Banner in drupal 7 - drupal-7

I had created content type then view and display it as a block. Then enable the block. Banner images are showing but javascript of my banner is not applying? as i uncluded it in .info file also?

Are you trying to make an image carousel or slider?
You may want to checkout Views Slideshow.
If you added the js file to the info file of your theme, you might need to flush the cache for it show up.
After that, you'd need to have specific js to target the images within the view.


Adding the new images loaded through ajax to opened lightbox pop-up

i am facing a issue.
I have created a images gallery in which the 18 images are showing by default and if user scroll down to the end of page then more images are adding to the gallery through ajax.
Now suppose when user have 18 images and he opens a lightbox then the opend lightbox has 18 images that he can navigate back and forth.
Now if user scroll the page to end the new images are added to the page and i want to add those images to theopened lightbox.
Please suggest a way to acheive this.
Thanks in advance.
When the user clicks an image, the Lightbox script's start() method is called. This will compile the list of images to show, either a single one, or a set if data-lightbox is specified, by going through the page. These are stored in a an array called album on the lightbox object.
If you dynamically load images, then the user click an image to open Lightbox, things should work as expected, as the compilation of images happens on open.
In your scenario, the Lightbox is already open, and I'm assuming you have a set of images being browsed. You want to let the user continue scrolling while the Lightbox is open and this scrolling will dynamically load more images onto the page that are part of this set.
There is no documented way of doing this. But, you can fix your issue by digging into the internals pretty easily. This is normally not recommended, but no major changes to the Lightbox2 API are expected, so this should be safe (no guarantees though).
On scroll, once new images are loaded, add them to the Lightbox object's album property manually. Then call updateDetails() to refresh the UI.
link: 'fruit-roll-ups.jpg'

Opening a pop up from angularjs partial page

I have an AngualarJS app that has an index page and some partial pages, displayed in ui-view. The app is using ui-routing. I have a button on the header (located on the index page) and on click of that button I want a small pop up open - a page displaying some data from the database, based on currently logged in user. I am trying to decide between opening a windows with and sizing it to about 400x400 but that seems very un-elegant plus I see some issues with opening it. Another option I am entertaining is bootstrap ui modal but that would involve including bootstrap in my project on top of all the angular and routing includes.
Not sure if there is a better way to go, would appreciate any leads.
If you don't want to include bootstrap in your project You may use this one

Generate icons, and its properties, dynamically using controllers

I'm using angularJs 1.3 with Angular Material Design 0.8.3 and I have a page that has a toolbar on the top <md-toolbar class="md-whiteframe-glow-z2 md-default-theme"> where I'm trying to put some icons dynamically. The page has some crud's and each crud has it own controller. The case is, each crud must have it specific icons at the toolbar, I'm trying to specify it through the controllers but I have no idea how can I write this cuz each icon should have it owns properties (the href link, the action function etc). Someone know if its possible to apply this idea (control the icons that will appears in the screen per crud via controllers)?

DotNetNuke 6 - RadEditor - How do I change the dimensions of the default HTML Module Editor?

A regression in DotNetNuke 6 is that, by default, the editor appears in an in-page popup that uses a very limited portion of the screen.
While the editor does include the ability to go "full screen", this is not the default.
Is there a setting some place that I can adjust to cause it to always start full screen, or at least start out larger so that I don't have to scroll down to hit the save button?
One method for getting rid of this limited in-screen popup is to disable popups site-wide in the site settings (admin menu).
This will cause a full page load when the edit content button is clicked. The editing will be perform on a self-contained page. Clicking save will return the editor back to the page whose module is being edited.
Warning - Using this option will cause bulleted lists to not display as bulleted lists in design view within the default html editor

how to set the image for the links in dnn

we need to set the page links as image in the DotNetNuke(dnn), mean the home page link should be image not text and contact us separate image, about us separate image, and the drop down are to be separate images, how i can do this?
There isn't an easy way through the UI in DNN to do this, but if you are creating a custom skin and using the DNNMenu skin object you can target the specific items in the navigate with a CSS class, doing this would allow you to change each menu item with an image.
For example for the "HOME" link on my website ( I could provide CSS like .id36{background-image:url('http://www/someimage.jpg');} though I would also want to be sure to hide the text, and provide a height/width
