I have a recaptcha module, it is appearing well on desktop, when i accessed the same on mobile, i cant find it there.
I have enabled it asn registered it on google re-captcha to get the private and public key.
I have found out it is because the browser is outdated, in such case, i want the match captcha to replace the recaptcha in the form.
I have set the math captcha as my default captcha at admin/people/captcha
What is your specific question?
Instead of using recaptcha, have you considered honeypot? It is far more a11y friendly and has done a great job blocking spam on our servers.
I saw a lot of option in order to create share interaction with users:
Web share API: https://www.w3.org/TR/web-share/#sharedata-dictionary
It seems compatible with Progressive-Web-App, but it's not well supported by firefox (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/share#browser_compatibility)
Simple Sharer: https://reactjsexample.com/a-javascript-framework-to-share-url-to-social-media-sites-like-facebook-twitter-reddit-whastapp/
If I understood well, it doesn't work for mobile, am I right?
react-share: https://reactjsexample.com/social-media-share-buttons-and-share-counts-for-react/
Seems to work on every browser, but I don't know if it's PWA-friendly. Seems to be the best option, but I'm not sure... The last update was 1 year ago (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-share) so maybe it will not be maintained through times...
What do you use for your app? What do you recommand?
Do you know better alternatives?
My need for the App is to share URL through social media or mail/text or ??? etc. No file in theory. And I'd like to have adapted preview on social media when the user share something.
I have used react-share personally and it was unable to open some of the apps in mobile like whatsapp, etc.
The workaround is deep-links.
if user is using a smartphone or a tablet (we can easily get this using navigator.userAgent) then you can use the app based deep-links otherwise the traditional way in which you can redirect user to a new web page.
Some of the examples:
Whatsapp: https://faq.whatsapp.com/563219570998715/?locale=en_US
Instagram: Answer is already given here
NOTE: deep-link works if the user has installed the application on desktop as well (never tried for macOS but for windows and ubuntu it works)
After edit:
You can use emailto: in href while writing <a .../>.
Share this link
For more reference about mailto please visit this MDN doc: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#attr-href
We are in a unique situation here. Our React site integrates with Signicat for identity solution. Most of our user base comes from Facebook i.e. they use the Facebook app, look at our posts and click on links we post which redirect to certain sections in our website which require identification.
So an example link posted on Facebook group https://example.com/en/startpage-in-english/ is converted into https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fen%2Fstartpage-in-english%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3loYqYOvom5k8_mOww89p5tun5H9HqIIKE1ebwwCcB3PD4jzxpTVyZGCk&h=AT1E3p1ejYWH9l2KhUo8D_RVjl_EzKBat4woeMHgRv7yXpT9Y-EZoBcK26sQtjjBBwAQt7Pt83a-i_k5JCGuvOBWfgB9pZ7Uv8LnDlyphNKc1Og0nl6QIqWd_nFEAva3OWN-PZ3byqsU7K0I5A&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0-5n51iPMlSYghORXW8qxYXJQEejQTAhfiDQ3P3DK_ZTZM3GWbN4zXYKf-nyD_hWJdxQccenDp-5VgphfWuD6ZQ0ikeXq4lv4bjLbSJVFP9k4IxeMBT5mDa9jNdYnYlNs-DkXOM-LiPhhl-Obra9CAbtvihe-G7-8. When users click on the link, Facebook by default opens the link in its own Facebook browser. The subsequent steps in our portal need the user to identify himself and when the identification is completed and in the final step the request to Signicat hangs forever.
We identified that this issue is only happening with Facebook browser and hence one of the workarounds was to Open the default browser with the link to our website.
Note that:
a. this is not a React-Native app, our website is built using plain React hence the WebView solution does not work.
b. Facebook browser suppresses "window.open" with "newwindow" call and simply displays the site in the same Facebook browser instance.
So bottom line is, we need a way to Open the default OS Browser from Facebook App/Browser with the link to our site. Hope somebody can help!
Thanks in advance...
I have an input box for surname and I have set Autocomplete = "nope" or even tried "off". For some reason, it's not picking it and always allowing me to select from autocomplete list.
Our Ui app is hosted through CDN. So when I access my app through link [https:// Xyz. net] via CDN then Autocomplete off does not work.
but when I access its source link [https// xyz.azurewebsites. net] the autocomplete off works for same chrome browsers.
not sure why a change in behavior for the same app in the different source location.
Note: I tried to purge the content in CDN and it didn't work.
My expected behavior is textbox should not show autocomplete options.
Any guidance is much appreciated.
Since most modern browsers have password management built into them, they do not support this attribute for login fields anymore.
in-browser password management is generally seen as a net gain for
security. Since users do not have to remember passwords that the
browser stores for them, they are able to choose stronger passwords
than they would otherwise.
You can read more about the reasoning for this behavior and browser support for the attribute here
On the other hand, there seem to be quite a few ways to work around this with various hacks and JavaScript, but I'm unsure if they would work across browsers or cause more complications.
Also to answer you question as to why you see autocomplete only in one domain: I suspect that you may not be seeing the autocomplete suggestions in a specific domain because you may not have clicked "remember password" which would have saved your credentials in the browser.
I'm trying to use a custom domain with a static site hosted on AppEngine. Once I get into Google Apps to add the domain, I just get stuck on this page. Basically, I can't get past Step 4 as per the instructions here. I click "Accept" and hit the activate button but the page just refreshes. I spent about a half hour on the phone with "Lewis" from Google phone support and he eventually told me to try App Engine support lol. During the support call we attempted to get this to work multiple times using both the latest Chrome and FF browsers with cookies/cache, etc. cleared.
No reputation, so no screenshot but like I said, the problem is at Step 4 where you have to accept GAE's terms.
Looks like similar problem here. Anyone have the same problem and/or know of a solution? Thanks
You can try other way to activate, like a html page.
I have used this method to activate.
My activated page seems those:
By html to activate => //i.stack.imgur.com/t3nM1.png ;
By operators to activate =>//i.stack.imgur.com/fZTWH.png;
Can you see them?
By the way, I am in China, so, these uploaded images that I can not see them.
I've a mobile version of my site which has a 'Donate via Paypal button' on it which is working fine. It's a button generated from within the paypal account that when clicked brings users to my account and asks them to enter an amount to donate and then either login or pay with CC.
Problem is the Paypal page it brings me to is not mobile optimised. From reading online It appears Paypal only offer the mobile enhanced version if you're using Paypal Mobile express checkout which is far more involved than simply adding a link onto your page.
The system I have now is 100% functional and does everything I want it to, I just want it to switch to the mobile version when you go to Paypal, to be honest it's very surprising Paypal doesn't do this automatically. They should detect a mobile browser and just change the stylesheet or redirect to the mobile-login page.
Is there any way of getting the mobile-styled paypal page without having to jump through the hoops of using the express payment system? I know it's not masively difficult but it is when compared to the really simple version I'm currently using.
After hours messing with Pain Pal I finally figured out the issue. If you use a link generated by PP for donating ON THEIR SITE - ie. You go to Paypal and once there you enter the amount you wish to donate - the it won't style as the mobile site.
However, if you take the amount in on your own site and pass it to Paypal then it will auto change to the mobile site.
Ignore anyone on line (and there are plenty of people who do) telling you that to get the mobile styled site you need to use their mobile express checkout. You do not. At least not in the above scenario.
As stated here the mobile optimisation is not working for "Donate" buttons.
Which command did you use ?
With cmd=_donations its not showing the mobile version. When you use cmd=_xclick its mobile optimised, but then its not a "Donation" Site.