Using Viewboxes in wpf - wpf

I was looking for a way to scale part of a wpf form properly when I came across this post on SO. It actually told me quickly and succinctly what I needed to know but got me to wondering on the following question.
I have identified a need for a control with a particular degree of functionality and as such it's a perfect candidate for a user control. One thing that it will need to be is scalable. If I were to enclose the contents of my user control in a viewbox (and there were several of those controls on a form in a wpf application) would they conflict with any viewbox that might be wrapping all of the controls on a form? In other words when designing user controls that require a degree of scalability is it acceptable to just 'wrap' the contents of the user control in a viewbox?

The Viewbox will "stretch/scale a single child element to the fill the available space". You shouldn't run into any issues with Viewboxes at various nested levels composing a larger control (and it's fairly easy to test some general layouts in a mock project).
What is worth considering, is if the simple Viewbox scaling behaviour is actually what you're after. If you wanted say, a particular button to increase in size, or certain elements to stretch horizontally, you may get more mileage from various Grid layout options, with relative / proportional sizing/stretching.
Of course, the Viewbox scaling may be exactly what you're after =D


Scale all screen elements with window wpf

First time working on a GUI project.. and first time doing work on Windows so apologies in advance if this is a really noob question.
I'm taking baby steps into windows programming starting with WPF. Working in Visual Studio Express 2012.
I'm trying to work out how I can scale all the elements in a window with the window itself.
So for example, I'd create a window, say 1280x720, and place some images in the window. Say one at the top and one in the corner. (this is a basic media based application)
When I resize that window, I want the entire window to scale with it, so image 1 & 2 will get larger if the window gets larger, however this has to happen proportionally so that if I make the window a lot bigger in one direction one image can't overlap the other. Imagine the window is an image and I'm trying to resize it. (The overlap thing is the closest I've gotten to getting this working in my current attempts).
The layout in produciton will be more complex, comprising of mediaelements (video), images, text etc and all must scale accordingly.
This isn't something the user interacts with and so there are no form elements etc, and so I don't need form fields etc to stay the same size throughout scaling. I just need everything to scale like I'm scaling a picture. If for example I displayed this 1280x720 (16:9) layout on a 1920x1080 screen, maximised it should look identical only larger.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this.
What I've tried so far- the few articles I did find on google relating to this (I may well be searching the wrong things) lead me to put all the elements in a viewbox, this lead to the overlap I mentioned earlier.
Ideas ?
I think you could use ViewBox container. The basic idea is as follows: ViewBox scales its content just as if it was an image scaled. This seems to be the closest result to what you've described in your question. Just put a Grid with absolutely-sized columns and rows into the ViewBox and set its Stretch to be Uniform:
<Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
<..>Your controls, MediaElements, etc
You could also combine it (or entirely replace) with (e.g.) Grid Container : it gives you an ability to specify cell width and size usign star-syntax which is similair to html's percent syntax.
Another way is to use the DockPanel.
All-in-all there are plenty ways to achieve something similair and the way to go largely depends on the nuances of your particulair requirements.
Have a look at This tutorial to see a good overview of WPF containers and how to use them.

Making WPF User Control transformations internal

I am developing my system using WPF with MVVM and I am having trouble to find out the best way to solve the following problem:
I have a screen in which many components (User Controls) are drawn at specific positions. All components in the screen are rotated, translated and scaled according to binded variables calculated by the screen's VM.
However, each of this components could have a different center for the rotation, a different origin for the translation and a different scale, dependent of internal variables and the screen scale.
How is it possible to make this transformations calculated internally in the User Control? I think the easier approach is using the Converter, however since I have many different User Controls with different behaviours, I would have to create multiple converters very similar to each other, which would not be the ideal solution.
Thank you very much for the help!
A UIElement has only one RenderTransformOrigin.
Some transformations allow you to set the origin for that transformation but in coordinates relative to the control bounds (e.g.: 125, 34) not in proportional coordinates like the RenderOrigin (e.g.: 0.5, 0.75)
So if you can use the coordinates you're good to go.
If not, you could compose the transformations by creating Transformation groups that first translate the control, then perform the transformation, and then translate the control back.
If you need more help, please post an example of what you are trying to achieve.

Control snapping in Visual Studio 2010

I'm sort-of just nit picking here, but maybe there's a simple solution which will save me some time.
When I'm drawing my Winforms GUI in the designer, controls snap to certain points. I can align the baseline of the text of one control to that of another, I can align the left and/or top of one control to another, etc. This is all great.
What's great too, is that the controls snap to other controls spaced with their margins. This means that if I'm making a vertical array of TextBoxes, then I can have them equidistant in my GUI - it looks less messy.
However not everything snaps correctly, or at all. Say I have put in my TextBoxes and now I wish to reduce the width of my form so that there is no white space between the edges of the TextBoxes and the edge of the form. Additionally, I want the distance between the edge of the TextBoxes and the edge of the Form to be the same on the left as it is on the right. If I drag the right edge of the form to the left, towards the TextBoxes it will not snap. I'm left with either calculations to work out what the width should be, or a juggling act to gradually reduce the width until the TextBox is snapping to both the left of the right.
I'm not saying this process is particularly difficult or time consuming. It's just that if it were to snap, the whole process would be infinitely easier.
Is there a built-in option in VS2010, or perhaps an extension? Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong in the first place?
The snap lines in the designer work perfectly when moving or resizing any of the built-in controls. The only time that they don't work is when you are resizing the form itself.
I agree that it would be extremely convenient to have snap lines here, as well. I wish I knew of a way to enable this. But unfortunately, I don't believe that there is one.
The workarounds are either to calculate the proper size mathematically, or guess at resizing the form then check your work by dragging one of the controls (and using the snap lines that appear). I go through the same "juggling act" that you describe on an unfortunately regular basis.
Whenever a control needs to be positioned so that it "snaps" to a form edge I usually move (or resize) the controls to the correct size first, and then change the controls "Anchor" property of those controls to be anchored to the corresponding form edge (even if the form itself won't be allowed to resize).
That way whenever I resize the form, the controls position relative to that form remains the same, simply resizing or moving the control as required (depending on the Anchor property chosen).
I completely agree that the ability to "snap" the form to controls when resizing the form would be extremely useful, but its normally possible to work-around using the anchor property in this way - the times when its doesn't work (such as when a form consists entirely of a column of text-boxes is a fixed height), I'm afraid you need to resort to calculations, but I find that most of my dialogs are resizable.

