update a column of table in sql server from ms access - sql-server

I have a table in sql server, and another table in ms access. The two tables are different tables. but one column in sql server need fresh data from the table in ms access. Is that possible that when ms access have update or new record, the table in sql server will be updated automatically.

Absolutely yes! Just link the SQL Server table in Access via ODBC (after setting up a DSN). On ribbon, see External Data tab (ODBC).
Then, run an append and update query in the After Insert or After Update VBA trigger event on form from the local table into the linked table.


Using a SQL Server openquery to query a linked DB2 server table using conditions based on a SQL Server table

I have a result set I need to pull in from a linked DB2 server table into SQL Server. The table is huge, and I don't want or need to pull the whole thing, I only need the records for a handful of users. The problem is the User IDs are stored in a SQL Server table, not on the DB2 table. While I have select privileges on the DB2 server, I cannot create a table there, so as far as I'm aware I cannot upload the table with User IDs onto the DB2 server. Is there a way to limit the result set pulled from the DB2 server on the User IDs stored in the SQL Server table?

Automatically update SQL Server database from tables in MS Access

I'm new to SQL Server and trying to automatically update tables in SQL Server from tables in MS Access.
I have an Access database of metadata that must be kept updated for sending records to other groups. I also have a database in SQL Server which also has these same metadata tables. Currently these tables in the SQL Server database get updated manually by exporting the Access tables as Excel files, and then importing them into the SQL Server tables.
It's not the most efficient process and could lead to errors in the SQL Server database if someone forgets to check that they are using the most recent data from Access. So I would like to integrate some of the tables from Access to my database in SQL Server. Ideally I would like for the tables in my SQL Server database to be updated whenever Access is updated or at least update the tables automatically in the SQL Server database when I open it.
Would replicating the Access tables be the best? I am using SQL Server 2014 Developer so I think I have this capability. From my understanding, mirroring is for an entire database not just pieces of it. However, I do not want to be able to alter the metadata from SQL Server and have it reflected in Access. I cannot tell if reflecting the tables would do this...?
I also looked at this post about writing multiple insert statements but was confused (What is the best way to auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table?). Someone else suggested importing all the data into SQL Server and then using an ODBC driver to connect the two, but I'm also not sure how this would update the database in SQL Server anytime Access is updated.
If you have any suggestion and a link to easy to follow tutorial I would really appreciate it!
In Access, go to 'External Data', ODBC Database, and connect to the SQL Server database directly - make sure you select 'Link to the data source by creating a linked table' on the first page of the wizard. Now, this linked table is available in Access, but is actually the SQL Server table.
Get rid of the local Access tables, using the new linked tables in their place in whatever queries, forms, reports, etc that you have in Access.
Now, any changes to the tables you see in this Access db ARE changes to the SQL Server database.

Added Colums in table of SQL not showing in Access

I am working on SQL Server Management Studio 2012 where my database is situated, but my operating system runs on Access itself which is linked to SQL server. I have inserted some columns into a table on SQL, but when I want to add these fields into my existing Access report, these new columns does not show on the available fields to insert, although they do on SQL. What am I doing wrong or not doing?
What you miss is to relink the table in Access.
This will update the Fields collection.

MS Access linked table to SQL Server update record

I have a table in SQL Server 2012 (Table1) and I have created an MS Access 2016 database and then created a linked table in MS Access to Table1 in SQL Server 2012 using a System DSN.
This works fine, I can open the linked Table1 in MS Access 2016 see the columns and update the values. I have then created a Form in MS Access 2016, added the columns from Table1 to the Form and I can see the data fine.
The problem I have is that the option to Add New Record is greyed out and no matter what I try I cannot add a new record to Table1 using the Form.
If I create a standard (not a linked table) in MS Access 2016 and add the columns to the Form rather than the columns from the Linked Table1 the Add New Record icon is then available.
My question is... Is it possible to use a Form in MS Access 2016, have the data source as a Linked Table to a table in SQL Server 2012 and add new records to it? (And if so, how do I achieve this as I've been at this now for hours and hours and cannot figure it out).
Many thanks in advance.
You note that you can update values when you click on the linked table and view the rows.
Can you ADD rows when using that linked table? And if you cannot, then open up the table using SQL Management Studio and try adding rows that way?
If you don’t have correct (or any) settings in SQL server that sets up or increments the primary key, then you can’t add rows (automatic in this context).
So make sure the table has a primary key, make sure you can add rows using SSMS. If you make changes to fix this SQL table, then you have to re-link the table.
I suggest you create a primary key in the SQL table, and make it a identity column with a increment of 1.
It is certainly possible; this is a very common approach. It sounds like the login you used in the System DSN to connect to SQL Server does not have INSERT permissions on the table. Are you able to review the permissions to check that?
The auto-insertion/update doesn't work for link-database. You need to write a VBA code behind your interface.
Below solution can give you a basic and simple heads up:
Inserting into SQL Server using MS Access
Have a similar situation. Linked Sql Server table, Access Form front end. I am able to insert/update/delete via the form. However, I then created a checkbox to implement a filter on the data. When the box is not checked, I can still edit the data. However, as soon as I check the box to activate the filter, I can no longer insert/update/delete. When I uncheck the box, I can again edit the data. So in my case, the problem is due to the filter, which is implemented via a VBA query involving both an outer join and a union. The query replaces the form's control source when activated, and I believe it is simply too complex for Access to treat it as updatable.

Updating an Access table from a SQL server table transaction

My goal is to write an update trigger within a SQL server DB table. The function of this trigger is to update an Access database table with the same information that is being updated in the SQL server.
Is this even possible?
You have to use Linked Server to create communication between sql server instance and access database...
or make use of OPENROWSET function
