table's TOP_PK, IDENT_CURRENT, IDENT_INCR, IDENT_SEED for which i am building dynamic query as below:
sGetSchemaCommand = String.Format("SELECT (SELECT TOP 1 [{0}] FROM [{1}]) AS TOP_PK, IDENT_CURRENT('[{1}]') AS CURRENT_IDENT, IDENT_INCR('[{1}]') AS IDENT_ICREMENT, IDENT_SEED('[{1}]') AS IDENT_SEED", pPrimaryKey, pTableName)
Here pPrimaryKey is name of Table's primary key column and pTableName is name of Table.
Now, i am facing problem when Table_Name contains " ' " character.(For Ex. KIN'1)
When i am using above logic and building query it would be as below:
Here, by executing above query i am getting error as below:
Incorrect syntax near '1'.
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ') AS IDENT_SEED'.
So, can anyone please show me the best way to solve this problem?
Escape a single quote by doubling it: KIL'1 becomes KIL''1.
If a string already has adjacent single quotes, two becomes four, or four becomes eight... it can get a little hard to read, but it works :)
Using string methods from .NET, your statement could be:
sGetSchemaCommand = String.Format("SELECT (SELECT TOP 1 [{0}] FROM [{1}]) AS TOP_PK, IDENT_CURRENT('[{2}]') AS CURRENT_IDENT, IDENT_INCR('[{2}]') AS IDENT_ICREMENT, IDENT_SEED('[{2}]') AS IDENT_SEED", pPrimaryKey, pTableName, pTableName.Replace("'","''"))
Note that the string replace is now only on a new, third substitution string. (I've taken out the string replace for pPrimaryKey, and for the first occurrence of pTableName.) So now, single quotes are only doubled, when they will be within other single quotes.
You need to replace every single quote into two single quotes http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/70/posts/10827/understanding-single-quotes.aspx

How do I update an XML column in sql server by checking for the value of two nodes including one which needs to do a contains (like) comparison

I have an xml column called OrderXML in an Orders table...
there is an XML XPath like this in the table...
There InternalOrderDetails contains many InternalOrderDetail nodes like this...
My end goal is to modify the XML in the OrderXML column IF the Item_Number of the node contains COTRGUID (like '%COTRGUID') AND the PriceLevel=NONFREE. If that condition is met I want to change the PriceLevel column to equal FREE.
I am having trouble with both creating the xpath expression that finds the correct nodes (using OrderXML.value or OrderXML.exist functions) and updating the XML using the OrderXML.modify function).
I have tried the following for the where clause:
WHERE OrderXML.value('(/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number/node())[1]','nvarchar(64)') like '%13COTRGUID'
That does work, but it seems to me that I need to ALSO include my second condition (PriceLevel=NONFREE) in the same where clause and I cannot figure out how to do it. Perhaps I can put in an AND for the second condition like this...
AND OrderXML.value('(/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/node())[1]','nvarchar(64)') = 'NONFREE'
but I am afraid it will end up operating like an OR since it is an XML query.
Once I get the WHERE clause right I will update the column using a SET like this:
UPDATE Orders SET orderXml.modify('replace value of (/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[1]/text())[1] with "NONFREE"')
However, I ran this statement on some test data and none of the XML columns where updated (even though it said zz rows effected).
I have been at this for several hours to no avail. Help is appreciated. Thanks.
if you don't have more than one node with your condition in each row of Orders table, you can use this:
update orders set
replace value of
Item_Number[contains(., "COTRGUID")] and
with "FREE"
sql fiddle demo
If you could have more than one node in one row, there're a several possible solutions, none of each is really elegant, sadly.
You can reconstruct all xmls in table - sql fiddle demo
or you can do your updates in the loop - sql fiddle demo
This may get you off the hump.
Replace #HolderTable with the name of your table.
SELECT T2.myAlias.query('./../PriceLevel[1]').value('.' , 'varchar(64)') as MyXmlFragmentValue
FROM #HolderTable
CROSS APPLY OrderXML.nodes('/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number') as T2(myAlias)
SELECT T2.myAlias.query('.') as MyXmlFragment
FROM #HolderTable
CROSS APPLY OrderXML.nodes('/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number') as T2(myAlias)
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel)[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'FREE'
print ##ROWCOUNT
Your issue is the [1] in the above.
Why did I put it there?
Here is a sentence from the URL listed below.
Note that the target being updated must be, at most, one node that is explicitly specified in the path expression by adding a "[1]" at the end of the expression.
I think I've discovered the the root of your frustration. (No fix, just the problem).
Note below, the second query works.
So I think the [1] is some cases is saying "only ~~search~~ the first node".....and not (as you and I were hoping)...... "use the first node..after you find a match".
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue001"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[text() = "NONFREE"])[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'NONFREE'
/* and OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number)[1]', 'varchar(64)') like '%COTRGUID' */
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue002"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[text() = "FREE"])[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'FREE'
Try this :
;with InternalOrderDetail as (SELECT id,
Tbl.Col.value('Item_Number[1]', 'varchar(40)') Item_Number,
Tbl.Col.value('CountOfNumber[1]', 'int') CountOfNumber,
when Tbl.Col.value('Item_Number[1]', 'varchar(40)') like '%COTRGUID'
and Tbl.Col.value('PriceLevel[1]', 'varchar(40)')='NONFREE'
then 'FREE'
Tbl.Col.value('PriceLevel[1]', 'varchar(40)')
FROM (select id ,orderxml from demo)
as a cross apply orderxml.nodes('//InternalOrderDetail')
tbl(col) ) ,
cte_data as(SELECT
FROM InternalOrderDetail
where ID=Results.ID
FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS)+'</InternalOrderDetails>' as XML_data
FROM InternalOrderDetail Results
update demo set orderxml=cast(xml_data as xml)
from demo
inner join cte_data on demo.id=cte_data.id
where cast(orderxml as varchar(2000))!=xml_data;
select * from demo;
SQL Fiddle
I have handled following cases :
1. As required both where clause in question.
2. It will update all <Item_Number> like '%COTRGUID' and <PriceLevel>= NONFREE in one
node, not just the first one.
It may require minor changes for your data and tables.