WPF, any easy way to work with different screen resolutions?

Given a WPF Application running full screen, a fair amount of controls some of which will animate from off screen to center. I was wondering if there are any special ways to save on the amount of time required to optimize an application for different screen resolutions?
For example, using Blend I've setup some text, which is originally off screen to scroll into view. Now in design mode the start positions are static. If resolution changes the start positions will obviously not be correct.
So I guess to correct this, during app startup. I need to
Check resolution
Move the text box to the desired start location
Adjust the storyboard as required, so the frames all have correct co-ordinates depending on the res of the screen.
I don't mind doing all of this, but if there is an easier way please share!
In WPF layout of controls should be made in such way, that when size of window or content changes, controls automaticaly resize/reposition themselves to reflect this change.
This is highly affected how your layout is made, especialy by using specific panels, that do layout of their child elements.
This is also made obvious by using device-independent units for sizes, margins and sometimes positions of controls. And also allows different kind of zooming and scaling of whole UI without any need to redesign the whole thing.
If you are trying to position your controls absolutely, either by using Canvas panel or margins, your are doing it totaly wrong.
In WPF, scene is measured in abstract units, not pixels, and controls are freely scaled. There should be no problems to center something, or what?

Windows Forms (Or GUI development in general) advice

How should I develop a form that can resize nicely?
While that sounds like a simple question the problem I'm struggling with is the fact I'm reproducing an existing application I made in Swing several years back. Its built around a single form that hides/reveals panels as you select different options.
Its around 600 x 700 pixels wide say but its a fixed size window.
Is this good practice? The GUI works fine this way but if you look at other applications you can resize them easily. Granted some applications look stupid full size but should the option be there?
The main screen consists of about five buttons, when maximized this looks ridicilous, but at the same time if the form is resizable the moment you start resizing the form it becomes stupid.
I'm aware of layout managers and so forth so no need to tell me to check these out, my main problem is the fact I can produce an excellent fixed width application but that's about it.
Any advice/links for this?
Personally, I think fixed size forms are a horrible User Experience.
I always try to build mine so that they can be gracefully resized (even if they do look a little odd).
If you're using .NET for your WinForms development, you can easily use a table layout and then anchor your controls so that they resize politely.
A fixed size gui is generally a bad idea because most forms have a user interface element that can sensibly be resized.
First consider a form that only contains two buttons. (A silly form, yeah, but for the sake of discussion we'll assume that it's the right thing for the job) When sized initially in the right way (appropriately for localization, e.g.), there's no good reason to make the form resizable. If you enlarged or mazimized the form, you'd only make the area to click the button bigger, but you'd be clicking a smaller area than the button to resize it, so there's no reason. In this case, it doesn't make sense for the form to be resizable because there's no user-benefit for adding the extra control.
Now consider a form that contains a listview. There are clear usability benefits to making this form resizable in both dimensions. The listview may contain more items than can be shown in a smaller area, both horizontally and vertically, so it makes sense that this form be fully resizable to allow the user to display as much or as little of the data as they want.
Every form control implicitly has certain degrees of freedom either by constraint or by convention. Conventionally, buttons don't resize, so they have no degrees of freedom (even though they can resize). Listviews and listboxes have two degrees of freedom, horizontal to display more data per row and vertical to display more rows. Single line textboxes have one degree of freedom, horizontal. Because they're single line, they don't expand vertically, but they do expand horizontally.
These degrees of freedom help you determine the layout of your form. Form elements that have degrees of freedom should resize in the appropriate direction when the form is resized. I prefer to design my forms with only one control that has two degrees of freedom in an area where areas are typically separated via splitters. I prefer to avoid the explicit table layout panel unless there's a very specific need for it because it's easy to make a form overly complex when there's a table layout to work with. The anchors in WinForms provide an extremely powerful and flexible abstraction for control layout, however, so I strongly encourage their usage.
Aside from the layout panels (my favorite is the table layout), become familiar with the Anchor, Dock (more for the table layout), and MinimumSize properties. They do a lot of work for you when it comes to resizing forms.
Most of your forms will look goofy maximized but my general rules were these:
Buttons stay the same size
regardless of form size (no Top and
Bottom anchor; no Left and Right
Buttons stay in the same place with
respect to a border (Anchor
combinations: {Left, Top}, {Left,
Bottom}, {Right, Top}, {Right,
Only the right-most textbox grows
when resizing (Anchor = Left and
Single multiline textboxes rule the form
(Anchor = Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
With multiple multiline textboxes, the lowest one rules the form.
MinimumSize is less that 640x480 whenever possible; 800x600 max.
The default size is the MinimumSize -- let the users make it bigger if they need to.
